Fala Gringo is a show in easy brazilian portuguese to intermediate learners, presented by Leni. Aprenda o Português do Brasil com temas atuais e episódios sobre a língua e cultura brasileira. Quer progredir rápido? O Fala Gringo é o seu podcast de Português Brasileiro Intermediário. - Learn Portuguese Podcast - Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Apprendre Portugais Bresilien Podcast - Portoghese Brasiliano Podcast - Brasilianisches Portugiesisch - Speak Brazilian Portuguese - Portuguès de Brasil - ...
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A simple dialogue which takes place in a restaurant in Brazilian Portuguese. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
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A simple story in 26 parts in Brazilian Portuguese. A good place to start your studies. It is a good idea to listen
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A simple dialogue introducing some common greetings and salutations in Brazilian Portuguese. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
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Learning a language is a much better hobby than breaking into people's homes.Af LingQ_Support
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She is actually tired of the brother and wants him to leave.Af LingQ_Support
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The "girlfriend" tells us how she learned the language so well.Af LingQ_Support
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The truth is revealed in an unpredictable twist.Af LingQ_Support
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The girlfriend confronts her and demands an explanation.Af LingQ_Support
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They enter the apartment just as the girlfriend arrives home.Af LingQ_Support
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They prepare to break into the empty apartment.Af LingQ_Support
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She thinks of a new plan since her brother isn't home.Af LingQ_Support
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She expresses her hope that her plan will be successful.Af LingQ_Support
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She explains her plan to ruin her brother's relationship.Af LingQ_Support
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She now offers $1000 for him to spy on her brother.Af LingQ_Support
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She says that her brother just inherited a lot of money.Af LingQ_Support
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Her attempt to get more information isn't going very well.Af LingQ_Support
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$500 is offered for a bit of spying.Af LingQ_Support
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She offers him a bribe to spy for her.Af LingQ_Support
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Our hero has to move her car to avoid getting a ticket.Af LingQ_Support
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They used to email each other very often.Af LingQ_Support
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When did she move into the apartment?Af LingQ_Support
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Is the mysterious girl just a roommate?Af LingQ_Support
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She is very stubborn and refuses to leave unless she learns more about her brother.Af LingQ_Support
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Why do you think her brother stopped writing to her?Af LingQ_Support
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Her brother has stopped communicating with his sister recently.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask for a description of a mysterious girl.Af LingQ_Support
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She tries to find out more about her brother.Af LingQ_Support
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She says she is looking for her brother.Af LingQ_Support
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A girl introduces herself and asks a man his name.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask someone to give you an object.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask where someone is going.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask if an object belongs to someone.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask someone to repeat what they said more slowly.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask how someone is doing.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask about someone's weekend.Af LingQ_Support
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How to say good morning, good afternoon, and good night.Af LingQ_Support
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10: Falando sobre o horário de trabalho
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
1:42Some more dialogue about work and career choices.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask ask someone about their job.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask where someone is from.Af LingQ_Support
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How to order various dishes from a waiter.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask what kind of food someone cooks.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask how often someone has been at the restaurant.Af LingQ_Support
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How to order a beer.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask if the restaurant is good or expensive.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask when the restaurant opens and closes.Af LingQ_Support
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How to ask where to find the restaurant.Af LingQ_Support
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Estamos de volta com o primeiro episódio do ano. Ouça este episódio com a transcrição completa: https://falagringopodcast.com COLABORE COM O FALA GRINGO: https://falagringopodcast.com/apoie/ Deixe uma avaliação 5 estrelas para o podcast aqui na plataforma. Siga o Fala Gringo no instagram: http://instagram.com/falagringopodcast ( Podcast Português B…
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5.6 Os Desafios dos Atletas no Brasil
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
20:13Bora refletir um pouco sobre os resultados do Brasil nas Olimpíadas de Paris, os desafios do atletismo no país e conhecer um pouco da história de Rebeca Andrade, a maior medalhista brasileira em olimpíadas? Ouça este episódio com a transcrição completa: https://falagringopodcast.com COLABORE COM O FALA GRINGO: https://falagringopodcast.com/apoie/ D…
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5.5 A Maconha Foi Legalizada No Brasil? 🌿
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
22:27Depois de 9 anos guardadinha numa das gavetas da justiça brasileira, o Brasil voltou a julgar uma ação que tratava da descriminalização do porte de drogas para consumo próprio. No episódio de hoje você vai entender o que mudou e quais foram as justificativas para que essa ação fosse votada. Entra na roda que ta começando mais um Fala Gringo, o seu …
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5.4 Lampião e o Cangaço, Outra Viagem ao Sertão Brasileiro
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
24:19O Cangaço e seus principais personagens constam nas páginas mais marcantes e também mais controversas da história brasileira. Neste episódio você vai saber mais sobre esse movimento de Banditismo Social e o Lampião, liderança mais conhecida do movimento. Ouça este episódio com a transcrição completa: https://falagringopodcast.com COLABORE COM O FAL…
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[REPLAY] Hans Staden e o Canibalismo no Brasil
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
24:00**Este episódio é uma retransmissão do "EP 3.4: O Gringo que Quase foi devorado por índios canibais", que apresentou erros para alguns ouvintes na plataforma Spotify. Conta a história de um alemão que fez duas viagens ao Brasil, foi aprisionado por indígenas brasileiros e presenciou rituais canibalistas. Seus escritos foram publicados em um livro e…
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5.3 Dengue: a doença que atormenta o Brasil há décadas
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
23:22Por que é que o Brasil ainda não conseguiu vencer a dengue e o mosquito Aedes aegypti? Por que quase todo ano tem epidemia de dengue por aqui? E quais as perspectivas para o tratamento e prevenção dessa doença no futuro? Ouça este episódio com a transcrição completa: https://falagringopodcast.com COLABORE COM O FALA GRINGO: https://falagringopodcas…
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5.2 A dieta brasileira: em defesa da comida e da feira 🫘 🥬 🥥 🥔
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
30:28O que os brasileiros comem no dia a dia? A nossa dieta tradicional é saudável? Eu fui a feira para para falar de comida de verdade e para trazer algumas reflexões sobre os impactos dos ultraprocessados na nossa dieta. Ouça este episódio com a transcrição completa: https://falagringopodcast.com COLABORE COM O FALA GRINGO: https://falagringopodcast.c…
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