A Tilos Rádió hátrafelé nyilazó történelmi műsora. Vitaindítók, kritikák, ajánlók és új adások a Facebookon: https://www.facebook.com/regen.minden.jobb.volt A "Régen minden jobb volt - Korunk filmjei, zenéi, tévéműsorai" című könyvünk: https://napvilagkiado.eu/termek/regen-minden-jobb-volt/
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Nem mindegy, hogy Kossuth vagy Deák. Vagy Kádár? Úgy egyáltalán. Régen minden jobb volt. Vagy nem? Hogy is van ez?
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Mr. Nestlemania and JC look at the world of Wrestling. They have a conversation true wrestling fans will enjoy.
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Starring AJ Francis, Glenn Clark, Aaron Oster and Brandon Linton. It's the ONE SHOW....In ALLLLLLL OF THE INTERNET......
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Two life long wrestling fans talking about all things wrestling. Finding independent talent, giving weekly rundowns, and special episodes with guests and rankings!
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The Jobber Club is two life long wrestling fans talk about recent events in the WWE, AEW, NJPW, TNA, and ROH. Join us as these Jabronis lay the Smackdown every week. Hosts Vogel and Tyler "The Face Who Runs the Place" Face look to put the podcast tag team division on notice, because this podcast is Too Sweet 🤘. Keep up with behind the scenes and to interact with Vogel and Face, on our official links: linktr.ee/jobberclubpodcast Sponsored by Dubby, use code JCP10 to save 10% off your order @ ...
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The Jobber Tears Network is a podcast network consisting of the hottest talk in wrestling ,sports , guy talk and lady talk The Jobber Tears Podcast - The first pro wrestling debate show Inside of the indies - An inside look into the behind scenes of the independent wrestling scene The Big 4 - A quarterly breakdown of WWE big 4 pay per views from some of the most popular women wrestling online personalities Yerrr Sports Show - The standard in Sports talk . The Yerr sports show Two and a half ...
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En podd från Aftonbladet Ledare och Dagens Arbete om avtalsrörelser och arbetsmarknad.
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Jobba Jobba Jobba är en podcast av Elin Sobczak och vänder sig till dig som gillar att prata jobb på fikarasten. Klippningen görs av Marcus Blomgren.
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Ett samtal om jobbet och allt som händer där, över en kopp kaffe. Hur gör man det trivsamt på jobbet? Hur ökar man arbetsglädjen? Att kunna jobba precis när och var man vill, hur påverkar det livet? Måste man svara på mejl på kvällen? Vilken betydelse har en bra introduktion för den som är ny på jobbet? Är stress alltid negativt? Det är några av alla de frågor som diskuteras i podden i ett samtal med två inbjudna gäster. Podden ges ut av Prevent, en arbetsmiljöorganisation som ägs av arbetsg ...
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JobBoardGeek talks about the business of connecting candidates and employers. Join Jeff Dickey-Chasins, the JobBoardDoctor, and Steven Rothberg of College Recruiter as they talks about job board news and technology from around the globe!
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Podcast by Arbetet & Arbetsvärlden
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Thoughts on wrestling, wrestling podcasts, and wrestling adjacent podcasts.
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พอดแคสต์ตอบคำถามสำหรับพนักงานออฟฟิศมือใหม่ ให้ก้าวเข้าสู่โลกการทำงานอย่างมั่นใจและพร้อมรับมือกับความไม่รู้ไปด้วยกัน
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Här intervjuas mediebranschens absoluta toppresterare om deras jobb & karriärresa! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Join Caylin and Vinny Vasquez of the “CayVin Universe” podcast as they rate and review Pro Wrestling PPVs & Special Events as well as discussing “outside the ring” news and gimmick wrestling topics! JobberCircle@Gmail.com
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Martin talks about professional wrestling from the point of view of someone from the Philippines.
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Koffeinkongla av lenge leve kongla. Av: konglen lyd og bilde i samarbeid med kaffe i handa media
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Three passionate wrestling fans talk "Round-Table Style" about Pro Wrestling old and new.
