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My First Million

Hubspot Media

Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.
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Der Auslands-Podcast des SPIEGEL. Für alle, denen die Welt nicht egal ist. Juan Moreno will die Geschichten hinter den Nachrichten erfahren. Jeden Freitag neu. Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zur US-Wahl finden Sie unter Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zum Krieg in der Ukraine finden Sie unter Wir freuen uns über Kritik und Vorschläge an
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Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth - and how you can too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, are disciplined and responsible! Featuring hosts from the Ramsey Network: Dave Ramsey, Ken Coleman, Rachel Cruze, George Kamel, Jade Warshaw, and Dr. John Delony.
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Millionaire University

Millionaire University

Millionaire University is on a mission to help you build wealth, achieve financial freedom, and create a business that supports the life you want. We reveal proven strategies for business growth, personal finance, and investing—teaching you how to increase your income, build passive revenue streams, and take control of your money. You will learn how to start and scale a business, make smarter financial decisions, and build lasting wealth—all while creating a life of impact and fulfillment. G ...
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The No.1 Home Service Podcast where Mike Andes, founder of Augusta Lawn Care Services Franchise, Pay for Performance, and Copilot CRM, shares invaluable insights into growing a profitable home service business. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Mike dives into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to succeed in the home service industry. With his wealth of experience and expertise, Mike answers your burning questions, provides actionable strategies, and offers practica ...
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Mill House Podcast

Mill House

With a passion for storytelling, Mill House is more than a fishing podcast. Comprised of in-depth conversations with innovators, legends, and pioneers of the outdoors, we expose untold and compelling stories from industry leaders.
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Im Podcast „Macht und Millionen“ spricht Kayhan Özgenç mit Reporterinnen und Reportern über aktuelle, exklusive Recherchen und über klassische Wirtschaftskrimis. Im Gespräch erklären sie komplexe Zusammenhänge und Hintergrundgeschichten auf unterhaltsame Weise. Die Episoden sind etwa 40 Minuten lang und erscheinen alle zwei Wochen. Im Macht&Millionen-Club können Hörerinnen und Hörer die neue Folge schon eine Woche früher hören. Hier geht's zum Buch: Die gesamte erste ...
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Teaching Millionaires is a podcast about personal finance, money management, saving and investing for retirement, and the journey to becoming financially independent. Hosted by Rich Smith, the show serves a community of lifelong learners helping them to understand how to become successful with their money.
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The Everyday Millionaire

Patrick Francey

Embark on a transformative journey with The Everyday Millionaire podcast, where guests share their journey and secrets of wealth creation. Discover and learn the many ways that you too can fulfill your dreams and ambitions. Join us as we delve into the inspiring stories of seemingly ordinary individuals who have attained extraordinary results and success. Listen in to ignite your inspiration for becoming your greatest self and living your best life. Your journey and adventure toward becoming ...
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From building a 7-figure digital marketing agency, helping hundreds of health practices grow, Zack shares his in depth knowledge of what he's learned during this journey. This podcast will cover paid ads, automations, systems and workflows to help any business or health practice grow.
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Million Dollar Grit

Julie Chenell

Welcome to Million Dollar Grit, the podcast that dives deep into the world of entrepreneurship, where tenacity meets strategy, and dreams meet reality. Here, we explore the raw, often overlooked truths of what it takes to succeed in business and in life. It's not just about the glossy success stories - it's about the grit it takes to get there.
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Think Millions Podcast

Alexa D’Agostino

Think you know business? Buckle up and get ready for Think Millions Podcast with Thynktank Coaching, a podcast by real entrepreneurs talking about real business problems and providing the solutions to scale your business.
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The self made millionaire is a myth -- you don't get there without help. I was help made. Being a help made millionaire is about helping YOU be the BEST you can be while helping others along the way on your journey to becoming a help made millionaire!
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The Million Dollaz Worth of Game show, a weekly podcast with rapper/actor @GillieDaKing and social media influencer and disruptor @Wallo267 - The perfect blend of discussing music, real life issues, personal experiences, honest advice and comedy You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit
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Millionaires Unveiled

