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show episodes

On Drugs


On Drugs looks through the lenses of history, pop culture and personal experience to understand how drugs have shaped our world. Because even if it’s just caffeine or ibuprofen, there’s a good chance you’re on drugs right now.
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The Same Drugs

Meghan Murphy

Meghan Murphy and guests embrace authenticity, and have real, honest discussions about culture, politics, relationships, psychology, health, social media, cancel culture, and more. Conversations outside the algorithm.
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Musik mit drug

Peter Visti

Dj Peter Visti inviterer gæster ind til en åben snak om kærligheden til musik og hvordan man bruger og nyder musikken i museo local podcasten. musik mit drug. Ny episode hver mandag kl 08.00
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Druga Wersja // podcast popularny

Michał Czajka/Leszek Waligóra

Podcast o zmieniającym się świecie. Rozmawiamy z ludźmi, którym się chce, którzy nie boją się podejmować decyzji i mają odwagę, by zmieniać świat. Druga Wersja powstaje w dużym mieście. W takim właśnie miejscu mieszkamy i pracujemy. To stąd patrzymy na świat i tu obserwujemy, jak świat zmienia nasze miasto. Podcast z Poznania prowadzą: Michał Czajka i Leszek Waligóra. Nadajemy w poniedziałki i czwartki. Szukajcie nas na facebook’u, YouTube, Spotify i wszystkich platformach podcastowych. Może ...
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Drugi pogled


V Slovenijo se ljudje priseljujejo že od nekdaj, sodobni čas pa je glede tega še posebej pester. Vsak torek predstavljamo novega prišleka, priseljenko ali migranta, ki so jih v Slovenijo prinesli ljubezen, poslovne priložnosti, stiske ali študij, ter se z njimi pogovarjamo o življenju v Sloveniji in med Slovenci ter odkrivali, kako je vse, kar je slovenskega, videti skozi oči drugih.
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Church & Other Drugs

Church & Other Drugs

Welcome to Church & Other Drugs. I am a recovered addict and Christian seeker who tells the stories of the beatdown, up and coming, hard-knocked, and healed up. you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll learn. Conspiracies? Nephilim? Heroin? Comedy? Check. faith|humor|comedy|christianity|spirituality
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Welcome to Conversations in Drug Development, brought to you by the team at Boyds for our fellow community of scientists and clinicians working in the wonderful world of cell and gene therapy and drug development. This podcast series features candid conversations from the expert team at Boyds, who are at the forefront of cutting-edge science and drug development in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector.
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The Drug Science Podcast

Drug Science

Professor David Nutt has spent a career making the argument for a rational, evidence-based approach to drug policy and drug use. The scientific evidence still challenges perceived wisdom on drugs and for that reason can appear to be contentious. In this podcast, the Professor explores the actual harms and potential benefits of various drugs, challenging myths surrounding classification and legislation, and exploring the societal impact of poorly informed drug policy. Using evidence in public ...
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Do you think tea is a drug? Let’s examine the drug paradoxes, phobias, and obsessions we run into every day. From the tea in our kitchens to the white powders of clandestine laboratories, drugs are everywhere. Perfect abstinence from them is nearly impossible and ignorance can be dangerous. What’s more, drugs unlock flavors of consciousness that are otherwise inaccessible.
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Hello Combi-Nation! Our industry fee complicated sometimes. Drugs, devices, clinical trials, submissions, sterilization validation, design control, risk management, market access reimbursement, the list goes on. My name is Subhi Saadeh. I've spent over a decade in medical device, pharma, and combination product development. My goal is mastery, so this podcast is to ask questions I have to people who may have the answers. Whether you're background is Pharma, Device or both, I invite you to li ...
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Drug Free ADHD

Joseph Pack

Explore an alternative path to managing your ADHD — a drug free path. Host Joseph Pack, who has successfully managed ADHD for seven years without drugs, interviews experts in ADHD, health & wellness, and spirituality. The podcast offers in-depth discussions and evidence-based strategies for those seeking alternative ADHD treatments.
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Dopey Podcast is the world’s greatest podcast on drugs, addiction and dumb shit. Chris and I were two IV heroin addicts who loved to talk about all the coke we smoked, snorted and shot, all the pills we ate, smoked, all the weed we smoked and ate, all the booze we consumed and all the consequences we suffered. After making the show for 2 and a half years, Chris tragically relapsed and died from a fentanyl overdose. Dopey continued on, at first to mourn the horrible loss of Chris, but then to ...
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Sex, Drugs and Skincare

