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İPA Podcast

İstanbul Planlama Ajansı

İstanbul Planlama Ajansı podcast kanalına hoş geldiniz. İPA Podcast'te İstanbul’un kent gündemini, kente dair güncel yayın ve araştırmaları uzman konuklarla konuşuyoruz. Hazırlayan ve sunanlar: Elif Yıldız Kızılca ve Berkan Özyer
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iPad Workers

はるな👠iPad Worker

iPad活用のヒントになる情報をお届けするポッドキャスト番組 ■LISTENで文字起こしも見られます https://listen.style/p/ipadworkers ipadworkers.substack.com
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This is IPAA INSIDERS. A podcast from IPAA NSW where we answer your big questions about how the NSW Public Sector works and how you work in it. Each episode we speak with senior leaders, blue sky thinkers, and IPAA members across the sector who will answer your burning questions about life in the NSW Public Sector and share their unique perspectives and actionable advice to help you build a career you're proud of.
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IPA Podcast

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA)

The IPA is the professional body for advertising, media and marketing communications agencies in the UK. We represent over 300 agencies which are responsible for 85% of UK advertising and communication spend. Our shows, AdTalk with Paul Bainsfair, The Effectiveness Files with Laurence Green, New Business Diaries, and IPA On... Talent Matters break down the big issues facing advertising and communications business.
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iPad Pros

Tim Chaten

Learn how to get the most out of your iPad Pro by listening to the pros using the iPad. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Nova Igreja de Ipanema

Nova Igreja de Ipanema

Ouça uma mensagem gravada na Nova Igreja de Ipanema. Esperamos que você possa conhecer um pouco mais o amor e a graça de Jesus Cristo, e que sua fé seja fortalecida para vencer quaisquer desafios que estejam a sua frente.
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IPA Payments Pod

Innovative Payments Association

Hosted by the IPA, the Payments Podcast is designed to keep you ahead of an ever-changing industry and position you to succeed in tomorrow’s payments environment. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on the most pressing issues of the day.
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iPA Podcast


Patreon.com/iPApodcast - 6 degrés de separation en lien avec les acteurs du terroir : bières, vins, distilleries et plus encore. The 6 degres of seperation with the people in the world of beer, distillery, wine, cider and more.
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The iPANRE Podcast

John Bielinski

The rules are forever changed. If you're a practicing physician assistant and need to take your recertification exam, as you know, in 2019, the rules have changed. In teaching board review courses and teaching at colleges for years, I've always said you need to know how the game is played. You need to know the test writers, how they're writing their tests, and where they're getting their content from. Well, the NCCPA has revealed their 2019 blueprint for how and what you need to study.
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iPadはもはや特別な存在ではなく、学校と家庭での日常の一部となり、教育現場と教育者に目覚ましい進化を起こしています。 このイベントでは、昨年度4月から新入生に1人1台ずつiPadを導入、現在は中高合わせて3,000台のiPadが稼働している近畿大学附属高等学校・中学校から、こどもたちのクリエイティビティを促進する生徒の学習成果物作成、教材プリントや解説動画の作成と配信、クラブ活動や文化祭での利用まで、21世紀の教育に欠かせないリアルなストーリーを多数紹介しています。 iPadとこれからのこどもたちのための学校教育をわかりやすく伝えています。
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筑波大学附属桐が丘特別支援学校の児童生徒たちは、身の回りの問題にiPadを取り入れ、筑波大学情報科学類の学生と協力しiOS アプリケーションを開発・解決しました。このイベントでは、学生、児童生徒と先生が共同開発をはじめた想いやあゆみと今後を、今の教育に不可欠なキーワードであるテクノロジーと人のつながり、アイデア、問題解決のストーリーと共にお話しています。
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LA SUMATORIA DE LAS FUERZAS DE LO POSITIVO DIÓ INFINITO. Cartas de Amor fraterno de la Cosmogonía. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ipartio/support
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What's on My iPad

Apple Inc.

