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RTP's Fourth Branch Podcast

The Federalist Society

The Regulatory Transparency Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort dedicated to fostering discussion and a better understanding of regulatory policies. On RTP’s Fourth Branch Podcast, leading experts discuss the pros and cons of government regulations and explain how they affect everyday life for Americans.
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Randstad Technologies New Zealand

Lifting the visibility of the data industry, our podcast will provide you with the latest insights and developments of this ever-evolving topic.
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RTP Live Angkasa138

RTP Live Angkasa138

Apakah Anda mencari pengalaman slot online RTP angkasa138 yang tinggi? Tidak perlu mencari lagi! Di blog ini, kami akan memperkenalkan Anda kepada beberapa penyedia slot terkemuka Angkasa138 yang menawarkan petualangan bermain game yang mendebarkan dan bermanfaat.
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RTP's Free Lunch Podcast

The Federalist Society

The Regulatory Transparency Project (RTP) seeks to identify and bring attention to the excesses of the administrative state in this country. All too often, over-regulation of the economy stifles innovation, productivity, opportunity and ultimately, the American Dream. We want people to look at regulations which are burdensome and extremely inefficient and not simply submit to them as the cost of doing business but, rather, look for real and concrete ways to change them for the better. The RT ...
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Crossroads RTP

Research Triangle Park

This podcast is brought to you by Research Triangle Park, where people + ideas converge. We focus on the intersection of relationships and collaborations throughout the Triangle region of North Carolina. We believe that "better together" is not just a catchy slogan, but the key to sustainability for our growing region will sustain the tremendous growth we are experiencing. Join host Ray Trapp, Vice President of Strategic Engagement for RTF, as he discusses economic development, community eng ...
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As the second Trump administration kicks off an ambitious AI agenda, individual states have been busy on this front as well. Should each state have their own approach, or should states like California and Texas lead the way? Dean Ball, Sunny Gandhi, and Kevin Frazier join the Fourth Branch podcast to discuss these various efforts to cover the conve…
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Os rios portugueses nunca tiveram muitos predadores de topo. O siluro ou peixe-gato europeu é uma espécie exótica e invasora que, ao contrário dos predadores terrestres, não está em risco, mas é uma ameaça para as espécies nativas. Esta semana conversamos com Filipe Ribeiro, investigador auxiliar do Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente para sabe…
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O governo alterou a Lei dos Solos, permitindo a reconversão de solo rústico para urbano, desde que se destine à construção de nova habitação. Para além da ocupação urbana, o solo é fundamental para o cultivo alimentar e a conservação da natureza. Quais os possíveis impactos ambientais desta revisão legislativa?…
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O vento é um recurso abundante, limpo e inesgotável e, em breve, pode deixar de ser apenas aproveitado para gerar eletricidade em centrais eólicas de grandes dimensões, em zonas altas. Uma startup portuguesa está a adaptar a tecnologia das turbinas eólicas para contexto urbano. Há três modelos em desenvolvimento que podem ser instalados no solo ou …
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An estimated 5% of foster youth qualify for Social Security benefits, but in many states, child welfare agencies use these funds to help cover the cost of care. In 2018 alone, agencies in 49 states and Washington, D.C., received at least $165 million in benefits intended for foster youth. In this episode, Shoshana Weissmann interviews Maureen Flatl…
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Hawaii leads the nation in high housing prices. Experts Ted Kefalas and Jonathan Helton from Grassroot Institute explain the regulatory obstacles to building sufficient housing for Hawaiians, and regulatory reform efforts that could increase the housing supply. It has been over 18 months since the fires that nearly destroyed the town of Lahaina in …
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Em 2024, o fogo consumiu mais de 147 mil hectares de floresta em Portugal. Como se cria um sistema mais resiliente aos incêndios? Domingos Xavier Viegas, Diretor do Centro de Estudos sobre Incêndios Florestais da Universidade de Coimbra, mostra-nos um novo modo de olhar o fogo e explica o que deve ser feito para evitar um futuro desastroso.…
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Artificial Intelligence has been rapidly brought to the forefront of the public conversation in recent months. President Trump has pledged to support AI innovation, while the newly-established Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) has been working to streamline government processes through AI. Join our panel of experts, including Dhruva Krishn…
