Um ein komplexes Thema besser zu verstehen, lohnt sich oft ein Blick in die Geschichte. Denn hier beginnen die Dinge, die uns heute beschäftigen und das auch in Zukunft tun werden. "Terra X History – Der Podcast" geht mit Menschen aus Geschichtswissenschaft und Gesellschaft an die Anfänge zurück und fragt: Wie wurde unsere Welt so, wie sie ist? Und (was) können wir aus der Vergangenheit für die Gegenwart lernen? Alle zwei Wochen auf und überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.
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A weekly environmental news program covering issues from across Canada & around the world.
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TerraNova is about becoming an authentic and compassionate community of Christ-followers who are passionately committed to loving God and loving people.
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Terra / Cosmos Audio Vaults and Crypto Space Archivist
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Doses semanais de economia sobre o Brasil e o Mundo, apresentadas pela equipe do Terraço Econômico: o seu portal de economia e política! Apresentado por Caio Augusto: @CaioAugstOR /
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Über das Lesen reden
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Terrain Theory is hosted by Ben Hardy and Mike Merenda, two childhood friends on a journey to tear down the old fear-based germ theory paradigm and usher in a better, brighter approach to health and wellness. Discover interviews with guests from the alternative medicine space and find inspiration in real-life stories of Terrain Transformations. Reclaim agency and discover methods both old and new to improve and optimize your health and your terrain. You are your primary healthcare provider.
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Os repórteres do programa Terra da Gente e o biólogo Luciano Lima falam de natureza em um bate-papo descontraído e recheado de informação.
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"Terra X" goes Podcast: Es geht dabei um uns und unsere Umwelt, um das, was wir richtig, vielleicht aber auch falsch machen. Es geht um Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft des Lebens auf der Erde. Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler, Forscherinnen und Forscher, Expertinnen und Experten versuchen Antworten auf Fragen zu finden, die uns alle auf die eine oder andere Art berühren.
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This podcast is by three wargamers just looking to share their love of the hobby across various IP‘s, games, and systems. The focus will be on news, events, upcoming releases, as well as a discussion about various wargames designed to help those considering playing and just starting out.
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Um grupo de interessados explora temas globais como os novos media, a inteligência artificial, os influencers, o streaming, a cancel culture, os grandes grupos empresariais e as novas potências mediáticas.
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Welcome to Tales of Terramir, an original, actual-play roleplaying game! Enter a world of fantasy, imagination, and collaborative storytelling with a group of friends from different areas of the United States, as they play a unique character to explore the world of Terramir, uncovering tales both around and within themselves.
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Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Intézetének podcastja térképekről, térinformatikáról, távérzékelésről és földtudományokról.
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Sermons of Terrace Lake Community Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Located in the Rocky Mountains of Montana!
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Welcome to The Terrance Henry Experience , where amazing things happen.
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The Terranadome Sports Show is back from the dead after a 2 year hiatus! The principle remains the same: unapologetic takes, honest reactions, and thorough analysis. Episodes released twice a week: Sundays or Mondays and Thursdays.
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Les grans qestions de l'univers amb l'astrofsic Joan Anton Catal
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Terra Terra - ITER pedologia bologna. Programma dedicato allo studio del suolo, alla salvaguardia del territorio e alla biodiversità
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Un pòdcast de forquilla, en català, que t’acosta a la tecnologia tal com raja.
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At TERRA API, we are on a mission to enable developers to connect and create solutions by using health data. Kyriakos Eleftheriou, the founder and CEO of Terra API speaks with some of the best founders and CEOs in the space of health and fitness, to learn how the best are building their businesses.
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Apresentadores: André Castilho, Carlos Pellerin e Felipe Vieira. Publicação quinzenal às quartas-feiras. Bate-papo sobre mundos ficcionais de livros, filmes, jogos eletrônicos/digitais, séries e quadrinhos; gameplays de RPG e outros jogos; e relatos de experiências pessoais com a cultura pop e sua relação com a vida real.
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Terra incognita
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Terra Verde delivers news and views about the most critical environmental issues across California and globally. From agriculture and wildlife to energy and climate change, industrial pollution to design solutions, Terra Verde brings you stories of struggle and triumph that will determine the future of our planet.
