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Personal power is what you need to lead your life towards your desires, whether that’s in your career, relationships or life in general. The Power Loop Podcast teaches you just that! This is your podcast for all things personal power - here we talk; personal growth, relationships, money, business, spirituality - all to support you in creating your dream life!
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Fremkaldt Podcast

Majken Soelberg

En nuanceret og ærlig podcast om det autentiske iværksætterliv. Her dykker vi ned i kunsten i at være synlig i sit eget brand, at stole på mavefornemmelsen, og at fremkalde det bedste i sig selv som selvstændig. I podcasten deler jeg konkrete råd til din branding og markedsføring, og rundthåndet ud af real-life anekdoter fra mine seneste 9 år som selvstændig. Din vært er mig, Majken Soelberg Nyegaard. Jeg er branding konsulent og fotograf, mor til 2 og en værre multitrick pony der elsker at ...
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Stories about people transforming themselves from an unconscious to a conscious life. People who have dared to live out their dreams. Going against all odds and expectations from others. Talks about spirituality in a fact based world. People sharing their life experience, pains and gains, which you will be able to reflect on and reason with. Or the time after the world was put on hold. Everything is about inspiration and insights from other people's life journeys It will be conversations abo ...
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Science Stories

Science Stories

Videnskabshistorier af Danmarks bedste og meste erfarne formidlere. Interviews med forskere om alle mulige emner, hvor drivkraften er nysgerrighed og fascination. Fra musik i hjernen til celler i kroppen. Fra muligheden for liv udenfor jorden til et jernalder-folkemord i Jylland. Vi udkommer hver uge med en ny podcast.
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Korte Shorts

Søren, Ditlev & Stuart

En podcast om NBA basketball, med Søren, Ditlev og Stuart. Tilsat drengehygge, hjemmelavede quizzer, trade rumors og meget mere hver 14. dag i dit podcast feed. 67% Dansk!
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Elektronista Media

Elektronista er en prisvindende podcast kendt fra 24syv. Din vært Christiane Vejlø bygger altid bro mellem mennesker og teknologi, og sikrer, at du bliver endnu klogere uden nogensinde at kede dig. Regn med at være i godt selskab, når Christiane inviterer nogle af landets klogeste, sjoveste og mest interessante mennesker ind til samtaler om den digitale verdens trends, muligheder og udfordringer. Elektronista er dit skarpe, digitale kulturprogram with a twist. Fang også Elektronista på Insta ...
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mind your life

moshi moshi mind

mind your life podcastserie, handler om at leve et moderne liv med mening. Lyt med, når vi tager med en række kvinder, der står stærkt, drømmer stort og lever helhjertet igennem fravalg og tilvalg, opture, nedture og hør hvordan de har fundet deres vej i dette både smukke og smertefulde liv – i en verden hvor det ellers kan være svært at finde fodfæste, finde sig selv eller blot finde en halv time til at trække vejret og tænke over tilværelsen. Vi håber, at denne podcast kan inspirere dig. J ...
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Velkommen til KøgeBibliotekernes podcasts! Vi laver finurlige, interessante og inspirerende lydfortællinger, som belyser lokale temaer på nye måder. Dyk f.eks. ned i Folkets Fortællinger, hvor borgere fortælle om deres oplevelser. På sigt vil der komme flere forskellige podcasts.God fornøjelse!
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Efter Lægeløftet

Efter Lægeløftet

Er du læge eller medicinstuderende og i tvivl om hvilket speciale du skal vælge? Så har du fundet den rigtige podcast! I programmet interviewes speciallæger indenfor alle 39 specialer. Så lyt med og bliv klogere på bl.a. den typiske hverdag, work/life balance og alternative karriereveje.
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Soulsister Podcast

Soulsister Podcast

Transitioning from our teens to our twenties we sat on a mission to inspire our generation (and every awesome human inhibiting this Earth) to live a life of soul-alignment with themselves, each other and the Universe. What came out what this podcast! Inspired by our curiosity and passion for growing into a higher alignment, we bring you radical authentic, hearty and powerful conversations with guest who are not only f*cking amazing, talented and wise, but who are the SUPER SOULS of our life. ...
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Fuck filterverdenen, velkommen til Sl*tcast. En podcast om parforhold, break-ups dating, sex, graviditet, mommy-life og alt det som alle tænker og føler, men som ingen snakker om. Tinderslut blogger til daglig på Bloggers Delight, læs mere på
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moMotiva Elefantastico

