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Vi tror på at design kan være mere end bare smukt. Det kan få folk til at føle noget og det kan gøre en reel forskel. I podcasten udforsker vi alle aspekter ved det kæmpestore emne, som branding er. Vi dykker ned i idéer og projekter, taler med fagpersoner og virksomheder, og vi samler dem, som arbejder aktivt med design og branding hver dag, og som ikke mindst har stærke holdninger til emnet. Podcast host: Kristina May / CEO AM Copenhagen
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Anders Colding-Jørgensen

Podcasten der handler om dig! Vaneinstituttet giver dig psykologisk viden om din adfærd og dine vaner og mange værktøjer du kan gå ud og bruge med det samme. Det er psykologi, viden og selvhjælp - præsenteret på en letforståelig og spændende måde af adfærdspsykolog Anders Colding-Jørgensen.
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Intro: "Welcome to THE DOCTIRNE OF HAPPINESS! I’m NATASHA LAJEVADRI, on a global journey to uncover what it really means to live in happiness, empowerment, and authenticity across all areas of life - both in business and in private moments. From vibrant cities to remote sanctuaries, I’m meeting people from diverse backgrounds to explore how culture, beliefs, spirituality, gender diversity, and even sexuality shape their understanding of fulfillment & happiness. Together, we’ll dive into the ...
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Podcast-serien Lægens ord... er speciallæge og forfatter Imran Rashid's forsøg på at forstå og bearbejde verdens tilstand lige nu i samtale med en lang række mennesker, der har noget på hjerne - og noget på hjerte. Alle samtalerne er optaget midt i Corona-krisen, der jo har vendt op og ned på alt, hvad vi kender til. Gæsternes forskellige faglige og personlige baggrunde skaber dermed mulighed for at få et bredt perspektiv på såvel forandringerne i verden omkring os - og verden indeni os. Der ...
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show series
Velkommen til en særlig episode af Design Kan, hvor vi udforsker musikkens rolle som designredskab. Musik er ikke blot en kunstform – den er et værktøj til at forme stemninger, understøtte fortællinger og skabe identitet. Men hvordan designer man egentlig lyd? Hvad skal der til for at skabe den perfekte musikalske kulisse til en film, en tv-serie e…
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"Jeg elsker bare chokolade, og kan ikke lade være med at spise det! Sådan siger vi somme tider til os selv - og andre. Vi fortæller om vores ulykkelige forelskelse i noget som vi synes smager eller virker fantastisk - og om at det er meget svært for os at lade være. Men hvilken betydning har det egentlig at vi går og gentager den påstand for os sel…
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Velkommen til 3. afsnit af vores serie Design Kan "Tæt på" Vi udforsker essensen af det at være designer – det kreative, det menneskelige, følelserne, usikkerheden og alt det, der følger med. Værterne Kristina May og Tobias Røder deler deres personlige perspektiver på livet som designer, om tvivlens rolle i den kreative proces og glæden ved at skab…
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Design Kan - Portræt: Jacob Jensen A/S Gæst: Thomas Bennedsen Vi tager fat på design-arven fra Jacob Jensen og undersøger, hvordan brand'et holder sig relevant og i stadig udvikling. Hvordan balancerer man tradition og innovation, som er afgørende for at engagere både loyale og nye målgrupper? "Our legacy is not our destination," siger dagens gæst,…
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Spiser du slik fordi du kan lide det - eller kan du i virkeligheden lide slik, fordi du spiser det? Hvad er konsekvensen hvis vi begynder at se helt anderledes på hvordan vores vaner påvirker os? I denne lektion deler jeg to observationer fra mit eget liv, som måske er gyldige for dig også. De sætter spørgsmålstegn ved den gængse måde at se lyst, t…
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Velkommen til 2. afsnit af vores nye episoderække "Tæt på". Vi udforsker essensen af det at være designer – det kreative, det menneskelige, følelserne, usikkerheden og alt det, der følger med. Værterne Kristina May og Tobias Røder deler deres personlige perspektiver på livet som designer, om tvivlens rolle i den kreative proces og glæden ved at ska…
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What happens when a devoted monk falls in love with a woman? This moving story follows a monk who makes the life-altering decision to leave the monastery and follow his heart. Guided by love, he embarks on a transformative journey, discovering happiness and freedom in a world he never imagined. Now living as an artist, he channels his emotions and …
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Design Kan & Cultivate Today Kunstens og kulturens kraft i klimakrisen Hvordan kan kunst, design og kultur påvirke vores beslutninger og handlinger i forhold til klimaet? Vi undersøger, hvordan kulturen kan være en drivkraft for forandring og ændre adfærd gennem konkrete eksempler. Kristina May og Mads Kjøller Damkjær (stifter af kulturinstitutione…