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Skolarbete Cover art photo provided by Annie Spratt on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@anniespratt
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Podcast by Bobbe og Jobbe
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Personliga samtal med företagsamma människor som skapat jobb. Hur har resan sett ut? Vad kan andra lära sig? Varje jobbskaparberättelse är unik. Men nästan alla handlar om envishet, misslyckanden, ännu mer envishet, uppförsbackar, dyrköpta erfarenheter och tidsbrist. Och lika mycket handlar berättelserna om mod, friheten att skapa, följa magkänslan, bygga upp, och göra skillnad för människor i vårt samhälle. Bakom Jobbskaparpodden står regionverksamheten inom Svenskt Näringsliv. Podcasten är ...
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Hvordan vi har det på jobben påvirker livene våre, helsen vår og kvaliteten på arbeidet. Derfor har vi laget podkasten «På jobben». Enten du er leder eller ansatt vil du få nyttige tips og råd du kan ta med deg til din arbeidsplass.
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Former British Pro Wrestler and stand-up comedian Martin Huburn hosts discussions centred on professional wrestling
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Den här podden är för dig som är nyfiken på språket i arbetslivet. Podden drivs av föreningen Vård- och omsorgscollege.
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Podcast in cui parliamo di Wrestling focalizzandoci su un singolo Show o Tour. Adatto per chi apprezza il Wrestling Italiano e Americano
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Join Renaldo, Nick, and special guests as we walk through the weird world of sports and prove how wrong we are.
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Sometimes we love them and some times we hate them. Welcome to 3 headed jobbers. We are a wrestling podcast talking and debating about everything professional wrestling.
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Vad är egentligen meningen med att arbeta? En existentiell och filosofisk programserie om människans relation till arbetet. Förr, nu och i framtiden.
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Wrestling podcast with Elvis and 2 Tooth. Special appearances by Skip Bentley! Each week we will break down the biggest news and what's happenings around the world of professional wrestling ! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/JobberJabber/support
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What happens when you give two redneck musicians microphones and cameras? Well just about everything. On Frank and the Jobber, we ask our guests the hard-hitting questions. Tune in on YouTube to catch the full interactive experience with musical performances, gaming, and more! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fatjpodcast/support
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Two jobbers that have a love for wrestling, sports and gaming.
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An uncensored weekly pro-wrestling podcast from the perspective of two intoxicated fans that have been watching for 20+ years! Listen to this hilarious podcast as they go through WWE Raw recaps, PPV reviews, Jobber matches & promos of the week and more! New episodes each week, subscribe and never miss out on The Jobber's Corner.
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Hvordan kan du få jobben gjort, når det er så mye som forstyrrer? Hva bør du gjøre hvis du får en varslingssak i fanget? Og hvorfor er det så vanskelig å være leder? Alt dette får du svar på i Snakk om jobb!- en podkast for deg som er opptatt av alt som skjer, burde skje eller absolutt ikke må foregå på jobben. Lisa Wade er bedriftsrådgiver og har skrevet flere bøker om arbeidslivet
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I’m not famous but I make enough to get by.
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Every episode is a verbal Royal Rumble, have fun! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/JobbedOut/support
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Hur automatisering och artificiell intelligens revolutionerar arbetsmarknaden idag och i framtiden. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Nina Glans
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In short, we are the best losers in town talking about Professional Wrestling. We are a podcast for the people...for those who would love to see pro wrestling be as good as it once was. Until then, we will be talking,analyzing, and complaining about the current state of WWE. Welcome to the Jobbers Podcast....the best-worst podcast on the internet!
