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Kettes számrendszer

Kettes számrendszer

A matematikában a kettes számrendszer világában egy kérdésre kétféle válasz érkezhet: igen vagy nem. De ez egy egészen más Kettes számrendszer: itt a válaszok kiszámíthatatlanok. Néha még a kérdések is. műsorvezetők: Behumi Dóri és Veress Dóri
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Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and hav ...
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പി എസ് സി പഠനം ഇനി മനോരമ ഓൺലൈൻ പോഡ്കാസറ്റ് കേട്ടുകൊണ്ട്. പി എസ് സി മത്സരാർഥികൾക്കായി പോഡ്കാസ്റ്റിലൂടെ വിവരങ്ങൾ പങ്കുവെച്ചു മത്സരപരീക്ഷകൾക്ക് തയ്യാറെടുക്കാൻ അവസരമൊരുക്കുകയാണ് കേട്ടുകൊണ്ട് പഠിക്കാം പോഡ്കാസറ്റ്. Learn PSC lessons from Manorama Online. Kettu Kondu Padikkam is a great opportunity for PSC aspirants to prepare well for competitive exams. Happy Podcasting, People! For more -
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The podcast discussing fitness lifestyle, the keto diet, science, nutrition, contest prep, the fitness industry, business, and the pursuit of happiness! There will be several different podcast guests that will consist of athletes, experts in the health and nutrition industry, and other people of interest!
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A keto podcast for the everyday person. Not only am I going over the ketogenic diet, but I’m also doing food reviews on keto products as well. Tune in to learn and grow and have fun with me!
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Welcome to the Keto Island Boyz podcast! We are just 2 Islanders doing Keto and would like to share our journey. Every Friday we will publish a new podcast full of guests and fun filled commentaries surrounding the health and science of a Ketogenic diet and give our personal tips and advice for being successful and answer any listener questions! Please hit that subscribe button on the top corner please. Mahalo!
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The Register Kettle

Chris Williams, The Register, Nicole Hemsoth Prickett, Tobias Mann, Iain Thomson, Brandon Vigliarolo, Tom Claburn

What's a kettle, you ask? Why a group of vultures in flight, of course. News, insights, analysis, and overall chatter around what's happening in the broader world of IT. With hosts Iain Thomson, Chris Williams, Brandon Vigliarolo, Nicole Hemsoth Prickett, and more....
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I’m a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s of Science in Clinical Nutrition who specializes in holistic keto for women who have hormone imbalances and thyroid conditions like: PCOS, Endometriosis, Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. I’m ready to help you lose weight consistently, gain confidence, love the way you look while being able to decrease and even get off your thyroid medication! Watch this short video to learn more about me and how I can help you live your most FREE life here:https://ke ...
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Welcome to "Speed Keto Living," the podcast where we explore the transformative power of the ketogenic lifestyle through personal stories of triumph and self-discovery. I'm your host Rosanna Smith, who struggled with weight gain and health issues, found solace in the world of keto. Join me as I share my journey from the challenges of weight fluctuations to the revelation that tracking and journaling became the game-changer in my pursuit of well-being. In each episode, we'll dive into the ins ...
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Wie forsten ein paar Wölfe angeschlagene Wälder wieder auf? Was hat die Schweinsbratwurst mit der Flutkatastrophe vom Ahrtal zu tun? Weshalb zerstört unser Geiz unsere Böden? Wie sähe unsere Welt ohne wirkungsvolle Antibiotika aus? Der Podcast "Kettenreaktion" von und mit Dirk Steffens macht erstaunliche naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge verständlich. Sie verdeutlichen, warum eine Verkettung von Ursachen und Ereignissen oft in großen, manchmal globalen Konsequenzen mündet. "Kettenreaktion ...
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From being clinically obese, diabetic, suffering with daily debilitating migraines that would make me blind, depression / anxiety and being unable to walk up the stairs without stopping halfway or being severely out of breath... to European Champion After changing the food I consumed, I went on to lose 107lbs of body fat I reversed my diabetes and now I'm migraine, depression and anxiety free, my energy if through the roof and life is good... Now, as a nutritionist, in pursuit of optimum hea ...
