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show episodes
Stories about people transforming themselves from an unconscious to a conscious life. People who have dared to live out their dreams. Going against all odds and expectations from others. Talks about spirituality in a fact based world. People sharing their life experience, pains and gains, which you will be able to reflect on and reason with. Or the time after the world was put on hold. Everything is about inspiration and insights from other people's life journeys It will be conversations abo ...
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Experience Matters, by Merkle

Merkle Northern Europe

Welcome to our tech podcast where we delve deep into captivating topics surrounding Customer Experience, Commerce, and Digital Transformation. Join us as we explore these fascinating themes and uncover valuable insights to enhance your understanding and mastery in the digital realm.
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Intro: "Welcome to THE DOCTIRNE OF HAPPINESS! I’m NATASHA LAJEVADRI, on a global journey to uncover what it really means to live in happiness, empowerment, and authenticity across all areas of life - both in business and in private moments. From vibrant cities to remote sanctuaries, I’m meeting people from diverse backgrounds to explore how culture, beliefs, spirituality, gender diversity, and even sexuality shape their understanding of fulfillment & happiness. Together, we’ll dive into the ...
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Indbegrebet Af!

Indbegrebet Af!

Tre musiknørder mødes i hvert afsnit for at diskutere en musikalsk kunstner. Hver har de én sang med som de mener bedst opsummerer denne kunstner. De spiller hver deres sang og argumenterer, og til sidst stemmer de om hvilken sang der i sandhed er Indbegrebet Af den pågældende artist.
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The Road to Success

Female Leadership Academy

What are the stories and experiences behind the successful top leaders in Denmark? This is explored in “The Road to Success,” a podcast by the Female Leadership Academy. The host and founder, Maria Anker Andersen, interviews successful top leaders in business about how they got to where they are today, along with the experiences and advice that come with choosing a career and/or leadership. The purpose of “The Road to Success” is to empower men and women to take control of their careers thro ...
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POV Mediano Music

Mediano Music beskæftiger sig med alle former for musik. Lige fra folk med 30-40 år livserfaring til helt nye kunstnere, der er på vej frem. Hos Mediano Music er det fordybelse, historien og vigtigst af alt musikken, der er i centrum.
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Casper Hernández Cordes

Casper Hernández Cordes

Casper Hernández Cordes (1971) graduated as a composer from the Royal Danish Academy of Music in 2006. For a number of years he has been involved in electroacoustic music, interactive installations, happenings, performances and workshops, as a means of involving non-musicians in creative , musical creation. Since the pandemic, he has found his way back to working with score music.
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Per Larholm

Ugentligt+ livet, universet, og alt det der. .....about Life, the Universe, and such. All episodes originally from SirUgly1’s blog - and translatable on’s Leben, das Univers, und Alles. Alle Episoden kommt ursprünglich aus dem Blog von SirUgly1. Und alles kann über übersetzt werden. .....À propos de la vie, de l’univers et de tout ça. Tous les épisodes proviennent du blog de SirUgly1. Et tout peut être traduit via
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Bond-O-Rama Podcast


Podcasts and audio streams from James Bond•O•, the unofficial Danish 007 fan archive: ● English version: ● Facebook (Danish): ● Twitter (English): ● Vimeo (Danish/English):
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Nicole Due

BeltKomm is a virtual platform with a podcast series that seeks to highlight the opportunities the Fehmarnbelt-link between Denmark and Germany can bring. The podcast will include selected people from Denmark and Germany. This is both in relation to tying Denmark/Scandinavia, Germany and Europe closer together but also in relation to creating growth and regional development in the axis between Hamburg and Greater Copenhagen. My interview partners give their perspective on what opportunities ...
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Influential Japanese musician and designer Hiroshi Fujiwara talks about his work and the inspirations behind designs like the Beats Pill Speaker and Solo2 headphones. Hiroshi also gives a behind-the-scenes look at his new Beats x Fragment collection and take questions from the audience.
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En håndskreven note kan være begyndelsen på en bog, et teaterstykke eller en artikel. Noter er ofte Personlige, ufærdige og umiddelbare. I 'Notesbogen' lukker forfatter Tine Høeg, dramatiker Line Knutzon og kulturformidler Torben Sangild lytterne ind deres notesbøger. Hver uge taler de på skift med en gæst, der udfolder og udfordrer deres iagttagelser og undren. 'Notesbogen' er et program om samfund, kultur og alt det mellemmenneskelige, de tre værter hver især er optaget af.
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Soulsister Podcast

Soulsister Podcast

Transitioning from our teens to our twenties we sat on a mission to inspire our generation (and every awesome human inhibiting this Earth) to live a life of soul-alignment with themselves, each other and the Universe. What came out what this podcast! Inspired by our curiosity and passion for growing into a higher alignment, we bring you radical authentic, hearty and powerful conversations with guest who are not only f*cking amazing, talented and wise, but who are the SUPER SOULS of our life. ...
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GM Workshop

