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Welcome to Contact Lost podcast, where we talk about competitive Warhammer 40,000, focusing on the Polish and international tournament scene. The show is brought to you by: Tomek "Tweak" & Michal "Joker" Watch out for new episodes every week! Logo: Blaze Music: www.bensound.com
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Exploring God’s Plan A, seeing and living life from a biblical perspective.
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Dedicated to fostering a sense of community and light in a world often overshadowed by negative news, the show delves into the lives and experiences of transformational leaders who have made significant changes in their health, clarity, or business.
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: https://www.instagram.com/contaessahistoriapramim/ APOIE O PODCAST: https://apoia.se/contaessahistorirapramim
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Stéphan Bureau mène de longs entretiens avec des invités qui pensent, créent ou façonnent notre monde. Dans l’air du temps sans être dans l’actualité brûlante, Contact se veut une tribune plurielle pour sortir des sentiers battus du prêt-à-penser.
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Developing podcast series and designing events. Container runs through years of exploration. Cooperating with labels and artists of global techno scene. Rome, 2013. Curated by @Pneich @OutpostLive @ndrbl
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www.patreon.com/contain Parasociology podcast / multi project -- interviews, experimental research (3 plus hour) long dives, music and more. Exiting the change and documenting the uncanny since early 2020. Music from the show up on SoundCloud. WWW.CONTAINCONTAIN.COM
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Histórias infantis criadas e contadas por Paula Rebouças. Feito com amor, de mãe para filha. Toda Segunda-feira, uma história para ouvir e soltar a imaginação! Nos acompanhe também em @mamaemecontaumahistoria!
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Air Traffic Management podcast by FoxATM - One new episode every second Tuesday.
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Alessandra Ksenhuck traz semanalmente convidados muito especiais, com conteúdo sempre importante, relevante e de qualidade, no Programa "A Literare te conta" pela Rádio Cloud Coaching em parceria com a Literare Books International.
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A monthly review of the best, worst and most absurd of online celebrity journalism in the UK. Hosted by Chris Beckett and Matt Withers.
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Podcast em português da Tax Justice Network sobre justiça fiscal, corrupção e globalização financeira.
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The May Contain Action podcast ventures to answer the age old question... Is that movie actually good or was I just in a good mood? Trevor, a 10 year Major League baseball player turned aspiring filmmaker, and Paul, the veteran content creator and film buff, seek to dive in deep on movies and determine why they loved (or didn't!) it the first time. They even bring friends along from time to time.
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Focusing on the Relational Arts, including Circling, Nonviolent Communication, and Authentic Relating.
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The podcast presents valuable insights from contact center leaders, tailor-made for their industry peers. We cover a diverse array of topics, such as AI integration, agent turnover management, revenue impact assessment, and transitioning perceptions from cost to value centers for starters.
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Contact Chai is Mishkan Chicago’s podcast feed, where you can hear our Shabbat sermons, Morning Minyans, interviews with Jewish thought leaders, and more.
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Covering the movements, the issues, and the people fighting for some of the most important social justice issues of our time. Hosted by Amy Gastelum, Salima Hamirani, Anita Jonhson, and Lucy Kang.
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CIA: The Contagious Influencers of America Podcast. Meet the Gamechangers, the Influencers and those who are not afraid to show up with a shovel if that's what it takes to move a mountain. Go inside the minds of true American trailblazers who are making a difference by sharing their stories of personal triumph, overcoming obstacles, defeating fear, fighting addiction, and rejecting failure. Hosted by 9-time Emmy winner David Sams.
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Dé podcast voor dokters gemaakt door de redactie van Medisch Contact. Met elke week gasten die we aan de tand voelen over actuele medische onderwerpen, een tuchtcasus die de nodige stof doet opwaaien, een medische boek- of filmtip en een prikkelend praktijkperikel. Tips of vragen? podcast@medischcontact.nl.
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Weekly episodes hosted by @kiaorion. Hear stories from musicians, actors, photographers, and entrepreneurs who share strategies on how to stay inspired and live life on your own terms. A podcast about life, love, art, and everything in between. Become a supporter of this podcast: https://anchor.fm/creativecontact/support Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/creativecontact/support
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Because no one pictures themselves working at a call center, First Contact: Stories of the Call Center is a monthly podcast about how tech leaders and entrepreneurs found their way into the contact center industry.