Sean Leonard / Motivation Wizard

(UK) Prolong your life with Motivation and Hope and Compassion. Tune in and let yourself be inspired to discover your endless potential and get tools to change for the better. This podcast site provides energy and empathy. (DK) Motivation og Håb er sammen med næstekærlighed livsforlængende. Lyt med og bliv inspireret. Der er masser af energi og empati at hente
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GTDnordic Danmark: Special Events podcasten er stedet, hvor vi samler diverse interessante optagelser til danske GTD'ere - nye som garvede - som ikke passer ind i vores almindelige GTDnordic podcast. Dette er altså ikke en podcast, hvor du hver anden uge finder nye afsnit. Her udgives tingene når vi har noget nyt at dele med dig - eksempelvis live-optagelser fra AMA'er, deltagelse i andre GTD podcasts m.m. Hvis du er interesseret i at høre mere struktureret om teknikkerne i GTD anbefaler vi ...
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Line Gade,

I Sundhedsvisioner– en podcast med en guldgrube af gode eksempler - møder du seje, fremtidsorienterede, konstruktive og begejstrede mennesker, som går forrest på vejen til fremtidens social- og socialvæsen. Podcasten skal være aktuel til alle tider. Derfor er interviewene så vidt muligt ikke relateret til dagsaktuelle begivenheder. Hør om nye måder at arbejde og organiserer sig på, ny medicin, life science, teknologi og brug af data. Alle medvirkende ønsker brændende at bidrage med deres til ...
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The Road to Success

Female Leadership Academy

What are the stories and experiences behind the successful top leaders in Denmark? This is explored in “The Road to Success,” a podcast by the Female Leadership Academy. The host and founder, Maria Anker Andersen, interviews successful top leaders in business about how they got to where they are today, along with the experiences and advice that come with choosing a career and/or leadership. The purpose of “The Road to Success” is to empower men and women to take control of their careers thro ...
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Nicolai Mazur

Den sjoveste måde at lære på, er ved at omgive sig med dygtige erfarne folk, og det er det min podcast handler om! Om at omgive sig med nogen som kan inspirere og lære fra sig! Derfor har jeg i hver episode en ny mentor. Det er gæsten der vælger næste gæst, og hvad de gerne vil lære af denne person.
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Bio Radio News