Jacob Sørensen

A nerdy production presents a podcast about being curious concerning gamemastering. We will talk with gamemasters both domestically and abroad, experienced and newcomers, and see if we can unearth some of the tacit knowledge out there – Knowledge which we could all benefit from.Kind regards, Jacob Sørensen).RPG, TTRPG, Roleplay
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Historier om verdensmålene sætter fokus på de 17 verdensmål for bæredygtig udvikling. Hver podcast udfoldes gennem oplæg af fagpersoner og eksperter. Oplæggene belyser problemstillingerne omkring det enkelte mål fra hhv. et globalt, europæisk og nationalt perspektiv
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SNYK radio

SNYK RADIO is a podcasting service produced by SNYK in Copenhagen. SNYK RADIO discovers the avant garde front in contemporary music and sound art in and from Denmark. Editor: Thorbjørn Tønder Hansen Deputy Editors: Lucia Odoom & Jan Stricker SNYK is the Danish national centre for contemporary, experimental music and sound art. On SNYK's website ( you can read about our projects and find information about the scene in Denmark. SNYK produces the annual Copenhagen festival Wundergru ...
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Et styk' med content

Thea Jepsen, Freja Eilertzen og Lærke Larsen

En podcast om de seneste trends inden for content marketing og sociale medier, fortalt af Freja Eilertzen, Thea Jepsen og Lærke Larsen. Følg os på @etstyks og deltag i snakken om de seneste eksempler på godt content eller højtbelagte content marketing kampagner. Tak for at du lytter med.
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A new way to understand design. ~ A multilingual design podcast - answering the big question: Who Is It For? Dansk og engelsk sproget podcast om design. Faktisk om alt slags design. Som navnet på podcasten angiver (Who Is It For? | Forstå design), så er hoved præmissen i podcasten at se på hvem man designer til og hvorfor man gør det. Der er fokus på alt fra grafisk design til byrumsdesign. Hvorfor skal vi have fokus på design? Hvorfor er det overhovedet vigtigt at være opmærksom på hvad der ...
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show series
Vi ved stadigvæk ikke hvorfor nogle af vores gamle afsnittet er forsvundet, men her har i endnu en klassiker! I dette afsnit fra sæson 4 har vi den australske popstjerne Holiday Sidewinder med som gæst for at snakke om Britney Spears, kun kort tid efter at hendes formynderskab blev ophævet. Husk at lytte med efter sidste sang, hvor du så kan høre v…
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What happens when a devoted monk falls in love with a woman? This moving story follows a monk who makes the life-altering decision to leave the monastery and follow his heart. Guided by love, he embarks on a transformative journey, discovering happiness and freedom in a world he never imagined. Now living as an artist, he channels his emotions and …
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Samme år som Ringenes Herre udsendte Astrid Lindgren sin første fantasy-bog Mio Min Mio. Og i 1987 blev den filmatiseret med Christian Bale som helt o g Christopher Lee som den onde ridder Kato. Julia og Jakob har genset den gamle film, som dengang blev sablet af kritikken, men er den virkelig så dårlig? Se mere om og Lindgrens fantasyverden i denn…
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In this episode of Experience Matters, host Steffen Souza Ric-Hansen welcomes Sille Stener, former SVP at SDC, and Lars Harder from Merkle for an insightful discussion on digital transformation in the financial services industry. They explore the current state of digitalization, leadership strategies, customer experience, and the role of partnershi…
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Meet Jesper Nygård, CEO of Realdania. Jesper has a distinguished leadership career in philanthropy, sustainability, and urban development. With a Master of Science in Governance from Roskilde University, his professional journey began in diverse roles, including substitute teacher, taxi driver, and mail worker. Early in his career, Jesper specializ…
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I vores podcast serie "Det tunge stedbarn: Heavy metal-genrens fødsel" fortælles om heavy metal.genrens fødsel i 1970, og genrens udvikling op gennem 70’erne: èt afsnit for hvert metal-år 1970 til 1979.Men hvem og hvad blev heavy metal- og hård rock-pionerer som Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin og Deep Purple selv inspireret af? Hvordan udviklede rockmu…
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Brian Iskov har fundet end et filmmesterværk (?) optaget i København. Denne gang med den danske superstjerne Birte Tove - men fra den periode, hvor hun arbejdede i Hong Kong for de berømte Shaw Brothers. Jakob og Brian har set filmen, som på dansk dvd mange år senere kom til at hedde Kineser på Sengekanten - for at lukrere 70'ernes Sengekant-filmen…
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Så byder vi velkommen til anden del af prologen til "Det Tunge Stedbarn - heavy metal genrens fødsel".En lydfortælling i elleve afsnit - fra undfangelsen af heavy metal i sen 60'erne til genrens fødsel og omflakkende opvækst i 70'erne.I denne del II af vores prolog, går vi tæt på den sidste del af 60'erne, hvor det for alvor begyndte at lyde hårdt …