Nicky Davis, Sandro Iocolano,Sarah Lawrence

Comedian and esthetician, Nicky Davis, along with side kick/boyfriend/assistant Sandro Iocolano, interviews comedians, actors and other practitioners as we learn about the latest, as well as the oldest techniques for staying young. We get weird but educational.
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Join two moms who talk about what it's like when your child dies from a drug overdose, and what life is like after a drug overdose death. Warning: Conversations may contain triggering material, dark and irreverent humor, and possible cursing. Want to contact us with a thought or topic for discussion? Send us an email at: twomomswithtwodeadkids@gmail.com.
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The War on Drugs

Lava for Good Podcasts

Welcome to season two of The War on Drugs podcast, co-hosted by comedian Clayton English and Greg Glod, advisor to Stand Together on Criminal Justice and Drug Reform. This season, we’re bringing you real stories from real people—artists, athletes, and influencers like B-Real, Marcus King, Ricky Williams, John Osborne, and many others who lived the impacts of the War on Drugs firsthand. We’ll explore how drug policy isn’t just a political issue—it’s personal. We’ll talk about pain management, ...
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De podcast over drugs. Unity is een peer-to-peer voorlichtingsprogramma waarbij vrijwilligers voorlichting geven over drugs (inclusief alcohol) in de dancescene. Deze podcast bespreekt allerlei druggerelateerde onderwerpen. Drugs kunnen leuk, interessant en leerzaam zijn, maar ook minder leuk en risicovol. Die risico’s willen we graag verminderen. Met deze podcast willen we daaraan bij dragen.
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Sex, Drugs, & Soul

Kristin Birdwell

Hey there! I’m Kristin Birdwell, and welcome to the Sex, Drugs, & Soul podcast! I’m an author, seeker, and mystic exploring where the sacred meets the everyday. For years, I thought my spiritual journey had to be separate from my human experiences, but what I’ve learned is that true growth happens when we embrace both. This podcast is a space where I bring you along on that journey. Whether I’m flying solo or chatting with fellow seekers, self-healers, and sensual explorers, we’ll dive into ...
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As a fierce champion for women empowering women (and the people that love them), GynoGirl provides the knowledge and education to help you advocate for yourself so that you can live your best life! Dr. Sameena Rahman curates a space for exploring hormonal changes, sexual health, and pelvic wellness, while also emphasizing self-love and life improvement. Through collaborations with leading experts and the personal stories of patients, she provides a platform for knowledge-sharing while also a ...
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Sex, Drugs, and Jesus

De'Vannon Seráphino

Sex, Drugs, and Jesus embraces taboo topics and shares stories about surviving the social outskirts. De'Vannon has had a long journey of self-discovery including being kicked out of his church for his sexuality, serving in the military during “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” becoming a drug dealer and convict, contracting HIV and HEP B, being homeless, and ultimately rising from the social outskirts to become a healthy and insightful entrepreneur. Join De'Vannon as he interviews authors, podcasters ...
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Druga strona pieniądza

Konrad Sadurski

W podcaście Konrada Sadurskiego odkrywać będziemy drugą stronę pieniądza, w czym pomogą nam zawodowcy: profesorowie, prezesi, premierzy, przedsiębiorcy, a prywatnie ludzie tacy, jak my, czyli klienci i podatnicy.
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Recovery Reform: Navigating Harm Reduction, Recovery, and Drug Policy is a podcast exploring substance use disorders, harm reduction, and recovery with people with lived experience, experts in the harm reduction field, and leaders in drug policy. Hosted by McCauley Sexton, an accountability coach and alternative treatment industry professional with lived experience in active use and recovery, and Dr. Taylor Nichols, an emergency medicine and addiction medicine physician, each episode will pr ...
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Sports & Other Drugs

If Anyone Cares Productions

Co-hosts Riley James and Graham Capobianco started a new podcast. Riley has been immersed in sports journalism since 2018, while Graham brings a unique perspective as a musician, podcast producer and voice actor. Our show aims to explore the intersection of sports and various other domains, hence the title "Sports & Other Drugs." Join us as we chat with folks from all types of backgrounds as we learn more about sports, music, art, and the world around us.
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W to drugie lewo.

