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The Go-to Podcast for Struggling Adoptive Parents Who Need Support In Their Parenting Journey! **TOP 2% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST** ** TOP 50 CHRISTIAN PARENTING PODCAST** Did you finally realize your dream of having a family only to have your happily ever after turn into a nightmare? Are you constantly second-guessing your parenting, anxious about whether your child will make good choices and remain faithful? Have you neglected yourself to the point that it’s taken a personal toll on you? If ...
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Healing Hearts is a podcast aimed to help others parent with purpose. We offer support for resilient families as a beacon of hope and understanding for parents of vulnerable youth. Our commitment is to serve as an empathetic yet empowering guide for parents through the complex journey of raising children who face emotional, developmental, or behavioral divergence. We create dialogues that inspire, providing practical solutions and unwavering support for parents seeking strength and compassio ...
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show series
Hi Neighbor, As adoptive parents, we often find ourselves grappling with questions, fears, and challenges unique to the adoption journey. In this episode, I want to share 3 stories that shape Adoption Struggles and Support. This podcast is deeply personal. Yes, it’s to support adoptive parents, but it’s also much more. I want you to know, you’re no…
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In today's episode we answer questions ranging from how we met to how we navigate conflict, and how we help each other through tough times. We have included the questions with a link below in case you would like to use them in a conversation with your partner! Questions in today's episode: If you are a betrayed partner …
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Send us a text “Am I giving enough attention to all my children?” “Where do I start when advocating for my child’s education, therapy, and resources?” “How can I support other children who may feel overlooked or burdened?” – Every parent fears that they are not parenting their children the right way, it’s not just you. Today, Sophia Mills sits down…
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“Take hold of my instructions. Don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life.” ~Proverbs 4:13 Hi Neighbor, How can adoptive parents be okay even if their kids aren’t? May I suggest you hold on to an anchor. In this episode, I’ll consider a concept I call an ”anchor point,” which involves anchoring yourself in biblical principles to fi…
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It’s always easier to identify negative patterns in someone else. In today’s episode, Kylene shares four common patterns that can show up in both the addicted partner and the betrayed partner — but in different ways: Qualifying and Comparing Using Absolutes like “Always” and “Never” Looking Outward Instead of Inward Dehumanizing Thoughts or Behavio…
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It’s a conversation I never wanted to have with my son, Jonny. It’s a conversation I hope adoptive parents never have to have with their children. But it’s a conversation you need to be prepared to have. Hi Neighbor, Today marks a change for this podcast. We’re pivoting from Anchors of Encouragement to Adoption Struggles and Support. In this episod…
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In today's episode, Patrick shares four ways a recovering addict can show up for their betrayed partner while demonstrating consistency, sincerity and healing: Make an effort to understand Focus on your own healing Practice your responses Don't seek her external validation We often mention the "Help Her Heal" workbook and encourage you to utilize t…
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“The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” ~Philippians 4:9 Hi Neighbor, In this episode, I’ll share a personal story from my adoption journey and how it inspired my words for the year. Ever think about the secret sauce to navigating the highs and lows of the ad…
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Erin Stretar (pronounced Streeter) shares three powerful tools she recommends to all her clients navigating betrayal recovery in this week’s RecoverU episode. Discover how journaling, self-soothing techniques, and building a strong support system can empower your healing journey. Erin provides practical tips and real-life applications you can start…
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Whenever you find yourself triggered and negative thoughts are running through your head, what can you do? May I suggest it's time to empty the garbage? Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. This is the last episode in our series where I’ve been laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadc…
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In this episode, Kylene and Patrick walk through how to use a polygraph (lie detector test) as part of recovery, reconciliation and trust building after betrayal and discovery. Some questions they answer are: Why use a polygraph? How to find a polygrapher What to look for in a polygrapher- interview questions to consider Best practices for creating…
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Send us a text “Why are my children so defiant?” “What can I do to stop the constant arguments, tantrums, and fights?” “What am I doing wrong?” – We all have our struggles, the days when we feel down and maybe get a little snappy, but for some people, some parents, the struggle is constant. Children with behavioral challenges present new obstacles …
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“Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him.” ~Luke 10:33 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these …
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Congratulations to Patrick on 4 years in recovery! I'm so proud of you.In this episode, Kylene briefly shares what it feels like to be hitting the 4 year mark of recovery together, and why the intense and purposeful effort they made has truly been worth it. If you are a betrayed partner and would like to connect with Kylene for 1:1 coaching support…
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Divorce feels similar to being widowed. You've lost your partner, you've lost the life and the future you thought you had, and you experience a significant amount of grief. Divorce after betrayal can feel isolating and overwhelming. This is why Kim Hansen Petroni has written her workbook: "Not a Casserole Widow" to provide education and cultivate s…