Learn how business people from companies of all sizes are using iPad, apps from the App Store, as well as apps built for in-house use, to transform how they get their jobs done.
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Join executives of major corporations and find out how they are incorporating iPad into their business. You'll learn how they are using third-party applications as well as developing their own internal apps to streamline workflows that help their employees be more productive.
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La Stanza Dei Fumetti è un Podcast interamente dedicato ai fumetti. Ogni settimana viene pubblicata una puntata in cui Matteo, alias IpadderHD, parla delle ultime notizie su comics, manga, graphic novels e di tutto ciò che ruota attorno al fantastico mondo della nona arte! Se ti piace il Podcast e vuoi rimanere ancora più aggiornato, IpadderHD ti aspetta su YouTube con le sue video recensioni e i suoi video acquisti!
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With iPhone, iPad, and iOS, progressive IT teams are leading innovation at their companies. Hear real-world examples and best practices from IT groups who embrace a new vision for technology to transform the way their employees work.
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O IPA CAST é o PodCast do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa “Intelectuais e Política Nas Américas” da Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Franca. O IPA é formado por alunos de graduação, mestrado e doutorado em História, além de Professores e Pesquisadores da Unesp, mas também de outras instituições. Nosso grupo existe desde 2013 e, neste ano, assume um formato digital, com o seu podcast. A nossa intenção é a de que o IPA CAST seja um espaço de discussão e debate sobre assuntos relacionado à ...
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show series
Türkiye’de kadınlar ve çocuklar şehirde nasıl bir güvenlik algısına sahip? Veriler, kent yaşamındaki deneyimlerini nasıl yansıtıyor? İPA Podcast'in bu bölümünde, Kent Gündemi Araştırmaları kapsamında hazırlanan ve Mart ayında yayımlanan "Kentte Kadın ve Çocuk Güvenliği: Mekânsal Dinamikler, Algılar ve Öneriler" başlıklı araştırma raporunu, içerik s…
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Even the Ancient Greeks had to navigate business regulations, and the roots of such ideas are discussed in one of philosophy's greatest works—Plato's Republic. Join host Ben Jackson and IPA CEO Brian Tate, as they delve into this classic text and its relevance today. In this episode, the team explores: How The Republic can provide foundational grou…
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Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'une microbrasserie utilise La Ruche pour tenter d'obtenir les ressources necessaire pour créer un projet, une expension, etc. Cette fois-ci la campagne de socio-financement pourrais permettre à L'Espace Public de transformer le 2e étage de son salon de dégustation en salle de spectacle. J'ai été jaser de tout cela a…
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In the latest episode of the IPA New Business Diaries, Ellie Olliff, New Business Director and Partner at BBH London, is joined by industry legend Tina Fegent. They explore what pitching looks like from a procurement perspective, the role they play in the process, the value that building relationships with procurement can bring and much more.…
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Welcome back to IPAA Insiders!—your go-to guide for navigating and excelling in your public sector career. Each episode tackles your pressing questions, offering actionable insights from seasoned professionals within and beyond the sector. Episode Highlight: In this fifth episode, Jo Rose, CEO of IPAA NSW, explores the topic of mobility in the publ…
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This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit ipadworkers.substack.com 👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「ClaudeのArtifacts機能がすごくて驚いた話」です。 おすすめの記事 * 🎥 ChatGPT活用講座 * 📓 最近のiPadデジタルバレットジャーナル事情 * 🔍 未処理タスクをどのようにして探すのか? 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けて投稿してください。 👋こんにちは、はるなです。今日は「Claudeでテキストファイルの比較をビジュアラ…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは3月12日に発売された「iPad Air(M3)とMagic Keyboard」についてです。 3種類のMagic Keyboardを比較します。 https://ipadworkers.substack.com/p/iwpodcast-154 おすすめの記事 * 🎥 ChatGPT活用講座 * 📓 最近のiPadデジタルバレットジャーナル事情 * 🔍 未処理タスクをどのようにして探すのか? 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けて投稿してください。 ✨ 3月12日に発売されたiPad Air(M3) Appleから新しく、i…
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When you think of ways to relieve stress, gift cards probably don’t top your list. But new research from Blackhawk Network suggests they might be the unsung heroes of holiday stress management. In this episode, Ben Jackson chats with Sarah Kositzke, Senior Global Insights Manager at Blackhawk, about the company’s 2024 holiday spending study. Join u…
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Writer, developer, and musician Tom Snyder returns to the podcast to discuss a wide range of topics. He was last on episode 68 back in December of 2019. Early episodes with chapter markers are available by supporting the podcast at www.patreon.com/ipadpros. Early episodes are also now available in Apple Podcasts! Show notes are available at www.iPa…
