The fight for the environment is just as important as the fight for peace,
Manage episode 456089883 series 3624396
The fight for the environment is just as important as the fight for peace, a dialogue between two from the Nordic countries who have extra power, the right to vote in church elections.
Hi Greta, it is a 16-year-old student who calls and who has the right to vote in the church elections, which means that that student is allowed to practice democracy two years before the general election or the EU elections, while other students who are also Christians but Catholic or Orthodox as well as Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus lack the opportunity to vote or to abstain from it.
Yes, hello, I also have two options, I can vote or abstain from voting in the church elections, I also got to practice democracy two years before the general election, Greta Thunberg replied.
You and I inherited a long conflict, the Israel-Palestine conflict, a 76-year-old conflict that you and my parents inherited during different political generations and that handed over the same conflict to us, but we will put an end to it so that the next generation does not inherit that conflict.
The question is what happens when the transport sector, schools, hospitals, the electricity grid, bridges, the food sector and other industries are knocked out during the ongoing war?
Wars financed by the arms industry that cause the air we breathe and the water we drink to be polluted while destroying vegetation and infrastructure vital to the functioning of society.
The arms industry is an unsustainable industry and therefore it must be phased out in the same way as the tobacco industry!
War poses a threat to the environment and humanity.
Based on the above and based on the fact that the Nobel Peace Prize is given both to those who fight for peace and those who fight for the environment, among others from Norway where Brundtland , Our Common Future, och Wangari Maathai received the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight for the environment and succeeded in getting Greta to address the connection through her public speeches, to unite the fight for the environment and the climate with peace. In Brundtland third term as Prime Minister (1990-96), Norway became the sponsor of secret peace talks between Yitzchak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, the Oslo Accords.
Both Greta and I have embraced the conflict resolution model that was presented earlier with introducing democracy in all communities without exception.
Based on the problem description above, i.e. to identify the problem itself, the conflict resolution model will be presented in the classroom during the religion and biology lessons by me and Greta and hopefully with the help of teachers who will be helped to present this to other classes and eventually in other schools throughout Sweden. The solution should not only be applied in Sweden, but throughout the EU and other countries.
Criticism and views will be presented in the form of a UN role-play and European Citizens' Initiative.
The arms industry is an unsustainable industry and therefore it must be phased out in the same way as the tobacco industry!
War poses a threat to the environment and humanity.
8 episoder