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The Beyond Terrain podcast considers all facets of life as significant. Here we’re focused on learning about ways to live prosperously, gain wisdom, improve relationships and to be healthy holistically through a terrain perspective. Considering ancestral wisdom, logic, alchemy, philosophy and true science, we will move into a new (or old) way of thinking about living well. Moving beyond the broken modern systems, such as institutions of science, medicine, education, government and organized ...
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!Un podcast sobre lo fascinante que es la ciencia!
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Es gab und gibt wohl immer wieder in der Menschheitsgeschichte „magische“ Orte, an denen Neugierige bzw. Suchende zusammenkamen, um sich in möglichst angst-, und konkurrenzfreier Atmosphäre auszutauschen. Meist begannen diese Zusammenkünfte in lockerer Form, zwanglos, wahrscheinlich bei einem erfrischenden Getränk, anregendem Essen, freiem Blick auf freie Landschaften und, vor allem, ohne einschränkende Zugangsvoraussetzungen. Getragen von Begeisterung, bildeten sich neue, unverblümt vorgetr ...
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Este Podcast trará à você mensagens com o objetivo de trazer VIDA para você e para todos ao seu redor! Te trazer VIDA em todas as áreas da sua vida, área financeira, familiar, profissional, sentimental, espiritual e etc. Alimente-se dessa palavra diariamente e viva uma vida extraordinária!
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Terra's Baddy Club podcast, hosted by the survivor who bravely defeated Dirty John Meehan in self-defense, offers a gripping narrative. Terra shares insights into her personal healing journey, daily experiences, and enriches episodes with interviews featuring friends, experts, and fellow 'Baddys.' Tune in every other Wednesday for episodes, with exciting bonus content dropping every other week on patreon! Cover Art Photo and Make Up: Troy Jensen
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In Dijkstra & Evenblij ter plekke reizen Frank Evenblij en Erik Dijkstra kriskras door Nederland, naar plekken die in het nieuws zijn. Met bijzondere verhalen, persoonlijke anekdotes, live muziek en verrassende gasten maken Dijkstra en Evenblij er elke week een sfeervol uitje van. En daar wil jij bij zijn!
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Podcast che vuole analizzare e narrare nel dettaglio le opere del grande scrittore inglese John Ronald Reuel Tolkien inerenti alla Terra di Mezzo, a partire dal Silmarillion, con l'ambizioso obiettivo di arrivare ad affrontare per intero il suo capolavoro: Il Signore degli Anelli.
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Aqui, você encontra as edições do programa de rádio do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural do Paraná, O Homem e a Terra, e conteúdos extras sobre pesquisa agropecuária, assistência técnica e extensão rural, agroecologia e fomento.
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Programas, entrevistas, receitas e ofertas do mercado Harmonia da Terra. O Mercado Harmonia da Terra é um espaço dedicado a oferecer alimentos frescos, naturais e de qualidade, com foco em produtos que promovem saúde e bem-estar. Com uma seleção cuidadosa de fornecedores, o mercado busca equilibrar o valor justo ao consumidor com a preservação de práticas sustentáveis, trazendo um conceito diferenciado para o dia a dia de quem valoriza uma alimentação consciente.
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This is a collection of the preaching from RTCC. For more information, please visit
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Long running, twice-weekly Scottish football podcast which prides itself on covering the fortunes and misadventures of teams throughout the SPFL. With content and an attitude you won't find anywhere else, The Terrace is sometimes analytical, sometimes funny, mostly informal and always has a passion for the Scottish game.
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The Terra Harvell Show is your go-to podcast for hairstylists, salon owners, and entrepreneurs looking to level up in life and business, hosted by 8-figure business owner and CEO of Harper Ellis Hair Co., Terra Harvell. Terra is a hairstylist turned business mogul who has made it her life’s mission to coach salon owners and hairstylists on how to build wealth and find their legacy. Terra’s golden rule? Put yourself in rooms with people who have already done what you want to be doing. Conside ...