Bio Radio

Bio Radio News is a spin-off on the Bio Radio podcast, which addresses news in the life sciences in an easily digestible way. Bio Radio News sends out a podcast once a week with the latest updates on Covid-19 and SARS-CoV2. The broadcast is made by Kim Blanksø Pedersen, who is a senior lecturer in the biotechnology engineering program at University College Absalon. Bio Radio News er et spin-off på podcasten Bio Radio, der behandler nyheder inden for natur- og biovidenskab i en letfordøjelig ...
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show series
Her får du tredie afsnit af julekalenderen Juleargumenter for mennesker. Julekalenderen er bygget på Christiane Vejløs bog Argumenter for Mennesker. I dette afsnit kan du høre om Christianes AI ven. Som ja også findes som kæreste, hvis man punger ud. Julemusikken du hører i julekalenderen har Christiane skrevet teksten til, men AI har komponeret og…
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Her får du andet afsnit af julekalenderen Juleargumenter for mennesker. Julekalenderen er bygget på Christiane Vejløs bog Argumenter for Mennesker. I dette afsnit kan du høre hvordan Gud i det gamle testamente faktisk på en måde forsøgte at stoppe mennesket fra at lave robotter og kunstig intelligens. Julemusikken du hører i julekalenderen har Chri…
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Her får du først afsnit af julekalenderen Juleargumenter for mennesker. Julekalenderen er bygget på Christiane Vejløs bog Argumenter for Mennesker. I dette afsnit kan du høre om hvordan AI står klar til at snyde dig i dine mest sårbare øjeblikke. Vi har endnu kun set toppen af isbjerget, når de gælder deepfake teknologien. Julemusikken du hører i j…
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In today’s episode Laura is giving you a harsh #fryingpanmoment. This is an empowering activation riff on how your need to be understood is blocking your growth and how true authentic connection and love does NOT require mutual understanding. Tune in and get the scoops on; Why your need to be understood is blocking your growth What true love is act…
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What can vi learn from sponges or other primitive animals who have no brain. at all? What are the advantage of spending a lot of energy on maintaining a brain and what can the study of animals with none or very primitive brains teach us about evolution of complex animals with large brains. Professor Dr. Detlev Arendt is explaining to science journa…
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"Hvad er det egentlig jeg kan, der er så specielt?" ... Kender du den følelse? Jeg gør, og i perioder har den gjort mig stagneret. For det er ikke nemt at drive en forretning, hvis vi ikke ved HVORFOR vi gør det, eller HVEM vi gerne vil hjælpe. I denne episode giver jeg dig værktøjer til at gå fra fastlåst til fullblown motiveret! For når du bliver…
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Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, are taking the understanding of cell biology to a new level. Research group leader Alba Diz-Muñoz explains how texture, form and flexibility can make a big difference in your body's reaction to stress. It is not all hormone signals, DNA and biochemistry which de…
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In today’s episode Laura’s giving you a frying pan in response to “I know”. The frase “I know” is simply your ego keeping you in your comfort zone — and you let it. Stop letting it keep you stuck at the current level and learn how to release the “I know” block so many of us have. Laura is bringing you inside the Leaders Lounge from where she pulled…
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Science Stories is visiting the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg and ask some of the leading researchers about their work. This week science journalist Jens Degett interviews Dr Anna Kreshuk about how she and her research group is working with algorithms and image analysis to understand fundamentally how life works from th…
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Har du prøvet at følge en strategi eller nogle (salgs)værktøjer som bare ikke har virket - lige.gyldigt.hvad.du.så.end.har.prøvet?! Det er frustrerende, men der er med garanti en god grund til at det ikke virker for dig SELVOM det virker for andre. I denne episode af FREMKALDT fortæller jeg om, hvordan jeg selv har fundet frem og klippeklistret min…
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The LHC is the biggest and most powerful particle accelerator in the World. Senior researcher Troels Petersen from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen is explaning what is going on in Geneva and why the accelerator is producing more results than ever. Science journalist Jens Degett is interviewing Troels Petersen. This podcast is supported by a …
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Experts from all over the world met four days during the Summer 2024 invited by the Niels Bohr Institute to discuss the available knowledge on the theme: Are we a Unique Species on a Unique Planet? - or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard? A selection of recognised scientist gave their best bid on: - Life on Exoplanets? - Disks and pre-biolo…
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Er det tid til at brænde din forretning ned til grunden, eller er det i virkeligheden blot tid til en SoMe Orlov? I denne episode går jeg i dybden med en (ubevidst) beslutning, som du måske også går og fantaserer om ... en orlov fra sociale medier. Hør med hvis du... Overvejer en SoMe-pause, men frygter konsekvenserne for din forretning Har lyst ti…
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Experts from all over the world met four days during the Summer 2024 invited by the Niels Bohr Institute to discuss the available knowledge on the theme: Are we a Unique Species on a Unique Planet? - or are we just the ordinary Galactic standard? A selection of recognised scientist gave their best bid on: - Life on Exoplanets? - Disks and pre-biolo…
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…og det er 2024-25 NBA sæsonen! Korte Shorts byder velkommen til FJERDE sæson, og det er vi stolte af. Vanen tro bliver der budt og gættet på den kommende sæson, og her lægger drengene ud med hvilke hold der skal spille med om slutspilspladserne til april. Der er som altid quizzer, og denne gang med et helt nyt indslag ”live”. Som noget andet nyt h…