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食物充足时代,我们遇到了全新的挑战 身体的脂肪燃烧被过渡压制,导致人们的健康越来越差 如何重新启动脂肪燃烧,让我们重新回到大脑清晰,体力充沛,身材易瘦的年轻状态呢? 欢迎收听《酮能黑客》 领取免费课程: 微信:12928068
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A Horror Movie/Comedy Podcast... with a twist! What do you get when two best friends, and horror movie fans, convince themselves that they would definitely be the Final Girls at the end of the movie and never the ones “running up the stairs when they should be going out the front door?" You get Kim and Ket Stay Alive... Maybe (KKSAM for short). Each week, Kim Burns and Ketryn Porter take turns spoiling the fuck out of a horror movie one of them hasn't seen. Through very scientific (not scien ...
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Discover the secrets of following a keto diet while staying true to your vegan lifestyle with Rachel as your guide. In this engaging podcast, Rachel shares her extensive research, personal experiences, and countless experiments with keto recipes and vegan products. Say goodbye to the daunting task of calculating carb, fat, and protein counts because Rachel has got you covered. With her witty humour, vast knowledge, questionable cooking skills, and mixology expertise, Rachel makes the seeming ...
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Stephanie Laska lost 140 pounds and created DIRTY, LAZY, KETO – a “doable” ketogenic diet that works. As shared on NBC’s Today show and on the covers of Woman’s World magazine, DIRTY, LAZY, KETO will help you achieve your keto weight loss goals. 20,000+ Positive reviews on Amazon! Learn more at
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Der Gold- und Silber- Podcast von für Investoren, Krisenvorsorger und Sammler. Wir liefern Ihnen hilfreiche Infos & Tipps zu Gold & Silber sowie politischen und kritischen, wirtschaftlichen Themen unserer Finanzwelt Wir möchten, dass Sie sowohl als Investor, Sammler oder Krisenvorsorger immer kostenlos auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben! Wir betreiben unseren Online-Edelmetallhandel seit dem Jahr 2010. Auf / bieten wir Ihnen ebenfa ...
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הפודקאסט שלא סתם מחבר בן תזונה קיטוגנית לפיטנס מוקדש לשיטה לחיטוב, ירידה במסת שומן ובניית שריר מבוססת על תזונה קטוגנית. רוב האנשים שחיים בצורה קטוגנים מגיעים לבעיות בריאות כגון ירידה במסת השריר, צפיפות העצם, עליית בתנגודת האינסולין וכולסטרול. הרבה אנשים גם מגיעים למצב של חולשה ושינה גרועה. שיטה שמדובר בה מונעת את הבעיות האלה ונותנת לכם אפשרות של שליטה בגוף ללא הרס בריאות. אז בואו, נראה אותכם.אנחנו מדברים לא רק על תזונה אלא על אריכות יומים, בריאות נפשית, צום, אלצהיימרס, סרטן והרבה הרבה יותר.א ...
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Mint Két Lámpás analitikus színikritikai blog 2017 óta működünk, főleg független előadásokról és ehhez a világhoz kapcsolódó kulturális eseményekről, szak- és szépirodalomról írunk. Trendvadászoknak valljuk magunkat, megpróbálunk a leginnovatívabb, legfrissebb kezdeményezésekre rábukkanni és utóéletüket követni. A műsorban azokkal a színészekkel, alkotókkal és színházi emberekkel beszélgetünk, akiknek a munkáiról a blogban írunk. *-*-*-*-*-* Szezám tárulj! - A műsor, amiben vitákkal, beszélg ...
