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Two Messianic Jews

Two Messianic Jews

Two Messianic Jewish graduate students think deeply about Messianic Jewish history and theology. We also engage with questions asked by other Jews, Hebrew Roots/One Law groups, and Christians. These questions include: Can you be Jewish and believe in Jesus? Are Gentiles obligated to keep kosher, Shabbat, and the feasts? Didn't Christianity replace Judaism? And many more! We hope to be thoughtful conversation partners with you as we explore these issues. Subscribe if you would like to join us!
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Link to buy the Budoff Haggadah You can also watch on our ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠YouTube Channel⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Follow us on Social Media: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you are looking for a way to support us and gain early access to our content, you can become a monthly supporter on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Subscribestar⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Over 100 years ago, Philip Cohen published the first issue of "The Messianic Jew: Organ of the Jewish Messianic Movement." We read the introductory article to this Messianic Jewish publication to discover the beautiful heart Cohen had for Jewish followers of Yeshua to express their Jewish identities. He casts a vision and an aim for Jewish believer…
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What if I told you that many major Christian denominations have formally denounced replacement theology? What if I told you there is a brand new version of replacement theology that is taking over the internet? Find out more listening to this presentation about replacement theology and one law theology!00:00 Introduction00:55 What is replacement th…
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We dispel common myths about the Council of Nicaea and express gratitude for the Church successfully defending the deity of Yeshua in the face of a very influential heretic named Arian. We also talk about the decision to disconnect Easter and Passover (which I think is okay!). 00:00 - Introduction3:15 - What did NOT happen at the Council of Nicaea5…
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Marcion was the "arch-heretic" who argued there is a good god and an evil god, the Tanakh (the Old Testament) is not scripture, and edited portions of the New Testament. He was the first influential heretic that the Church had to guard a biblical understand of God and the Tanakh as God's word. The Messianic Jewish community should appreciate the Ch…
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We walk through Romans to see why the Messianic Jewish community has come to exist and what our purpose is as a community. We focus on texts in Romans 1, 3, 9, 11, and 15. We have come to exist because:00:00 - Introduction00:38 - The Good News: Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah2:12 - The Good News is for Jewish People3:25 - Unity and Distinction Within …
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Isaiah draws from the story of Passover in Isaiah 52 and 53. The New Testament portrays Jesus as our Passover Lamb and the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. Gain a deeper understanding of the gospel message as told by the Tanakh and New Testament and find out an amazing connection to the shankbone of the Passover seder and the 'arm of the Lord'! ____…
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The Shema is central to the New Testament. Jesus says the Shema is the most important commandment and uses the Shema to make claims about his identity. He also wears ritual objects associated with the Shema, like tzitzit. The Shema is also central to Paul's theology about the community of Messiah and it was used in early liturgy of the Jesus-follow…
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Michael Jones, from one of the largest Christian apologetics YouTube channels, Inspiring Philosophy, interviewed us on the topic: "Is the New Testament Antisemitic?" This message is particularly timely, given the increasing prevalence of Jew-hatred worldwide. Sadly, Christian antisemitism is also a reality, and in this interview, we address the cha…
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What similarities and differences can we notice when comparing the story of Jonah with Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8? How does making this comparison show that Jesus was recognized as the Messiah? Join us for this Yom Kippur D'rash! Jonah 1:1-6(1) And the word of the Lord came to Jonah, the son of Amittai, saying, (2) “Get up and go[1] to th…
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Have you ever heard the claim that Saul's name was changed to Paul on the road to Damascus? Do Christians tell you that this name changed symbolized not only a dramatic personal transformation but also Paul's turn away from Judaism in favor of Christianity? I read through Acts 9 and Acts 13 to show that Paul's name was never changed from Saul and g…
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At the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) Messiah Conference 2023, Jonathan gave a presentation addressing the standard interpretation of Mark 7.15–19. He presents three reasons why it is implausible that Jesus abrogated Israel's dietary laws and then offers a reading of the text that makes better sense of Jesus's argument in its Jewish co…
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At the MJAA Messiah Conference, Erik presented on a panel entitled, "Reaching Our People" with David Brickner, Janet Forman, and Chantel Winograd. Erik shared stories of how he has shared the gospel with young people who care about truth and those who don't. He finishes his speech by sharing an important way the Messianic Jewish community can not o…
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Did Jesus do away with the Jewish dietary laws? Many Christians point to Mark 7.15-19 to say that he did, which is understandable, considering the common translation of Mark 7.19, “Thus he [Jesus] declared all foods clean.” In this video, I present five reasons why it is implausible that Jesus eliminated the Jewish dietary laws and then offer a rea…
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Are non-Jews expected to become Torah-observant? Is this what the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 teaches? Many Hebrew Roots and One Law teachers read the Jerusalem Council as a decision to give non-Jewish Jesus-followers a Torah "starter pack" and expect them to become more and more observant as they learn the Torah in the synagogue each Shabbat. Is …