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En podcast fra livet på Kripos. Hvordan jobber en drapsetterforsker? Hva kan et blodspor fortelle? Hvem er de tause vitnene? I podcasten får du et innblikk i hverdagen på Kripos. Kripos er den nasjonale enhet for bekjempelse av organisert og annen alvorlig kriminalitet. Podcasten produseres av kommunikasjonsseksjonen på Kripos. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Hvorfor gråt Kristin Skogen Lund på do i småbarnsperioden? Hvordan håndterer en Benedicte som er lege morgenstress? Og hva med de mammaene som er alene med barna? Hør mer i denne intervjupodkast der Mira møter inspirerende damer med barn og jobb for å snakke om hvordan de får livet til å gå opp på et vis. Følg med på instagram @mammajobberpodkast for inspirasjon og behind the scenes. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Top 5: Filmek az amerikai polgárháborúról
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Afspil senere
1:01:13Ezúttal az amerikai polgárháborúról szóló filmekről beszélgettünk, elsősorban legendás, klasszikusok alkotásokról, mint az 1939-es "Elfújta a szél", de olyan feledésre méltó alkotmányokat is felidéztünk, mint az 1999-es "Hunley - Harc a tenger alatt". Nem azért, hogy a szegényember Al Pacinója, Armand Assante B-kategóriás alakítását méltassuk, hane…
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adás archívumAf Tilos Rádió
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Episode 464: Cena's Toxic Relationship
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Afspil senere
53:08Nestlemania and JC discuss... John Cena's explanation for turning heel...There is no new look or music. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Street Profits win the tag titles... Does this lead to a multiteam match at Mania? Does it feel like this Rhea/Io/Bianca storyline is lazy? Will the Women ever main-event Wrestlemania again? All this and more …
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Jobbing Out March 14, 2025 (Revolution & Roadblock fallout)
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1:05:58Jobbing Out March 14, 2025 (Revolution & Roadblock fallout) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Nestlemania and JC discuss... Roman Reigns returns and beats up Rollins and Punk. AEW's PPV model. Does it need some tweaking? Gable getting a luchador mask... Is this going to be too goofy? Naomi reveals that she is the one that attacked Jade. Was there something off about this performance? All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podc…
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The DJP get in quick night of predictions for AEW Resolution, and talk comebacks and setbacks on the road to Mania. Dangerous Duke shares his thoughts on the changes coming to NXT's roster, and the thrill of getting a Randy Orton with voices again. Stevie Jobber says he's a fan of Iyo beating Rhea but isn't sure how Cody Rhodes will hold up on prom…
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Jobbing Out March 7, 2025 (The Lost Episode)
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Afspil senere
21:31Jobbing Out March 7, 2025 (The Lost Episode) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Episode 462: Cena Turns Heel
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Afspil senere
1:05:27Nestlemania and JC discuss... John Cena's heel turn. What comes next? Jade attacks Naomi. Did Naomi do it, or is it someone else? Io Sky becomes the world champion. Are we in for a triple threat? What will happen with Chad Gable? Will he become a luchador? We also give our AEW Revolution predictions! All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Kno…
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Winston Churchill, a "haza megmentője"
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Afspil senere
1:00:5660 éve hunyt el Winston Churchill (1874–1965), a 20. század egyik legjelentősebb és egyben legmakacsabb államférfija, akiben a konzervatív, szellemes csevegő a hírhedt bulldogtermészetével keveredett úgy, mint whiskey a szódával. A szokásos bukásai után rendre kárörvendhettek politikai ellenfelei, hogy „kipukkant a lufi”, de mindig felszívta magát.…
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Heel John Cena
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The road to Mania is in fire as the DJP discuss the fallout of Elimination Chamber! Dangerous Duke and Stevie Jobber put on their conspiracy hats for the returns of Jade and Randy Orton, talk about which chamber was better and OMG the turn of John Cena! Follow us on TiktTok, Instagram, Youtube and even check out our website using the link below. …
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The guys are back this week talking about WWE's Elimination Chamber, Cena's heel turn, Randy Orton returns will he be the next to retire? Jade Cargill returns, what does this mean for Naomi, Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill going forward. Punk v Rollins at Mania? All that and more!Official Links: linktr.ee/jobberclubpodcast…
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adás archívumAf Tilos Rádió
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Jobbing Out February 28, 2025 (Elimination Chamber preview)
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55:23Jobbing Out February 28, 2025 (Elimination Chamber preview) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Episode 461: Elimination Chamber