Jace Mattinson, CPA

Millionaires Unveiled interviews and tells the stories of everyday millionaires. We provide detailed insight into their investing strategies and current portfolio allocation. How did they get started? What decisions did they make along the way? How has their portfolio allocation changed, and what are they doing now to not only keep, but also grow, their highly sought after "millionaire" status? From these extensive and thought provoking interviews, you'll be able to assess your current portf ...
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The Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast is the #1 resource for automotive sales professionals, managers and owners. Let Sean V. Bradley, CSP and L.A. Williams teach you how to make money, accumulate wealth, and all-out ball-out in the automotive industry.
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Welcome to "Million Dollar Flip Flops," the podcast that invites you on a transformative journey diving deep into the minds of thought leaders, game changers, and business builders from around the world. We explore pivotal moments, motivations, challenges conquered, and the inspiration that fuels their success. Guiding you on this journey is none other than Rodric Lenhart, a multi 7 figure business owner, #1 Bestselling Author, International Speaker, and Certified Business Coach. Learn more: ...
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Wirecard: 1,9 Milliarden Lügen

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Jan Marsalek ist zurück - und dieses Mal erscheint er mutmaßlich in Gestalt eines russischen Spions. Das Phantom, das seit dem Zusammenbruch von Wirecard auf der Flucht ist, war im Exil offenbar nicht untätig. Er soll eine ganze Agentenzelle von - vermutlich - Moskau aus für russische Geheimdienste gesteuert haben, die in ganz Europa aktiv war. Diebstahl, Einbruch, Beschattungen, Geldübergaben und Schmuggel wird ihnen vorgeworfen und noch mehr: Angeblich sollen auch Anschläge und Entführunge ...
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Welcome to 'Million Dollar Multi-Op', the premier podcast for event DJ company owners aspiring to amplify their impact and income. Host David Osborne with will dive deep on topics that are important to you. Here you'll find education, inspiration, and entertainment, offering exclusive insights to help you grow your team and hit your goals
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show series
Manny Puig is a renowned wildlife expert, animal handler, and television personality, best known for his appearances on the hit TV shows Jackass and Wildboyz. With a deep passion for wildlife and a fearless approach to working with dangerous animals, Manny became a fan favorite on these unconventional, often outrageous, programs. His expertise in h…
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John H. Buchanan received a doctorate in liberal arts from Emory University. He was trained and certified as a Holotropic Breathwork practitioner by Stan and Christina Grof. He is a contributing coeditor for Rethinking Consciousness (2020) and the author of Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety (Cascade, 2022). PO…
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#290 Today's episode is called Build The Machine. Owning our own business is great, but if you don't work towards building it in a way that it can work without you always being 100% involved, it can sometimes become more like a job that never goes away. In today's episode, we talk about the importance of building the machine and how I wasn't taking…
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In Episode 177 of the Mindset Matters podcast, Patrick and Steffany Francey continue their deep dive into ego—expanding on insights from Episode 176. Far from being the enemy, ego is a fundamental part of our identity. The key is learning how to master it rather than let it control us. Key Takeaways: ✅ Ego vs. Self-Esteem: Ego craves external valid…
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#289 What if everything you’ve been told about your brain’s limits is wrong? In this episode hosted by Kirsten Tyrrel, we're diving deep into the science of neuroplasticity with cognitive expert Tara Bonner. For years, we've been told that our brains are fixed — that our capacity to learn and grow is limited by the time we reach adulthood. But scie…
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Skal Novo Nordisk tilbage til tidligere kurstinder, og hvad er udsigterne for Genmab gående fremover? Millionærklubben tjekker sundhedstilstanden på sundhedsaktierne sammen med Claus Johansen, CEO i Global Health Invest, der netop er vendt hjem fra biotech- og medicinalkonference i USA. Hør, hvad der rører sig i branchen og få hans syn på nogle af …
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2 Corinthians 2:14 Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority! Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of…
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#288 I love being married to my husband and his big entrepreneurial personality and dreams. Has it been easy? No. Has he challenged me in ways I never dreamed of? Of course. Has he pushed me out of my comfort zone more times than I can count? Definitely. But do I love who I am today because of the risks we've taken and the life we've created togeth…
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In Week 123, Genn and Millie discuss the things that motivate them. They also discuss the concept of systems that help us get things done and make sense of our realities. Follow Up: -Get honest with yourself! What are you avoiding? -What motivates you? -What systems do you have in place? For information regarding the topic discussed or for resource…
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💰 Get the Side Hustle Ideas Database [free] Episode 688: Sam Parr ( ) and Shaan Puri ( ) talk about 6 under-the-radar trends. — Show Notes: (0:00) Intro (2:24) Short Drama Apps (13:55) Rucking (22:10) Plastic-free everything (31:58) "Nervous System Work" (41:46) Biohacking plants (46:48) AI Social Netw…
