Punto de encuentro con la Sabiduría, en búsqueda del conocimiento. Gnosis : www.gnosisargentina.org.ar / www.gnosistv.com.ar
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We talk about Gnosticism, esoteric religion, the occult, and more each week.
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Free lectures on spirituality, religion, mysticism, meditation, psychology, kabbalah, alchemy, tantra, sacred sexuality, runes, dreams, astral projection, kundalini, yoga, the Bible, and more. From the Gnostic Academy of Chicago, a non-profit organization.
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I am on a mission to find healers of the world that are working in alignment with the lineages and traditions in which they carry medicine. I want to share their stories of awakening and becoming as well as exploring how they are interpreting these remarkable times that we find ourselves in.
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este podcast esta diseñado con intention de dar a conocer todo lo referente al conocimiento Gnóstico del V.M. Maestro Samel Aun Weor, V.M. Lashmi y el V.M. Kwen Khan.
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La vía al conocimiento.
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Bine ați venit la podcastul Gnosis Arcana, care explorează rădăcinile și cele mai ascunse cotloane ale religiei, magiei și spiritualității. Vom discuta subiecte ce țin de istoria creștină și începuturile acesteia, de credințele și practicile diferitelor secte ale Antichității, fie că vorbim de secte creștine, gnostice sau iudaice, dar și de practicile magice din Antichitate și Evul Mediu. Vom căuta să pășim pe cărarea diverselor curente ezoterice, vom discuta ideile din Kabbalah, Neo-platoni ...
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Rather than avoiding the more out-there topics because they’re too “woo woo”, podcast host, Sarah Brown, seeks to obtain gnosis, the knowledge of spiritual mysteries, through analysis of personal experiences and anecdotes from guest hosts. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/gnosis-sarah-brown/support
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Gnosis of the Body, where we explore embodied wisdom in healing the mind body split through personal stories. Using Archetypal Symbolism, Jungian analytical psychology, & spirituality we examine the mind body connection, how the body tells us about our subconscious, examine mystical experiences from body based spiritual practices and psychedelics, and how the body serves as a vessel for spiritual awakenings bringing therapeutic benefit.
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The year is 2030 CE. The Earth faces tensions in the realms of the mundane and the supernatural. Organizations and individuals have answered the call to keep the balance of their world safe by preventing extremists, imperialists, and abominations from throwing the world into chaos. Follow Fei, an advanced form of jiangshi, and Riz, a werehorse vigilante, as they face a world of conflict waged by those who seek the ruin of all.
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This is my personal testimony about Gnosis and how it helped me in my life and how I have struggled for years before I really understood what first hand experience means and why it is so important to practice and not just reading books. Obviously I have a long road ahead but I do think by sharing it anonymously it might help someone else who has been struggling as I do and this can count as a little effort from my side to do sacrifice for humanity or practice the third factor in gnostic lang ...
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We live in a world of gnosis deferred. We have come to a point in our societal evolution where self-awareness and existential cognizance are scarce; and now more then ever, we are desperately struggling to reconcile the ethical, moral, political, and religious shortcomings of our global zeitgeist. The primary purpose of the Deferred Gnosis podcast is to bring together contrasting perspectives sourced directly from the fringe in order to deconstruct the preconceptions of our culture through t ...
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Welcome to a podcast where you will get to listen to Gnostic books written by V.M. Michael, V.M. Samael Aun Weor, V.M. Lakshmi in different languages. With a nice background sound, you can enjoy listening to their various amazing works that are out there for our development and improvement. For seen the videos and pictures in the chapters, please, visit our youtube channel with the same name above or through the link further down ;) This is how the different languanges are divided: 1. Englis ...
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Spiritual Nights and Gnostic Soteriology in Fidelio (Act II)
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1:26:43Every disciple of the straight and narrow way that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14) must inevitably experience the afflictive consequences of their former actions. The question becomes if they do so with resignation, acceptance, and perseverance, so that by consciously and patiently paying what one owes before the divine law, spiritual debts are rec…
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David Pantano discusses his book “Alchemical Hermeticism: The Secret Teachings of Marco Daffi” with Talk Gnosis. Daffi, born as Baron Ricciardo Ricciardelli in 1900 in Naples, developed a profound system of spiritual transformation after confronting his own psychological imbalances. Daffi’s alchemical hermeticism offers an approach to inner transfo…
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Human Beings are a Custodial Species - an interview with Vanessa Lightbody.
