show episodes

Hey You Human

Katie Buemann

The Hey You Human Podcast - hosted by Katie Buemann - is a soft place to land. A place for you to come home to where you can tune in to real conversations, with real people, about that one thing, that unites us all. The human experience. We riff on things like acceptance, connection, simplicity, nature, consciousness, frequency, change, intuition, mental and emotional health, somatic healing, and all the things woven into the alchemy of being a human. Especially if you’re of the sensitive va ...
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Real Rebel Podcast

Katie Buemann

The Real Rebel Podcast is for the people who push the boundaries of our society. For the people who live on the fringe. For the people who aren't afraid to question the status quo and live life as exactly who they are. Not as who they should be. These are the people who make us uncomfortable. Who speak truth and break glass ceilings. Who aren't afraid to stand up and face themselves. Who refused to be oppressed and help us expand and evolve the edges of humanity. These are the Real Rebels. A ...
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show series
If you find yourself internally split, suspended between an old life and a new life, this episode is for you. Today on the Hey You Human podcast, we welcome Mark Groves, founder of Create the Love, host of the Mark Groves Podcast, facilitator of experiences through in-person events and retreats, a speaker, a co-author along with his wife Kiley McBe…
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If you’re on the road to bringing your creative work into the world, even if it’s just the faint whisper of a hope and a dream, this episode is for you. Today on the Hey You Human podcast, we welcome Amie McNee, fiction author first and foremost, as well as mother to all creatives navigating the often treacherous and challenging journey of bringing…
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Annd we’re back after a two-episode break due to a sore throat and lingering cough. Something I did not want to put myself or you through as a listener. :) It’s no secret that we are in the midst of big changes. The energy feels different. We are waking up more and more to truths and untruths. We are remembering. All of which inherently brings a gr…
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In this episode, I address the extremely potent and transformative energy of these eclipses. This portal of change that is bringing many of us face-to-face with our deepest and darkest wounds. A process that we can also see being played out in humanity on the world stage. How do we navigate these times of change? Why do we hold so tightly to famili…
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Where do we go, and what do we do, when the world feels chaotic? When we feel full and energetically overwhelmed with life? When we are tired and tired of being tired? When we feel helpless and hopeless? The heart. We go to the heart. We give ourselves the space to land and connect with this place. We put our connection with our hearts as the prior…
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In this episode, I explore the relationship between anxiety and stagnation, why it might be the case that so many of us are experiencing it, and what we can do to ease the tension of it, and create a little more flow and movement. Being anxious while also feeling stagnant, can be one of the most frustrating and crazy-making experiences. It can feel…
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In this episode, we’re diving deep into the well of sadness and hopefully taking away some of the stigma and resistance to what is a very natural, and needed, part of being human. It’s normal to feel sad. If sadness comes, there is a reason for it, and we can trust that reason. When our body and soul speak to us through things like sadness and depr…
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What is your true vision? What is the call of your heart? And can you differentiate the call of truth from the call of the ego? When life seems to bring a lot onto our plate to get cleared at once, it can feel as if we are getting hit by wave after wave. As if we are in the washing machine of life and the “extended spin cycle” button has just been …
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This episode is an invitation to pause. To not pressure ourselves to jump right into the transition into fall, but instead allow ourselves the space to ground down and tune in. To anchor into our deep internal truth before taking any sort of action or expecting anything to happen in our lives. At this time there is a lot of room to dream a beautifu…
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This episode is part 3 of a 3-part mini-series running for the rest of August all on the descension cycle home. In this episode, we’re diving into phase 5 of the 7 phases of descension. The one that comes right after The Threshold, before the Harvest. The Creation and Expansion phase of the descension cycle is where we start to feel things moving a…
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This episode is part 2 of a 3-part mini-series running for the rest of August all on the descension cycle home. In this episode, we’re diving into phase 4 of the 7 phases of descension. The one that comes right after the space between, before creation and expansion. The threshold is like being in the birth canal. It’s where we are ready to emerge f…
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This episode is part 1 of a 3-part mini-series running for the rest of August all on The Descension Cycle. We’ll be diving deeper into the 3 phases of the descension cycle where I noticed (and from my own experience) we need the most support. The first one we’re looking at is the Space Between. The one that comes right after the Dark Night, before …
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The creative void holds so much for us. It is the doorway to the source of life itself. So why do we have such a hard time sitting within it? What is it that has us bracing at its edges or avoiding it entirely? Even when we know, and can sense, that it is the very thing that holds the answers we seek and is the map to the flow-state we crave. In th…
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If you find yourself standing at the door of your true calling and are having a hard time opening it, let alone walking through it, then this episode is for you. In this episode, we welcome Xavier Dagba, a trauma-informed transformational life coach and shadow work facilitator. True to his calling as an emotional alchemist, his words seem to always…
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What does your ego want you to create vs what does your heart want you to create? And do you feel safe enough to create it? Last week was my 35th birthday and I took some time off to sit quietly and listen. One of the things that came through was how the expectations and dreams of my ego still had a hold on certain areas of my life. It’s amazing ho…