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Pernille C. Lotus is the founder of Beyond Breath and former CEO of WeAreCube, one of the largest influencer agencies in the Nordics. After nine years of relentless work in the corporate world, Pernille took a step back to reflect on her path. Struggling with physical pain and feeling like a diminished version of herself—a stressed mother, a diseng…
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Meet Asbjørn Kastaniegaard. Asbjørn's career journey is truly remarkable. He began with nearly a decade in shipping at Maersk before transitioning to Bain & Company, where he spent ten years in various roles, ultimately becoming a partner. From there, he moved into the financial sector as Head of Long Term Equity Investments at Kirkbi for two years…
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The Three Ravens is an English myth and folklore podcast hosted by Eleanor Conlon and Martin Vaux.Each weekly episode focuses on one of England's 39 historic counties, exploring the history, folklore and traditions of the area, from ghosts and mermaids to mythical monsters, half-forgotten heroes, bloody legends, and much, much more.Then, and most i…
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_ _ _ _ _ _ En amerikansk actionkrimi optaget i København!? Ja, selvfølgelig! Jakob har besøg af Brian Iskov, som har forsket i baggrunden for filmen Hidden Fear, som instruktøren Andre de Toth (Kendt for House of Was med Vincent Price) optog i 1956. De har set filmen og fortæller om dens dramatiske handling og om København som eksotisk bagtæppe. L…
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“Jeg ville bare være ligesom dig." De ord blev livsforandrende for Ali Najei, der er årets første gæst hos The Life After. Ali har en fortid i bandemiljøet, og har tilbragt en stor del af sit liv bag tremmer. I dag har han vendt sit liv fuldstændigt rundt og dedikerer bl.a. sin tid til at hjælpe unge med at undgå de samme faldgruber. Det er en dybt…
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Et nyt år har indfundet sig, så naturligvis tager Indbegrebet Af et stort kig tilbage, og som altid starter vi med at snakke om vores yndlingssange fra det forgangne år. 2024 bød på masser af bangers, og du vil næppe bliver overrasket over at der er alt fra dreampop og slackerrock til eksperimenterende hiphop og frådende hardcore på vores lister. G…
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As the New Year approaches, join us on an inspiring journey into the heart of the Forbidden Kingdom—Lo Manthang, Upper Mustang. In this episode, we uncover timeless teachings from the Forbidden Lama, exploring how to cultivate true happiness and inner peace. Through centuries-old wisdom, discover how this hidden Himalayan treasure can guide you tow…
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Glædelig jul, allesammen! Som en ekstra lille julegave i år kommer her vores liveshow "Indbegrebet Af Præsenterer - Politiske Sange" optaget live på Frederiksberg Hovedbibliotek d. 3 december 2024. "Indbegrebet Af Præsenterer" er et lidt anderledes koncept hvor fokus er knap så meget på at finde en vindersang som det er på at få en god diskussion i…
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Discover how this dynamic Singaporean power couple is redefining true happiness! She thrives on continuous learning and personal development , while he finds inspiration through connecting with nature and embracing new life choices. Together, they forge a path of empowerment , balance , and authentic fulfillment. Subscribe now to gain insights, mot…
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Sæson 7 slutter af med et brag - Vi har fået dansk raps Ronaldinho, legenden USO til at være gæst i et afsnit om sin egen diskografi! I løbet af sin næsten 30-år lange karriere har USO gang på gang bevist sig som en af dansk hiphops helt store navne, og nu skal han, sammen med Andrew, Bjørn og John, forsøge at finde frem til det ene nummer der opsu…
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På et københavnsk forlag sad redaktionen angiveligt i foråret og diskuterede, om man kunne udgive russisk litteratur, mens Putins tropper smadrer løs i Ukraine. Så dumme behøver vi ikke at blive. Mere end nogensinde har vi brug at forstå, at Rusland er mere end Putin. Lad Lermontov, Pushkin, Tolstoj og Turgenev åbne dine øjne for et andet Rusland m…
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For 17 years, a yak herder has lived high in the mountains, embracing simplicity, health, and harmony with nature. In this episode, he shares profound insights into finding happiness through a life deeply connected to family and the natural world. 💡 In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How nature shapes happiness and well-being. The beauty of simplici…
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I denne episode af ’Experience Matters’ dykker vores vært, Steffen Souza, ned i Lemvigh-Müllers digitale transformation sammen med Frederik Aakerlund, CIO hos virksomheden. De diskuterer overgangen fra legacy-systemer til moderne teknologi og hvordan denne proces har fungeret som en vækstdriver for en af Danmarks største stål- og teknikgrossister. …
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