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1:01:43In this episode of Healers of the World, Robyn engages in a profound conversation with Vanessa Lightbody, a non-binary African indigenous murathi (soothsayer), memory keeper and spirit-medium. They explore Vanessa's journey of awakening, her connection to ancestral wisdom, and the significance of the Akashic records. The discussion delves into the …
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Theophany and Spiritual Descent in Fidelio (Act I)
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1:19:46Disguised as Fidelio, a male prison guard, Leonora seeks access to her incarcerated husband's secret cell in the effort of freeing him. Like other metaphors in religion, the gnostic mythos describes the descent of divine light into the prison of the mind, seeking to liberate and elevate Pistis Sophia (the revolutionary consciousness) back to her ri…
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Talk Gnosis welcomes back Dr. Shirley Paulson to discuss her new FREE course on the Nag Hammadi and related texts. Dive into how these texts portray Jesus as a teacher and healer rather than a sacrifice, celebrate divine feminine figures like Mary Magdalene and Sophia, and offers seekers mystical, but practical wisdom, for navigating the world we l…
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We’re pretty sure this is our first show where the topic of God’s penis comes up a number of times! Talk Gnosis dives deep into the intersection of Jewish mysticism and sacred sexuality with Dr. Marla Segol, author of “Kabbalah and Sex Magic: A Mythical Ritual Genealogy.” From ancient texts describing God’s body to medieval mystical practices to mo…
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The Secret Path of Initiation 06 The Venustic Initiations
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1:12:51Mastery is not the end of spiritual development, for while an individual can acquire, cultivate, and express their soul in this physical world, such a laudable achievement does not signify perfection in mastery. While many masters exist in Nirvana, heaven, or bliss, few are willing to renounce their happiness, return to this physical world, and gui…
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Karma, Archons, Aeons, the Demiurge, and Salvation in Beethoven's Fidelio
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1:18:32Beethoven's only opera encodes tremendous metaphysical truths gleaned from his own inner spiritual development on the initiatic path. What is more remarkable is that he conveyed gnostic principles on the demiurge, archons, aeons, and redemption without physical access to classical gnostic texts. This is because as a master of meditation, he was pri…
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We’re starting an exciting new series here on Talk Gnosis: We’re now going to have regular episodes where Jason and Jon dive deep into what it means to engage with Gnosticism. There will be researched installments about key Gnostic concepts from history, as well as shows looking at Gnosticism in our present time. This is all starting with this ep, …
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Spiritual Awakening | Chakras Are Good, But Not Everything: Spiritual Empowerment on the Path of Sanctity
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1:21:30"For every step that we take in the development of our occult powers, we must take a thousand steps on the path of sanctity." —Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries While New Age doctrines fixate upon awakening psychic powers, what many so-called "spiritual" advocates fail to recognize is the greater need for moral character. The acquisition of myst…
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Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are pivotal pieces of English literature…and they’re Gnostic?! Yes, claims Dr. Paul Robertson in his paper with Gabrielle Scott titled “Gnostic Thought in Milton’s Paradise Lost: Descent, Creation, Materialism, and the Eve-Sophia Parallel.” Paul guests on Talk Gnosis to drop this epic discovery about these epic p…
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Cosmologia ezoterică a lui Rudolf Steiner | Podcast
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43:50În episodul de astăzi am ales să prezint cele mai importante idei din cartea Creștinismul Esoteric a lui Rudolf Steiner, care în engleză a apărut sub titlul An Esoteric Cosmology. Am ales această lucrare deoarece poate fi o bună introducere în cosmologia și gândirea unui ocultist care nu mai are nevoie de nicio prezentare. În această lucrare Steine…
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Spiritual Awakening | Inspiration, Aspiration, Expiration, Respiration: The Power of Breath and Sacred Sexuality
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1:13:54Every New Year brings about its impending challenges, conflicts, ordeals, and sufferings. Likewise, there is hope for rejuvenation and a revitalization of purpose despite the debts and psychological baggage of the past. For meditators, every effort to empower our spirituality promises the blossoming of divine potential and the hope for a spiritual …