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Have you ever had the experience where you’re trying intensely to figure something out, but the more you focus on it, the more you try to figure it out, the more difficult it becomes? My sense is that this is a regular occurrence for most of us humans. It definitely is for me. In this episode, we dive into the difference between figuring it out and…
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Why is letting go so hard? Why is it that we can know we need to let go, we can know what isn’t right for us, yet we still cling so tightly to it? Choosing the comfort of familiarity over the great big question mark. The wild unknown. Even though what is familiar might also be the very thing draining us of our life force. Feeling like we’re not abl…
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What would it feel like if you applied a blanket of gentleness over your life? Sometimes we don’t realize just how much pressure and weight we are placing on ourselves. Pressure and expectation that grows heavier and heavier over time. Causing us to close off to the natural flow of life at the precise moment we need it most. Instead of bearing down…
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There is a part about trusting our intuition that isn’t talked about much. It’s the part that comes right after we listen to our deep inner knowing and follow through with action (however big or small). It is the part where it feels as if we’re standing out on a limb. We’ve listened and taken action, and now we must sit in a space of blind trust. W…
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Key Topics: healing, receiving, self-sabotage, feminine energy, masculine energy, nervous system, self-love, self-worth, awakening, spirituality, surrendering, letting go, trust. There is the part of the journey a lot of us don’t expect. We dream and plan and work toward our desires, but when the time comes, and they are knocking on our door, will …
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Do you ever feel like you’re thinking about living more than you’re actually living? I feel like this all the time. However, the urge to stop thinking so much about life, and just let go and live it grows more and more each day. In this episode, I dive into living in the mind vs. actually living life. Moving through space and time in this physical …
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Key Topics: self-expression, creative work, purpose, change, fear, trusting the process, self-awareness, self-trust, healing, awakening, expansion. One of the things I’ve heard many people say again and again, is that just staying the course, whether it be in our creative work or our relationships, or anything that challenges us to grow, is the key…
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What would we long for if we could slow down long enough to actually listen to the steady and gentle call of our heart’s deepest truth? We are entering an era of deep longing. The more we wake up to the way the systems of the world are more designed for the harvesting of our souls, rather than the nourishment of them, the more we will long for what…
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The Descension Cycle (Beta) When is it time to act and when is it time to be still? This episode centers around taking action into our fear and how to know when it’s time to lean in, and when it’s best to remain steady in our stillness. It can take us a long time to be ready to act. Maybe months, maybe years. Maybe we don’t have the energy, maybe w…
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“When our eyes are graced with wonder, the world reveals its wonders to us. There are people who see only dullness in the world and that is because their eyes have already been dulled. So much depends on how we look at things. The quality of our looking determines what we come to see.” ― John O'Donohue Is it time to wipe away the dullness and see t…
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So many of us are seeing things clearly in a new way. We are craving a way of life that is more in tune with the way we are naturally designed to not only live, but thrive. And a part of that is not doing it all on our own. In this episode, I touch on this growing desire for a change in the way we live our lives. This undeniable rumble of change aw…
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This episode is all about heart. About connecting to that place within where everything becomes more clear and simple. Where logic takes a back seat and we step through the doorway from gridlock and into flow. Living from any place other than the heart, is becoming increasingly exhausting and just… doesn’t seem to work. The trouble is, in a chaotic…
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Spring is in the air and so is the energy of rebirth. Which, as beautiful as it sounds, there is one part of the rebirth process that can be particularly tough to navigate. The threshold. We’re going to dive into what is is and how you can support yourself as you move through it. Full show notes for this episode The Main Jam... Passing self-abandon…
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Purpose can be a heavy word, but it doesn’t need to be. Not if we look at it from a different angle. We’re taught from a young age to “find our purpose,” as if we’re not already living it. As if we haven’t been living it from the day we drew our first breath. I hope this episode lightens up your relationship to purpose or at the very least, gives y…
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In this episode, we’re talking all about easing into new beginnings as opposed to trying to force them to be what we think they should be due to fear. So much of what keeps us stuck is the pressure born of being in survival mode. Especially if we are coming out of a time of stagnancy and shedding. We might feel the urgency to push forward and prove…
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Now bear with me here. I know the words “authentic-self" are so beyond overused, but it just felt right for this episode. Being disconnected from our authentic-self feels like being lost. Like we can’t quite make the right decision and like our wheels are spinning. Our authentic-self is quite literally our road map to this life. It is the blueprint…
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Doing creative work in the world is like inviting all of your deepest insecurities and triggers over for a dinner party. Including your inner critic. Who usually shows up early with a half-drunk bottle of cheap wine and muddy shoes. In this episode, I get into creative pressure and just how normal it is to feel an immense amount of it, what I do to…