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Design kan bringe naturen tæt på mennesker I dette inspirerende afsnit af 'Design Kan' dykker vi ned i, hvordan design kan bringe naturen tættere på mennesket. Vi møder landskabsarkitekt og grundlægger af Opland, Peter Juhl, og hans samarbejdspartner Jakob Kristensen fra Grøn Vækst, der begge arbejder for at skabe bæredygtige og biodiverse landskab…
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Design Kan være rummelighed I denne episode af Design Kan dykker vi ned i temaet “rummelighed” og besøger NORR11’s showroom på Østergade 17 i København, som kunstner Simon Ganshorn har forvandlet til et levende værksted. Vi udforsker det unikke samarbejde mellem Ganshorn og NORR11, som opstod ud af et tilfældigt møde imellem NORR11’s Chief Commerci…
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Design Kan & Cultivate Today “Klimakrisen og den indre skaberkraft” Kristina May og Mads Kjøller Damkjær (stifter af kulturinstitutionen Cultivate Today) er aftenens værter i denne første af to episoder omhandlende kunst og klima. Sammen med vores gæster Anders Morgenthaler og Amanda Betz udforskes, om klimakrisen gør noget ved den indre skaberkraf…
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Hvordan sover du om natten? Hvis du har problemer med at sove, holder du måske dig selv vågen. Men hvad handler det om? Og hvad kan du gøre ved det? Denne lektion er især til dig som kæmper med dine søvnvaner og ligger vågen. når andre sover. Men andre må gerne lytte med. Den handler om adrenalin, tankemylder og godnathistorier og giver dig tre måd…
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As the New Year approaches, join us on an inspiring journey into the heart of the Forbidden Kingdom—Lo Manthang, Upper Mustang. In this episode, we uncover timeless teachings from the Forbidden Lama, exploring how to cultivate true happiness and inner peace. Through centuries-old wisdom, discover how this hidden Himalayan treasure can guide you tow…
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Dette afsnit markerer starten på vores nye specialserie, Tæt på, hvor vi udforsker essensen af det at være designer – det kreative, det menneskelige, følelserne, usikkerheden og alt det, der følger med. I denne første episode deler værterne Kristina May og Tobias Røder deres personlige perspektiver på livet som designer. Kristina og Tobias taler om…
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Discover how this dynamic Singaporean power couple is redefining true happiness! She thrives on continuous learning and personal development , while he finds inspiration through connecting with nature and embracing new life choices. Together, they forge a path of empowerment , balance , and authentic fulfillment. Subscribe now to gain insights, mot…
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Joining us in the studio today, straight from the stage of the Common Ground Symposium, is British industrial designer Tej Chauhan. Tej's focus is on creating connection, driven by an interest in engaging a broad audience, regardless of brand position or product sector. His multi-award-winning practice was established in London in 2005, during whic…
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For 17 years, a yak herder has lived high in the mountains, embracing simplicity, health, and harmony with nature. In this episode, he shares profound insights into finding happiness through a life deeply connected to family and the natural world. 💡 In This Episode, You’ll Discover: How nature shapes happiness and well-being. The beauty of simplici…
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Swedish designer Monica Förster is renowned for her innovative and forward-thinking approach to design. We were delighted that she found time in her busy schedule to stop by our floating podcast studio. Monica's work spans various fields including furniture, industrial design and home accessories, and she is celebrated for her ability to combine tr…
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In this exciting episode, we delve deep into the heart of Nepal to explore the essence of happiness. From the ancient traditions of giving and receiving to the art of creating happiness, this episode brings together inspiring stories, cultural insights, and delicious culinary experiences. Key Highlights The Art of Giving, Receiving, and Creating Ha…
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In this episode, we introduce Mahesh, head of our Indian office, who shares his extensive experience in the design industry in India. Mahesh talks about the challenges and opportunities that come with navigating the Indian market and how working with the Danish team has been a great advantage. We dive into his journey from working in one of the fir…
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🌟 Welcome to The Doctrine of Happiness! 🌟 In this enlightening episode, Natasha Lajevardi interviews the incredible Elora Nature—an author, creative alchemist, and book doula—on her perspectives about happiness, fulfillment, and empowerment through storytelling and creativity. From her deep connection to nature to her process of helping others turn…
