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Write Now with Sarah Werner

Sarah Rhea Werner

A podcast for all writers looking to find a healthy work/life/writing balance. Get the encouragement, honest advice, and inspiration you need to pursue your passion and write every day. Recurring themes include books, coffee, rainy days, truth, beauty, lasers, dinosaurs, and all of your other favorite things.
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A-Player Podcast – Klartext über Erfolg, Hustle & die Wahrheit dahinter. Willkommen zum A-Player Podcasts! 🎙️ Domenic Werners nimmt dich mit auf eine ungeschönte Reise durch Erfolg, High-Performance und die Schattenseiten des absoluten Grind-Modus. Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionenumsatz – klingt nach einem Traum, oder? Doch was ist der wahre Preis des Erfolgs? Domenic spricht Klartext über das, worüber keiner redet: die Einsamkeit, den Burnout, das Hamsterrad, das sich viele selbst bauen. Er ...
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Cwejman & Werner


Kulturchefen Björn Werner och ledarredaktören Adam Cwejman fördjupar dig i ämnena som splittrar debattörerna. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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In 2023, Celia went viral on Threads for a post asking artists for music from the independent artists of the world. Celia collected over 100 hours of music and created ”The Void” playlist. Celia has been interviewing members of The Void as well as other creators she’s met online ever since. This podcast gets into the nitty gritty of what it’s like to be in different parts of the music industry all over the world.
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Welcome to the TEC ONE podcast, where we empower digital freelancers and nomadic entrepreneurs to thrive in the dynamic world of internet business. Join us as we explore actionable strategies, insights, and success stories from industry experts, hosted by Prof. Dr. Werner Korb. At TEC ONE, we're revolutionizing the landscape for freelancers and consultants, offering bespoke 12-week acceleration programs and transformative flash-coaching experiences. Led by Prof. Dr. Werner Korb, our coaching ...
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Die wichtigsten Ideen entstehen oft hinter den Kulissen, bei einem Kaffee oder Tee, dann, wenn man gar nicht damit rechnet. Wie gehen wir im GWI mit aktuell brennenden Themen um, was bewegt uns, welche Diskussionen lassen unsere Wände wackeln und was fehlt uns in den öffentlichen Debatten? Das alles diskutieren wir jeden Monat neu.
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show series
Whether you're a seasoned novelist or a newcomer to the craft, we all come to the page and need to BEGIN. It's easy to say "Just start," but it's often not that simple. This week, I have some fresh encouragement and practical tips to help you start writing with confidence. Links mentioned: Write Now Episode 102: Journaling & You Write Now Episode 1…
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🔥 Warum scheitern 99% – und wie du zu den 1% gehörst? Jeder kennt es: Groß träumen, sich Ziele setzen – und dann doch wieder aufgeben. Aber warum ziehen so wenige wirklich durch? In dieser Episode knallen wir die Wahrheit auf den Tisch. 💡 Heute erfährst du: ✔ Warum Motivation ein Scam ist – und Disziplin der wahre Gamechanger ✔ Die drei Hauptgründe…
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🔥 Braucht ein echter Closer eine Rolex – oder nur Substanz? Jeder kennt den Satz: „Ohne Rolex kannst du kein erfolgreicher Closer sein.“ Aber ist das wirklich so? In dieser Episode zerlegen wir einen der größten Mythen im Business – und die Antwort könnte dich überraschen. 💡 In dieser Folge erfährst du: ✔ Warum die besten Closer keine Rolex brauche…
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🔥 Wie mein härtester Boss mich zum A-Player gemacht hat Hast du schon mal einen Chef gehabt, der dich entweder gebrochen oder zu einer Maschine gemacht hat? Genau so jemand war Benjamin Tellez für mich. In dieser Episode nehme ich dich mit zurück ins Jahr 2019 – mein erster Tag bei EIMS in Barcelona. Kein Smalltalk, kein Händeschütteln – nur ein Sa…
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Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, was passiert, wenn du ALLES hinter dir lässt – ohne Plan B? In dieser Episode nehme ich dich mit auf die radikalste Reise meines Lebens: den Umzug nach Barcelona, ohne Sicherheiten, aber mit einer klaren Mission – mein volles Potenzial entfalten. 💡 In dieser Folge erfährst du: ✔ Warum ein kompletter Tapetenwechsel no…
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Was würde ich tun, wenn Geld keine Rolle spielt? 🤔 Diese Frage hat mein Leben komplett verändert. In dieser Folge teile ich meine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse darüber, warum echter Erfolg mehr ist als nur Umsatz – und wie ich meinen eigenen Purpose gefunden habe. 🔹 Meine Geschichte: Sechsstellig verdient, große Deals abgeschlossen – und trotzdem Le…
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Jeder spricht über Erfolg, Geld und Luxus. Doch was passiert, wenn alles den Bach runtergeht? Wenn du nachts wach liegst und dich fragst, ob du überhaupt weitermachen sollst? Genau darum geht es in dieser Folge. 🔥 Das erwartet dich heute: ✅ Mein Aufstieg und Fall: Von sechsstelligem Einkommen und Luxusleben bis zum Punkt, an dem nichts mehr Sinn ma…
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Willkommen zur ersten Folge des A-Player Podcasts! 🎙️ In dieser Episode stelle ich mich vor und teile meine persönliche Geschichte – vom Tellerwäscher zum erfolgreichen Unternehmer. Doch was bedeutet Erfolg wirklich? Ich hinterfrage das klassische Bild des A-Players und spreche über die Schattenseiten des ständigen Hustles. Was bringt dir beruflich…
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Hast du dich jemals gefragt, was Erfolg wirklich bedeutet – abseits von glänzenden Instagram-Storys und leeren Motivationsfloskeln? In dieser Episode nehme ich dich mit hinter die Kulissen meiner Reise: Von null auf Millionenumsätze – und was es mich wirklich gekostet hat. 💡 In dieser Folge erfährst du: ✔ Warum jeder Erfolg mit mindestens zehn Rück…
