Melbourne Inclusive Church is an lgbtiq inclusive, non-denominational Spirit filled church dedicated to sharing the inclusive Gospel of Jesus Christ with all people
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Sermon on the Mount - Salt and Light
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:39n week two of Jesus Sermon on the Mount we explore what it means to be salt and light in the world. As people created in the image of God what does it mean then to reflect the goodness of God? Jesus explains that we carry His light to the word. He teaches us what that looks like in practical terms. Listen in as we learn together what it means to be…
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Sermon on the Mount - The Beatitudes
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
46:08During the season of Lent Melbourne Inclusive Church will be spending 40 Days on the Mount-a journey through Jesus' the Sermon on the Mount. This week we explore the Beatitudes - those who are blessed in the Kingdom of God. Take time to reflect this week-compare and contrast these blessings with worldly views of blessing. To support the ministry of…
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Why the Gospel is Good News When you hear the phrase "The good news of the Gospel" what does this mean to you? What is the Gospel and what is the good news? In a literal sense the word Gospel means good news...mystery solved there-but what is this good news? Listen in as Pastor Becky explains the good news and how this good news transforms our live…
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The Family of God - A Loving Community
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:40This world can be filled with chaos, unkindness and uncertainty, we live after all in a fallen world. When our focus becomes surviving the chaos we many times take our focus off of God. This became apparent when the exiles returned from captivity. Their focus became building their own homes while the house of God lay in ruins. The problem is that w…
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We live in a world that often tries to define us by our achievements, possessions, social status, our bodies, our cultures and the list goes on. Value is placed on human beings depending on their identity. What we need to remember however is that that our identity is found first and foremost in the one who created us. Our worth and value are inhere…
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On Sunday, Pastor Becky shared about her time walking the Camino de Santiago, also known as the “way” of St. James related to his missionary journeys. The word Camino means journey and Pastor shared how we are all journeying through life. She shared her encounters with other pilgrims along the way. Each walking their own pace, style and distances. …
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He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake, he knows if you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake. Thank goodness that God knows us far better than Santa Claus. God knows what we need, and what we need is Jesus, and this gift does not depend on how good or bad we have been. God’s gift to us this Christmas and everyday i…
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Often, we see anger as a negative emotion, a feeling we should avoid. So when we read about God’s anger in the Bible, it doesn’t feel right. How can a loving God be angry? We have a human understanding of anger and not a Godly one. God’s anger is the result of His love for us. God’s anger is justice for our suffering and mistreatment caused by sinf…
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Around this time of year, there’s talk everywhere about God’s Glory, but what does that actually mean and how does it affect us? “And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”” This glory filling the earth, is the expression of everything God is, all experienced when we connect …
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When life becomes exhausting the temptation is to withdraw from anything that feels like more work, even our faith walk. Sometimes we just want to lie in bed and “doom scroll” on our phones until our batteries are completely flat. Like a smartphone that needs to be recharged, we too need a recharge. Rather than disconnecting from God, Jesus invites…
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Touch is a sign of acceptance, love, and affirmation. Holding hands, first kisses, and holding a newborn; are meaningful parts of our lives. The touch of Jesus offers these things and so much more. With just a touch, Jesus can heal, remove shame, forgive sins, and bring our life out of the shadows. Before Jesus was crucified, he shared a last meal …
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Experience Jesus - His Shelter
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:30:05Jesus Christ is the safest refuge for our lives. In the chaos of this world, Colossians 2:20 reminds us that "He is the head over every power and authority.". Jesus has authority over all things for all time. He cares for us as his very own body. When we go through dark times, He is our peace and our refuge-He is our protection and strength. He is …
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Experiencing Jesus - His Compassion
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
28:31“ So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” - Hebrews 4:16 In life, it’s tempting to feel alone when things go wrong, like no one else has ever experienced exactly what we are feeling. However, when Jesus came to earth, He experienced everything…
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How do we experience Jesus? In this series, Pastor Becky guides us as we learn to look and think deeper about the part Jesus plays in our daily lives. This week we look at experiencing Jesus’ presence in our lives. We look at examples of how Jesus shows up in the Bible. We learn from the past, to know what to expect in our future, as God is the sam…
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Insights from All Nations Gathering
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Afspil senere
36:25This Sunday, Pastor Becky shared about her time at The Glory Centre's All Nations Gathering Conference in California. During this conference Encounter Missions International (EMI) Pastors get together for a leadership retreat and to connect and learn from each other. The theme of this year's conference was "Come Alive" based on the scripture 'So I …
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Our message this week was from Rev Sandy Turnbull from The Glory Centre Paul wrote “What can separate us from the love of God?”, but sometimes we feel separated from God when we go through hardship in our lives. In Romans, Paul gives examples of trials that he has gone through in his life, and what he has learned is that when we go…
