More and Better Life!
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God did not hesitate to put everything on the line for you. He wrapped His Son in human flesh and revealed TO all of us His matchless love FOR us.
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If God gave His Son for us when we were sinners, how much more are we saved from wrath now? Much more. With perfect certainty Jesus revealed how FOR US God is, so that we could walk in perfect certainty today.
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When our eyes are open to the reality of how FOR US God is, a supernatural joy and peace rise within us and fear loses its ability to hinder us.
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How do we walk in the spirit? By keeping our minds filled with the reality of who God is, what He’s done for us, and who we are in Him. We say it with our mouth, believe it in our heart, and keep it in our mind.
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It is the spirit that produces life. The flesh profits nothing. The words of Christ are spirit and they are life.
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The only way to have a consistent, life-producing relationship with God is Spirit to spirit. Learn to cultivate your relationship with God by receiving from Him in your spirit.
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God strengthens us with might by His Spirit in our inner man - our spirit. The strength you need to overcome comes from your spirit.
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There are 3 parts to you, spirit, soul, and body. You are a spirit. You have a soul and you are living in a mortal body. Your spirit is who you are. The Bible refers to your spirit as the inner person, or the hidden person, of the heart. The life, strength, and wisdom you need is in your re-created spirit. Learn to live from within by letting your …
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Our loving heavenly Father has revealed to us all of the off-the-charts things He has prepared for us. He has revealed them to us through the finished work of His Son. He has revealed them to us by His Spirit.
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Fan the flame of God's grace gift within you into a blazing hot fire. The dynamic of a mind liberated in the spirit of love is fearless and unstoppable.
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When you put your faith in Jesus Christ, you were re-born of the incorruptible seed of God's eternal Word. The same Word that gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.
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When we choose to receive God's Word as He has spoken it through His Son, our eyes are open to the greatness of God. We then realize that nothing is impossible with Him. We begin to expect the impossible to take place in our lives.
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We have been born of the One with Whom all things are possible. He is passionate about doing the impossible in your life. In 2025, we take the limits off of God in our lives by embracing the true knowledge of who Jesus is, what He’s done for us, and who we are in Him.
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When we get away with the Father and keep our eyes on Him, He enables us to walk above contrary circumstances and experience the wonders of His abundant life.
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Jesus, the Wonder-Counselor, brought light into the world that darkness cannot overpower. It is the light that enables you to know God as your Father and to know His will for your life. It is the light that brings you into the wonders of God.
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Do you know the God of wonders? He will counsel you into the nothing-is-impossible realm of life. He is the Prince of Wholeness. There is no end to the wholeness He brings.
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Thankful Heart Healthy Heart | Part 2 of 2
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
45:25The word “thank” and “think” are related. What we think about determines how thankful we are. Choosing to cultivate the mindset of thanksgiving enables us to see the dimensions of God’s love for us. Thanksgiving influences the atmosphere in us and around us.
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Love, joy, and peace are the pillars of a healthy heart. Thanksgiving activates love, joy, and peace inside of you. Thanksgiving is a perspective. It is not based on what you’ve been through but what you choose to think about.
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Skeletons In The Closet | Part 5 of 5
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:04Your loving heavenly Father has rest for you. Rest from the struggle of trying to fix yourself and live life in your own strength. Believe in the finished work of Christ and enter into the sweet spot of His rest.
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One sacrifice for sins for all people for all time. He took your shame and gave you His glory.
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Stop trying to be a better Christian. Stop trying to fix yourself. Get caught up in the wonders of His love for you. Lean your whole person on Him. Look to Him for His guidance, strength, and provision. You have become His very own.
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Man does not have a solution for the condemnation of sin. God does. He has provided THE solution for the sin problem.
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All of us have a past. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. BUT, When we were re-born from above through faith in Christ we were washed clean, set free from our past, and made new.
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Monsters Under The Bed | Part 5 of 5
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:14As Jesus is so are we in this world. Jesus could face any situation because He knew how much His Father loved Him and supported Him. The Father loves and supports you just as He did Jesus.