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Cronache di Cielo e Terra è un canale che vuole proporre argomenti storici, filosofici e teologici che trattano la difesa della verità cattolica, attraverso le parole di esperti, contemporanei e del passato.
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A Warhammer 40K and 30K podcast for all your Warhammer needs.Every month we explore what we have done in this hobby, we look at a month poll run on our community facebook page, we examine part of the lore a little more closely and talk about books or a member of our community.
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Jason connait très bien le contexte et les contours de Magic. Il y joue depuis des temps immémoriaux et participe même à des tournois. Il sera l’insider à jour. Tommy adore le jeu et le considère son passe-temps alpha depuis 1995. Il est le passionné. Andy a déjà joué à Magic, il s’y remet lentement, alors il va servir de lien entre les vétérans et les néophytes dans ce podcast portant entièrement sur le plus fabuleux jeu de cartes à collectionner sur Terre !
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Ciclo di catechesi condotto da Don Francesco Voltaggio.
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interviews, astuces, conseils, jingles, infos, et humour !
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A multimedia podcast about aviation accidents, featuring Kyra Dempsey (aka Admiral Cloudberg), Ariadne (aka the business knowing one) and J (aka the systems and physics knowing one) Best experienced with pictures at
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Podcasts on various Terracotta topics.
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Join the Mattsons, a dynamic husband-wife team, who are helping leaders live and lead with integrity at home, at work, and in the community. Whether you are a parent, a pastor, a CEO, or all three, the Living Wholehearted Podcast inspires and helps you shrink the gap between what you preach and how you live. Authors, speakers, business owners, social entrepreneurs, parents, and co-founders of Living Wholehearted and Courageous Girls, Jeff is a seasoned Executive Coach and Terra is a Licensed ...
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Converses pausades amb personatges que marquen el dia a dia.
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Clube dos Generais - História Militar para quem não pode ter um blindado em casa!
Clube dos Generais
Após duas décadas de atuação via internet, agora a equipe do Clube dos Generais conta também com a produção de podcasts para trazer à discussão tópicos interessantes, curiosos e relevantes sobre História Militar. Se você é daqueles que gostaria de ter um blindado em casa, parabéns! O Clube dos Generais é o seu lugar! O Clube dos Generais é um participante do Programa Associados da Link Geral: Twitter: @ClubeGenerais YouTube: ...
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Intézetvezető voltam II. rész (Dr. Zentai László)
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Dr. Zentai László 2005 és 2024 között vezette az ELTE Térképtudományi és Geoinformatikai Intézetét, korábban Tanszékét. Kétrészes beszélgetésünkben szakmai pályáját járjuk be: hogyan lett tájfutóból oktató, egyetemi vezető, illetve nemzetközi térképész tisztségviselő. Ez idei utolsó adásunk, a podcast január közepéig téli pihenőre vonul.…
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Dijkstra & Evenblij ter plekke in Wassenaar (8 december 2024)
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Presentatoren Erik Dijkstra en Frank Evenblij zijn zondag 8 december ter plekke in Wassenaar. Ze praten daar over de toekomst van Duindigt. Er dreigt een faillissement voor draf- en renbaan, maar het debat over een reddingsplan lijkt in de Wassenaarse politiek verzand in chaos. Wassenaar vergrijst en drie jonge huisartsen zien dat zij meer zorg op …
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Rebeldes na Síria e outras Notícias do Front - PHM #161
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ATENÇÃO: desde o dia de transmissão desta live até a liberação como podcast, a situação já mudou completamente. Fica o registro de como a coisa estava em 04/12/2024. Essa semana o Clube dos Generais traz as novidades mais recentes nos fronts pelo mundo, com destaque para os rebeldes sírios tomando Alepo e ameaçando tomar todo o país.Vem com a gente…
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Programa O Homem e a Terra desta quarta-feira, 11.12.2024 O programa traz uma entrevista com o Extensionista Reinaldo Neres dos Santos de Alvorada do Sul. O programa também traz detalhes do Boletim do Departamento de Economia Rural.