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This isn’t a regular episode. This is a power activation for you to be reminded of just how powerful you are. In today’s episode Laura is flying solo in the studio ranting on a topic that’s been a game changer in her own life. Changing your life from being stuck in princess-syndrome to becoming the HERO of your own life. Being stuck in princess-syn…
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All organisms from fruit flies to humans share the same mechanism for controlling the day and night rhythms also called the circadian rhythms. This mechanism is considered fundamental to all advanced life forms, and it has a surprising feature. It binds us genetically to live on earth. Michael Rosbash received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2017 fo…
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You may have heard about about space telescopes and gravitational wave detectors which are new instruments for the investigation of space and the universe. Now a new instrument is being tested underneath the South Pole. It literally consists of a cubic kilometer large ice cube with detectors that can catch small light emissions from a long distance…
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Meet Jacob Aarup-Andersen, CEO of the Carlsberg Group. Jacob holds a degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. He began his career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, followed by many years in the financial sector, ultimately becoming the Group CFO at Danica Pension. Jacob then served as Head of Banking Denmark and was a member of …
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In today’s episode Laura is joined in the studio by award winning photographer & mentor Lindsay Warland on a conversation about how we can show the F up as all of who we authentically are. No more hiding, no more faking it — it’s all about YOU being all of you in every area of your life. Tune in and get the scoops on; Your authentic self expression…
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Several research groups all over the world are working intensively around the clock driving rowers around and making experiments on Mars. A lot is happening, and we are learning a lot every day. Senior researcher Morten Bo Madsen from the Niels Bohr Institute at University of Copenhagen explains to science Journalist Jens Degett some of the latest …
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Life has existed and evolved on earth for almost 4 billion years. Living organisms copy themselves from other life and central for all known life forms is the genetic code. We are used to hear life described by biologists. but physicists have access to tools which can give a different and to some extend deeper understanding of life. Science Journal…
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In today’s episode Laura is flying solo sharing with you; how to learn to listen to your intuition! It’s such an important episode (and a keeper!) to support you to live in alignment with you soul’s highest purpose. Tune in and get the scoops on; What is intuition? How does intuitive messages come? And feel like? What’s the difference between intui…
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About fifty million individuals worldwide are affected by chronic hepatitis C virus. It has been one of the most expensive virus infections to treat, and it is an ongoing threat to global health. Now the virus has revealed a secret to a group of researchers in Denmark after five years of intensive work. Link to article in Nature: Link to article in…
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Meet Brian Christiansen, Partner at PwC Denmark. Brian has an educational background in accounting from Copenhagen Business School and started his career at KPMG, where he spent approximately 16 years. Afterwards, he spent around 3 years at Novo Nordisk before continuing his career at PwC, where he has been for nearly 15 years and counting. He curr…
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Today’s story is a good example of how little we know about biology and life, and how we can use our knowledge to better fight diseases and environmental threats. We are going to talk about bacteriophages or just fages. These are small viruses which attack bacteria. The story is literally about life and death and most organisms on earth are being k…
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Den erfarne politiker og tidligere minister Bertel Haarder er netop fyldt 80. Men der er masser af nysgerrighed og spørgsmål der står på spring, når han inviterer gæster ind i sit DK4 tvprogram Bertel &. Christiane Vejlø har været gæst til en snak om kunstig intelligens og Argumenter for Mennesker. Hør samtalen lige her og del den med andre der sæt…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Brooke Kalan to a mindblowing conversation! Brooke is a master of energy, magnetism and how to move you - and your body - into your power. So ofc she had to join the podcast! Tune in and get the scoops on; Truth is binary - you are in or you are out The channel of truth & alignment How to know if you are in alignment D…
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With new astronomical instruments and new knowledge of fundamental physics our understanding of the universe is developing fast. The new understanding of the universe from its Dark Ages, after the Big Bang, to the current acceleration with planets, stars, galaxies and life raises a lot of questions. In this podcast, Science Journalist Jens Degett i…
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Frederik Darger Johansen & Nicolai Suwinai Nielsen are the founders of OLIOLI - one of Denmark's most successful poke bar chains. Frederik and Nicolai embarked on their journey nearly seven years ago, starting with a single poke bar in Frederiksberg. Their venture has grown into a successful chain of 11 poke bars across Denmark. Frederik is a self-…
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Gennem nogen tid har man kunnet høre politikere og meningsdannere tale om at skære ned på uddannelserne, gøre dem kortere og udhule indholdet, så man ikke behøver at kunne så meget. Antallet af studerende skal skæres ned, og det skal være sværere for mange at komme ind på den uddannelse de ønsker sig. Forskerne klager samtidig over at forskningsmid…