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A “saved” mind, or renewed mind, is a mind that does not allow fear to operate. A “saved” mind has been changed by the true knowledge of God’s love, power, and provision for us.
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The promises of God reveal to us how for us God is. They reveal to us His proactive nature toward our successful outcome. As we renew our mind and realize that God’s promises are our right-now provision, fear is exposed and loses its power over us.
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When we grab hold of the true knowledge of God, fear loses its hold on our lives. When we realize how for-us God is, we realize fear is a defeated foe.
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As a child, did you ever hide under your sheets because you were afraid of monsters under your bed? All of us can relate to the unnecessary things we did as children because we were afraid. As adults, if we listen to fear, we will end up doing things that waste our time, energy, and resources. In this series, you will learn that the true knowledge …
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God's promises are the heart-food you need for a healthy heart. Meditate in the promises of God until they penetrate deep into your core and they will impart radiant health to your whole person.
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A quality relationship with Christ produces a healthy heart. The quality of our relationship with Christ depends on how well we actually know HIm. Is our relationship with Him actually based on the true knowledge of God or is it based on religious tradition and the opinions of man?
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Faith in Christ opens the door for the light of life to shine in me, but it’s relationship with Christ (growing in the knowledge of Him) that enables that light to lead the way in my life.
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When man rejected God and put his faith in satan, darkness filled his heart. Since then, it has been the heart cry of man to have a clean heart and to be reconciled with God. The finished work of Christ has made a clean heart, and reconciliation with God, a reality for anyone who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ.…
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Your heart is the most important part of you. Your heart is the place where your beliefs grow. What you believe about God, yourself, and others will determine the quality, direction, and accomplishments of your life.
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Jesus exampled for us the relationship we are to have with God as our Father. To say “Yes” to God as your Father is to say “Yes” to the true definition of you. He loves you, He made you, He defines you.
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You are not weak. You are powerful. You were made in the image of God. You have the ability to believe whatever you choose to believe. When you choose to believe God, His “Yes” and your “Yes” come together, and life abundantly begins.
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Don’t limit what God wants to do in your life. Give Him your whole-hearted “Yes”. There is no bad side to saying “Yes” to Him. He has no bad side. No evil dwells with Him. He has no hidden agenda. He is honest. He is pure. He is love. He always has your best in mind.
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God actually needs our agreement to do all that He wants to do in our lives. All of the exceedingly-abundantly-above-all-that-we-ask-or-think things that the Father desires to do in your life are simply waiting upon your “Yes” to Him.
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The two most powerful words in your life are “yes” and “no”. There is a forever-yes inside of you reserved for the One who made you. Have you given Christ your forever "Yes"?
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If we are not grounded in the true knowledge of the goodness of God, we will not process circumstances correctly. We will not be able to see what God can do.
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Don't try to have faith. Focus on the heart of God. When you know the heart of God, faith becomes automatic.
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Your faith in God is based on your understanding of His will and ability to bless you. How willing is He?
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The willingness of God to heal you and move in your life has been revealed through the ministry of His Son.
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Jesus revealed that It is God’s will to heal and to forgive.
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How good is God? Jesus makes it plain. He teaches us that God is much more good than the best parent on earth. God is good and good things come from Him. In this message you will learn how to recognize what is from God and what is not. Jesus rebuked what was NOT from His Father and taught us to do the same.…
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Just as we want to remove rumors about God from our thinking, we also want to remove rumors about ourselves. You are important. You are precious. You were made in the image of God.
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At Highway, we help people to de-religify their relationship with God by learning Who Jesus Is, What He’s Done For Us, and Who We Are In Him.
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Highway Church is a ministry where people can learn how to experience the love and power of Christ in their daily lives and how to know and fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
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Every superhero has a mission. It is a mission that a common person cannot do. If you are born from above, you are not common. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. You have a mission. Your divine mission on this planet will be conceived in you in the same way that you were re-born of God.
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Jesus brought the full manifestation of God’s grace into the earth. Because of Jesus, the grace of God is fully available to anyone who believes on Him.
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To as many as receive Jesus, to those that believe on His name, He has given them power to be the sons of God. To be re-born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
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