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Cosmic Rock Radio

Afrodeity Stone

Higher Vibrational Living, Manifesting your desires, Overcoming Our Past to move delightfully towards our future, Healthy eating, Guided Meditation, Intuitive Consults..with your hostess, student/teacher big sister Afrodeity Stone
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Many of us may have bloodline ties to Freemasonry and don't even know it. Why is it when we hear the word "Mason" the first thing we think of is "Illuminati"? Why don't most religious groups condemn the beliefs and practices of Freemasonry as devil worship? Does Freemasonry have its roots in Egypt? Lets talk a little about this and share our though…
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Last week we spoke about the ups and downs of being in an interracial relationship, and the ins and outs of being a bi racial child. Last weeks discussion was more about black and white, however this week we want to look a little into the different mixes of cultural blends. How do other cultures feel about dating or marrying Black people, or Americ…
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Nobody can tell you who and how to love. But sometimes there are more differences than there are similarities. In a world where lines can't be defined by black and white as easily as in the past, can there be a true love connection? What about the children who may or may not experience issues with identity? Would you date a person outside of your e…
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Call it love struck, smitten, or whether it be love at first sight, there are stages that any new relationship goes through that have you believeing that it could last forever. But when the newness fades and you begin to see what you have manifested, are you happy with your choice or do you want to throw in the old model for a newer shinier one? Th…
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Men lie, women lie...everybody lies!! It seems like everybody cheats and you can't seem to meet anyone with substance, anyone who will cherish you and treat you like the king or queen that you are. You're afraid of being hurt, therefore you shut down. In doing so, you shut out all hopes of ever finding true love. What is it about people? What is it…
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Everyone dreams of having some sort of Spiritual Power. I mean why not? Hollywood makes it look oh so mystical and mysterious, right? And it is, but there IS a dark side. Just as everything in this realm is dualistic in nature so is the power that can be attained from the spiritual realm. Sadly, there are those that assume that what they see depict…
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In MANY cultures the so called witch is seen is a dark, evil figure who seeks to eat children, drink blood and cause mayheim in the lives to all whom she encounters. It is primarily due to the religious associations to satanism, much like the messenger Esu is likened to the Christian Devil, Aje Iyami are not seen as the true Divine beings that they…
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How many times have you heard someone quote the "Golden Rule"...once, twine, a million times maybe? People have said time and time again that we should all treat people the way we want to be treated. I wonder if you really KNOW how you want to be about when you treat other people better than the way you treat yourself? How long will w…
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What is a spiritual portal? Where might one be located? Are all portals bad and how do I close a portal that I no longer want to be open? Do i have any control over the portals in my life? How can I open a portal for health, abundance and positive manifestations? We will discuss all of this and more as we examine our topic, Creating and Closing Spi…
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Well we had a good ride flowing through the Lion's Gate Portal and now we might just crash and burn if we don't get grounded. The energy flowing through the portal was expressive, creative and fun and now it is time to slow down and reflect on what is to come. Keep your energy strong and keep your vibes positive because the only thing constant is c…
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Often times we don't realize the significance of psycic self protection. We go throughout our daily lives as if we don't have a care in the world. Never stopping to think about the energy that we may be attracting, or that could be sent to us maliciously. There are a few simple steps that you can take to ensure the spiritual safety of you and your …
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Greetings Family, Tonight we will talk about the hidden enemy, the ego, and that self that drives even the strongest people to rage, or even suicide. It has caused wars, great famines and even been charitable. Tonight I would like for us to explore the idea of becoming even better than ourselves. How is this possible you ask? By looking deep inside…
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We, who look at the world through a certain type of glass have always wanted to live in a world where we could be in peace and harmony. What if peace can never be acheived? What if we have been under a false pretense about what the world is and why things are the way they are? Could we be wasting our time praying for peace? Where and how should we …
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There is a whole lot of nonsense going on within the conscious community and its time we take this dose of medicine. More importantly people are putting themselves in the DIRECT line of fire, not realizing that they could possibly be doing more harm than good to whatever movement is out there to promote positivity within the melanoid community. Som…
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I bet you probably never even heard of a Spiritual Spouse. Who are they? Where do they come from and what if you don't want to be in a relationship with one. While it is a concept widely accepted in Africa and within other cultures, I can bet my last penny that many of you are experiencing spiritual spouses and the negative efeects that they can ha…
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I was asked recently by a subscriber to see if I could bring forward messages from the Higher Vibrational Beings, specifically, the Galactic Federation. You may not have any idea about who or what the Federation is. You may already have a preconceived notion about it being all made up Science Fiction...or, you may not care at all. Either way, today…