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A Contagious Smile Podcast
Victora Cuore; A Contagious Smile, Who Kicked First, Domestic Violence Survivor, Advocate, Motivational Coach, Special Needs, Abuse Support, Life Skill Classes, Special Needs Social Groups
"A Contagious Smile" is a transformative platform embracing special needs families and domestic violence survivors. We illuminate the journeys of extraordinary individuals who've triumphed over adversity and aspire to ignite your own inner light. Through candid stories, we showcase how they conquered challenges and emerged stronger. Our podcast features insightful interviews with experts, offering resources that empower and uplift. Let us guide you in rediscovering your inner light – because ...
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“Making Contact” digs into the story beneath the story—contextualizing the narratives that shape our culture. Produced by Frequencies of Change Media (FoC Media), the award-winning radio show and podcast examines the most urgent issues of our time and the people on the ground, building a more just world through narrative storytelling and thought-provoking interviews. We cover the environment, labor, economics, health, governance, and arts and culture.
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There are 6,000 contact centres in the UK - this is the 1st podcast dedicated to the world of the contact centre. Perhaps still an industry with a negative perception externally, the reality is very different & very positive. This is a podcast all about best practice in Contact Centres &what vibrant, vital, diverse, exciting engagement places they really are. I’ll be chatting to people who know their stuff and are doing great things. This podcast is independent and a proud supporter of Naomi ...
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This is a commentary podcast where Char and Tristan watch an episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks and analyze, joke, and comment while you get to listen along. So fire up the episode and hit play when they tell you. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thenerdparty/support
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Dr. Charles Stanley y el programa diario de radio In Touch Ministries.
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Podcast by Victor Stival & Nicholas Prado
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Welcome to the Asian Contagion podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Ogni giorno i dati relativi alla pandemia in corso: i nuovi contagi, i guariti, i deceduti, il numero di tamponi effettuati e le dosi di vaccino somministrate. Il podcast è realizzato con AI Anchor, il sistema automatizzato sviluppato dal Sole 24 Ore con il supporto di Google, in partnership con la start up Dataninja e la collaborazione del Centro di tecnologie del linguaggio naturale dell’Università di Pisa.
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Contagion Podcast
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Histórias contadas com afeto
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Mitologia gregas e romanas. Contos de heróis, deuses, monstros e magia.
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“Can’t be Contained”, hosted by Samantha Skelly, will bring you captivating conversations with humans who’ve cultivated a path of passion by following their bliss and intuitive hits; those who’ve released ordinary and opted for extraordinary. From spirituality to science, comedy to culture, and everything in between, Sam will share the untold stories of her guests who push boundaries, defy conventional thinking, and have the courage to seek the freedom their souls are desiring. If you're a r ...
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Container, kubernetes e tecnologias que gravitam neste ecossistema.
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Podcast de narrativas curtas.
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This is the public square for all things contact center. This is where the world’s best Call & Contact center professionals come to get better at delivering a great experience for customers. Your contact center mentors - Amas Tenumah & Bob Furniss
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"For contact jugglers, by contact jugglers"
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Welcome back to Call me Contact
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Podcast by MyNews
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Fecha a Conta Podcast
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Histórias engraçadas, mágicas, aventuras além da imaginação.
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Audios de la Emisora Nuevo Continente (Radio Cristiana - Colombia)
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Real Stories With People Who Have Experienced Real Aliens and UFOs. Contactees, Abductions, Authors, Experiencer Interviews And More!
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É da Sua Conta – #67 Futuros roubados pela injustiça fiscal
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Afspil senere
O mundo tem dinheiro suficiente para financiar a educação e outras políticas públicas para toda população do planeta. Para isso, os países precisam aumentar seus orçamentos nacionais. Dois trilhões de dólares por ano globalmente podem vir de duas medidas: combater o abuso fiscal e taxar a riqueza dos super ricos. Tributar os super ricos para financ…
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Você já ouviu falar em Cinderela, Bela Adormecida, Pequena Sereia? Claro que sim! E você conhece a história delas, certo? Errado! Na verdade, a gente conhece uma parte da vida das princesas! Mas será que não existem muitas outras coisas que aconteceram entre o “era uma vez” e o “viveram felizes para sempre”? É desse questionamento que parte o livro…
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A historinha desta semana foi inventada por minha filhaIsabela e sua amiga Betina em um churrasco de uma grande amiga... Reviravoltas, super-heroínas e vilões malignos não faltam nesta trama divertida e, muitíssimocriativa criada pelas meninas! Ficou curioso? Então, dê o play agora mesmo!