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In this episode, we pick up right where we left off - laying outside the operating room in a state of full (and quite literally naked) vulnerability. I take you with me as I go from operating room, to staying in the hospital, to sleeping in the living room during Christmas, staying at my parent’s house for 1.5 months, asking for help, and all the c…
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It’s been about 2-months since the last episode. What a ride. Just before Christmas I was stopped dead in my tracks and forced to accept a journey I did not expect to be taking. This episode is part-1 of a 2-part series and dives into where I’ve been, what happened that fateful day, and the beautiful lessons I was offered in the process of it all. …
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In this episode, we welcome AmarAtma, a Grief Coach with advanced certification as a Grief Recovery Specialist who focuses on helping grievers to cope and release emotional pain, to sit down for a very human chat about how to be with and trust the medicine of grief. I found AmarAtma through my Mom who shared his Instagram account at a time I was pr…
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As the last solo episode of 2022 (where in the hell did that year go?) I reflect on a few of the major lessons that have made, what feels like a year of integration, so quietly powerful. I hope you find this episode supportive. A huge thank you for being a part of all of this, wishing you a restful, peaceful, and chocolate/PJ-filled end of the year…
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If you’re looking for some support in working with your nervous system in order to create more safety, peace, and trust in your day-to-day experience, you’re in the right place. Today I am joined by the brilliant and undeniably magical Elisha Halpin who describes herself as an awakened academic and has spent the last 20 years studying how the mind …
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A question I’ve been asking myself lately is, what direction am I facing? And is it one that I still would choose? This time of year holds an invitation to reflect. To pause and look around. To notice where we are, how we got here, and if the direction we are facing is still anchored in the truth of our soul’s blueprint. Cozy up with me for another…
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Today’s episode includes a moving story, healing portals, trusting our body, the truth of how long transformation can actually take, and the cherry on top - a card pull for you from The Sacred Rebels Oracle deck. It’s natural this time of year to rush. It’s also baked into our nervous systems that most of life should be rushed if we want to be safe…
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Cozy up and join me by the fire as I dive into safety, home, and receiving our own wisdom. The day this is released will be moving day for me, which has spurred a lot of thoughts around safety, home, and receiving. Something that can be a deep wound for many. Am I safe in the world? Will I really be safe if I expand into the fullness of who I am? I…
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Ah, change. The ever-present and life-long friend that stands alongside us with the loyalty of a dog promised a bone. Even when we ask it to please, please for the love of god, go home. Life is always moving, and movement is change. Change is quite literally, a sign of life. However, when it happens all at once (as it seems to often do), and we are…
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This episode was supposed to be about dark energies (as I thought it would be seasonally appropriate) however, as it goes with creative flow, that’s not what wanted to come through. Today we’re riffing on choice and thresholds. We dive into what a threshold is, how we can get stuck in that space, and why choice and choosing towards integrity is the…
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New beginnings can be both an exciting relief and, at the same time, pretty damn confronting. In this episode, I do a super deep dive into the nuance of a new beginning. The emotions and thoughts that often come along with it, the fears that tend to surface, the blocks we might experience, and how to traverse it all. How to lean out of stagnancy an…
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This episode touches on everything exploding head syndrome to calling out the dark agenda. There’s a lot here. The main thing I touch on is the process of emptying and receiving ourselves on the journey home. Something that I get the sense is a natural and necessary part of the whole thing. And something that can be tricky to navigate if we’re plac…
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Ah the sweet, sweet mushiness of change. How beyond uncomfortable it can be. It’s enough to make us feel as if we actually might be going crazy. As if we will lose our minds if we don’t get out of the blurry chrysalis and into some sort of anchored and more defined way of being. From this place, it’s only natural to want to reach and grasp for thin…
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This episode is coming off the heels of a month away from the HYH podcast. A month. Never did I think I would be taking a break so soon. In the past, I would have crumbled into a puddle of shame and fear and self-criticism. Shame for needing space to fall apart and come back together, shame for not keeping consistent, and fear of being abandoned fo…
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This episode is all about grief because, well, I’m deep in it. And to be honest it’s all I can really hold at the moment. Which perhaps is the best time to show up in it. In all of my grieving humanness. If you’re moving through grief now, I hope this episode makes you feel like you have a friend close by. And if you ever are experiencing the power…
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In this episode, to be honest, we talk about a mishmosh of things. I’m chalking it up to it being August and well, I’m half in sunshine la-la land just enjoying life. That doesn’t mean we don’t talk about some deep sh*t. I just can’t help myself. The core of this episode centers around the sunrise over the horizon of a new beginning. We talk about …
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In this episode, I touch on an experience I have seen and felt happening with many people. The experience where we no longer feel connected to our old lives, yet are unsure of how to move forward in this new energy and sense of being. From a place where all of our old dreams and identities no longer seem to fit like they once used to. If you’ve had…
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If you’re in a phase of rebuilding, or feeling like you might be approaching that phase, this might be a nourishing one to tune into. I riff on following your own inner rhythms, the soul descention into this human experience, the nature of working in this new energy, and many other bits and bobs that I hope feed your soul and help you to feel less …
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