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Tonight its all about the love as it is EVERY Friday. So what happens when your in-laws are OUTlaws? When they just don't seem to get th epicture that when you said I didn't come with a clause in fine print that says, " And I promise to love thee in laws forever too". What is it especially with mothers and sons, fathers and a…
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Oshun is always near and present! We love her and we love her energy because she represents all aspects of love. Tonight's topic is about when two people are ready to seperate but one partner is not ready to let go.Sometimes, we stay in situations based on how we feel the OTHER person will make it without us. Crazy, right? Some people are more conc…
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True Vagina Power was a hit amongst the sisters and brothers. A few people hit me up after and posed some very good points and questions. One such being, "Why can't women do what men do?" "What about women who use sex for healing?", "Aphrodite daughters that healed soldies with sex. What about the double standard of men sleeping with whomever they …
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We are unapologetically African. The way we dress, the way we walk, our natural style of hair. We left the god of our oppressors a long time ago to follow the traditional ways of our ancestors. So why on earth would I be doing a talk on Holy Water? What makes it Holy? Isn't that for those in the catholic church? Isn't it used only to bless babies a…
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This week we will discuss a topic that is very touchy. Should men avoid women with children? Do men think that women with children are less dateable? Are many good sisters being looked over by good brothers because they have 2 or more children? If you are a woman, would you date a man with kids? Why or why not? This week fam we need to make some ch…
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Yes we are back again this week family!! The topic is Loving Someone With Mentall Illness. When do you stay, when do you go. Are you too insensitive or do you enable them to make excuses for their behavoir. Do you push their buttons or are you timidly taking their abuse and not standing up for yourself? Lets talk about these things open and honestl…
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There is a lot of information out there regarding the Gods and Goddesses that come out of West Africa. What makes people from all around the world including wealthy politicians and big names in Hollywood go to Africa to connect with some of the world's most sought after African Spiritualists? What is this energy or Ase' that is spoken of and how ca…
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You have questions regarding love and you can't talk to family and friends. You are going through something in your realtionship and you can't decide whether to stay or go. Your friends say that you are crazy for staying with him...your boys say that the new girl has you sprung. Tonight we are going to talk a little about domestic violence, calling…
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So...I ruffled some feathers with the last talk. Why? Because we still eat with a bib on. We still eat what we want but spit most of it right back out instead of finding value in the words of wisdom that were spoken, we take offense as usual. Good. At least now I have your attention. Get up, get off of your asses and make something happen. The blam…
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Peace and LOVE...Love is what its all about this and every Friday 11pm EST... we will be taking your calls and answering your questions about love and relationships. Get your free one question (three cards) reading live on air. We all need someone to talk to when we are confused about our love life. Family may not understand, friends may think we'r…
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Hey family!! I just wanted to stick my head in to let you all know about FREE FRIDAYS!! Its all about love and relationships. If you've had a stressful work week, come and unwind with us as we talk about love and relationships and have your free reading live on air!! You have questions about love and I want to answer them, don't be shy we have all …
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I am absolutely outraged at the fact that a young teen was killed in a high school bathroom and no one is holding any signs outside of the school demanding the victims rights. Why? Is it because the accused are also teens? I bet we will make an excuse that claims that they are under priveledged and going through things at home that caused them to a…
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In this brief talk beloved family members we will discuss a little bit on the topic of working with energy and being able to master your mind in a way that you have never done before. Awaken to new possibilities and open yourself to the excitement of new knowledge. It is said that we are a trinity of sorts, Mind, Body and Spirit. But what of the Mi…
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We all have them. I bet you thought it was reserved for celebrities, right? Being impersonated... A lot of celebrities have had impersonators, there are even males who impersonate women. Each and every one of us at some point or another has had an imitator, a copy cat or that one person in your life who you see doing absolutely EVERY thing that you…
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Change of plans...In light of all the mess surrounding the Bambaataa story, I feel like I need to chime in and do a commentary on this. When you aim to discredit the face of hip hop, you will stoop to any level. When you are a pedophile, you are already AT the lowest level. I will even pull a few cards on this situation so listen and watch all the …
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There are a lot of reality TV shows on television and many of them are hits with the young people. The youth watch these shows and even wait for them in anticipation. Often times mimicking the looks as well as the behavoirs of these reality personalities. It should come as no surprise because these are the images that are flooding the media, thus p…