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Clara manhã de quinta à noite é um sonho de livro. Na verdade, um sonho que virou livro.Sabe aqueles sonhos malucos que a gente acha que é dia, mas é noite, que era ontem mas foi hoje? Enfim, essa história segue esse rumo maluco.A 1a vez que li eu ri alto, tamanha a loucura. Mas esse é um episódio que as crianças vão............. detestar. Sério! F…
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Você Não Precisa Sentir Dor: O Papel da Família na Superação da Dor Crônica com o Dr. Luiz Severo - A LITERARE TE CONTA #007
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Afspil senere
Neste episódio do podcast “A Literare Te Conta ”, Alessandra Ksenhuck traz mais um convidado especial para falar sobre “Você Não Precisa Sentir Dor: O Papel da Família na Superação da Dor Crônica com o Dr. Luiz Severo - A LITERARE TE CONTA #007”. O podcast foi ao ar pela Rádio Cloud Coaching em parceria com a Literare Books International. A Rádio C…
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Mothers, Markets, and Migration: How South Korea Became a Major Source for International Adoptions
In today’s episode, we look at how, over six decades after the Korean War, South Korea processed the most international adoptions in history and how the demand for a “domestic supply of (adoptable) infants” may be playing a role in increasing threats to autonomy over pregnancy in the U.S. GUESTS: Independent Producer and Founder of Rowhome Producti…
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Haga balance de la provisión de Dios sobre su vida y adopte un corazón agradecido, lleno de esperanza y satisfacción.
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Omgaan met calamiteiten | tuchtzaak waar regionaal en Centraal Tuchtcollege het oneens zijn - afl. 116
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Afspil senere
Te gast Caroline Heijckmann, internist en medisch leider kwaliteit & veiligheid van ziekenhuis Bernhoven over de veranderde aanpak na een ernstig medisch incident. Daarbij staat de zorg voor personeel, patiënten en nabestaanden voorop. De tuchtzaak gaat over een 14-jarige patiënte met gedragsstoornissen die tussen wal en schip valt en daar zelf een…
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« Les européens sont dans un suicide collectif ». Entretien avec la présidente d’Identité-Libertés Marion Maréchal.
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Afspil senere
Marion Maréchal a longtemps été précédée de son patronyme, Le Pen. Un nom qui annonçait peut-être le programme ? En 2012, à 22 ans, elle devient la plus jeune députée de l’histoire de la Cinquième République, élue sous la bannière du Front National, parti fondé par son grand-père, Jean-Marie Le Pen. Après une pause politique de quelques années, la …
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Cultive una actitud de gratitud que trascienda cualquier negatividad o dificultad.
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# 264: VAN ZANT, the iconic Southern Rock duo reunite to release their first ever Jesus album and talk about family, faith & legacy
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Iconic Southern Rock brothers Donnie and Johnny Van Zant reunite as VAN ZANT to release their first ever Christian album sharing about their faith that has been a constant thread throughout their lives. Collectively they have sold over 50 million records, from Johnny’s work as the lead vocalist of Lynyrd Skynyrd to Donnie’s success with 38 Special,…
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Mothers, Markets, and Migration: How South Korea Became a Major Source for International Adoptions
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Afspil senere
In this week's episode, we take a look at how over six decades after the Korean War, South Korea processed the most international adoptions in history and how the demand for a "domestic supply of (adoptable) infants" may be playing a role in increasing threats to autonomy over pregnancy in the US. Featuring: Independent Producer and Founder of Rowh…
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Nuestras necesidades espirituales, físicas y materiales están directamente relacionadas con tener una relación con Jesucristo.
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Finding Your Groove in Leadership and Life
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Bradford Tilden explores the concept of peak performance and shares his journey toward authenticity and empowerment. He delves into the essence of inspiration, emphasizing the role of peak performance in personal and professional growth. Bradford discusses overcoming personal challenges, highlighting the transformative impact of inner child work. H…
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Decida sentirse satisfecho en cualquier circunstancia, pues tiene a Dios de su lado.
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Mariner teams up with a troubled ensign while the Cerritos hosts peace talks between civilizations. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thenerdparty/support
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TRIGGER WARNING Unbreakable Bonds: Embracing Adoption, Obtaining Prosthetics, and Celebrating Familial Resilience
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Afspil senere
Send us a text TRIGGER WARNING What would you do for love? Imagine adopting a child and transforming your life through the power of unconditional love. Join us as we share the moving story of Victoria's adoption journey, from overcoming past hardships to embracing newfound happiness. An old voicemail serves as a poignant reminder of this incredible…
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shout out Wasim --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/creativecontact/support
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Circling Takes Over the World? with Mahaya Alina Sikorsky
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Mahaya Alina Sikorsky is a circling facilitator and life coach who works with The Connection Institute. She shares how this practice changed her life and how it can catalyze a profound shift in the world by developing New Earth Consciousness. 🔗 Mahaya at The Connection Institute Check out Episodes 33 and 34 for interviews with Melody Indigo Markel …
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Si usted ha orado acerca de sus necesidades y todavía siente que no están siendo satisfechas, no se preocupe porque Dios le escucha.