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Afspil senere
1:20:03Nestlemania and JC discuss... Was Liv/Raquel vs Naomi/ Belair the best tag match in a while? Does The Rock make this any better or is taking Cody's soul make no sense? Is Logan Paul the new attraction at Wrestlemania? We also give our Elimination Chamber predictions! All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podcast. Check out the merch!…
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Dangerous Duke and Stevie Jobber put their votes in for the outcome of Elimination Chamber! First giving some love to the recent NXT/TNA crossovers, the DJP talk about Cody’s weird promo with the Final Boss. Then they discuss where the 4 matches on the Canada show will lead. Follow us on TiktTok, Instagram, Youtube and even check out our website us…
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brad new episode
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Jobbing Out February 21, 2025 (Vengeance Day & Grand Slam reaction)
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1:23:29Jobbing Out February 21, 2025 (Vengeance Day & Grand Slam reaction) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Hur får man rösten att hålla hela arbetsdagen? Hur påverkas rösten av trivsel och stress? Och finns det några knep att ta till om man är förkyld men måste prata en massa ändå? Mia Bäcklin, som är logoped och utbildar och coachar i röst- och talteknik, ger sina bästa tips. Det handlar både om röstteknik och om hur omgivande faktorer påverkar rösten.…
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Episode 460: Reading Shakespeare to dogs
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Afspil senere
1:03:44Nestlemania and JC discuss... Is Roxanne Perez the best women's wrestler alive? NXT Vengeance Day... What do we think of the new faction? Do we think Naomi is behind the Jade attack? Does Sami/KO need to go on last to be considered unsanctioned? Does HHH hate The Miz? All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podcast. Check out the merch…
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After Vengeance Day and Grand Slam the DJP, Dangerous Duke and Stevie Jobber discuss the participants for Elimination Chamber. They talk Michelle McCool, Tiffany teaming with Trish, and the new level NXT is playing on! They finish up on the Bloodline saga, trying to understand where Solo is coming from now that he's lost the Ulafala. Follow us on T…
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H. P. Lovecraft világa - Beszélgetés Tóta W. Árpáddal
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Afspil senere
1:02:39"Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) mindent elért, amit fantasztikus szerző elérhet. Látomásai, teremtményei száz évvel születésük után is meghitt ismerősök gyakorlatilag az egész földgolyón. A csápfejű istenek ezernyi feldolgozásban kísértik a világot, pont ahogy ő elképzelte. Sajnos ez a siker időbe telt, ő maga pedig egy súlyos őrületben tölt…
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adás archívumAf Tilos Rádió
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Jobbing Out February 14, 2025 (Vengeance Day preview)
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1:10:26Jobbing Out February 14, 2025 (Vengeance Day preview) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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They guys are back catching up on all the things they missed over the hiatus. They discuss possible WrestleMania matchups, along with Face turning heel? Is he on team Logan Paul, and Twitch subscriber goals? Find out this episode!Official Links: linktr.ee/jobberclubpodcast
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Episode 459 Gotta Get My Stuff In
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Afspil senere
1:06:05Nestlemania and JC discuss... Jey picks Gunther. How do we fill 10 weeks? Who wins the Elimination Chamber? What happens next for the latest round of releases? Does Logan Paul have a lot more work to do? We also give our NXT Vengeance Day predictions! All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podcast. Check out the merch! SALE UNTIL FRID…
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A host of mixed reactions follow the Royal Rumble winners, a steady list of releases begins in WWE and the women across the industry are stepping up! All this and why Kevin is STILL Right, on the DJP! Follow us on TiktTok, Instagram, Youtube and even check out our website using the link below. https://linktr.ee/dangerousjobberspodcast…
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Jobbing Out (Royal Rumble reaction)
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Afspil senere
1:15:39Jobbing Out (Royal Rumble reaction) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Episode 458 Jey Uso win the Royal Rumble
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Afspil senere
51:35Nestlemania and JC discuss... Jey Uso won the Royal Rumble, Was it the right call? Charlotte wins the Rumble... Who will she pick? JC loves Lilly... we need to get him a doll. What will happen with Jordynne Grace? Are you excited for the potential Rollins/Punk/Reigns match at Wrestlemania? All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podcas…