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Silo 5ans samedi le 15 mars 14h. Il prenne le temps de fêter pour la première fois un anniversaire. Il y aura des bières classique, simple et remplis de mousse. J'ai été faire un jasette remplis de mousse avec Jean-Philippe Lalonde et à la co-animation Steven G Tenaglio (G pour Geek) On a jaser de bière, de service de bière, un peu de film, fidèle …
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In this episode, Derric sits down with Mike Amundsen, a leader in the API ecosystem, to explore the evolving role of observability in API design and customer experience. They break down the differences between machine vs. customer observability, best practices for tracking key metrics, and the importance of designing observability into APIs from th…
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In this episode, Derric sits down with Mike Amundsen, a leader in the API ecosystem, to explore the evolving role of observability in API design and customer experience. They break down the differences between machine vs. customer observability, best practices for tracking key metrics, and the importance of designing observability into APIs from th…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 2025年3月4日の夜、AppleからiPad Air(M3)とiPad(A16)が発表されました。すでに予約がスタートしており、発売は2025年3月12日です。 今日は「iPad Air(M3)の何が新しくなったのか、どんな人におすすめか」です。 新しく発表され、予約注文が開始されたAppleの新製品 * iPad Airを購入 - Apple(日本) * iPadを購入 - Apple(日本) * 11インチiPad Air(M3)用Magic Keyboard - 日本語 - Apple(日本) おすすめの記事 * 🎥 はじめてのGoodNotes活用セミナー開催 (3月8日(土)10:00〜Zoom開催) * 🗺️ Prodraftsで夢マップをつくる …
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Après le succès de l'année dernière, nous reprenons pour une 2e édition "Un podcast, avec pas d'casque, mais avec cask". La jasette sur les casks continue avec Dave Spoerry ( Isle de Garde et @drinkqualitydave ) et Maxime Fongaro qui nous accompagne tout en introduisant le nouvel endroit à découvrir, La Courtepointe. Bonne écoute! Send us a text Su…
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Visit Us! To Learn what you've been missing! Our purpose: To inspire, empower and educate future and present PAs so that they can create a healthier world. Subscribe to our Mailing List: Here If you are a PA preparing for your PANRE, consider our live, video, and virtual review course. 100% pass rate guarantee. Check out our upcoming courses Here V…
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Matt Gemmell is a writer of thriller, horror, and suspense novels. The iPad Pro has served as his primary computer for the past 8 years. You can hear about those experiences on episodes 40 and 139 of this podcast. He recently decided to make the switch back to the Mac as his primary computer. In this episode, we discuss what made him rethink his co…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「Apple標準メモアプリで発見したショートカットキー」についてです。 Apple標準メモにノートリンク機能が追加された2023年のiPadOS 17から、すでに2年経っていますが、最近になって発見しました。 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けて投稿してください。 📱 Apple標準メモアプリのノートリンク機能 iPadOS 17から導入されているメモのリンク機能。メモ内で他のメモへリンクを貼れる機能ですが、皆さんはこのノートリンク機能を使っていますか? 🆕🍏 iPadOS 17で使い勝手が向上した3つの機能 私自身、この…
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👋 こんにちは、はるなです。 今日のテーマは「2025年版 iPadアプリ図鑑」です。今年も4月に出します。 詳細はこちら👇 https://ipadworkers.substack.com/p/iwpodcast-151 🎧 iPad Workers Podcastは毎週、木曜日配信予定のポッドキャスト番組です。リクエスト・感想などは #iPadWorkers のハッシュタグを付けて投稿してください。 📖 iPadアプリ図鑑ってどんな本? 毎年4月は新生活のスタートとともに、iPadを使って新しいことに挑戦する人が増えます。そんなタイミングに合わせて、2024年に「📘iPadアプリ図鑑」をリリースしました。 この図鑑は、単なるアプリの機能紹介ではなく、「そのアプリを使って何ができるのか?」…
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Visit Us! To Learn what you've been missing! Our purpose: To inspire, empower and educate future and present PAs so that they can create a healthier world. Subscribe to our Mailing List: Here If you are a PA preparing for your PANCE or PANRE, consider our live, video, and virtual review course. 100% pass rate guarantee. Check out our upcoming cours…
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In the latest episode of the IPA New Business Diaries, RAPP CMO Tracey Barber and Katie Street, MD & Founder of Street Agency explore how to get more leads in 2025, touching on everything from why LinkedIn can be your best friend when it comes to reaching your prospects to why you should put your people front and centre.…
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The new administration is moving fast, and payments regulations are caught up in the changes. Recent leadership nominations, staff reductions, and agency reviews are raising big questions about the future of regulation — especially at the CFPB. Will the Bureau continue its enforcement agenda, scale back, or be restructured entirely? In this episode…
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Tapestry is a new app by the Iconfactory that combines posts from your favorite social media services like Bluesky, Mastodon, Tumblr and others with RSS feeds, podcasts, YouTube channels and more. All of your content presented in chronological order, with no algorithm deciding what you should or shouldn't see. Ged Maheux is the co-founder of the Ic…
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