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Maria Powers

Всё о кетогенной диете! Устали от многочисленных диет, которые не работают? Хотите забыть о голоде раз и навсегда? Хотите поправить своё здоровье? Улучшить гормональный фон и настроение? Ведущие подкаста расскажут вам про все нюансы кето-питания! Найти нас можно в Инстаграм и по адресу Подкаст также можно прослушать в сети ВКонтакте. Support this podcast:
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Is het een wonderhanger, of een onzinproduct? Om die vraag draait het bij BioStabil 2000: een magnetische ketting met yin-yang-teken die twintig jaar geleden bij menigeen om de nek hing. De nu 87-jarige Bruno Santanera, de bedenker van de ketting die volgens hem lichamelijke en psychische klachten zou verhelpen, is er rijk mee geworden. Totdat het voor hem op 8 maart 2004 helemaal misgaat; TROS Radar besteedt aandacht aan de BioStabil en maakt deze met de grond gelijk. In De Ketting van Sant ...
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Matilda brasar och Pernilla Lantz

En inspirerande podd med fokus på den ketogena kosten och livsstilen. Lyssna gärna när vi delar med oss av våra erfarenheter🙏
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The regular podcast by content creator John Wooley of @makewodsgreatagain & Niki Brazier where they share perspectives on fitness, health, and obstacles facing the everyday athlete while having some fun along the way. Available everywhere.
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show series
Ket tells Kim about the scariest movie sh'd ever seen in her life when she was 9 yrs old, Arachnophobia. Like all things in the 90’s, it contained propaganda for the Miami Dolphins. This time period also meant that husbands got gold stars for being the mediocre-ist dopes, while the women, like Molly and Marg, served slay all day, every day. Most im…
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Miért olyan népszerű a (magyar) szinkron? Mennyire kitett területe ez a színházi szakmának? Egyáltalán művészeti ágnak tekinthető-e? És mit tud tenni a szakszervezet, hogy a nagyon alacsony fizetések emelésén túl további jogok is megillessék a szinkronban dolgozókat? Várjunk csak: kik dolgoznak ott pontosan és miylen jogok? Száz a kérdés, de koránt…
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a kettes számrendszer vendége Szikora János, Jászai Mari-díjas rendező, színész, díszlettervező, érdemes művész. beszélünk az elmúlt tizenkét évről, amit a Székesfehérvári Vörösmarty Színház igazgatójaként töltött; a döntéséről, hogy miért nem vállalja tovább ezt a posztot; mivel a beszélgetés októberben készült, október 23. kapcsán felidézi egy tr…
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Gayle Gerry Gayle Gerry qualified in 1998. She spent her first 8 years in Accident & Emergency, and was also in the Army reserves as a Nursing officer. During this time she did operational tours to Kosovo, then was compulsory mobilised to Iraq in 2003 as a specialist A&E nurse based in the 200 bedded field hospital. The move to general practice was…
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Have you ever heard of dry fasting? I welcomed Theo Lucier to the podcast for this episode and I do believe he has sold me on the concept of dry fasting. If this, and anything else related to human health, appeals to you, you're sure to enjoy this episode. What we discussed: Our aversion to television and its negative impact (1:33) Social media's i…
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Surprisingly, one of the earliest signs of dementia involves the retina. There is a high correlation between problems in the retina and problems in the brain. Problems with night vision or central vision, floaters, and light sensitivity issues are the earliest signs of dementia. Some people develop amyloid-beta plaquing on the retina and may experi…
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For around $3.00, you can have white teeth naturally with this teeth-whitening DIY recipe. In this video, I’ll show you how to whiten teeth at home using 2 ingredients. There is a safe and effective way to get white teeth at home! You don’t need to go to the dentist or purchase whitening strips for white teeth. Baking soda is nonabrasive and can be…
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If you’re consistently getting less than 6 hours of sleep, you increase your risk of premature death, cancer, diabetes, dementia, and more! Sleep is the best way to clean the brain of damaged proteins, but this only occurs when you get real sleep. Sleep medication can sedate you but will not enhance your sleep quality. Alcohol significantly decreas…