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The 2025 Pacific Palisades Fire has underscored the challenges of building in California’s complex regulatory landscape. In response, Governor Newsom issued an executive order suspending CEQA and Coastal Act requirements to expedite reconstruction, raising important questions about the future of development in the state. In this podcast, expe…
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Since its inception, the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program has been contentiously debated. For example, several pharmaceutical manufacturers filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) challenging the program’s constitutionality. This webinar will discuss whether t…
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On January 22, 2025, newly-elected President Trump announced a widespread project to invest $500 billion in American AI development, known as “Stargate.” A few days later, a new Chinese AI chatbot program “DeepSeek” was launched to the shock of US tech investors. What do these new developments mean for the AI dominance race? What will the changing …
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Linda Chavez, Chairman for the Center for Equal Opportunity, moderates a discussion between the Heritage Foundation’s Senior Legal Fellow, GianCarlo Canaparo and Dan Morenoff, Executive Director of the American Civil Rights Project. They discuss President Trump’s orders relating to civil rights enforcement and discrimination (including discriminati…
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A transição energética precisa da biomassa florestal? Neste episódio do podcast Biosfera, conversamos com João Bernardo do Centro da Biomassa para a Energia e com João Gonçalves do Centro Pinus (uma associação promotora da fileira do pinho) com visões diferentes sobre a utilização da biomassa na produção de energia.…
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On January 15, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Free Speech Coalition, Inc. v. Paxton, a case involving Texas H.B. 1181, which is a law that imposes an age-verification requirement for adult sexual content websites. While content filtering has been used in the past by parents to regulate their children’s access to adult websites, th…
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Os organismos gelatinosos são um dos animais mais antigos a habitar o planeta e nos últimos anos têm sido cada vez mais observados na costa de Portugal. A caravela-portuguesa é a espécie gelatinosa mais perigosa que surge no mar nacional, devido às células urticantes que injetam veneno nas presas. Duarte Toubarro, professor-auxiliar da Universidade…
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Segundo dados de 2023, cada português produz em média 1,4Kg de lixo todos os dias. Quase metade são resíduos orgânicos que podem ser reaproveitados. Neste episódio do podcast Biosfera conversamos com Susana Lopes, técnica da LIPOR, que explica como funciona o processo de compostagem e alerta para o trabalho que Portugal tem pela frente para alcança…
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O cinema ambiental abre portas à reflexão e ao debate sobre questões ecológicas. O festival CineEco, em Seia, tem palco na Serra da Estrela e mostra que é possível aliar a natureza à arte. Numa conversa com Jim Wickens, o diretor de "One With the Whale" apresenta uma comunidade do Alaska que subsiste à base da caça à baleia e convida o público a re…
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In November 2024, Spirit Airlines filed for bankruptcy after a federal judge blocked their proposed merger with JetBlue Airlines earlier that year. Far from simply impacting travel plans, however, the failed merger shows the Federal Trade Commission's recent focus on efficiency. Former FTC General Counsel Alden Abbott joins the podcast to discuss t…
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President-elect Trump has announced that entrepreneurs Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead a new Department of Government Efficiency “to cut the federal government down to size.” In a Wall Street Journal op-ed last month, Musk and Ramaswamy promised DOGE would yield “a drastic reduction in federal regulations” that would pave the way for “mass …
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President-elect Trump has announced that entrepreneurs Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead a new Department of Government Efficiency (“DOGE”). In a Wall Street Journal op-ed this past November, the pair explained that they have a sweeping mandate to cut the overreaching contra-constitutional federal bureaucracy “down to size” and “deliver a fed…
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Um corpo que mexe aprende mais e melhor que um corpo parado. Ana Maria Pinto, cantora lírica e compositora, rege-se por esta regra e foi com base nela que criou a Associação NovaTerra. Sob o chapéu colorido da música e da dança, os coros da NovaTerra focam-se na educação ambiental e na reverência à Natureza. Numa conversa pintada pela música, apren…