Dorota Zawadzka, Robert Myslinski

Podcast o wdzięcznej nazwie "W to drugie lewo", sugeruje, że rozmawiać będziemy o życiu i jego przejawach. Cztery pory roku na wiosce i w życiu. Gadają Robert "Marian" Myśliński i Dorota/Doris "Marian" Zawadzka.
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Drug Safety Matters

Uppsala Monitoring Centre

Drug Safety Matters brings you the best stories from the world of pharmacovigilance. Through in-depth interviews with our guests, we cover new research and trends, and explore the most pressing issues in medicines safety today. Produced by Uppsala Monitoring Centre, the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.
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show series
🚨 NEW PATREON EPISODE – REDDIT CONSPIRACIES & CONTROVERSY 🚨 If you’re not subscribed to the Dopey Patreon, are you even a real fan? 🤔 This week, it’s a Reddit Roundup, and things got heated: 🔥 A wild conspiracy theory about me and Chris 🦋 Someone out there injected butterflies (seriously, what the fuck?) 📢 Dopey randomly mentioned in The Wall Stree…
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In this episode, Harriet Edwards from Boyds hosts a discussion on 2025 predictions in drug development and regulatory affairs. Joined by regulatory experts Dr. Katherine Bowen and Dr. Eric Harder, the conversation covers the anticipated trends in the realm of cell and gene therapy, rare diseases, and the increasing role of artificial intelligence (…
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01. Rave-D Intro 02. Wildstylez - Sunrise 03. Demi Kanon & Bass Modulators - Who I Am 04. Galactixx & Adrenalize - Love Again 05. Wildstylez & Jay Reeve - Created by Legends 06. Ecstatic & Demi Kanon - Don't Let me Sleep 07. Showtek - Nighttrain 08. Primeshock Ft Coda - Lifeh4ck 09. Da Tweekaz Ft Diandra Faye - New Beginning 10. Bassjackers - All A…
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In this episode of the Drug Science Podcast, David Nutt meets with psychopharmacologist Phil Cowen and Psychiatrist Sameer Jauhar to discuss the neuroscience behind and treatments for depression. Within the episode they touch on various neurotransmitters involved in depression as well as research studies into each of their impact, stigma around ant…
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Stigma: a set of negative attitudes, prejudices, or false or unfair beliefs that a society or group of people hold about specific traits or people. The negative attitudes held against people people who use drugs or people with substance use disorders both within healthcare and within recovery spaces cause harm to people who use drugs or are seeking…
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Jak Paryż zaraził Poznań (i resztę świata) patrzeniem na zegarek. Co możemy/powiniśmy załatwić w mieście (i na przedmieściach) w 15, 20 czy 30 minut. O tym, że im mniej dojeżdżamy, tym jesteśmy szczęśliwsi. O tym, że Poznań jest stolicą rowerów cargo. O konkurowaniu rowerzystów z samochodziarzami o przestrzeń i odwiecznym konflikcie: dwa czy cztery…
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🚀 Stay ahead in combination products, pharma, and medical devices 👉 https://www.letscombinate.com🎙️ Listen to more expert discussions on regulations, drug delivery, and quality 👉 https://www.letscombinate.com/Get expert insights on FDA regulations, risk management, quality systems, and the latest trends in drug-device combination products.In this e…
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Send us a text Sexual activity might be the missing ingredient in your skincare routine. This eye-opening discussion with comedian Kelly Blackheart explores the scientific connection between sexual wellness and skin health—uncovering benefits that even the most expensive serums can't deliver. Your skin reflects what's happening internally, and rese…
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For years, the headline was: “Heisman Trophy winner and NFL All-Pro running back Ricky Williams quit the NFL to smoke weed.” The real story? Much deeper. Cannabis helped Ricky manage pain, both physical and mental, in ways the media and the sports world didn't understand in 2004. Now that the NFL has progressed significantly on cannabis policy, Ric…
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Greg and Clayton welcome you back to The War on Drugs Podcast with “Stories Matter.” This Season, you will hear notable voices from across the cultural spectrum on their personal, lived experience, and how the failures of the War on Drugs policy continue to affect people’s lives, even as progress is made at the local level. A new episode of The War…
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V oddaji Drugi pogled se nam bo pridružil Portugalec Bernardo Antunes. Rodil se je v kraju Castelo de Vide (izgovorjava Kaštel d Vid) v bližini španske meje, pozneje pa živel tako v portugalski prestolnici Lizboni kot v Portu. V Slovenijo se je z družino priselil pred slabim letom dni, vendar to ni njegovo prvo prebivanje pri nas. V naši državi je …