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“Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” ~Matthew 6:34 CSB Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a …
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Life can be stressful on its own, but navigating recovery after addiction and betrayal adds layers of tension, overwhelming emotions, and uncertainty. In today’s episode, Kylene and Patrick explore how the fruits of the Spirit can serve as a powerful self-reflection tool to guide growth and healing in your recovery journey. By focusing on cultivati…
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Send us a text Join us as Sophia Mills speaks with Jaclyn Pederson, CEO of Feeding Matters, to explore the complications of Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD). Learn how to see the difference between PFD and typical picky eating, discover valuable resources for your family, and gain insights into how you can help advocate for better care. Whether you…
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“Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body..” ~Proverbs 16:24 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. W…
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Is there a difference between sobriety and recovery? Is recovery just a longer version of sobriety? In this episode of RecoverU Kylene and Patrick share their perspective on the differences between sobriety and recovery and the type of actions and behaviors it takes to move into a life of recovery, and ultimately freedom, after a life of sex or por…
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Feeling stuck and not sure how to move forward? In today’s episode, Kylene and Patrick discuss choosing who you want to be so you don’t stay stuck in 2025. They provide five practical tips and actionable resources to help you align with your values and vision for the future. Their approach emphasizes digging deeper than surface-level goals, empower…
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“The generous will prosper. Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” ~Proverbs 11:25 NLT Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episodes, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these w…
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Send us a text In this episode, Courtney Marx, Program Director of Mental Health First Aid at Alpert Jewish Family Services, tells Sophia Mills and all you valuable parents how MHFA advocates for compassionate responses to mental health challenges. Courtney explains the 5-step action plan, breaking down disgrace, and how these tools make a very lar…
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“When snow falls, nature listens.” ~Antoinette van Kleeff When snow falls, nature seems to slow down. Everything becomes quieter and calmer. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could harness that sense of calm for ourselves? I believe we can. Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement, this one during a winter stor…
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“All for One and One for All!” Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. In our previous episode, I began laying the foundation for my words this year, giving you breadcrumbs, if you will, to a word jumble. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep into their meanings by breaking…
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“Your road led through the sea, Your pathway through the mighty waters, a pathway no one knew was there.” ~Psalm 77:19 Hi Neighbor, Welcome you to another unplugged episode of Anchors of Encouragement. Today, I’m going to begin revealing what my words are for the coming year. Here’s a hint: I’m going to reveal these words slowly. We’ll dive deep in…
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Hi Neighbor, December is a month where a lot of us select our word for the coming year. A word to provide a compass and guidance and direction as we anticipate the challenges and aspirations of the coming year. Have you ever chosen a word to guide you through the year? As we enter the New Year, I want to encourage you to choose a word, or words, th…
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“When the dark clouds of despair have darkened the pathway of life's progress, just remember that behind each cloud is a silver lining, if you will only learn to see it.” ~Napoleon Hill Hi Neighbor, Adoptive parents sometimes face dark clouds of adversity in their adoption journeys, but remember: every dark cloud has a silver lining. In this journa…
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Do you feel discouraged in your recovery journey? We encourage you to take some time to reflect on the past year. Often, when we feel stuck or frustrated, if we compare where we are today to where we were 6 months ago, or a year ago, we have a better perspective of how far we've truly come! the end of the year offers us a natural point to review wh…
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He faced one discouraging obstacle after another, yet through it all, he persisted. How did he do it? First, he partnered with God. Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I’ll share a journaling prompt inspired by the story of one of my favorite Bible characters. I’ll also share with you an easy way to begin journaling even if you have never done…
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Do you and your partner feel LESS connected when things get busy? Do you notice that you have less time for each other and fewer conversations? Communication is a top priority during recovery and we want to encourage you to prioritize it MORE when you're busy, tired or stressed instead of less. When we get busy and communicate less, it becomes a br…
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The adoption journey can be difficult and adoptive parents often need support but won’t ask for it. What’s the solution? A kind gesture! Hi Neighbor, In this journaling episode, I’ll share a kindness quote and show how it can be used to support adoptive parents. We’ll consider how important compassion is in supporting adoptive parents through their…
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Are you a people pleaser? Saying NO is hard, and we can feel extra pressure around the holidays. In today's episode, Kylene and Patrick offer 3, succinct and specific ways to politely decline invitations if you need some extra down time for recovery. If you are a betrayed partner and would like to connect with Kylene for 1:1 coaching support, pleas…