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Introduction to Gnostic Studies | Cultivating an Effective Spiritual Practice
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1:16:51New guest lecturer! Many people often turn to spiritual practice when dissatisfied and disillusioned by materialism. However, they may not know where to start when confronted with the abundance of information out there, or, after practicing for some time, do not get the results they hoped for. In this lecture, we will discuss the fundamental factor…
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Francmasonerie și rosacrucianism | Podcast
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12:20În episodul de astăzi am vorbit despre legătura dintre Francmasonerie și Rosacrucianism. Am făcut referire la câteva personalități și informații care par a fi puncte de legătură verificabile între cele două sisteme inițiatice. Există zeci de teorii cu privire la relația dintre acestea, la vechimea și la originea lor, însă de multe ori informațiile …
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In our special Talk Gnosis Christmas Special for 2024, our panel of superstars Nic Laccetti, Joanne Leone, and hosts Jason and Jon tackle Christmas through a uniquely Gnostic perspective, uncovering how early Christians encoded anti-imperial messages within the Nativity story while examining the complex interplay between Christian and pagan winter …
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Kamaduro and Karmasaya in La Bohème (Acts III and IV)
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1:21:58Karma is the law of cause and effect within every dimension of nature. However, while people study this divine law within diverse religious and philosophical traditions, they often ignore how our common use of sexual energy determines many deleterious outcomes for ourselves within the domains of life, society, profession, relationships, and spiritu…
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Coming Home to the Body: Being Called Back into Yourself
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47:45"That quiet little voice that comes as a feeling....Yoga helps us inhabit that space of our body where lots of information exists" Alex Amorosi Dropping into Yourself at Time of Crisis: Stories of how and why we get drawn into our body and to retreat from the world at times of crisis and flux in our lives. We explore healing of burn out, grief & mo…
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The Story the Body Tells: Letting the bad stuff go.
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42:09"Your subconscious mind is telling its story through the body, through your posture, through the body sensations. There's a lot of ways that the subconscious expresses through the body, but because it's subconscious, you can't necessarily put that masculine and rational mind on it" -Alex Amorosi Second half of the discussion between Alex Amorosi an…
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Marguerite Rigoglioso, scholar, spiritual teacher, and author, guests on Talk Gnosis to take us into the life and spiritual significance of Mother Mary. Marguerite shares insights from her new book, “The Secret Life of Mother Mary: Divine Feminine Power for Personal Healing and Planetary Awakening.”The conversation covers Marguerite’s own spiritual…
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În episodul de astăzi am vorbit despre modul în care șarpele din Geneză era văzut de către gnostici, dar și despre legătura sa cu Demiurgul. Pentru aceștia șarpele nu era simbolul răului, ci entitatea care a încercat să le deschidă ochii primilor oameni, un principiu spiritual menit a aduce iluminarea și evadarea din lumea Demiurgului. Astfel de id…
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Love and Adultery in La Bohème (Act II)
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1:24:17Act II builds on the suspense and burgeoning relationship between Rodolfo and Mimi, newfound neighbors and bohemian lovers in the Latin quarter of Paris. Their spark of divine love is juxtaposed with the contrasting passion and suffering of Marcello and Musetta, the latter whose adulterous liaison serves as the locus of lustful competition, jealous…
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It’s our fav returning guest….Deacon Jon. Plus, Jason has guest host Nic Laccetti back to grill this guy. Jon shares insights from his recent academic paper exploring the intersections between ancient Gnostic theology, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and critical theory. The discussion delves into how these three distinct frameworks offer complementary pe…
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În episodul de astăzi vom arunca o privire asupra magiei și a semnificației pe care aceasta o avea pentru diverse popoare din timpurile antice. Ne vom referi la popoarele din Mesopotamia, Egipt, Iudea-Palestina și Grecia. Vom oferi exemple de practici magice, obiceiuri și obiecte folosite pentru a ne da seama cum era acest fenomen văzut în acele ti…