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In 2018, Maxime Bernier left the Conservative Party to start the⁠ People’s Party of Canada⁠ (PPC). The party took on that which almost none other would: the ⁠Covid lockdowns ⁠and mandates, gender identity ideology, climate change hysteria, DEI, authoritarian hate speech laws, and more. The PPC more closely resembles the populist, freedom-oriented o…
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Skąd wziął się pawilon przez Zamkiem i dlaczego tyle kosztował. Czy Poznań jest miastem odważnym architektonicznie i czy ma siłę, żeby narzucać swoją wolę inwestorom. Ile kosztuje dobry architekt i dlaczego ich potrzebujemy. Czy Poznań potrzebuje nowych dzielnic i kolejnych osiedli. O kanapowych ekspertyzach internautów, wiszących mostach na Warcie…
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Send us a text In this candid conversation, Kristin chats with Emily Bonds. They explore the intersection of mental health, addiction, and personal transformation. Emily reflects on her struggles with anxiety, how alcohol became her escape, and the life-changing moment that set her on the path to sobriety. They also shed light on parenting challeng…
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Greetings congregation! This week, Jed and Jeannine from Chasing Heroine trade off telling the craziest drug stories that happened in or around hotels! if you have been listening for a long time, you know Jed has quite a few! Be sure and check out Chasing Heroine if you haven't already. Music at the end of the episode by Eli Parris; You should be w…
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This Week on Dopey! I'm super excited to have had the chance to interview PAtrick J. Pespas and Sam Lipman-Stern from The Telemarketers! A junky/true crime/scam busting documentary series on HBO! AI wrote all the juicy nuggets below - PLUS Dove updates us! Weighing heroin bags, and Siggy's 7 years!!!! All that and more on a brand spanking new episo…
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We've talked before about how women’s health issues are often overlooked, but new research is challenging what we thought we knew about bacterial vaginosis (BV). What if BV is actually an STI? For years, we've treated bacterial vaginosis as a frustrating yet common vaginal infection. But new research suggests BV may actually be sexually transmitted…
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O tym, jak powstawały niezwykłe filmy pokazujące dawny Poznań (jeszcze zanim zabrała się za kreowanie obrazów sztuczna inteligencja). O tym, jak trudno jest dotrzeć do ważnych ludzi i o tym, co się dzieje, jak już się uda. O bitmapach, kościach i zimowych drzewach. O komponowaniu muzyki do filmów i przygodzie z punkiem. I o tym, co zobaczymy już wk…
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In this episode of Let's Combinate, host Subhi Saadeh, a seasoned quality professional, delves into the concept of 'everyone owns quality' and explains why this notion is flawed. Subhi recalls his eye-opening experience with Joanna Gallant's article on quality ownership and discusses the importance of clear accountability within organizations. The …
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Free speech hasn’t been at the forefront of debate in Canada, but it should be. Unlike our neighbours in the United States, many Canadians have either taken free expression for granted, or simply don’t see it as very important. Only recently have some of us woken up to the limitations our government can place on our speech if we don’t make free exp…
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Send us a text In this week’s episode, Mike and Ottavio dive into all the action from Twickenham as Italy took on England in a thrilling Six Nations clash. They break down the key moments — what worked, what didn’t, and where both teams go from here. But that’s not all! We also spotlight the rising stars of rugby with a deep dive into the U20s show…
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NEW DOPEY 'Teaser' Ray is back, and we’re diving deep into the mysteries of junkie slang, Mamoun’s falafel, and the eternal question—does coke make you gay? Plus, the Jeff Tweedy rejection saga continues. Tune in for unhinged rants, unnecessary debates, and that sweet, sweet Dopey chaos. TO HEAR MORE RAY: www.patreon.com/dopeypodcast…
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Welcome to season two of The War on Drugs podcast, co-hosted by comedian Clayton English and Greg Glod, advisor to Stand Together on Criminal Justice and Drug Reform. This season, we’re bringing you real stories from real people—artists, athletes, and influencers like B-Real, Marcus King, Ricky Williams, John Osborne, and many others who lived the …