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Dangerous Duke and Stevie Jobber are back in action to review the outcome of the Royal Rumble. They discuss the up and down feelings of the women's rumble. The great things creative did and didn't do for the 2/3 falls match and the WWE championship ladder match, and lastly they address the Internet hate for Jey Uso, and what John Cena's next steps …
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Bruce Willis, Hollywood utolsó cserkésze
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Afspil senere
1:03:09Régi adósságunk törlesztettük, amikor Bruce Willis legjobb filmjeiról beszélgettünk, kezdve a Nyugat folyóirat műfordítói hagyományait követve "Drágán add az életed!" címmel forgalmazott "Die Harddal", John McTiernan 1988-as klasszikusával, amely megteremtette kedvencünket, a „keményen dolgozó kisemberek" akcióhősét, a mezítlábas, atlétás, láncdohá…
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adás archívumAf Tilos Rádió
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Jobbing Out January 31, 2025 (Royal Rumble preview)
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1:10:17Jobbing Out January 31, 2025 (Royal Rumble preview) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Top 5: A legjobb magyar filmszatírák
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Afspil senere
1:00:46A legkedveltebb magyar vígjátékok után ezúttal a legjobb filmszatíráinkat listáztuk, amelyek - talán nem véletlenül -kivétel nélkül a "létező szocializmusban", vagyis a Kádár-rendszerben készültek az "Indul a bakterház"-tól" "A legényanyán" át a "A tanú"-ig. A beszélgetés résztvevői: Balázsy Béla Csunderlik Béla Dékány Béla Laska Béla A Régen minde…
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Episode 457: 30 Hopes for the Royal Rumble
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Afspil senere
1:27:20Nestlemania and JC PLAY EVERYONE'S Favorite Game 30 Hopes for the Royal Rumble. We also break down is Cody vs Punk the Main event of Wrestlemania? Was Saturday Night's Main Event worth watching Is JD Mcdonagh one of the toughest people around? Is there a bright star in AEW that should go to WWE? And we give our Royal Rumble Picks All this and more …
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Jobbing Out January 24, 2025
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1:22:13Jobbing Out January 24, 2025 by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Episode 456: Saturday Night's Main Event
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Afspil senere
1:06:07Nestlemania and JC discuss... What does Wrestlemania look like right now? Who will be Penta's first feud? Was JBL needed on Monday? Is Jimmy Uso a better wrestler than Jey Uso? And we give our Saturday Night's Main Event predictions! All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podcast. Check out the merch! https://www.teepublic.com/JobberK…
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adás archívumAf Tilos Rádió
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Jobbing Out January 17, 2025
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Afspil senere
1:00:33Jobbing Out January 17, 2025 by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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Nestlemania and JC discuss... Penta's Debut. Is he a bigger star? Is Tag Team wrestling making a comeback? Lyra becomes the first Women's Intercontinental Champion. We break down why this is good for Dakota fans. Smackdown going to 3 hours feels taxing, and Netflix feels refreshing how can this be? All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knock…
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Jobbing Out January 10, 2025 (Netflix RAW premiere & New Year's Evil fallout)
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Afspil senere
1:19:01Jobbing Out January 10, 2025 (Netflix RAW premiere & New Year's Evil fallout) by JobbingOutAf JobbingOut
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51. Tips för ökad psykologisk trygghet
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Afspil senere
21:15Om vi mår bra på jobbet, slipper gå runt och vara rädda för att göra fel och samarbetar med varandra – då frigörs mer kapacitet till att göra ett bra jobb. Det säger Charlotte Ulfsparre som är psykolog och organisationskonsult. I det här avsnittet berättar hon vad psykologisk trygghet är för något och hur man kan göra för att öka den psykologiska t…
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Nestlemania and JC discuss... RAW on Netflix what were the highs and lows? 3 Hour Smackdown did it fatigue you? Who wins the Royal Rumble? Did The Rock help advance the story? Tiffany Stratton finally cashes in... we break it down. New Champions in NXT... where do we go from here? All this and more ...this week on the Jobber Knocker Podcast. Check …
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Dangerous Jobbers Podcast | Twitter, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree
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Top 5: Emblematikus magyar vígjátékok
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Afspil senere
1:03:57A legnépszerűbb magyar komédiákról beszélgettünk a Horthy-kori klasszikusoktól a rendszerváltás utáni sikerekig. A beszélgetés résztvevői: Balázsy István Bezsenyi Tamás Csunderlik Péter Dékány László Laska Pál A Régen minden jobb volt a Tilos Rádió hátrafelé nyilazó történelmi műsora: https://www.facebook.com/regen.minden.jobb.volt…
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