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How do you decide when to publish your creative work? Is there a point at which you say it's "good enough"? Or do you have a tendency to polish and play around with those "last final tweaks" indefinitely? This week, we're talking about what it means to do your best in a world where "best" is subjective and perfect doesn't exist. Get ready! For show…
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Have you ever felt hopeless, helpless, or disillusioned about goal-setting, or found yourself asking, "Why bother?" This week, we're looking at what happens to make us feel that way, and how to set our writing lives on the path to success going forward. For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/…
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Have you ever wondered if you should self-publish your book, or go through a traditional publisher? This week, we're weighing the pros and cons of each to figure out which method is best for you. Links mentioned: Talking Scared Podcast, Episode #003: Spotify | Apple Podcasts Sarah's indie (self-published) audio drama, Girl In Space The Write Now Po…
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Do you ever struggle to focus on your writing — even on a project you actually enjoy? Whether due to internal or external factors, distraction comes to us in many different forms, for many different reasons. This week, we’re talking about tools, strategies, and habits we writers can use to find our focus again. Thank you for listening! For show not…
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J Reaper - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jreaper_official/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/08ilBuLl6b5L45SPyEGmDW?si=q2CWAh7tRHOnqEiEZucKsQ Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://…
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Follow Jorby - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jorbyisbad/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6hCkMLTnnX2XXSytDJcMdI?si=uKWQMsW8SGqkvOWkPg5OGA Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://bi…
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Follow Bandeauxx. - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bandeauxx/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/391bNCi4B2RfcgcdUWSVuj?si=waCbBVDDR-WXUp9dKRB_uw Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https:…
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Follow Michael Mengarda - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mmengardamusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6zftUKtFOuYdm1rkXvHZlX?si=qVFGNLs7T8-FDQjjLeh8xQ Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Faceb…
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Follow Bleqkid - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bleqkid_/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2D73isOJ8oMWYSboLptXfM?si=U0nMY7NmRi2jauSiLSuYIQ Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://bi…
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Follow Anthony Church - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anthony_church24/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2mAJPFgjziMmeCtt8MR1qx?si=Cn02JXX6QKOt1E1t24XmBw Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Faceb…
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Follow Natica - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/naticamusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5RkmzNWNUb3J8DSGN3mo1R?si=QdWTPVFRSY-1ENIwA2v8Bw Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://…
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Follow Courtney Fleming - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/courtneygfleming/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6gfyRsIbMacRijV57q6lai?si=oulZGXpNRJeN7mO9iqbX4w Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Fac…
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Follow MikhMakh: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikhmakhband/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/22Wz0MNWadbqlMom6JPkg0?si=HVOi5E4kQgKuPhYOQn764w Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https:…
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Follow Yellowpath - Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/__yellowpath__/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7z7MlvLNM56pAz7FC7QLql?si=2znT3eUvRym2NnnsGwWX4g Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: ht…
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DeSousa - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sousyqs/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/69U8nxDlY9Kp1t3r5SlPMs?si=I9UE_IfpQjGszDdEcIo5-g Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://bit.ly/39h…
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Have you ever noticed a disconnect in what you say you want to do, and what you actually end up doing? Because I have! This week, I'm talking about some of the reasons we might experience a gulf between our desires and our actions — and what to do about it. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit:…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Bijou Noir - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aug.watkins/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4fYhJkyxdbctgFzlYSifrp?si=g86a9pHkROyCjc-duIh_ZQ Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: http…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Dream Optimist - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dreamoptimistmusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2tZ8LMKXIcmjqiAAi1XBy8?si=jPSykLiaSHqxsOcaLMQMAA Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Fac…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Roots Reverie - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rootsreveriemusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6eYgMBiQY1A5Q7HkeDoD3l?si=xfDQIQZpT6KIOvRgA27caw Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Faceb…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Jefe Chindrix - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jefechindrix/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1k3D9bFQJ82BAFx5Dl6aEc?si=wRizRL1DQdii56V5kjAEOw Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: …