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At the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) Messiah Conference 2022, Jonathan gave a presentation responding to arguments for replacement theology put forth in Pastor Andy Stanley’s book, Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World. Questions this presentation covers include: - What does replacement theology mean for …
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This week is the Jewish holiday of Shavuot which is also known as Pentecost. In Jewish tradition, Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah. In Christian traditions, Pentecost commemorates the Holy Spirit descending after Jesus ascended to heaven. In Messianic Judaism, we commemorate both! Join us in exploring how Shavuot provides an occasion to…
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In Deuteronomy 13, we learn that false prophets can perform miracles. From this point, counter-missionary, Rabbi Michael Skobac reasons: “miracles don’t prove anything.” If he is right, then Jesus’s resurrection does not prove he is the Messiah. But is Rabbi Skobac right? In this video, I argue that when we understand Deuteronomy 13 in light of Pas…
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What do Messianic Jews believe? How do Messianic Jews live and worship? Join us on Two Messianic Jews as we share with you the definition of a Messianic Jew, the core beliefs of the Messianic Jewish community, and the common ways Messianic Jews live and worship. In the end, I share how we view ourselves within the Jewish community and within the Bo…
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Recently, we were sent a Times of Israel blog by its author, Rabbi Joel Hoffman, entitled, "Why Messianic Judaism is Fake." We thought this was a good opportunity to try our hand at doing a live reaction as we read it for the first time! There is much more that could have been said, and much that we could have said more clearly. Hopefully, it is ed…
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While Christmas is not part of the Messianic Jewish calendar we affirm the Church's celebration of this tradition as a wonderful way to celebrate the birth and incarnation of the Messiah. There are many Hebrew Roots channels that argue Christmas is steeped in paganism and that the Church should not celebrate the holiday. For this episode, we are jo…
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Not many people understand or have even heard of, Messianic Gentiles. Who are they? Who are they not? In this video, I define Messianic Gentiles as are non-Jewish members of Messianic synagogues who affirm the teachings of Messianic Judaism and live according to the Jewish norms of their synagogue. I then distinguish them from many groups with whic…
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Many Christians read Colossians 2.16-17 as validation that the Torah is obsolete, specifically the observance of Shabbat, Jewish festivals, and kosher laws. But is this Paul’s point? I don’t think so. In this video, I explain why through a careful analysis of the Greek text in its literary and historical context. I argue that Paul is exhorting the …
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How should Messianic Jews understand the role of Torah, rabbinic tradition, and the leading of the Holy Spirit in their lives and communities? There are multiple Messianic Jewish answers to this question and today we had on Messianic Jewish scholar, Dr. Jennifer Rosner and Messianic Jewish rabbi, Joshua Lessard to discuss their book "At the Foot of…
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Hebrew Roots and One Law teachers like Lex Meyer of Unlearn the Lies and Tim Hegg of Torah Resource frequently argue that Christians should celebrate Sukkot and all other Jewish Festivals because of the prophecy found in Zechariah 14:16-19. This is contrary to the Messianic Jewish position. I argue that Christians do not have this responsibility an…
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Did Jesus oppose Judaism and come to replace it with his brand-new religion of Christianity? Was ancient Judaism a legalistic religion of works-righteousness? Did Jesus make the Law obsolete? Many people assume the answer to all these questions is yes. But is that true? In this video, we tackle these questions, building the case that the way Jesus …
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Many people believe that Jesus came to replace Judaism and its Torah with something brand new. His teachings then stand in stark conflict with his Jewish contemporaries. Rabbi Matt Rosenberg essentially says, “I beg to differ” in his newly released book, Jesus Never Said Anything New. In this interview, he tackles this important subject that affect…
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Thank you All-Stars for your support and your questions! If you want to become an All-Star and submit questions for the mailbag episodes, follow this link and subscribe at any tier for early access to content and the ability to ask questions for the mailbags! For these mailbag episodes, we want to feel the freedom to give experimental answers and t…
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Earlier this year, Reverend Brandan Robertson came out with a Tik Tok video claiming that Jesus was a racist. In a later YouTube video with Dr. Miguel De La Torre, he elaborates that Jesus inherited his racism from his Jewish community. De La Torre makes these same claims in this video and in his sermon, “Was Jesus a Racist?” Their teaching is not …
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For centuries, scholars have argued that Paul thought the Church replaced Israel as God's chosen people and that Jewish identity is erased upon the acceptance of Jesus's Gospel message. Here, I argue that when you carefully read Paul's use of the Shema in Romans 3.27-31 and use the Tanakh, Josephus, and later rabbinic literature to expand your inte…
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Traditional Jewish scholar, Dr. Zev Garber and Messianic Jewish scholar, Dr. Mark Kinzer participate in a discussion on whether a divine Messiah fits within Judaism and how Messianic Judaism's view of Jesus's incarnation affects its relationship to the broader Jewish world. This discussion took place at the 2020 Society of Biblical Literature Annua…