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God has the power to breathe life into what seems lifeless and broken. From from Ezekiel's vision of dry bones brought to life and God's promise of a new heart and spirit for the Israelites, we witness His ability to restore hope and renew strength. God's life giving Spirit is still moving and working in our lives too, and Pastor Becky explains tha…
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We've all heard "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33, but what does this mean? We all have goals that we want to achieve, but not all are valuable for our lives. God helps us to realise which of these goals add value and asks us to fix eyes, hearts and minds on H…
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When we invite God into our lives, we often turn the situation to be about what we want fixed and changed in our lives. But in reality, when we ask God into our lives we are presented with the chance to bring our nature, character and dreams into alignment with God's. Every day we are given the opportunity to trust in God. In this message, Pastor B…
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Power in the Word to Illuminate Your Life
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
54:56This week we heard from Ps Sandy Turnbull from Glory Centre When we feel like everything is vague and blurry, and there's no clear path ahead, we can turn to God's word, the Bible, to help light our way. Ps Sandy reads from Habakkuk, a minor prophet in the bible, to show how relying on God's word is the best way to get cla…
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Here I Am - Prayer and the Presence of God
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
46:17"When we pray its not about getting stuff...the fact that we spend time with God, that's what changes us." - Chuck Smith Jnr, Guest Speaker The idea of heaven on earth now is challenging to imagine, it's as if two realities need to exist at once. When we really engage in prayer and take a step back from our thoughts and self we can embrace God's pr…
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Church and Mission - The Key to a Happy and Satisfying Life
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
40:10This week we had the privilege to hear a sermon from Janet Robertson, Global Director of Encounter Missions International (EMI) The need for community is in our DNA, from the time of creation, we were created to be in communion with one another. God has given us a community in the form of church and he has given us a mission to fo…
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Sharing the Goss (-ip vs -pel)
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:31:29The power of our words can bring death or life, they can build up and love others or they can cut people down. Our words have the ability to tell the greatest story that has ever existed, God's story. Pastor Becky demonstrates to us through scriptures the difference that sharing the Gospel vs sharing gossip has on our lives. To support the ministry…
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When we talk about miracles, we often wrestle with the tension created when our prayers appear to go unanswered. God who knows everything invites us to pray bold prayers but why pray if God already knows what will happen? In this message, Pastor Becky addresses this issue and explains that no matter the outcome, God's plan or ours, the prayer we pr…
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So far in parts 1-4 of our Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur series we have learned to listen to God and dream according to his plan for us. We've looked at our passions, values, gifts and how crisis can be a space for opportunity. We have created our vision statements, looked at how self-sabotage can get in our way and the importance of mentorships and n…
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This week is the 4th week of our Spiritual-Entrepreneur series. Pastor Becky explains how our habits of self-sabotage undermine our progress and our goals. We looked at the benefits of being a mentor as well as a mentee as we explored the opportunities that our networks provide. We asked the Holy Spirit to show us who to seek out as we live out God…
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"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." - Proverbs 1:7 Fearing the Lord is about the deep awe we are plunged into when we become aware of God's love, grace and forgiveness despite our human nature that causes us to miss the mark. This fear is what will guide our steps and hearts as we walk wit…
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God has wonderful plans for all our lives, plans we've been looking at in our "Spirit-filled Entrepreneur" series. Often, the fear of mankind gets in the way of us following these plans! Pastor Becky shows how the fear of mankind has been present and disrupting this plan all the way back in Genesis. We need Holy Spirit's guidance to help us recogni…
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In part 3 of our Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur series we look at the gifts that each of us have been given and how they line up with our passions. Pastor Becky explains how crisis can be an opportunity as we look at examples of people in our own lives and public figures who have overcome challenges and used them as part of their success. To access the…
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Learning to listen to God's voice can seem overwhelming but in this sermon, Pastor Becky gives practical steps to help us hear Holy Spirit's guidance. This week we look at our passions, values and start to explore what gifts we each have as we wait to hear what God is saying or showing us. You can access the worksheets that go along with this sermo…
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Spirit-filled Entrepreneur - Pt 1
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:13:51As the body of Christ, we represent God where ever we go. Our everyday lives are meant to be lived in the light of God's love and provision and the natural flow on effect is that the world see Christ through us. Even though we are in a cold and dark winter, stressful economic climate; God wants us to dream and get excited by this life! In this seri…
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When Paul saw the early Christians returning to idol worship, he was disturbed by the behaviour and reminded the church in Corinth that those who worship idols will not inherit the Kingdom of God. In this sermon, Pastor Becky breaks down the meanings of the words in this passage that have been used to condemn loving same-sex relationships and shows…
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Unclobber: God in Queer Relationships - Testimonies
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
2:03:11Two same-sex couples from Melbourne Inclusive Church, Kiera and Jenny and Su-An and Cherlyn, share how God has been with them through their lives. How He has guided them in their journey of understanding their sexuality, relationships, faith and how He has blessed them in their marriages and even used their unions as a time to heal families and bri…
