In this episode, I address the question that all college graduates have been asked recently, which is "What's Next?" It can definitely be an anxiety provoking question, and could be followed with an uncertain answer. Fortunately, for some people, they have a job lined up right after and can answer! But, there are others who might not have their next step sorted out, or might know exactly what they are doing but it's not the traditional path and are a bit worried about how their career choice is perceived by others. I fall under the third category and talk about my struggles with this, as well as give different techniques to shift your mindset. In addition, I talk about those people who don't have it figured out and ways to give yourself more credit for taking action. Lastly, for those who have their job lined up, I give a bit of advice on how to check in with yourself weekly to track your progress with your exciting new job, and be able to go from there. If you are looking for relatable anecdotes along with advice on different stages of the job search process after graduation, highly recommend checking this one out! @19yearoldshrinkpodcast Brene Brown Video…