Staying the Creative Course in a Changing Industry, Film Making in the 21st Century with Alan Fulford
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Staying the Creative Course in a Changing Industry, Film Making in the 21st Century with Alan Fulford.
Today’s episode is a face to face interview with the often quiet and sometimes reserved man behind the camera. He owns and operates a local business called Field and Frame, which rents out camera and audio equipment. This is a man with a rich body of knowledge about getting the right shot, and a good friend to many, including me. He agreed to do this interview on very short notice, when I mentioned that I was in danger of falling off my intended schedule for this podcast, and he tolerated my use of phone cameras for audio and video, in a two story building of equipment. Ah, the ironies of a good life! In this interview, I ask about how he got to be the main operator at Field and Frame, which has been in the Nob Hill area since 1987. He shares some of his personal stories and perspective and talks about changes in the film industry, especially in the transition from film to digital media. It is my pleasure to introduce Mr. Alan Fulford.
. I hope you enjoyed hearing some of Alan’s story and perspective. I know I have some ideas swimming in my head about building a CoOp within the facility he already has there, and I certainly know where I will be going when I am ready to rent some real equipment for any big productions that come into my future. I hope that today you are taking at least one positive action towards your most authentic life. I appreciate your time and attention. You can find out more about Alan
and Field and Frame at and about me at, and find me as Angel Lilly on all the social media platforms. Be sure to check out the Authentic Action School online if you are interested in ways to transform your life by your own design, and until next time, shine bright and be aligned!
Field & Frame is a film and video production house located in Albuquerque, NM owned and operated by Alan Fulford. Based in Nob Hill since 1987, F&F rents professional gear to independents, novice filmmakers, and Hollywood movie productions.
43 episoder