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Terrain Basique - EP313: Coup d’Oeil sur Aetherdrift
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Terrain Basique - EP313: Coup d’Oeil sur Aetherdrift On parle du set Aetherdrift qui sort cet hiver. Guide d’Aetherdrift : Suivez Terrain Basique sur leur page Facebook. REJOIGNEZ NOTRE DISCORD: NOTRE YOUTUBE:…
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Stardust ruft Terra Nr. 180 - Der gnadenlose Gegner - William Voltz
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Heute spreche ich in meinem Perry Rhodan Reread-Podcast Stardust ruft Terra über den 180. Band der Heftromanserie. Mit „Der gnadenlose Gegner“ von William Voltz, erreicht die Jagd nach Perry Rhodan einen vorläufigen Höhepunkt. Das mächtige Flaggschiff der terranischen Flotte, wird nach dem Kampf um Stup durch eine plophosische Flotte durch die Milc…
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#92 - Chainsaw Man: paternidade, sonho e transformação
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Episódio do dia 11/12/2024, para falar sobre paternidade, sonho e transformação em Chainsaw Man! Apresentadores: André Castilho, Carlos Pellerin e Felipe Vieira. Convidados: Dori e Rafael Gubolin. O herói desse anime tem cabeça de motossera! Isso deve ser suficiente para você entender que Chainsaw Man é uma das coisas mais estranhas já criadas. Mis…
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The best moments in Scottish football in 2024/25 so far (part 1)
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Apologies for the lack of Scottish Premiership review show this week. A duo was in place to record but a family emergency precluded one of the parties from taking part and a replacement couldn't be sought last minute. Therefore, we have decided to bring the release of the first THE LIST episode of the season up by 48 hours! Enjoy as Craig Fowler, T…
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Programa O Homem e a Terra desta terça-feira, 10.12.2024
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Stardust ruft Terra Nr. 179 - Notlandung auf Beauly II - Karl Herbert Scheer
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Heute spreche ich in meinem Perry Rhodan Reread-Podcast über den 179. Band der Heftromanserie. Mit „Notlandung auf Beauly II“ beginnt Karl Herbert Scheer einen neuen Handlungsabschnitt. Das Vereinte Imperium ist am Ende. Überall in der Galaxis regt sich Widerstand gegen die Zentralmacht Terra. Atlan und Rhodan treffen sich zu einer Krisenbesprechun…
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Dr. Amandha Vollmer on Mind-Body Connection, Healing, Best Interventions, and More!
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This week, we are honored to have Dr. Amanda Vollmer on the podcast! Dr. Vollmer is a brilliant mind in the terrain movement, and we had a phenomenal discussion about health and healing. Our conversation explored masculine vs. feminine health—how each manifests, their stages, and the unique dynamics involved. We also delved into the profound connec…
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RAC FM 12 Days of Stargaze NFTs FinnRaps Launch
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Welcome back to another episode of RAC FM! Today the gang is having a launch party for Hallmark Holidaze, Finn's new track for the Stargaze 12 days of NFTs! You'll hear from Robo, Bbandz, Finn, Tank, Brady | Signal, SNAILS, Okiee, Mr. Fox, Brasco, Homestead the Pleb, INFERNUM BOT CLUB, and more! Recorded on December 9th 2024. RAC FM is powered by T…
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This episode originally aired on February 15, 2021: This week Charlotte Thomasson hosts us on a cross-country ski tour around Edmonton, Alberta. Elizbeth Dowdell joins with some facts about the Canadian Birkebeiner and the two inspire you to get outside and explore the beauty of winter. Small-town rivalries, poetry, and the origin of two classic Ca…
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In this conversation, Kyriakos discusses with Vadim - CEO of Bioniq on his journey from being a professional athlete to leading the personalised health supplement company.Vadim shares insights on fundraising challenges, the significance of early adopters, and the impact of celebrity endorsements, particularly Ronaldo's…
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Programa O Homem e a Terra desta segunda-feira, 09.12.2024
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Sense cap motiu aparent, desempolsem un tema que feia anys que estava a la nostra llista de pendents. Es tracta d’una mirada analítica al moviment FIRE — una manera d’entendre la vida que barreja estalvi extrem, inversions eficients, i un optimisme sospitós. Notes de l’episodi: Aquest podria considerar-se el fill il·legítim de Primer d’Inversió, un…
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Stardust ruft Terra Nr. 178 - Die Todeskandidaten von Akon - Kurt Mahr