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Nyck Khayo - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nyckkhayo/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4YP3WolyoXMdRJviQAC1Zd?si=M0p3tYeOQNC5xNgFz4p2EQ Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https:…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Mr.Morning - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samuelbenson98/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7lapAv7pVxbiVWoHIG0JYc?si=JQBYH6LpT3GEXOyx8Xo1PA Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: h…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Daniel John - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniel_john_artist/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5i0CJjkGANInz6JpfeQkL5?si=uoVv_n9IQXesb8ZJBKZsnw Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebo…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow SadAct - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sad__act/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1Pj866WF6r7xZcJxtKsPlU?si=fQE3X6-GQl-Hdl0zTjsVeA Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://bit…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Sin Seer - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sinseer.music/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4X9igxLuY4UbQhpT7icfD5?si=N8zU1H_oS_aeN0rjv6QdWA Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: http…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Zero To Nightmare - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zerotonightmare/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4UahlCZdcXOgosfTMZwExJ?si=s_eouuSgQaSHA4l4_A7nZg Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Fac…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Calito - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifeofcalito/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/05Cv5MNk6uEkFEx0GM433s?si=ujCmiBuxS6GLJVNQCPDBSQ Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https:/…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Mikey Schies - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeyschies/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2hFn4yIBc8Dbt6eIz3iTFG?si=wFPltw3FQDmMXKMrHBSXSg Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: ht…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow The Amazing Doctor Tentacles - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yodrtentacles/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2a0xdijaSKnsy9QBLif8ls?si=twGKm9HcQBq0Qc8Wn6aTfA Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social M…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow ROWE - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roweisnotaband/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3dVoISNd4EbNsd4TDmTvHP?si=dOMh2kSJT0iE_kLpzv3O9A Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https:/…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Ran Aground - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ranagroundinsta/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4LpWhKschO6b7vWZaoEys9?si=1U4mlsgyRou9Z048hH5xXQ Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook:…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: https://bit.ly/39hCSF7 Personal Instagram: https://bit.ly/3bn81cb Business Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/c.w.productions/ Website: https://www.CeliaWernerPro…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Adoraborealis - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikemessermusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/13ezP6jz5zpQkdORHF3ow8?si=X8iOE5uOTyyqIvctFy2ZQw Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Faceboo…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow AudioGust - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audiogustmusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1cTzxtddwnFvsnk9n7QkWK?si=_6n4YrIURECqvNGMo7PNuQ Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: ht…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Jason Didner - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasondidner/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/27hjIQR2jF1rZQ7WJTQWiW?si=i1Er2cUXSEq_ZhHFsfRzRA Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: ht…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Moon and Snow - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moonandsnowmusic/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1RsDPjNYHBFyNUE5okiDOe?si=Kv35Au5KS_uUXtGCOpSUbw Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebo…
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This week, we're talking about expectations and how they tint our reality and shape our experiences... and what we can REALLY expect if we want to write full-time. Thank you for listening! For show notes and a full transcript of this episode, please visit: https://www.sarahwerner.com/expectation-vs-reality-wn-159/ To support the work I do here at t…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Daring Coyotes - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daringcoyotes/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BoaYjFAqA8S3w45qH6mif?si=7LaAi6AZR4iu3jBeZtnk8w Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook…
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos! Follow Panic Man Dan - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/panicmandan/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3hpLPLyt4SQxIDKtbUdPU3?si=_Ad-Ws9PTP275y2wXO0AOw Interested in the gear from this video? Check out all my recommendations here: amzn.to/2UzGm1F Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook: h…
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