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Um corpo que mexe aprende mais e melhor que um corpo parado. Ana Maria Pinto, cantora lírica e compositora, rege-se por esta regra e foi com base nela que criou a Associação NovaTerra. Sob o chapéu colorido da música e da dança, os coros da NovaTerra focam-se na educação ambiental e na reverência à Natureza. Numa conversa pintada pela música, apren…
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A indústria farmacêutica utiliza solventes orgânicos que resultam em grandes quantidades de resíduos tóxicos. O principal destino é a incineração, libertando gases de efeito de estufa para a atmosfera. Na costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos a equipa de investigação do professor Bruce Lipshutz desenvolveu um método de química na água, capaz de gerar as m…
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In this episode, Rachel Morrison from the Ethics and Public Policy Center and Gregory Baylor from Alliance Defending Freedom discuss recent court and agency decisions. These experts discuss whether “gender dysphoria” is a “disability” under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Featur…
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State Attorneys General have been active in recent years in filing lawsuits against federal agencies. From cases like West Virginia v. EPA to Biden v. Nebraska, state AG lawsuits have prevented significant overreach by federal agencies. In the past year, the Office of the Kansas Attorney General has been one of the most active in this space. Abhish…
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Assim como as plantas silvestres, também as algas que crescem de forma espontânea nas rochas das praias portuguesas são uma opção saudável e sustentável na dieta alimentar. Numa conversa com a bióloga e chef de cozinha Joana Melo Duarte, fomos descobrir como podemos preservar e integrar numa refeição a natureza comestível que nos rodeia.…
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Axon and Jarkesy have renewed scrutiny of the constitutionality and fairness of FTC’s administrative litigation. For example, the President cannot remove Administrative Law Judges nor FTC Commissioners, and FTC Commissioners both vote to issue the complaint and decide its merits in proceedings. Parties before the DOJ-Antitrust Division, on th…
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Várias lagoas dos Açores estão eutrofizadas. O aporte excessivo de nutrientes às massas de água pode fazer com que algumas zonas fiquem com pouco - ou mesmo nenhum - oxigénio. Os sistemas lagunares dos Açores são ainda mais sensíveis devido à ausência de corrente e à estratificação das águas. Vítor Gonçalves, Professor associado na Faculdade de Ciê…
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In this episode, Randel K. Johnson and Andrew Kilberg discuss the often ephemeral nature of the Rule of Law in immigration and other enforcement proceedings, with a particular focus on the challenges faced by small businesses when confronted with a heavy-handed bureaucracy and the practical difficulties of obtaining judicial review. The experts als…
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Portugal consome em média 50 mil GWh de energia elétrica, sendo que mais de 70% são de origem renovável. No entanto, o gás natural é a terceira maior fonte de energia bruta. Nos anos 90, surgiram as centrais de cogeração capazes de aproveitar a energia térmica para produzir eletricidade. Passadas quase 4 décadas conversamos com Francisco Ferreira d…
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Para combater a escassez de água potável, muitos países têm construído centrais de dessalinização. Estas instalações retiram os sais minerais dissolvidos na água do mar, tornando-a apta para consumo. No entanto, no final deste processo resulta a salmoura, isto é, o resto de água com os sais concentrados que foram retirados. Duas estudantes de douto…
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Das 29 espécies de morcegos que voam pelo território nacional, nove estão dependentes de abrigos subterrâneos para sobreviverem. São animais mais sensíveis às perturbações do exterior, mas que desempenham um papel vital para a saúde dos ecossistemas. Hugo Rebelo, investigador e professor na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, explica c…
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In this episode, financial experts look back on recent SEC regulation, enforcement, and litigation, as well as their predictions for the next SEC leadership under a second Trump administration. C. Wallace DeWitt, Securities lawyer Brian Knight, Director of Innovation and Governance and Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center at George Mason Univers…
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Antitrust efforts have become prevalent in the courts and legislative bodies, both in the United States and abroad. A recent example is the U.S. Department of Justice's case against Google for alleged anticompetitive behavior in its search business. Though cybersecurity and national security concerns are traditionally not included in antitrust effo…