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Heute spreche ich in meinem Perry Rhodan Reread-Podcast Stardust ruft Terra, über den 178. Band der Heftromanserie. Mit „Die Todeskandidaten von Akon“ beendet Kurt Mahr den Handlungsabschnitt rund um die Gataser und das Molkex. Die Akonen wagen, getrieben von ihrer Angst, einen verdeckten Angriff auf die Heimat der Schreckwürmer. Dort gerät die Bes…
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Programa 100 - Convidado Júlio Isidro
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Programa 100 - Convidado Júlio Isidro
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Adam Bigelsen, Josh Bigelsen, and Dr. Marizelle Arce on Isopathy, protocol pitfalls, and nailing the Terrain basics
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Adam and Josh Bigelsen are the sons of Harvey Bigelsen, M.D., a founding board member of the American Holistic Medical Association and co-author of the Arizona Homeopathic Medical Practice Act. Adam and Josh help run the Bigelsen Academy, an organization devoted to carrying on their father's work and legacy through Terrain education opportunities, …
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Relationships are always worth fighting for, even when it seems like they are not.
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Genesis 42-45 Sermon AudioAf Chris Thomas
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Quiz Battle: The reigning 16-to-1 champion v Terrace subscriber
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To herald the return of the 16-to-1 quiz series on The Terrace Patreon, reigning champion Craig Fowler warms up to the defence of his title with a match against subscriber Mark MacDonald, with Craig Anderson, of course, as quizmaster. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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John 13:1-17Af Dr. Nace Howell
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MiscAf DR. Nace Howell
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El quiz de "La Terra s plana": com es diuen els orgnuls cellulars que fabriquen energia? - 08/12/24
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Aquesta temporada, cada final de mes, a "La Terra s plana" passem examen sobre tot el que hem anat aprenent amb el Joan Anton Catal. Avui, amb un gran fan del Joan Anton Catal: el Biel.
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Émission consacrée au rock progressif d'aujourd'huiavec Michel Bilodeau et Marc Chaunet. Pour nous rejoindre/écrire un message par . Pour consulter les contenus d'émissions: CKRL
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Stardust ruft Terra Nr. 177 - Der Untergang des zweiten Imperiums - Clark Darlton
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Heute spreche ich in meinem Perry Rhodan Reread-Podcast Stardust ruft Terra über den 177. Band der Heftromanserie. Mit „Der Untergang des zweiten Imperiums“ von Clark Darlton führt der Serienverantwortliche den Handlungsabschnitt zu seinem Ende. Zwar gehört der nächste Band auch noch zu diesem Handlungsblock, doch die Geschichte des Krieges gegen d…
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In dieser Folge des Podcasts der Kalifornischen Terrassen, demonstriert Kevin Baron die Technik des Mirroring und Labeling von dem ehemaligen FBI Agenten Chris Voss. Nach der Darstellung durch das Gespräch mit Vivien, werden die positiven Auswirkungen der Methode wie das Pacing, als auch mögliche Herausforderungen wie einer unangenehmen Stille besc…
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No episódio de hoje o Pastor Célio Rosa irá te mostrar que a ira habita no coração do tolo Acesse os nossos perfis no Instagram: @opescadorsaldaterra @celio_rosa_opescador Fale conosco através do Whatsapp: (66) 9 9677-7529
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This week on The Terra Harvell Show, Terra Harvell, the CEO and founder of Harper Ellis Hair Co., is sharing her journey from humble beginnings to leading one of the fastest growing brands in the hair industry. Terra’s story is more than just inspiring—it’s a masterclass in innovation, resilience, and staying true to your purpose while scaling a bu…
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Tolkien: il poeta della realtà secondaria - Guido Vignelli
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Chi fu J.R.R. Tolkien?In quali ambiti operò?Conosciamo il suo pensiero filosofico e politico?Qual è l'eredità di Tolkien?Ce ne parla Guido Vignelli in questo nuovo episodio di Cronache di Cielo e Terra. Seguici sui nostri canaliTelegram 👉 👉 👉…
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Programa O Homem e a Terra desta sexta-feira, 06.12.2024 O programa traz informações sobre o Serviço de Extensão Rural. O programa traz também uma entrevista com Karolline Marques, Engenheira de Alimentos do IDR-Paraná.
