Can Real Estate Investing Actually be Passive? With Travis Watts | EP160
Manage episode 425975721 series 3582863
Travis Watts is the director of investor education at Ashcroft Capital and a multi-family apartment investor. He has been investing in real estate since 2009 in multi-family, single-family, and vacation rentals. Mr. Watts dedicates his time to educating others who are looking to be more "hands-off" in Real Estate.
In this episode, we talked about:
- Travis’s Bio & Background
- Passive vs Active Investing
- Transition Into a Full-Time Passive Investing
- Deal Vetting
- Geography of Deals
- Finding Real Estate Deals
- Investment Philosophy
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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name's Jessica Galley And. on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. My name's Jesse Rega and you're listening to working capital. My guest today is Travis Watts. Travis is a full-time investor, Passive income advocate, public speaker, and the director of investor education at Ashcroft Ashcroft Capital.
He dedicates his time to educating investors who are looking to be when it comes to real estate investing. Travis, welcome back.
Travis (42s): Hey, Jesse. So glad to be here. Thanks for the invite back.
Jesse (45s): Not a problem at all. It's great to see you again. We've chatted before on working capital for those listeners that wanna see the, that first conversation, I was pretty wide ranged in terms of the topics, but you know, like most returning guests we have on a lot has happened over the last couple years. So we thought we'd kind of have you back on, talk about what you're doing currently and your take on on where we're currently at in the real estate cycle. So before we kick it off, for those that didn't hear the first episode, maybe you could give a little bit of a background for listeners to what you do and how you got into, into the world of real estate.
Travis (1m 25s): Sure, yeah, happy to. So humble beginnings, you know, wasn't raised by an investor minded family, not a real estate background at all, but reading some of the books a lot of us have read. The Rich Dad Poor Dad type stuff, kind of was my gateway drug into learning about Passive income and financial freedom, things like that. So, started out with single family homes, did flips, did vacation rentals, you know, had roommates, just was trying to pull every string I could early on with a low budget on how I could make more money. And then I kind of shied away from doing as much of the buy low sell high strategy.
And I really started to hone in on Passive income. So in recent years I've been a full-time limited partner, mostly in multifamily, private placements with many different operators, of course, Ashcroft Capital and Joe Fearless as well. And you know, I'm just a guy who, you know, came from nothing in terms of, you know, being handed anything or, or again, coming from a family of this. And once I realized what Passive income did in my own life and how it can truly free up your time, how it can give you more options in your life, it was a complete game changer.
And so I dedicated the
186 episoder