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Traditional Jewish scholar, Dr. Kenneth Hanson and Messianic Jewish scholar, Dr. David Rudolph participate in a discussion on whether Jesus claimed to be God and the impact these readings of the New Testament have on Messianic Judaism's relationship to the broader Jewish world. This discussion took place at the 2020 Society of Biblical Literature A…
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One of the primary arguments a prominent Jewish counter-missionary gave us for why we should leave Messianic Judaism is that Jesus was a copy of pagan myths and never existed as a historical figure. In this final video of the three-part series, we show why this argument is historically implausible based on what our sources tell us about first-centu…
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One of the primary arguments a prominent Jewish counter-missionary gave us for why we should leave Messianic Judaism is that Jesus was a copy of pagan myths and never existed as a historical figure. In this second video of the three-part series, we go directly to the primary sources. Long story short, this counter-missionary is wrong about the para…
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One of the primary arguments a prominent Jewish counter-missionary gave us for why we should leave Messianic Judaism is that Jesus was a copy of pagan myths and never existed as a historical figure. In this episode, we show why his argument suffers from a logical fallacy, and even if this argument were true and sound, it would mean that one of Juda…
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Listen in as we share our story of how we navigated conversations with atheist professors, atheist and agnostic classmates, and Jewish counter-missionaries while in college! We hope you find encouragement, entertainment, and empowerment as we give you a sneak peek into parts of the journey that has led to us launching Two Messianic Jews! Enjoy! You…
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Does Acts 21 confirm that Paul taught against Torah-observance for Jews? According to Rabbi Michael Skobac of Jews for Judaism, Acts 21 shows Paul's "real position" was that Jews should stop obeying the Torah. I walk through the whole account of Acts 21.17-26 to demonstrate that it says the exact opposite! Acts 21 shows that Paul was a Torah-observ…
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Rabbi Tovia Singer argues that in Matthew 5:27-28, Jesus claims that if one is even tempted to commit adultery, then they have already committed the sin. Jesus's point, therefore, is that the Torah is impossible to follow. In this video, we respond to this argument and show why Rabbi Singer is misunderstanding Jesus. Note: The argument made in this…
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Rabbi Michael Skobac claims Paul did not mention "literally anything whatsoever" about the life and teachings of Jesus. If true, this casts doubt on whether Paul knew anything about Jesus's life and teachings. For some (not Rabbi Skobac), they make this claim to support an argument that Jesus did not exist! We explore Paul's letters to show that Pa…
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We are thrilled to reach 200 YouTube subscribers! Thank you to those who have subscribed! This channel started during the summer and it is amazing to see the impact that it is having. Check out the video to hear some exciting updates! 0:00 – Thank you! 0:39 - Feedback we have received 1:46 – How you can support us 2:19 – Plans for the future 4:05 –…
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Did Jesus rise from the dead? Rabbi Tovia Singer says "absolutely not." He argues that there is no evidence this event took place. In this video, w ask question - how would an Orthodox Jewish scholar who affirms that Jesus rose from the dead respond to Rabbi Singer? He presents the arguments from the late Dr. Pinchas Lapide and puts them up against…
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Jews do not all speak with one voice on their views of Messianic Jews. Some view Messianic Jews as Christians masquerading as Jews, trying to convert Jews to Christianity. There are perceptions that are neutral, positive, and everything in between. While some view Messianic Jews as members of the Jewish community, others do not. In this video, we g…
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Can an Orthodox Jew believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Even if this event happened, does Deuteronomy 13 show that this would just be God testing Israel? Do miracles prove anything? These are the kinds of questions addressed in this video. We present Jewish responses to Jesus's resurrection from Orthodox rabbis, counter-missionaries, and even Be…
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This is the abridged version of our 12 guidelines for tough conversations we presented live at Sha'arei Shalom on July 4, 2020. Here is the list: 1. Pursuing truth is a greater goal than merely proving your point. 2. “Assume that the person you are listening to knows something you don't." - Dr. Jordan Peterson 3. Seek to understand before being und…
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At the Young Messianic Jewish Alliance (YMJA) Virtual Messiah Conference 2020, we presented a case for Messianic Judaism! This involved sharing evidence for what we consider to be its three central claims: 3:24 - Yeshua (Jesus) is the Jewish Messiah 31:22 - Jewish followers of Yeshua have a covenantal responsibility to live as Jews (i.e. observe To…
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The foundational principle of our podcast is "pursuing truth is more important than merely proving your point." This is a recording of the d'rash we gave at Sha'arei Shalom on June 27, 2020. We explore how the rabbis saw this foundational Jewish principle in Parsha: Korach: "an argument for the sake of heaven" as opposed to "an argument not for the…
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Do you ever find it difficult to explain what Messianic Judaism is? Have you ever wondered about the history of modern Messianic Judaism? Are you frequently asked, “So aren’t you a Christian?” These are the crucial questions we discuss in this video! 0:00 - Introduction 5:11 - Definitions of “Messianic Judaism” by Messianic organizations 9:58 - Def…
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The issues we tackle on this show are controversial and if there is one thing we hope to produce in ourselves and those who listen to us is the ability to have tough conversations with others. In this video, we discuss what we consider to be the top 12 guidelines for having tough conversations: 0:00 - Introduction 1:45 - Pursuing truth is more impo…
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