Phrasal Verbs - Part I
Manage episode 346266643 series 3140595
Dialogo em inglês
A - Hey Josh. Did you know that Peter is marrying Michelle next month
and they said they want to have 4 children?
B - Don't they know how hard is to bring up children?
A - I don't think so.
B - well, I thought they had called the wedding off.
A - No. Peter told me they have already fill out the papers.
B - When did he tell you this?
A - This morning, when we were handing in our papers to the teacher.
B - I think he should go over some points before diving into marriage.
A - Yes, let's meet him at his place and talk it over.
Frases utilizadas
Bring up
Cuidar de uma criança, provendo alimentação, educação etc.
He was brought up by his grandmother.
(Ele foi criado por sua avó.)
Call off
Cancelar alguma coisa, um evento.
She's called off the wedding.
(Ela cancelou o casamento.)
Fill out
Preencher, Por exemplo: um formulário.
It took me several hours to fill out the application form.
(Levei um tempão para preencher o formulário)
Hand in
Entregar algo para alguém.
You must all hand in your projects by the end of next week
(Todos devem entregar seus projetos no fim da próxima semana)
Go over
Checar algo com cuidado, minuciosamente.
Go over your work before you hand it in.
(Cheque o seu trabalho com cuidado antes de entregá-lo)
Dive into
Fazer algo de forma muito entusiasmada sem parar para pensar.
Let's dive into the improvements that you can make right away.
(Vamos começar pelas melhoras que você pode fazer agora mesmo!)
Talk over something
Discutir sobre alguma coisa
We should get together and talk this over.
(Deveriamos nos reunir e discutir o assunto.)
Questions or suggestions - Dúvidas ou sugestões
Visit my Website - visite meu site
Thanks and see you around!!!
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