Out with the Serpents! (Season 1, Episode 22)
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Taking up a nation’s serpents and deadly things was not a foreign concept to the disciples. Most likely they remembered God’s method for addressing injustice in a nation through Moses’ life. Listen in to hear how we can declare “Out with the serpents!”
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Show notes:
Episode 22: Out with the Serpents!
In Mark 16:15-18, we are told to by Jesus to “God into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation…These signs will follow…they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them...” What does this mean in the context of discipling nations? How do we do this?
Here are a few problems with how the passage may be interpreted:
- This “sign” is perceived as a literal order to pick up serpents. (Some denominations actually bring snakes to church!)
- We think of Paul in Acts 28:3-5 and figure if we get bit by a serpent, we just shake it off. (It had to do with the culture’s belief system)
- We are clueless as to what this means so we avoid this “sign” altogether.
Moses was given powers by the Lord to deal with the serpents of Egypt. His rod of authority/his staff became a serpent when he threw it on the ground. He grabbed the tail and it turned back to a rod. This power was used to demonstrate God’s supernatural equipping of Moses. This power revealed that God’s power was greater that Pharaoh’s governing structure.
We must understand that God created government for protection. Justice carried out by laws, penalties and impartial judges is necessary to take up serpents in that nation. Why? Because those people who are doing those things are controlled by those serpents.
Moral decay happens when those who are governing do so without higher moral law. In the case of centralized power wielded by a few, corruption has easy access to manifest. Another case is if the majority of the people in a democratic society are without higher moral standards, tyranny or mob rule can manifest as well.
Richard and Kimberly Wilson, Executive Directors of Watchmen Arise International serve as corporate trainers of societal transforming Christians. Together they co-host the Occupying Force podcast, authored Preparing for Battle, and numerous courses designed to further your influence in this world. They are popular speakers who activate regional teams and individuals alike in the areas of spiritual management, civil engagement, and transformed communities. To find out more about the Wilsons and interactive online training opportunities visit www.watchmenarise.com.
- Mark 16:18-19
- Ex. 4:1-5
- Ex. 7:8-13
- “Christians can measure the fulfillment of their purpose by the way they confront tyranny and injustice in their government…Believers should oppose oppression and injustice and be liberators of people in bondage to tyranny. To do this, Christians must become involved in social situations outside of their religious circles.” – Mark Beliles
- Matt. 10:16
- 1 Cor. 6:2-5
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