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Narc Narc Who's There, Help, I'm Gasping For Air Escaping the Shadows: Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse, Healing Family Ties, and Embracing Self-Worth TRIGGER WARNING
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Afspil senere
Send us a text TRIGGER WARNING Escaping the shadow of narcissistic abuse is a journey fraught with challenges, but it's a journey worth taking. Our dear friend Dana and I share our personal tales of navigating toxic family dynamics, shedding light on the insidious nature of narcissists who twist reality to appear as victims. By examining the roles …
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Resilience and Rebirth: Overcoming Bullying, Celebrating Literary Triumphs, and Championing LGBTQ+ Inclusivity
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Afspil senere
Send us a text What if the challenges we faced in our youth were actually stepping stones to our most meaningful accomplishments? Join us as we recount our transformative journey from the throes of bullying to the triumphant stage of guest speaking and winning a book award in Miami. We share the exhilarating conclusion of our beloved Never Dying bo…
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Creating Community To Fight For Our Rights — Sarah Garza Resnick
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At our services on November 22nd, we were honored to hear a guest drash from Sarah Garza Resnick, Mishkan Board Member and CEO of Personal PAC, an organization dedicated to advocating for women's rights and abortion access. How can we meet this difficult political moment without getting overwhelmed with dread and defeatism? The answer lies in our t…
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Jack Frost - Not the horror movie, but close
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
This episode, the guys get into the 1998 classic, Jack Frost, staring Michael Keaton. No, not the horror version of the exact same name from 1997. Whats that? Look, I know that the poster doesnt make that clear. You're right, that is confusing. Lets just get into it on the show. Want to get your own review on the show?! Email us at our very profess…
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Jack Frost - Not the horror movie, but close
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
This episode, the guys get into the 1998 classic, Jack Frost, staring Michael Keaton. No, not the horror version of the exact same name from 1997. Whats that? Look, I know that the poster doesnt make that clear. You're right, that is confusing. Lets just get into it on the show. Want to get your own review on the show?! Email us at our very profess…
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# 263: WE ARE MESSENGERS front-man Darren Mulligan shares the joyful hope of Christmas with an Irish twist
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Afspil senere
Nollaig Shona Duit! Merry Christmas! We Are Messengers are celebrating this holiday season in an authentic Irish way. They have had 11 consecutive top 10 radio singles including the multi chart #1 hit song “Come What May” and the Gold certified “Maybe Its OK’. Now their new EP "Rejoice! A Celtic Christmas" is out, putting a Celtic spin on some of y…
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We need affordable housing now! (encore)
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
On today’s show, we dive into stories that underscore the importance of affordable housing. First, we’ll examine what the recent Supreme Court ruling in Grants Pass v. Johnson means for unhoused people who are living on the streets and how historical disinvestment in affordable and public housing has created our current homelessness wave. Then, we’…
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Tenga la seguridad de que Dios conoce sus necesidades y se deleita en satisfacerlas.
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In this episode Joker hosts Malte of Team Germany to check out what's going on at our western neighbours in terms of team prep and general meta takes.SUPPORT US and join our community discord: https://www.patreon.com/ContactLostPodcastWe're also on Facebook and Instagram! https://www.facebook.com/ContactLostPodcast https://www.instagram.com/contact…
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« Je n’aurais jamais imaginé voir la démocratie américaine menacée. » Entretien avec l’essayiste et conseiller politique Alain Minc
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Afspil senere
Alain Minc est un familier du pouvoir, au plus haut sommet. Assez pour consacrer à son exercice un Dictionnaire amoureux ! Depuis plus de quarante ans, celui qui a été l’apôtre enthousiaste de la “mondialisation heureuse” chuchote à l’oreille des princes de notre époque. Il préfère dire qu’il a, à l’occasion, laissé « sa petite crotte » à l’Élysée …
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Jet Bussemaker over verandering in de zorg | Tuchtzaak over orthopeed die valse verwachtingen schepte bij zijn patiënt
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Afspil senere
We hebben Jet Bussemaker, voorzitter van de Raad voor Volksgezondheid en Samenleving, te gast. Zij vertelt over de kwaliteit en toegankelijkheid van zorg en over ‘wens op wens stapelen’, terwijl minder zorg ook een optie zou moeten zijn. Verder ligt een bijzondere tuchtzaak ter tafel: over een orthopedisch chirurg die een patiënt extra goede zorg b…
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En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley profundiza en cuanto a las tres necesidades universales de toda persona y cómo una relación con Cristo puede ayudarnos a dar descanso a entender el propósito de nuestras necesidades insatisfechas.