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Os microrganismos existem no planeta há mais de 3,8 mil milhões de anos e apesar de serem responsáveis por várias doenças, a maioria vive em harmonia com o ser humano. Conversamos com o professor José António Couto da Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa para descobrir mais sobre o admirável mundo destes seres micros…
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The Regulatory Transparency Project and the Federalism & Separation of Powers practice group hosted a virtual debate over the recent Supreme Court decision in SEC v. Jarkesy. The panel featured Matthew Wiener, from Penn Carey Law, and Josh Robbins, of the Pacific Legal Foundation. Michael Buschbacher, from Boyden & Gray PLLC, moderated the debate.…
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O oceano é fonte de vida, de biodiversidade e de alimento para o planeta. Mas dos quase 100 milhões de toneladas de pescado capturado em todo mundo, estima-se que cerca de 10% sejam desperdiçados. O que podemos fazer para diminuir este número? Maria Coelho, coordenadora do B2E CoLab, é responsável pela plataforma FishMatter que vê estes resíduos ma…
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Aquilo que comemos tem um impacto direto nos ecossistemas. Da produção à gestão de resíduos, os sistemas alimentares são exigentes em recursos e podem ser mais ou menos sustentáveis. Já a nossa alimentação pode ser mais ou menos saudável. Conseguimos conciliar estas duas vertentes para uma alimentação mais sustentável e mais saudável? Conversamos c…
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Tanner Jones and Jonathan Wolfson from the Cicero Institute discuss their co-authored paper titled "Restoring Legislative Authority: A Balanced Approach to Agency Deference." They explore the implications of the Chevron deference decision and the Loper Bright case. The conversation addresses the impact of these decisions on administrative law, regu…
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A panel of experts will engage in a legal discussion about the implications of using AI in rulemaking, as AI technologies inadvertently influence the process of creating and implementing regulations. The panel will also consider how rulemaking and AI influence the legal and political realms. Featuring: Speakers: Catherine Sharkey, Segal Family Prof…
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This virtual event explored the potential trajectories of AI policy under the upcoming shift in presidential administrations. Our expert panel, featuring Ash Kazaryan, Adam Kovacevich, and Neil Chilson, examined the critical issues surrounding AI and offered insights on what policymakers need to know as they navigate rapidly evolving AI technologie…
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A panel of distinguished legal scholars and practitioners will provide an overview of the current landscape of litigation surrounding climate disclosure regulations. Experts will discuss the legal challenges facing both the SEC’s climate disclosure rule and California’s SB 253 and 261. Panelists will address the legal questions raised during litiga…
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O comércio global e as deslocações internacionais de passageiros contribuem para a dispersão acidental de pragas e doenças que colocam em risco a fitossanidade. No caso dos castanheiros a doença da tinta, o cancro e a vespa são as principais ameaças. Rita Lourenço Costa, investigadora do INIAV, coordena um programa de melhoramento que se baseia na …
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In this episode, Ketan Bhirud and Luke Wake take a closer look at the role of the use of outside legal counsel by state attorneys general. Outside counsel can provide valuable expertise and resources, but what are the implications of relying on external firms for state legal matters? What are the advantages and potential pitfalls of these partnersh…
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In this episode, experts GianCarlo Canaparo and Mike Gonzalez provide a legal and historical interpretation of the term "equity." This discussion, moderated by Linda Chavez, highlights how the definition of equity extends beyond civil rights protection and how the evolving definition of the term "equity" affects the legal realm. Featuring: GianCarl…
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O espaço marinho português é vasto e diferentes atividades competem por espaço e recursos. A solução passa pelo ordenamento do espaço marinho inteligente do ponto de vista climático. Neste podcast, conversamos com Catarina Frazão Santos, professora na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e investigadora do MARE - Centro de Ciências do Ma…
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Regulatory experts, Rosario Palmieri and Karen Harned, discuss industry self-regulation, soft law, and voluntary standards. Thousands of products, services, and systems use voluntary, consensus standards to govern product performance and safety, worker safety, financial services, and food safety. This is a layer of self-regulation that usually lies…
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