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DevInsider - The story of the Israeli tech companies
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Indhold leveret af develeap. Alt podcastindhold inklusive episoder, grafik og podcastbeskrivelser uploades og leveres direkte af develeap eller deres podcastplatformspartner. Hvis du mener, at nogen bruger dit ophavsretligt beskyttede vรฆrk uden din tilladelse, kan du fรธlge processen beskrevet her https://da.player.fm/legal.
This is the story of tech companies in Israel, from the garage all the way to the cupcakes, and beyond. Language: HebrewRecorded in: Israel, 2019-2020develeap is a bootstrapped company that allows software development companies and organizations make the best use of their development structure. We will assist in picking the right architecture, technology and processes that allow fast uploads to a cloud or website. We teach and train DevOps for your needs.
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100 episoder
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Manage series 2514252
Indhold leveret af develeap. Alt podcastindhold inklusive episoder, grafik og podcastbeskrivelser uploades og leveres direkte af develeap eller deres podcastplatformspartner. Hvis du mener, at nogen bruger dit ophavsretligt beskyttede vรฆrk uden din tilladelse, kan du fรธlge processen beskrevet her https://da.player.fm/legal.
This is the story of tech companies in Israel, from the garage all the way to the cupcakes, and beyond. Language: HebrewRecorded in: Israel, 2019-2020develeap is a bootstrapped company that allows software development companies and organizations make the best use of their development structure. We will assist in picking the right architecture, technology and processes that allow fast uploads to a cloud or website. We teach and train DevOps for your needs.
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