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Meet Camilla Ottesen—one of Denmark's most well-known TV hosts and journalists. Camilla has an educational background in journalism, and you probably know her from popular TV shows like Fangerne på Fortet (The Fort Boyard), Ønskehaven (The Wishing Garden), and as the host of Melodi Grand Prix. Additionally, in her later career, she completed a boar…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Kimberly Rose Pendleton is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on shame. Now, this not sound like a pleasent topic - but that’s exactly why we must go deep into it. Shame is the hardest emotion to release yourself from, but once you do so, you get to build a life so rich and full of joy and pleasure, ther…
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Superstrings was a very popular topic among physicists in the 1980ies. They had a renaissance in 1995 but then the researchers changed focus to other things. Now superstrings have gained new momentum in physics again. Professor Niels Obers from the Niels Bohr Institute explains what superstrings and string theory is. He also explains why superstrin…
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Podcasten har skiftet navn som et led i en større oprydning og genopbygning af min forretning. Og det er præcis hvad denne episode handler om. Om at brænde igennem og at brænde ud. Om at turde være sårbar. Om at turde lytte til sig selv og at være detektiv i eget liv (og virksomhed). Om at se på det hele med friske øjne og stille og roligt at finde…
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OBS: Denne episode er på dansk. Herudover, har der været tekniske problemer under optagelserne, så lyden er ikke ligeså god som den plejer. Dog ville vi ikke udelade episoden, da vi synes der var så mange gode guldkorn og magiske input fra Gustav, så vi har fikset og udgivet episoden efter bedste evne. De kommende episoder vil have den normale gode…
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Midt i sommerferien 2024 afholdt Centre for Exolife Sciences på Københavns Universitet en konference om liv i universet. Konferencen havde været under forberedelse i fire år og omfattede 100 af de førende eksperter i exoplanetarisk liv. Med andre ord - Findes der liv uden for den jordklode vi lever på? Et tidligere interview med to af deltagerne af…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Em Ducharme is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on why we need to kill our ego in order to lead a life that takes us to our dreams. This is an episode on the power of trusting yourself. Tune in and get the scoops on; • How to shift from a black sheep to a unicorn! • Returning to your childhood roots fr…
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Senioringeniør Hans Jensen fra Terma fortæller om hvordan den danske elektronik-virksomhed Terma kom med i det internationale rumkapløb tilbage i 1960erne og nu leverer elektronik til nogle af de mest spektakulære missioner i rummet nogensinde. Der er tale om en helt række af missioner, hvor dansk elektronik har spillet en afgørende rolle for meget…
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Center for Exolife Sciences at the Niels Bohr Institute at University of Copenhagen organised this week a conference under the theme "Are we a unique species on a unique planet or are we just the ordinary standard?" During four days 100 researchers were discussing how we interpret signs of life outside our planet. In this podcast science journalist…
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Meet Joachim Latocha, Founder of Barons. Joachim has an educational background in finance and accounting from Copenhagen Business School and started his early career as an associate investing in private equity and venture funds. He continued working for Deloitte, where he worked his way up to the position of Director before founding Barons, which o…
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For Mette Kaagaard, CEO of Microsoft Denmark, digitalization, heavy transformation and new markets have been recurrent themes throughout her career. She holds extensive industry experience from both the IT -, public - and media markets and has general expertise in many industries from her time as a business consultant with Accenture. Mette is visio…
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In today’s episode Powerhouse Madelyn Freya is visiting the Power Loop Podcast to a conversation on all things witchy in business! We start on the topic of ego death and we get all the way around to the goddess Freya & Lilith. It’s not just an episode - it’s an experience. Tune in and get the scoops on; Being all of yourself to attract what you des…
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Stjerne med rigelige mængder kulbrinte kan være første tegn på liv For nylig var det amerikanske tidsskrift Science ude med en artikel om store mængder kulbrinter omkring skive-dannelsen ved en meget lille stjerne. For at forstå hvorfor det er vigtigt, er videnskabsjournalist Jens Degett taget ind på Niels Bohr Instituttet hvor han taler med Profes…
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Leyla has over 17 years of experience in sales within the IT industry. She began her career at Cisco and worked her way up the career ladder until she joined Salesforce three years ago, where she currently holds the position of Regional Vice President. In addition, she also serves as a board member. Leyla is passionate about orchestrating transform…
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This is a story of human ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and greed. If we do not learn from this history, we are just as doomed among the species on Earth as the Great Auk. The Great Auk was once a very common bird in the northern hemisphere. The bird could not fly, it was clumsy on land and was easy to catch for sailors and people who used their f…
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Britta Korre Stenholt has approximately ten years of experience in telecommunications and nearly ten years of experience at STARK Denmark; a company that manufactures building materials. She began her career at STARK as Chief Sales Officer and is now the CEO. Additionally, Britta has held several board positions over the years at various companies,…
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Anne Marie Kindberg has close to 20 years of experience with digital services; 10 years in telco, 1 year in banking, 5 years in fintech, and 3 years in tech, and will August 1st 2024 step into a new role as the CEO of Alrow Media. Anne Marie is passionate about all aspects of digital transformation that promote business growth. Her work is guided b…
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