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With: Alfredo Häberli, Luca Nichetto, Michael Anastassiades This afternoon, three gentlemen arrive at our floating podcast studio. They are all industry icons, masters of the art of design, and have been for many years. Together with star designers Luca Nichetto, Alfredo Häberli and Michael Anastassiades, our host Kristina May will explore what 'go…
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Er dine vaner noget du gør - eller er de bare noget automatisk, der sker for dig? Denne lektion undersøger det frie valg. Det er en lektion som kommer forbi et middagsselskab, Imran Rashid, prostitution og et par døde filosoffer, inden den lander i sofaen hos Maria, som ikke kan lade være med at spise slik. Du hører hvorfor du aldrig nogen sinde ka…
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PART 29 BOOK 3 part 1- CHAPTER 4 THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND BACK TO AARHUS A NEW CHAPTER Being the CEO of an Owner-Manager is one of the hardest tasks I have ever had, as you often work with a creative owner who cannot “See” clearly. But having to be the CEO of one’s Future husband - phew. The thought scared me, and in a meeting before he was due to b…
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THE WAY FORWARD - PART 2 CAMINO !n! ABOUT - February 2019 During the Time I took clients on a course, I sent many on the Camino Frances. It was my own dream to get there one day, where I could unplug and get away for as many weeks as it takes to walk an entire Camino. I got the Opportunity in 2019, and it is a journey I shall NEVER forget. You will…
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PART 27 BOOK 3 part 1- CHAPTER 2 NEW CHAPTER - NEW WAY The day I moved to Nyborg, my father did not get up. He could not say goodbye to me. He could not Comprehend that I wanted to move, and he knew I would Prob(Ably) never come back again. It was a Strange Experience, but I knew the man and the Way he could not Handle Emotions, so... on with me to…
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PART 28 BOOK 3 part 1- CHAPTER 3 THE DIVORCE THAT LED TO THE PANDORA’S BOX OF MY FEMININITY My divorce from my first Danish husband in 2010 became a catalyst for fully finding my Balance - and for more than a decade with research and geekery, ending up with a Theory, a couple of Laws and 6 Hypotheses, which later Created an Algorithm and Tools for …
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PART 32 BOOK 3 part 2- CHAPTER 7 28th - 30th SEPTEMBER 2021 - BIARRITZ COINCIDENCE(ABILITY) NATASHA: With a heavy heart, where everything hurts to say goodbye to the children, we start the journey from Aarhus to Biarritz. The journey here went, as you now travel during the “Corona Time” - Everything has Changed, and it is all new in the old Way. I …
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PART 31 BOOK 3 part 2- CHAPTER 6 BLOG CAMINO FRANCES The upcoming blog is written by my husband and me during his Camino. I have linked some Hypotheses into our Conversations on the Way as we walked, to Create some examples of how they can be put into Perspective. Today, March 16, 2023, I have walked over 7 Caminos and over 7,000 km. since my first…
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GLOSSARY This is a glossary with an explanation of the words in the book, where I have chosen to deliberately capitalize their initial letters, and how I interpret them in their Context of Understanding. The Wordings in the book are untraditional and appeal to your personal Understanding and thus your Perspective. The glossary cannot be used for th…
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PART 34 BOOK 3 part 2- CHAPTER 8 WHEN LIFE PLAYS A TRICK - MARCH 2023 If you start buying new ingredients that are Organic, and want to Change your entire diet, it is no use having your whole cupboard filled with old items that you no longer want to eat. So we have to clean up the cupboards completely, even if it would cost us getting rid of some t…
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What I have realized today, but which is certainly also Vari(Able) and Changes with Time, is: We are here to be Developing Happy People. Not just a Scientific Man, not just a Spiritual Man, not just a religious man, not just a Feminine or Masculine human being, but SIMPLY A HAPPY PERSON IN DEVELOPMENT. We are not our stories, what the norms, societ…
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CHAPTER 12 BASIS EQ TEST - METHODOLOGY BASIC TEST AND EXERCISE Here you get the Possibility to make your own basic EQ Analysis & Test. If you are trained as a kind of therapist, it will be easier for you to read the result. However, I have to point Out that to get the best Understanding you should have someone help you through the process, who is c…
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CAMINO !n! ABOUT STORYTELLING FOR THE GREATEST THINKERS THE WAY FORWARD - PART 1 CHAPTER 1 Camino means “Way” in Spanish. In this book I shall start by telling you a little about my Way in Life, from the day I was born until now. The Book will end with a couple of prospectuses. They are examples and show how I today use the entire Knowledge you are…
