All the episodes, saved for latr.
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Stories about people transforming themselves from an unconscious to a conscious life. People who have dared to live out their dreams. Going against all odds and expectations from others. Talks about spirituality in a fact based world. People sharing their life experience, pains and gains, which you will be able to reflect on and reason with. Or the time after the world was put on hold. Everything is about inspiration and insights from other people's life journeys It will be conversations abo ...
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Why do cats like fish but hate water, when fish live in water? With Professor Elemental | Radio Nonsense: A Comedy Club 4 Kids podcast
Copyright Comedy Club 4 Kids LtdAf
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The Three Ravens is an English myth and folklore podcast hosted by Eleanor Conlon and Martin Vaux.Each weekly episode focuses on one of England's 39 historic counties, exploring the history, folklore and traditions of the area, from ghosts and mermaids to mythical monsters, half-forgotten heroes, bloody legends, and much, much more.Then, and most i…
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“Jeg ville bare være ligesom dig." De ord blev livsforandrende for Ali Najei, der er årets første gæst hos The Life After. Ali har en fortid i bandemiljøet, og har tilbragt en stor del af sit liv bag tremmer. I dag har han vendt sit liv fuldstændigt rundt og dedikerer bl.a. sin tid til at hjælpe unge med at undgå de samme faldgruber. Det er en dybt…
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Ep.310 – New Year's Evil - A Paranormal Thriller from the Case Files of Caroline Quinn Download episode Share ShareAf
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Das Berlin der 20er Jahre, ein bebendes Zentrum des Okkultismus: Ominöse Bruderschaften, Schamanen, messianische Prediger und Monstren aller Art beleben seine Straßen. Und einer verkörpert diese Stadt wie kein zweiter: Horror-Autor Ewald Heine.Af
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Paris, 1883: Die junge, zur Kränklichkeit neigende Isabelle, reist zur Kur auf ein abgelegenes Schloss. Und plötzlich lassen fiebrige Träume die Grenzen zwischen Realität und Einbildung verschwimmen. Basierend auf "Le Horla" von Guy de Maupassant.Af
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Daniel and Kelly talk about why we listen to the skies, the amazing WOW signal and a recent theory for what it means.Af
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For more than half a century, one organisation has been cataloguing all of life’s superlatives. But has it gone from being about the pursuit of knowledge to simply another big business?Af
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Drei Jahre im Eismeer sind vorübergegangen. Nun soll das Schiff kommen, das einen von ihnen wieder zurück in die Heimat bringt. Diesmal ist Gregor an der Reihe. Aber seine ungeduldige Vorfreude auf die Heimreise überträgt sich als wachsende Unruhe auf Knuth, den Jüngsten. Alle Beherrschung verlierend, fleht er Gregor an, ihn statt seiner nach Hause…
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An Bord der US-Raumfähre "Challenger" startet am 30. Oktober 1985 Reinhard Furrer als Wissenschaftsastronaut ins All. Der Flug dauert 7 Tage, 44 Minuten und 51 Sekunden. Seine Eindrücke spricht Furrer in ein Diktafon. Während der Startvorbereitungen noch professionell und abgeklärt, wird Furrer mehr und mehr von der Kraft der Unternehmung ergriffen…
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Während in der lichtlosen Unterstadt die Arbeiter wie Sklaven hausen, lebt die Gesellschaft der Oberstadt in einer Welt des Luxus. Herr über Menschen und Maschinen ist Fredersen, das "Hirn von Metropolis". Seine Gegenspielerin ist Maria, "die Heilige der Unterdrückten". Freder, der blonde Sohn des Herrschers, verliebt sich in sie und folgt ihr in d…
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Ben Reich, Leiter eines interplanetaren Wirtschaftsimperiums, wird von seinem einzigen Konkurrenten in die Enge getrieben und sieht nur eine Alternative: Mord. Ein schwieriges Unterfangen, da zur Verbrechensbekämpfung Gedankenleser eingesetzt werden, die mittels Telepathie jeden Plan schon im Entstehen aufdecken können. Und als Strafe droht die Dem…
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Die älteste komplett erhaltene deutsche Hörspielproduktion beruht auf einer wahren Begebenheit: 1928 hört ein russischer Funkamateur den Notruf des Luftschiffs Italia. Beim Flug über den Nordpol ist der italienische Polarforscher Umberto Nobile mit seiner Mannschaft in einen Schneesturm geraten und nördlich von Spitzbergen abgestürzt, die Überleben…
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Aug. 21, 2024 Rhonda's dream vacation turns into a nightmare as a mysterious infection spreads through the ship. Trapped on the high seas with chaos around every corner, will she and her family survive, or will the apocalypse claim them? The Last Vacation by Mike...Af
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Mar 05 2024 19 mins From grand 5 star resorts down to forgotten highway motels, each night a guest checks in under the watchful eye of the Manager, her Lobby Boy, the Owner, as they usher in a fantastic and horrifying death for the Hotel Herself, who's always watching her beloved Staff in their nightmare work. Good, bad, innocent, guilty, anyone ca…
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Season 2 (The Stone House) Recap May 30 2024 68 mins Corey Pettit, Jack Austin, and Robert M. Lamb get together to chat about Season 2 of Story: The Stone House. After a lengthy recap of the series, the trio talk about character motivations, story inspirations, the trouble with gravelly voices, and long finales. It's a fun time!! Music: "Night Vigi…