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Bine ați venit la podcastul Gnosis Arcana! Aceasta este o introducere pentru a vă familiariza cu podcastul și cu temele care urmează să fie prezentate aici. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gnosisarcana/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gnosisa…
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Lust and Fornication in La Bohème (Act I)
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1:19:28While revered throughout the world for its impassioned arias and romantic motifs, La Bohème conveys troubling messages regarding the nature and trajectory of modern living, particularly concerning sexual relations. Discover how Puccini, a Masonic initiate, encoded within his supercilious and compulsive characters a profound warning to those who wou…
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Talk Gnosis interviews Terry Robinson and Puka from the Mage podcast about their recent episode exploring Gnosticism through the lens of the role-playing game Mage: The Ascension. The discussion goes into how role-playing games can serve as gateways to understanding complex philosophical and spiritual traditions, with both hosts sharing how games l…
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Season 2: Chapter 4: The Huntress Strikes
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19:49Continuing from Chapter 3, the story intensifies as Fei and her allies confront a relentless bounty huntress in a gripping battle brought to life through the audio drama medium. Discover the twists and turns in this thrilling chapter of "The Huntress Strikes!" Featuring: Hi Nay, a supernatural horror fiction podcast with a Filipina protagonist, ric…
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The Secret Path of Initiation 05 The Major Mysteries
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1:19:36After demonstrating maturity, ethics, and integrity in the probationary path, candidates of initiation are granted the opportunity to advance in greater degrees of spiritual development. Through a perfect matrimony, a couple can strive, overcome, and develop themselves in the beginning stages of mastery. See how through its moral, psychological, an…
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The Secret Teachings of Opera | Alchemy, Kabbalah, Tarot, and Psychology in La Bohème
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1:29:05While alchemy, kabbalah, tarot, and psychology have developed as distinct traditions throughout history, they share profound roots within the esoteric mystery schools of antiquity. Rather than forming a new age hodgepodge or vague constellation of disparate belief systems, these principles convey the multifaceted nature of spiritual practice and di…
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Showcasing 4 of Mathew Curran's short stories from the Project Gnosis Universe! Voiced by familiar talent from the series. It's that perfectly spoooky time of year, so why don't we all settle in as Mr. Graves (performed by Ryan Joseph Murphy) from Your Horror Show guides us through a set of spooky monologues from creators and performers throughout …
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Join us this Halloween for our second All Hallow’s bonus show as we take a deep dive into the hidden occult symbolism of Hammer’s 1958 classic “Dracula” with M.R. Osborne. In this special episode, we explore how this awesome horror film contains layers of esoteric meaning that most viewers have missed for decades.Osborne reveals how the film’s icon…
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Dr. David Goodin has arisen once again to join us for a Halloween show. In an age where vampire mythology permeates popular culture, Goodin’s new article “WHAT WE [ACTUALLY] DO IN THE SHADOWS: Vampires in Orthodox Christianity through the lens of Kostova’s The Historian” explores the complex relationship between Orthodox Christianity and vampire fo…
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Make sure you check out Part 1 of this topic at https://pod.link/845230843/episode/d9d2540d29bb691ffe013116420423baWe’re back with M.R. Osbourne to talk about the profound mysteries and codes hidden in a William Blake painting and what it has to do with a cobbler who changed history. Jakob Böhme, a 16th-century German mystic and cobbler, developed …
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Learn and celebrate how one individual changed the world. References from Glorian Publishing Who is Samael Aun Weor? (Articles and Resources) Samael: The Fifth Angel (Course) Get Spiritual Strength Through Blessed Food and Drink: Have Eucharist at HomeAf The Gnostic Academy of Chicago
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To Thine Own Self Be True 10 Master Your True Self
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1:19:18All of the principles outlined in this course point towards a specific goal: divine realization upon the inner path of spiritual initiation. By mastering our psychology, sexuality, and sufferings in daily life, we become radically distinct individuals characterized by the highest ideals, embodied by humanity's greatest luminaries and prophets. This…
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