Episode 2: in Memory of Horrorclix
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Welcome to a brand new and "wicked fun" episode of The Horror Collector! In this episode, Terry takes a look back at Horrorclix, a miniatures collectible game that was gone far too soon. In the collector spotlight, Terry talks about rare exploitation pressbooks. "It Came from Terry's Collection" covers a Godzilla toy reproduction, a rare classic horror movie novelization, and a Michael Myers/Halloween must have. #horrorclix #thehorrorcollector #terrymwest #ispitonyourgrave #horrorpressbooks #legendofhellhouse #shogungodzilla #super7 #nightofthelivingdead #cthulhu #jacktheripper #horrortoys #horrorcollectibles #funkohorrorpops #michaelmyers #Halloween #SpiritHalloween
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