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In the book of Romans, Paul addresses how the people had exchanged the knowledge of God to instead worship man-made idols and foreign gods. Part of these forms of worship required men and woman to exchange their natural sexual orientations and o instead engage in same-sex behaviours as part of ritual practices. These passages have been used over ti…
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God told Abraham "I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing". Fast forward to the book of Leviticus where God explains how the people of God would become a great nation. In Leviticus, we find a series of Laws designed to help the Israelites live in a way that glorifies God and…
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The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah has long time served as "evidence" for Christians to discriminate against the LGBTQIA+ community. However, through in-depth study of this passage, Pastor Becky sheds light on the true sins of Sodom: her inhospitality to outsiders and their pride and gluttony whilst the poor and needy suffered right…
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"Remember Lot's Wife" - Luke 17:32 The coming of God's Kingdom is not fully here yet, but we can see that it's near. In Luke, Jesus reminds us that in this troubled world we need to keep moving forward, and not dwell on the past. The Cross before me, the world behind me, no turning back. To support the ministry of Melbourne Inclusive Church go to: …
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"Bethlehem was God with us; Calvary was God for us; and Pentecost is God in us.” - Robert Baer The receiving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost gave the first followers of Christ the guidance and power to carry out the Great Commission, and just as Joel in the Old Testament prophesied, this gift of God's Spirit is still with followers today…
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Prayer - Loving God and Loving Others
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:19When Jesus taught us how to pray He was doing more than just giving us a few lines to repeat in the Lord's Prayer. Jesus teaches us how to have a meaningful prayer life, one that teaches us about God's divine nature and gives us insight into our own selves. To support the ministry of Melbourne Inclusive Church go to:…
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The topic of money for some is a real blessing, and for others is a real dilemma or even a point of contention. Wherever we sit on the issue of money and giving, it’s in the Bible so we should learn about what the Bible says about money. What does it cost us to give? To support the ministry of Melbourne Inclusive Church go to: https://www.michurch.…
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The Lord's Supper is a picture of the redemption from God for all people. What started in the beginning with God covering Adam and Eve came to completion in Christ. Throughout the ages we see God covering us but the means by which God does this changed over time. In the Garden it was God, in the Old Testament it was still God but God used a human b…
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Pastor Becky talks about water baptism and what this public declaration of faith means. Using the demonstration that Jesus gave us in his own baptism and explaining the significance of the words "You are my Son, with whom I am well pleased" we learn the impact baptism has on our lives today. To support the ministry of Melbourne Inclusive Church go …
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Sharing Our Faith-Members Sharing Their Stories
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Afspil senere
35:46MIC has been exploring how to share our faith in a world where this may be very difficult. Jesus gives us a great commission. The best way to honour what Jesus has done is to tell others. This week three members of Melbourne Inclusive Church shared a portion of their stories with us. To support the ministry of Melbourne Inclusive Church go to: http…
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Sharing Our Faith - The Great Commission
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
37:22Most believers experience the power and love of Christ and want to share with family and friends. But many times we feel inadequate or we fear how others will respond to us sharing. Listen in today as we talk about why we want to share the Gospel, why we shy away from sharing, and how we can share with confidence. This is the Great Commission to an…
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Easter Service 2024 Seeing Christ in Everyone
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
39:31Today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is alive! We celebrate that our Saviour, the one who gave all for us now lives in every believer that calls Him Lord through the Spirit. We give thanks for the forgiveness and redemption we have in Christ. We give thanks also for the wondrous diversity of our God who created every human being …
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On Palm Sunday we celebrate the day that Jesus came to town. The people celebrating as their King rides in on a donkey- shouts of Hosannah, Hosannah-save us-He will and He does just not the way they thought. The people had been oppressed under Roman rule and wanted vindication. But what happens when the Romans are gone? We would still be oppressed …
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Over two weeks we will attempt to share the hope that we find in the book of Revelation. Revelation is the book where we hear the testimony of Jesus through the imagery of John who shares what he sees and hears in this prophetic work. In week two we see how good and evil battle for influence. We see the heart of God to get our attention and welcome…
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Over two weeks we will attempt to share the hope that we find in the book of Revelation. Revelation is the book where we hear the testimony of Jesus through the imagery of John who shares what he sees and hears in this prophetic work. In week one we will hear what Jesus says to the churches through seven letters written to seven churches in Asia Mi…
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What kind of trust does it take to say to God. "Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!" -Where does this kind of trust come from? -How are we able to process what God reveals to us about ourselves? -How do we mature to a point where when we se…
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Philippians - Grounded in Christ Wk 2
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
40:32Welcome to week two on the book of Philippians. What does it mean to be grounded in Christ's love? Paul explains that what it DOESN'T mean is listening to the self-righteous who tell you to be or do something in order to be saved. Paul says it's the circumcised heart, the heart that says I can't in my own strength but in Christ I can do all things.…
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