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The Antiquarium of Sinister Happenings Presents: Nightmare Soup Aug 04 2024 36 mins We want to introduce you to Nightmare Soup, another great podcast from Bloody FM. Inspired by Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark and Goosebumps, Nightmare Soup is a horror anthology podcast based on the Nightmare Soup books written by Jake Tri and illustrated by Andy…
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The SCP Foundation is a collaborative fiction project where users from across the world create stories and entries, similar to the creepypasta community. Unlike the creepypasta community, format plays a large role in the SCP community, most entries are written in a government dossier style document, detailing an anomalous object that has been “secu…
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Two agents are sent to investigate an abandoned town after a strange blackout, but they find themselves transported to another world entirely, where they’ll find out what actually happened to the townsfolk of Everton. Cosmonauts, Dishonored Kings, Strange Creatures and more await Agents Washington and Harris, as they venture into Margaret’s Garden.…
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Find and subscribe to RSS feeds from SoundCloud podcasts for the latest episodes. Extract RSS feed URLs from blogs & websites, making it simple for you to follow and stay updated on your favorite online content.Af
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Kenneth Heights Stories: Joey and the Missing Lunch - Part 4/4 Jul 02 2024 29 mins Joey knows who took his baby cake's lunch! But can he retrieve it in time or will it become someone else's dinner?! Listen to find out in the epic conclusion of Joey and the Missing Lunch! Music: "Just as Soon", "On the Cool Side", "Giant Wyrm", "Classic Film Noir", …
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Monday Jun 26, 2023 Join us for a couple of second contact missions as we try to clean up the messes left long ago by the first contacts. We'll cut you in as we compare TOS's "A Piece of the Action" and Prodigy's "All the World's a Stage". Live logs and proper!Af
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Feb. 17, 3:40 AM. Audio notebook for new project: revival of a clinically dead patient, 36 year old male, died of hypothermia and shock. The technician at the morgue hesitated when releasing him to me. I’m not surprised, with the tone that took hold of my voice as I corrected her Mr. to Dr. as she took down my details. When I gave her my name, her …
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Kristian von Hornsleth gæster os på det nyeste afsnit af “The Life After”. Og vi går på opdagelse i det, at være den skæve person i en firkantet virkelighed. Modet ved at udfordre status quo, den mørke side der ligger i os alle og lyset som viser vejen frem. På trods af, at det er Ulrik der er vært, så tager Kristian en fantastisk styring af vores …
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Sarah Archer came by to make an episode from scratch. What's the real history of the American housewife? Where did the tradwife come from, and why? Is she okay? Will we be okay? And who is she churning all that butter for? Sarah Archer's accompanying Substack post Sarah Archer's bibliogr…
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This website requires JavaScript to be enabled for full functionality. Let's preserve podcasting as a platform for free speech We do this by enabling developers to have access to an open, categorized index that will always be available for free, for any use. Listen to the first episode of "Podcasting 2.0", where we discuss the project, and its goal…
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Every morning at ten to ten, Dot powered on. Its hands lay flat against the thick glass of the reading room window, which let the photoreceptors on its palms feast on the sun. The window overlooked a modest lot where cars had once parked in orderly fashion, side by side. Now the asphalt was veined with fissures, tufted with dandelions that had nudg…
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What is scenario thinking and why is it so important? That’s one of the topics, I talk with Jeremy Bentham about. Jeremy and I share the passion of having focus on “GOOD FOR PEOPLE GOOD FOR PLANET” Jeremy has been helping the energy industry with the massive transformation towards a more green future. We also talk about the importance of having a g…
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Is life just a fleeting illusion that tricks our senses? Can an illusionist truly play a role in reshaping our life's course? Anders Hansen's life took a significant turn when he crossed paths with Bob Proctor, leading to a powerful collaboration between them. Together, they have showcased how we possess the ability to create profound transformatio…
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I den nyeste episode af “THE LIFE AFTER” 🎧🎙️har vi æren af at byde velkommen til Christian Campbell, uddannet gestaltterapeut med en specialisering i Carl Gustav Jungs teorier og bevidsthedsstudier. Christian har brugt de sidste 20 år på at lede store internationale virksomheder gennem bemærkelsesværdige transformationer, hvor han har fokuseret på …
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Sommetider støder man på en person, der får en til at standse op, betragte sig selv udefra og reflektere over sit liv. Det var præcis, hvad Eskild Lund Sørensen oplevede, da hans vej krydsede Ulrik Nerløe i juni 2021. Dette afsnit af “THE LIFE AFTER” er inspireret af Netflix-dokumentaren STUTZ. Det er en varm, opmuntrende og anerkendende snak, hvor…