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#208 Ed Creasey of Calabrio on our joint research piece - The Voice of the Agent
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📊 Groundbreaking Insights: The Voice of the Agent – A Joint Research Project with Calabrio! 📊 How do contact centre agents really feel about their roles, career prospects, and the impact of technology like AI? In this latest episode of Get Out of Wrap, Martin connects with Ed Creasey, VP of Solution Engineering at Calabrio, to discuss their extensi…
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314: Sheila Kelley of “Strip Down, Rise Up” on Feminine Leadership and Sensual Self-Expression
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Afspil senere
Hello and welcome back to another exciting episode of Can’t Be Contained! This week, I couldn’t be more stoked to welcome Sheila Kelley to the show, an incredible example of a person who lives a truly uncontained life! Sheila is a pioneer in the art of embracing one’s erotic nature to heal and transform relationships. Together, we’ll delve into She…
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A Traditional, Meditative Minyan with Rabbi Steven
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Afspil senere
Every weekday at 8:00 am, Mishkan Chicago holds a virtual Morning Minyan. You can join in yourself, or listen to all the prayer, music, and inspiration right here on Contact Chai. https://mishkan.shulcloud.com/form/reg-morning-minyan-evergreen **** For upcoming Shabbat services and programs, check our event calendar, and see our Accessibility & Inc…
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Justice or Just Us? The Battle for Rehabilitation vs. Punishment TRIGGER WARNING
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Afspil senere
Send us a text TRIGGER WARNING: What if the key to navigating personal relationships lies in the balance between grace and boundaries? Join us as Dana, our lively co-host, shares her experiences juggling life with two spirited kittens, drawing parallels to the challenges of marriage. We also confront a harrowing story from Atlanta, discussing how s…
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We need affordable housing now! (Encore)
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Afspil senere
We need affordable housing now! On today's episode, we dive into stories that underscore the importance of affordable housing. We'll examine what the recent Supreme Court ruling in Grants Pass v. Johnson means for unhoused people who are living on the streets and how historical disinvestment in affordable and public housing has created our current …
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Gane una perspectiva adecuada en lo que respecta a sus aparentes necesidades insatisfechas.
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# 262: for KING + COUNTRY’s Christmas Celebration: Music, Memories, a New Film, Tour, and Heartfelt Holiday Stories!
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Afspil senere
It's the biggest Christmas celebration for this quadruple GRAMMY-winning Christian pop duo yet! For KING + COUNTRY is not only touring the month of December and releasing a new "Drummer Boy Christmas Live" album this week, but they are also taking their tour to the big screen offering a cinematic concert experience "A Drummer Boy Christmas Live" in…
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Shattered Innocence: The Dark Reality of Maternal Filicide TRIGGER WARNING
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Afspil senere
Send us a text TRIGGER WARNING A chipped tooth and an unexpected laugh kick off a conversation that takes an intense turn as we explore the haunting case of maternal filicide in Atlanta. How should society respond to those convicted of harming children, and what are the implications for justice and rehabilitation? Through our discussions, we grappl…
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¿Cómo distinguimos entre necesidades y deseos?
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Ransom uses too much disinfectant gel while Mariner gets paranoid about curses. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thenerdparty/support
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Saving Ourselves From Being Like Sodom
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Afspil senere
At our services on November 15th and 16th, Rabbi Lizzi sermonized on the sin of Sodom, which, the rabbis tell us, was primarily their failure to share their abundance with others. In contrast to Abraham, whose hospitality toward the three messengers opens the story, Sodom is portrayed as operating from a scarcity mindset which drove them to selfish…
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Episode 26 | The Whys and Hows of Reverse Engineering Customer Support
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Afspil senere
Bennett Potter, Director of Customer Experience at Fullsteam, shares insights on blending historical theology and tech to improve customer experience. He focuses on research-driven strategies, highlighting the need to address inefficiencies in core activities and understand root causes without bias. Bennett’s methods of process simplification and c…
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