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Carsten afbryder andre. Og det vil han gerne lære at lade være med. Men er det overhovedet en vane? Hvordan tager man fat i den? Og hvordan ligner den andre vaner? I denne episode tager vi fat i en case, hvor jeg har haft én samtale med en af jer lyttere- Og har fået lov at bruge den som oplæg til en episode. Den handler om at give slip - og så han…
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Design Can Dream - Crafting Conscious Solutions With: Ineke Hans If you're curious about why sustainability designer Ineke Hans finds significance in a fairy tale about a king who introduces an elephant to the land of the blind, you won't want to miss this. Ahead of her participation in the Common Ground symposium, which centered on creating consci…
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Design Kan – Portræt af Yvonne Koné Hun kan virkelig noget med accessories! Hendes stiletter og støvler er kendt for at være både smukke og behagelige. Og i en lang række år – faktisk mere end årti – har hendes ikoniske oversize læder bumbags været synlige i det offentlige rum – fast placeret på skuldrene af danske og internationale kvinder. Yvonne…
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Design Can Dream - Portrait Francisco Gomez Paz Francisco Gomez Paz's childhood dream was to invent things. As a dyslexic, he struggled at school and therefore decided to enter the "world of objects"; a personal space where he could let his imagination run free. Little did he know that he would become a renowned designer, known and recognised for h…
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"I am sorry Dave - I am afraid I can't do that" (HAL 9000 - Rumrejsen år 2001) Vaneinstituttet er tilbage fra ferie og rektor har siddet i vandkanten og kigget ud i fremtiden. Og når man arbejder med vaner, så indebærer fremtiden kunstig intelligens. Hvad enten man kan lide det eller ej. Hør hvorfor ingen bør bruge AI til terapi - og hvorfor vi vil…
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Designere Kan lave grafisk design Velkommen til et særafsnit af Design Kan. I et fire-episode langt samarbejde med Det Kongelige Akademi udforsker vi de krydsende veje mellem forskellige generationer af designere. Hvad sker der, når erfarne mestre i faget mødes med unge, nysgerrige sind og hvordan kan designernes perspektiver, erfaringer og visione…
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CHAPTER 4 CONSCIOUSNESSES WITH DIVERGENT ABILITIES CREATE NEW SYSTEMS CONFLICTS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR A PHASE OUT OR A DEVELOPMENT. If a Condition of Chaos is long-term without bringing a Solution - an agreement in its Duality, where it is Able to hit the Zero Point, and where it can achieve its turn-around / turning point, - then the Condition will…
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We are thrilled to present to you Book 1 in a series of 4 captivating Books. As you embark on this literary journey, we highly recommend reading the books in sequence to fully immerse yourself in the unfolding narrative of happiness. We wish you a delightful and enriching reading experience. May these pages be both enjoyable and enlightening as you…
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WHOLENESSES & UNITS CONSCIOUSNESS AND CONSCIOUSNESS ABILITIES - FORMS OF INTELLIGENCES Collective and Individual Consciousness When we speak about a Unit, then we speak about a Consciousness with a single system - you or me, who have an own personal system with our Thoughts, our Physical Condition, our Forms of Intelligences, our Dynamic Intuition …
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TOTALITARIAN WORLD Could we then say - just for now - that “right” and “wrong” do not exist, only the line in between? We live in a world consisting of many totalitarian countries, where we move towards a more “Dualitarian” world, which is our keystone, and which our Naturo emanates from, - our Physical basic element emanates from the Dualities - t…
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SEP. 2018 RISSKOV DOWN TO THE DEPTHS Down to the depths which we human beings even today still do not Understand! Silence spreads here in the office late in the evening, and I have not yet been Able to stop Time nor find the Time, so that together we can write to you. Every day, since you left us in May, I have been Thinking of writing a few words …
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ADJUSTMENT TOOLS PART 1 Isn’t funny, how I have used my Logical Abilities, my Operational Abilities and the Experiences of my Organic Instincts to Develop a Theory, a Methodology and an Algorithm to Handle the Emotional Conditions in order to Develop our EQ? Let us dive into what the Operational world and the Emotional world may offer here, more Co…
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ANXIETY, CONTROL AND CONDEMNATION KILL YOUR CURIOSITY When we use only one of our Intelligences - our Organic Instinctive Intellect, - Why is it then so difficult to Balance and live in ease with the Quality we desire? Those of us who Judge - Are those of us who do not Understand. To assess is not to judge. To judge is when we personally make thing…
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