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A lot of people are fascinated with the whole idea of past lives. They want past life readings, have past life regression sessions and some even pay a great deal of money for someone to tell them about their past lives. Why pay for information that you already know? The real question is, how do you access it? How do you tap into the depths of your …
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It is our attachment to "things" that keep us from rising spiritually. What do we really "own"and what can we truly say belongs to us? How can you know your rights if you don't know your origin? Why is it important that you have mine or I yours? Why do we measure ourselves according to worldly posessions? Does the heart and soul of a man deserve an…
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Everyone wonders if they have a soul mate or twin flame out there somewhere. Whether that person be floating in the cosmos or actually here living on earth, the question remains..."How can I find my Soulmate?" Well, I will first talk a little about what soulmates and twin flames are and aren't and IF you beleive in such a concept, then I will tell …
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Once again its on!! Hot Sauce tonight and every Thursday. This is the PREMIERE online talent showcase featuring an open mic style. As long as you are dropping something positive, we want to hear it. If you just love listening in and enjoying other talent, then tell a friend to tell a friend to listen in LIVE tonight at 9pm EST here on Blogtalk radi…
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That's right...we don't stop!! You think a holiday would hold me down? This is MORE the reason we need to come together and call on some Ancestral Energy!! Lets tell the world what WE are thankful for, while everybody is stuffing up on turkey and collard greens. Somebody died for you to be able to eat something more than table scraps and hog intest…
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Yes!! So we are about to blow the roof off this bitch!!! We are calling ALL singers who can blow, all emcees that can flow, and those who are in "The Know" to join us tonight and every Thursday for Hot Sauce! The new blazing hot online talent showcase and venue. This is not a competition, this is simply a place to hold a vibe for the serious lover …
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Yes its hot and Yes its saucey...its Hot Sauce! The premiere online live Spoken Word and poetry showcase and outlet for those who just need release. Even if you don't want to share your rhymes, perhaps just come in chill out and enjoy the vibes. Seasoned poets and newbies alike are talking about Hot Sauce! No sign up sheet, just call in live 714-58…
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Greetings all!! For those of you that appreciate my philosophies, perhaps you will also love when I back them to music. My album is complete and I am beyond pleased with this project. I executive produced the entire project, wrote and arranged this entire project. I drew on personal experience as well as the way I view the world today. This is a de…
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Greetings family!! i will be hosting a weekly online Spoken Word showcase called 'Hot Sauce" so bring that Fiyah!! Before I was Sister Stone or Sistah Fiyah, I was simply known to my friends as Lioness...the More Fiyah poet. I have made many friends along my journey, some of whom are among the BEST Spoken Word artists in the nation. I pioneered a S…
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You have heard the stories, all of the rumors and what the media portrays as a heartless villian who has left an aftermath of destruction in his wake. You know Andre Vann but do you KNOW Gepetto Jackson? Here to set the record strait and tell it like it is. ISecret son of Jermaine Jackson or cruel con man, YOU decide. Hear the facts from the man hi…
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Here we will have a discussion about Archangels and Angels and a little bit about them and what they mean to you. How you can call on them to assisit you in life and more importantly banish the physical image of what they look like in your mind, Angels are supernatural messengers, guides, protectors, and comfortors that were created to assist us wh…
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Do past lives really exist? When we die is it truly the end or do we somehow find our way coming back time and time again in different forms? Can learning about my past life energy help me in my present reality? Questions that we have all asked ourselves at one point or another. This will be a short discussion on past life energy and how it affects…
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Here we discuss the popular and ridiculous act of internet trolling. What is an internet troll, why do they do what they do? Does this border cyber bullying? What can you do to protect yourself from trolls? The bottom line is this, when you are doing good, people will "hate" when you're doing bad, they hate same way. So why be bothered in the first…
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It is the GRAND FINALE Ladies!! You have been doing the work, reading the lessons, doing your journal work and strengthening your meditation and Spiritual practices. You've been connecting to Spirit in a profound way by honoring your Ancestors and becoming more in tune with the relationships around you. Your body feels fantastic since you've cleare…
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We are getting closer and closer to becoming Sacred Women! Don't tap out now ladies, we are at the final stretch and this is an exciting gateway for those seeking Sacred Union with Creator, with Self and with your Mates. Even if you are not currently in a relationship, this information will serve you well. Join us as we explore the Gateway to Sacre…
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Its all about BALANCE this week as we explore the Sacred Gateway of Sacred Relationships. Not just a relationship between lovers but relationships between those we interact with daily or infrequently. Everything in the Universe represents balance, balance also represents harmony and all the beauty and Divinity that lies within. Lets look deeper int…
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