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Whenever life is interrupted, whenever you lose a loved one, or whenever you turn around and all of a sudden your kids are grown, it’s then that a lot of people understand just how precious time is. Hi Neighbor!⁣ Are you grateful for the time you have? We all have a finite amount of time. We just don’t know how finite. Whenever life is interrupted,…
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Discovery is one of the most stressful experiences for both the sex/porn addict and the betrayed partner. Stress takes a significant toll on the body in this episode Kylene breaks down how stress impacts the body and 3 specific pillars of support we can bring in to support our mental and physical health through recovery. Kylene has some links below…
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Send us a text In this heartwarming episode with Sofia Scher, Sasha Saidman—children’s book author, mental health advocate, and mom—shares her journey with raising children through dyslexia, therapy, and the extremely tough demands of parenting. Learn about how Sasha’s experiences have shaped her unique perspective on mental health, self-compassion…
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If you’re an adoptive parent who feels like you’re all alone, I’m here to tell you there are other adoptive parents who feel the same way. They are going through the same struggles as you. What can you do when you feel this way? I believe it’s important to hold on to and embrace an anchor of encouragement. Hi Neighbor!⁣ Adoptive parenting can often…
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Are you a betrayed partner who has asked the question - how could my husband engage in such hurtful behaviors and still love me? If so, you're not alone! In this episode Kylene and Patrick talk about how this questions is really a form of communicating the pain that has been caused, the feelings of insecurity, the fear of comparison, and the reiter…
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Have you ever had one of those days? A really hard day with your adopted child? You’re at your wit’s end! What do you do? Maybe it’s time to hit the Pause Button! Hi Neighbor! There are days when adoption can be really hard. In this episode of Anchors of Encouragement, we’ll consider 7 ways for adoptive parents to find support and achieve respite. …
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Are you stuck in an anxiety loop after betrayal? If so, you are NOT alone. Anxiety is one of the primary emotions that surface after discovering your husband is a sex or porn addict. Not sure if you feel anxious? In this episode Kylene and Patrick break down some signs and symptoms of anxiety, why safety is important, and how we can support our hea…
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Have you ever had rain in your heart? Maybe you should seek shelter under the umbrella of a friend. Hi Neighbor! Have you ever had rain in your heart? Sometimes it can feel like a drizzle while other times it feels like a downpour. Where can adoptive parents go for shelter? I believe the solution is found under the umbrella of a friend. In this epi…
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My husband CHEATED - so it's ok to be angry right? I'm so ANGRY and I just can't get over it. I will never get over it. I'm not allowed to be angry - it's a sin. Anger is a natural emotion and an important feeling to be respected and acknowledged. However, when left unchecked it can turn into bitterness and it can begin to take control of your life…
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Have you ever struggled with trusting that adoption is what God wants for you? May I suggest that you ask God for clues? Hi Neighbor! In this episode, I would like to respond to an answer a listener gave me to the following question... What would support you the most RIGHT NOW when it comes to adoptive parenting? We’ll consider this answer by looki…
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I can do this on my own! They hurt me, therefore I can hurt them. Porn isn't infidelity! In today's episode, Kylene and Patrick address these 3 lies. Both recovering addicts and betrayed partners can get caught up in these beliefs and it can dramatically impact long term healing. Let's shift these beliefs together to find deep, long lasting freedom…
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Send us a text In this episode, Pamela Brooks, a social work veteran with 25 years of experience, speaks of the world of educational advocacy with Sofia Scher. Learn how you can embrace your child’s learning needs, work well with your teachers, and access resources to help children flourish emotionally and academically. Whether you're a parent, fos…
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Your body is the first to know. Know what? That it’s time to be still. Hi Neighbor, Are you an adoptive parent struggling with a challenging storm in your life? You might feel out of sorts. You might feel a heaviness about you. You might even feel emotionally drained. It’s time to listen to your body, step back, step away, and show yourself grace. …
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Are you a recovering sex/porn addict who is frustrated that your spouse still has questions about your previous behavior? Or maybe you are a betrayed spouse who has brought up a trigger only to be replied to with "when will you get over this? Why is this still coming up for you?" All couples navigating recovery long for the day when they will never…
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How can I connect more deeply with my partner - especially after betrayal? Communication is the foundation for life long intimacy and growth with your partner. AND it happens to be one of the top struggles most couples have. In today's episode, Kylene and Patrick suggest 4 questions to discuss with your partner to open conversation and to connect m…
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Send us a text In this episode with Sophia Mills, Carli Dansky, founder of BTrue & Well and The Authenticity Project, shares her knowledge about embracing authenticity in a world filled with social expectations. Carli explains the importance of parents living according to their true values, creating safe spaces for children to express their thought…
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