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Episode 131: Protecting with Purpose - Christian Smith of K&C Executive Protection LLC In this compelling episode of ‘The Terrance Henry Experience,’ we sit down with Christian Smith, the dynamic owner of K&C Executive Protection LLC. Christian shares his journey from the inception of his company to becoming a leader in the field of executive prote…
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Geschichte der Künstlichen Intelligenz
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ChatGPT, AlphaZero, Deepfakes, selbstfahrende Autos – Künstliche Intelligenz ist aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. KI erleichtert inzwischen in vielen Bereichen unser Leben und hilft bei Problemlösungen, wie etwa in der Medizin oder in der Landwirtschaft. Aber KI-erzeugte Fake News fluten auch das Netz, Deepfakes imitieren Politiker täusch…
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Terranadome - 12/5/2024 - Patriots blow it again; Week 13 Rapidfire Rundown; Standings; Juan Soto
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Text the show! Loaded show in under an hour! Terranadome solo edition. 3:10-9:48 Colts @ Patriots / Pats give another one away 9:52-36:14 NFL Week 13: Rapidfire Rundown! 36:25-39:17 NFL Week 14: Ones to Watch. 39:55-42:40 NFL Conference Standings after 13 weeks 43:20-49:35 The Boston Red Sox and the Juan Soto Sweepstakes. PLEASE SHARE, LIKE, SUBSCR…
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Craig Fowler fills in for Craig Telfer to join Shaughan McGuigan on a whistle-stop tour of the Scottish Cup third round. The pair chat about a terrific encounter at Hampden, an overlooked hat-trick at Forfar, some dreadful defending at Stranraer, and a big lad with glasses blocking a goal. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Mutum-de-alagoas: uma luta contra a extinção
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No episódio de hoje, o repórter Paulo Augusto conversa com o médico veterinário e diretor dede Sustentabilidade & ESG da BluestOne, Alexandre Resende sobre as histórias que envolvem uma das aves mais emblemáticas do nordeste, o mutum-de-alagoas (Pauxi mitu). A ave foi extinta da natureza, mas graças a esforços e a indivíduos da espécie que existiam…
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APPLICA e nuovi progetti di ricerca a cura di Carla Scotti
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Cosa e come sta facendo Iter Bologna: ce lo dice Carla ScottiAf ITER e Mara Generali
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Programa O Homem e a Terra desta quinta-feira, 05.12.2024
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11 - Il Cardinale Ruffo e l'esercito della Santa Fede - Massimo Viglione
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Intervento di Massimo Viglione dal titolo: Il Meridione e il sanfedismo.Convegno organizzato dalla Confederazione dei Triarii - Monteroni d'Arbia, pomeriggio del 19 ottobre 2024.
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10 - Andreas Hofer e l'insurrezione del Tirolo - Elena Bianchini Braglia
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Intervento di Elena Bianchini Braglia dal titolo: Il Tirolo e Andreas Hofer.Convegno organizzato dalla Confederazione dei Triarii - Monteroni d'Arbia, pomeriggio del 19 ottobre 2024.
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9 - I Viva Maria Aretini - Giovanni Chianucci
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Intervento di Giovanni Chianucci dal titolo: I Viva Maria AretiniConvegno organizzato dalla Confederazione dei Triarii - Monteroni d'Arbia, pomeriggio del 19 ottobre 2024.
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8 - Le Pasque Veronesi - Daniela Baldoria
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Intervento di Daniela Baldoria dal titolo: Le Pasque VeronesiConvegno organizzato dalla Confederazione dei Triarii - Monteroni d'Arbia, pomeriggio del 19 ottobre 2024.
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