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Minter Dial is a renowned international speaker, mentor, and multiple award-winning author. Beyond authoring books, he's a sought-after public speaker and podcast host. Minter views himself as a reflective bohemian muse, sharing his transformative journey. His life mantra has been: "Change is certain. Growth is a choice." The events of September 11…
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You must get acquainted with the incredible Anjel B Hartwell. I had the privilege of being a guest on Anjel's podcast six years ago, and that impactful experience inspired me to embark on my own podcasting journey. Anjel's journey is a profound lesson in letting go, spreading one's wings, and seeking a deeper purpose in life. What resonates today m…
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Have you ever dreamed of leaving your existing life, and start all over? A fresh start, where purpose, happiness and joy is the foundation. Mads Holm lives in Dubai and have had a successful career working 80-90% of his life. This is a story of what it takes, to leave a fantastic career, getting back to the essence of life.…
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Dette afsnit er en fantastisk historie om, hvor vigtigt det er at mærke efter og handle ud fra hjertet. “Jeg ønsker at være ærlig og oprigtig i alt i mit liv, men jeg tror i bund og grund ikke jeg ved hvem jer er. Men det er et godt spørgsmål.” siger Cecilia Jonasson som svar på mit faste spørgsmål; “Hvem er du?” For tre år siden var Cecilia på en …
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Alfred Josefsen er gæst på det nyeste afsnit af The Life After. Vi taler om den intuitive ledelse, mennesker, styrken ved tillid, troen på intuitionen og selvfølgelig kommer vi heller ikke uden om Irma. Alfred er ganske enkelt et stort forbillede for dansk ledelse, og med hans fantastiske fortællerevne bringer han os ind i hans verden og syn på sel…
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The idea of the podcast “The Life After” has always been to make both Danish and English episodes, and this episode is with a wonderful women called Brenda Bourns. Brenda is among the most successful live producers for major events in the US. Brenda is not just a successful producer, but she also has a life confirming journey that we all can learn …
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Heidi Colin ønsker at løfte glæden og energien i verden - ved at løfte glæden og energien i virksomhederne, og det er hun rigtig god til for Heidi arbejder bl.a. med et helt anderledes indsigtsværktøj, som hedder Human Design. Og det er ganske enkelt fundamentalt transformerende. Samtalen handler om hvordan vi kan løfte glæden, trivslen og energien…
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Når man er elite sportsudøver, så er der i den grad et liv “efter” livet. Igennem længere tid er den ene historie efter den anden, kommet frem, som har sat lys på den mørke side af eliten og Rebekka Gustafson har selv mærket på egen krop hvad vi andre kun læser om. I det nyeste afsnit af THE LIFE AFTER, taler Rebekka og jeg om sportsverdenen og ikk…
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Peter Rosenmeier er min gæst i det nyeste afsnit af THE LIFE AFTER, og han er absolut én af de mest inspirerende mennesker jeg har mødt. Peter er født med defekt på både arme og ben, men det har ikke været en hindring for den 38-årige bordtennisstjerne, der er en af Danmarks største para-atleter med flere internationale titler her i blandt olympisk…
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“Jeg er det jeg vil kalde en nørd. En ildsjæl der har stor passion for alt det som jeg arbejder med” Sådan starter årets nyeste afsnit på The Life After hvor Nichlas Farup er med i studiet. Nichlas har en stor viden om emotionel intelligens og brænder dybt for videnskaben om det at være menneske. Vi går på opdagelse i begrebet “Når yderzonerne stræ…
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Ulrik's studie er blevet high jacked og podcast redaktør, Jo Gudman Rasmussen, har overtaget førersædet (eller har hun?!) Og i vores nytårsspecial taler vi om året der er gået på The Life After. Vi taler om årets episoder, statistik og om Ulrik kan gætte hvilken episode er den mest lyttede/downloadede? Har Ulrik egentlig en yndlingsepisode, og hvil…
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“Hvad er Kærlighed?" Et kæmpe emne som ikke desto mindre er noget der er i os alle og netop kærlighed fylder meget i det nye afsnit på The Life after 🎙️🎧❤️ Julie Badura er min gæst og vi har en skøn samtale om meningen med livet og kærlighed til det selv samme.
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“There is NO going back” svarer Stine Halmind da jeg spørger ind til fremtidens ledelse, på det nyeste afsnit af “The Life After” En interessant samtale om start-up og scale-up miljøet. Det at skabe en kultur der giver mening, og som tiltrækker de unge talenter og der samtidigt understøtter fælleskabets behov. Vi taler om “PEOPLE WASHING” og om udf…
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“All we need is love” ❤️ and Paul Luftenegger’s life purpose is to spread love and kindness through his music. Creating positive emotions in people that can heal them and everything around them. It’s a beautiful conversation about the courage it takes to be true and honest, when it comes to how we feel. Paul shares his heartfelt story of his father…
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