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Tús Áite

RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta

Clár cúrsaí reatha an tráthnóna á chur i láthair ón Lárionad Raidió i mBaile Átha Cliath. Scéalta náisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta a bhíonn faoi chaibidil ar an gclár, le plé, anailís agus tuairiscí.
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What's going on y'all this podcast is about expressing yourself in different ways to where you can give your opinion and to let others know what you're thinking. Podcast Art by Stephen Hawkins with A.I.T.C. Productions. Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash:
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BOX jakaa oivalluksia ja ajatuksia teollisuuden, teknologian ja yhteiskunnan näkökulmista. Matti Apusen vieraina ovat elinkeinoelämän ja yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttamisen terävimmät nimet. BOX:in ensimmäinen kausi valottaa Yhdysvaltoja 10 eri vaikuttajan kanssa. Miten USA:n markkinoille mennään? Mitä USA tarvitsee suomalaisilta yrityksiltä? Mitä teollisuuden ammattilaisen kannattaa tietää USA:sta? Tuottaja: Tampereen Messut, Alihankinta-messut.
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Hosts Gavin Scott (from Chart Beats: A Journey Through Pop) and Matthew Denby work their way through all the singles produced by Mike Stock, Matt Aitken and Pete Waterman (SAW), starting in 1984 with "The Upstroke" by Agents Aren't Aeroplanes and taking in hits by Dead Or Alive, Hazell Dean, Bananarama, Princess, Mel & Kim, Rick Astley, Kylie Minogue, Sinitta, Jason Donovan, Divine, Sonia and more, as well as lesser known chart misses. Bonus interviews and discussion: ( ...
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中学受験戦争後、偶然再会した2人の超舌トーク番組。 仕事、教育、スポーツその他様々なことをその日の気分で語り合う、互いのぶつかり合いにも注目! AとIは2人の苗字の頭文字。
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The Rugbee Buzz from Aitch & Aitch Bee

Aitch and Aitch Bee Events

Aitch and Aitch Bee Events have for the last five years been bringing fantastic dinners, lunches and theatre events to audiences all over the South West. Their speciality is sporting celebrities offering “up close and personal” experiences for fans of all ages. Now they bring you the podcast! Regular fun chats with sports stars past and present but with a different take from the norm. Host, Mark Hartery chats about those topics that we often don’t hear about. A fascinating insight in to thos ...
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This is an Astrological podcast that brings you up to speed on current astrological trends, and how can you make the most of your week and co-create some magic! Tisch Aitken is a New York City based astrologer, who translates the language of the cosmos into every day wisdom that is both practical and accessible.
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The 6 Figure Flipper With Matt Aitchison - Learn From World Class Investors on Flipping Houses, Buying Rentals & Wholesaling

Matt Aitchison - Millennial House Flipper, Coach, and 7-Figure Real Estate Investor

The 6 Figure Flipper Podcast with Matt Aitchison brings you insightful interviews from some of the nations top house flippers, wholesalers, cash flow experts and real estate professionals. Whether you're a new investor or a seasoned vet, the 6 Figure Flipper is a proven resource that provides cutting edge tips, tutorials, tools and case studies for aspiring real estate millionaires to succeed and win in any market.
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The Aite-Novarica Podcast

Aite-Novarica: Insurance, Technology, Strategy

The Novaricast is a podcast on the intersection of insurance and technology, produced by Novarica. Novarica helps more than 100 insurers make better decisions about technology projects and strategy through research, advisory services, and consulting. Novarica has been serving the insurance industry since 2008. For more information on all of our research please go to
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Emily and Darlene