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Youhanna Nasief Youhanna prihaja iz Luksorja v Egiptu. V Slovenijo ga je najprej pripeljal študij, med katerim je živel v Celju, zdaj pa že skoraj desetletje živi v Vojniku. Ampak Darja Pograjc se ni odpravila v Celje, niti v Vojnik. S sogovornikom sta za srečanje določila Dobrno. Zakaj, izveste v oddaji Drugi pogled.…
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Czy dziecięce serca bierze się w dłonie i jak się je naprawia. Jak bardzo kardiochirurgia dziecięca różni się od dorosłej. Czy chirurg ma życie prywatne i jak klnie się na rybki. O zegarku w głowie. O hucpie i powitaniu w Poznaniu bez fanfar. O tym, że decyzje nie podejmują się same i o tym, że pacjent zawsze doktora oszuka. Oraz o tym, jak Niemiec…
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For our final episode of Season 3, we’re looking at the fight for access to hormone therapy — and what happens when the system fails. Historian Samantha Rosenthal traces the long history of medical gatekeeping, while Dr. Ted Jablonski breaks down the risks and realities of DIY transition. From prescriptions to homebrew, who gets to decide what care…
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Subscribe to our Patreon for the FULL EPISODE:www.patreon.com/drugcultgangIn this episode Tony G does deep diving research into the life and legacy of Hassan Nasrallah following his funeral, and then Tony G and Jay cover recent geopolitical news; from Trump humiliating Zelensky, stopping the billions of dollars going to Ukraine, to Trump's Gaza AI …
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This week on Dopey! Chris's sponsor Dylan is back! We hear all about how he is doing and reminisce about Chris and his final run before recovery! PLUS Cat Greenleaf stops in to read emails and talk shit! PATREON - www.patreon.com/dopeypodcast DOPEY LOVE LIVE with MARGARET CHO AND FRIENDS: https://publictheater.org/productions/joes-pub/2025/d/dopey-…
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Send us a text INTRODUCTION: Part 2 recounts our host’s experiences with spiritual warfare at nightclubs. He describes encounters with an individual attempting to control his actions and warns about subtle forms of manipulation. The narrative includes vivid descriptions of spiritual battles with witches, wizards, and dark forces prevalent in these …
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We’ve talked many times about how women’s sexual health has been ignored, underfunded, and dismissed—but what’s actually changing? At this year’s ISSWSH conference, the latest research is pushing the field forward in ways we’ve never seen before. If you’ve been following this show, you already know that women’s sexual health has been historically n…
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Send us a text INTRODUCTION: In this powerful and transformative episode of the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast, host De’Vannon Seráphino shares a deeply personal and spiritual experience he had recently. He recounts being visited by Archangel Michael and the Holy Trinity, detailing their interactions, messages, and the cosmic insights they imparted.…
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Send us a text Are you tired of waking up with dark circles? Eye bags and puffiness can be more than just a skincare nuisance; they can affect how you feel each day. Join us as we explore effective, rapid solutions to these common concerns in this engaging episode. With humor and candid discussions, we delve into the importance of addressing not on…
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In this episode of Let's Combinate, host Subhi Saadeh is joined by quality systems expert Aaron Snyder to explore the critical quality system element known as CAPA (Corrective and Preventive Action). They dive into the differences between CAPA approaches in the pharmaceutical and MedTech industries, examining their historical and regulatory context…
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ERIN KHAR is back on Patreon! She talks about her recent spiral into depression and how she has gotten out of it - plus a sort of scintillating sort of gross 'Ask Erin Question' and much much more on this brand new teaser of the dopey show! PLUS she talks Rick James and Elliott Smith and more! MORE! MORE! Patreon - www.patreon.com/dopeypodcast DOPE…
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Tokratni Drugi pogled bo postregel s čisto svežimi vtisi o življenju v Sloveniji. Naša sogovornica bo namreč 23-letna Armenka Nareh Galstyan, ki se je v Slovenijo priselila lani novembra. Živi na Bledu, kjer je dobila službo, kar je tudi njen razlog za selitev. V nadaljevanju spregovori o razlikah med slovenskim in armenskim značajem, prehrani v ob…
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