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💵 Sign up for EveryDollar today - Create a free Budget! Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth - and how you can, too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, and are disciplined and responsible! Next Steps: 💰Need help with your investments? Connect with a SmartVestor Pro: (SmartVestor Invest…
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#287 What if the key to real estate success isn’t just the property — but your tenant? In this episode, host Brien Gearin sits down with Sean O'Dowd, founder of Scholastic Capital, a real estate firm specializing in buying homes in top-tier school districts and renting them to families with high school-age kids. Sean shares his fascinating journey …
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Aldrig før har verdens største investorer på en måned solgt lige så mange amerikanske aktier, som de gjorde i marts. Det står klart af Bank of Americas store, månedlige spørgeskemaundersøgelse, som udkom tirsdag. Men hvorfor sælger investorerne ud, og hvor ser de i stedet gyldne muligheder henne - ja, det vender vi i denne onsdags-udsendelse af Mil…
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Psalm 34:18 Would you like to have today's episode in written form? Consider joining our Patreon! It's a fantastic place to connect with other praying moms, and get lots of free prayer resources to help you make prayer a more practical priority! Your support helps Million Praying Moms keep this podcast going—all funds provide for the work of the te…
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Summary In this episode, David Osborne interviews Brian McGann, the founder of SMPL, a software designed for DJs that combines CRM and ERP functionalities. Brian shares his journey of creating SMPL, the challenges of introducing new software to an established industry, and the importance of community feedback in shaping the product. The conversatio…
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In dieser Folge spricht Chefredakteur Kayhan Özgenç mit Wirtschaftsredakteur Klemens Handke über ein spektakuläres Familiendrama rund um den gefürchteten Patriarchen Rupert Murdoch. Er vereint "die Anpassungsfähigkeit eines Chamäleons mit der Bissfreudigkeit einer Dogge" und verkörpert wie kein anderer die Verschmelzung von Medienmacht und politisc…
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Samir Kerbage is the CIO at Hashdex - a global pioneer in crypto asset management overseeing 1.27 billion in client assets. Samir holds a degree in Computer Engineering from Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME) and has a decade of experience building financial market infrastructure. FOLLOW SAMIR ON X: FOLLOW HASHDEX ON X…
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In this riveting episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast, host Sean V. Bradley dives into the harsh realities of the automotive industry in 2025. With the backdrop of economic uncertainties, changing tariffs, and the fluctuating electric vehicle market, Sean discusses the challenges dealerships face today. Joining him is Cody Carter, the #1…
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#286 Fail forward FAST! In this episode, we talk about the power of taking fast effective action which is by far the number one thing that allows successful business owners to succeed and holds back those who aren't getting the results they want. We'll take you behind the scenes of a real-life situation where Brogan and Tyson have recently taken fa…
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The primary focus of our discourse centers upon the imperative need for individuals to acquire specific high-income skills in anticipation of the evolving landscape of 2025. As we navigate the complexities of a world increasingly influenced by artificial intelligence, it becomes evident that those who possess the requisite knowledge and adaptabilit…
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Ein Zollchaos erschüttert die US-Finanzmärkte, der Dollar soll gezielt abgewertet werden. Wirtschaftsexperten sind verwirrt. Wird der US-Präsident einen Liz-Truss-Moment erleben? Ein Erklärungsversuch der »Trumponomics«. Ex-US-Präsident Donald Trump trat mit einem Versprechen an: »Wenn ich zum Präsidenten gewählt werde, wird der Aktienmarkt steigen…
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A seasoned business leader, Marques Colston’s business career is shaped by the perspectives and lived experiences gained from his journey to becoming an unlikely NFL standout. Marques’s journey from small school prospect through a decade-long NFL career taught him how success has to be earned every day and sustaining it at the highest level require…
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#285 Tired of the corporate grind and wondering how to replace your paycheck with cash flow? In this episode, host Brien Gearin sits down with Brian Luebben, founder of Action Academy, to share his journey from high-level corporate sales to financial freedom and full-time world travel. Brian breaks down the three levels of clarity needed to escape …
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🎯 FREE First-Time Homebuyer's Playbook: 🏡 Buying your first home isn't impossible in today's market! I sat down with my brother Sean who thought homeownership was out of reach, and completely changed his perspective with these insider strategies. In this video, I reveal: ✅ The house hacking strategy …
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Forandringens vinde blæser, men bør det få dig til at ændre på dine investeringspreferencer? Millionærklubben spørger to de erfarne investorer, Lau Svenssen og Peter Garnry, hvordan de ’spiller’ markedet og debatterer, om der er konkrete regioner eller sektorer, der stikker ud som særligt interessante under de nuværende forhold. Vært: Bodil Johanne…
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