Welcome to 'AITA Talk,' a heartfelt and hilarious mother-daughter podcast where we dive deep into the captivating world of the AITA subreddit. Join Darlene and Emily as we embark on a delightful journey exploring the juiciest and most thought-provoking AITA stories. In each episode, we delve into the enthralling stories that fill this popular subreddit, where individuals seek advice and judgment on moral quandaries and interpersonal dilemmas. We leave no stone unturned when it comes to inter ...
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The podcast where I , Your Host Harainna share AITA posts from reddit and attempt to figure out who was the rotten apple of the story and who was not! None of us are perfect . One of my mantras has always been, “We are all Aholes, we just take turns being one.” You can participate in the show by leaving a voicemail, emailing the show or tweeting the show on twitter! Twitter: @AITAapplePiePod EMAIL: [email protected] And you can find this show and ever ...
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show series
the sponsor today is betterhelp. Save 10% at I'm joined by stand-up Fumi Abe and returning to the show, Tori Piskin (everyone's fave ginger). Follow Fumi: Follow Tori: Personal stories (0:00) - I was HIT BY A CAR (15:36) - Fumi heard a rumor about a G…
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Éilíodh ar an rialtas inniu i dtuarascáil a d’fhoilsigh grúpaí cearta daonna ar an dá thaobh den teorainn Aonad Fiosrúcháin Stairiúla a bhunú chun básanna neamhréitithe agus eachtraí inár tharla céasadh agus drochíde a fhiosrú. Labhair Osgur Breathnach a ciontaíodh san éagóir i dtaca le robáil traenach na Sollaine i 1976.…
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Ghlac breis is 40 grúpa Gaeilge ar fud na tíre páirt i stailc leathlae inniu chun brú a chur ar an dá Rialtas réiteach fadtéarmach a dhéanamh do mhaoiniú phobal na Gaeilge. Chualamar ó roinnt dos na daoine a bhí ar stailc mar aon le Connor McGuinness, TD Shinn Féin a thacaíonn leo.Af RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta
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Molann tuarascáil nua gur gá a bheith níos cúramaí agus piollaí codlata a thabhairt amach d’othair. Grúpa oibre ó áisinteachtaí éagsula faoi stiúr Comhairle na nDouchtúirí Leighis a d’ullmhaigh an tuarascáil. Phléamar an scéal seo leis an Dr. Ciarán Ó Fearraigh, Dochtúir i Sraith an Úrláir.Af RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta
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Kevin Burns (Ceann Foghlama agus Rochtana RTÉ); Aonghus Ó hAlmhain (Innealtóir bogearraí agus blagadóir); Diarmuid Ó Sé (Iar-Ollamh Comhlach i Scoil na Gaeilge an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis An Choláiste Ollscoile Baile Átha Cliath); Nadia Dobrianska (Tráchtaire agus iar-oibrí cearta daonna); Cuan Ó Seireadáin (Eagraí Polaitíochta RnaG)…
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Friedrich Merz a bheidh mar an chéad seansailéir eile ar an nGearmáin de réir cosúlachta tar éis do na Daonlathaigh Críostaí teacht sa chéad áit san olltoghchán le nach mór 29% den vóta. Phléamar an scéal seo le Cuan Ó Seireadáin, Eagraí Polaitíochta Raidió na Gaeltachta agus an phainéal.Af RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta
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I'm joined by Krystle Drew and Pluto Papaya! Fun wedding ep. Enjoy. Follow Krystle: Follow Pluto on substack: (0:00) - Banter (8:51) - Coffee shop stories (17:08) - AITA for refusing to pay for daughter's wedding after learning fiance bullied my son? (25:39) - WIBTA for drop…
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Beidh an choimhlint Iosraelach Palaistíneach faoi chaibidil ag Ard Fheis Chonradh na Gaeilge i Loch Garman an deireadh seachtaine seo. Tá trí rún molta ag craobhacha na heagraíochta go nglacfadh an Conradh seasamh ar cheist na Palaistíne. Labhair Róisín Ní Chinnéide, Ball d linn faoin rún seo.Af RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta
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Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump avasi tulli- ja tariffipuheillaan ja -politiikallaan talouden matolaatikon, joka on pidetty visusti kiinni vuosikymmeniä. Mitä Suomi voi tehdä tariffien ja teollisuustukien kiihtyvässä rallissa? BOX-podcastissa Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton toimitusjohtaja Jyri Häkämies arvioi eurooppalaisten yritysten selviytym…
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An tOllamh Brian Ó Broin (Ollamh in Ollscoil William Patterson); An Dr. Conchubhar Ó Dálaigh (Comhalta Teagaisc Roinn an Léinn Rúisigh agus Shlavaigh, Coláiste na Trionóide); Harry McGee (Comhfhreagraí Polaitíochta The Irish Times); Cuan Ó Seireadáin (Eagraí Polaitíochta RnaG); Norita Ní ChartúirAf RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta
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Ghéaraigh an t-aighneas idir Volodymyr Zelensky agus Donald Trump inniu mar gheall ar chinneadh Mheiriceá an Úcráin a fhágáil ar lár i gcainteanna leis an Rúis mar gheall ar ionradh na Rúise ar an Úcrain. Labhair an tOllamh Brian Ó Broin, Ollamh in Ollscoil William Patterson agus an Dr.Conchubhar Ó Dálaigh, Comhalta Teagaisc linn faoin scéal seo.…
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Bhí na bun chaighdeáin i gcóir tithe agus árasáin ar cíos á sárú i bhformhór na n-áitribh a ndearnadh cigireacht orthu i gceantar Chomhairle Átha Cliath Theas anuraidh. Seo de réir figiúirí atá faighte ag an gComhairleoir Darragh Adelaide ó Phobal Roimh Brabús. Phléamar an scéal seo le Darragh Adelaide agus Séin Ó Muineacháin TD le Fianna Fáil.…
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Beidh dualgas ar Ionaid sonraí a n-astachtaí carbóin agus a méid fuinneamh inathnuaite a úsáideann siad a fhoilsiú. Seo de réir dréacht pholasaí nua ón eagraíocht atá freagrach as rialáil a dhéanamh ar an earnáil fuinnimh,an Coimisiún Um Rialáil Fóntais. Phléamar an scéal seo le Diarmuid Ó Muirgheasa,innealtóir & Príomhfheidhmeannach Olus Education…
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Gráinne Ní Aodha (Tuairisceoir le PA Media); Darragh Adelaide (Comhairleoir Contae le Pobal Roimh Brabús i gCluain Dolcáin); Séin Ó Muineacháin (TD Fianna Fáil i mBaile Átha Cliath Thiar Meán); Diarmuid Ó Muirgheasa (Innealtóir agus Príomhfheidhmeannach Olus Education); An Dr. Éamonn Ó Ciosáin (Údar); Alan Titley (Colúnaí leis an Irish Times)…
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Our sponsor today is BETTER HELP 10% off at Happy mon mon hun huns. Hope you enjoy my wonderful guests! Give them a follow!! Karla - Babu aka Radu Bondar - (0:00) - Banter (17;12) - Guess The Verdict (27:59) - AITA for refusing to pay my friend $60 I owe…
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