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What you eat for breakfast affects your ability to focus, your creative ability to solve problems, and how well you sleep at night. A carb-heavy breakfast promotes insulin resistance, which inhibits your ability to absorb fuel. The first place you’ll notice this is in your brain. Ketones are a much better fuel for your brain than sugar. To make ket…
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Grab your KETO SUCCESS KIT here! Do you have any questions or want clarity around what you heard today? Or maybe you just want to share what came up for you from this episode? Click here to CONNECT WITH STEPHANIE. I personally read & respond to every single message to help move you forward! You can also: Subscribe to my free newsletter House of Hea…
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07Do you struggle with debilitating gut issues or IBS? Abativa Minoudis struggled with her symptoms for years, and when her doctors couldn't help, she knew she had to find answers herself. She now specializes in gut health and IBS and is on a mission to help others do the same. I know you'll take something from this episode. What we discussed: Atav…
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പിഎസ്‌സി പരീക്ഷകളിൽ ഭരണഘടനയിൽ നിന്ന് ആവർത്തിച്ചു വരാറുള്ള ചില ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ കേട്ടു പഠിക്കാം. പോഡ്കാസ്റ്റ് അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് സാം ഡേവിഡ്. Questions related to the financial sector are a crucial part in PSC exams. Let's get familiar with the goals of the five-year plans. Podcast presented by Sam David. See for privacy information.…
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Netta Gorman Netta Gorman is the person behind Life After Sugar… because real life carries on even when you’re sugar free. Netta has been living happily free from sugar, flour and sweeteners since July 2015 (6 years now!). She spent most of her thirties and early forties struggling with chronic constipation and digestion issues but she never though…
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Summary In this episode, Heinz and Jeff discuss the differences between the keto and carnivore diets, exploring their personal experiences, challenges faced while eating out, and the benefits of fasting. They share insights on social situations related to their diets, the importance of hydration and electrolytes, and their individual journeys in ma…
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More and more, people are talking about leaving social media for good. But how? It’s easy to feel trapped by these networks that have become so intertwined in every aspect of our lives, from shopping to socializing. In this episode of The Kettle, I catch up with my good friend and business partner Sarah Powers to discuss her decision to walk away f…
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Due to the devastating wildfires, Kim and Ket are re-releasing a favorite: A Dark Song, featuring their good pal, Jerry Tooneytown. Tune in for a brand new intro, status update on the KKSAM team, and information on how you can help! Ep. 82: A Dark Song: “The Tale of Jerry Tooneytown” Kim tells Ket about A Dark Song starring Catherine Walker and Ste…
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To Book a Private 1:1 Consultation with RICH, CLICK HERE Summary In this episode of the Keto Pro Podcast, Richard Smith chats with his good friend, a titan within the nutritional world, Ivor Cummins to discuss the misconceptions surrounding dietary saturated fat and cholesterol. They explore the historical c…
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Perhaps the best thing you can do to effectively lose weight is to hire a weight loss coach. In this episode, Rosanna shares 6 reasons why a weight loss coach will set you up for success. (0:40) - Personalized guidance (1:32) - Accountability (2:30) - Skill and Development (3:15) - Education (4:20) - Tracking (6:28) - Support and Motivation Looking…
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Probiotic Link: (FLORASTOR Advanced) These nutrient-rich liver foods aid in liver detoxification and create a vacuum effect, helping you lose weight from the midsection. To make these natural liver detox smoothies, combine the ingredients with one cup of water and one cup of ice. If you are following a stric…
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If you've followed me for a while, you know I'm not a big believer in New Year's Resolutions, but I do believe in starting each year off with a manifesto. This year is no different, and I'm excited to share this year's vision with you. What you'll hear in this episode: My new manifesto for 2025 (0:45) The challenges we faced in 2024 (1:06) Embracin…
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Join our 30 day PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) Challenge HERE Buy C8Keto MCT Oil on Amazon Our Facebook Group Keto Naturopath Subscribe to our YouTube Channel Download our Free Keto Foods List Buy Keto Friendly Dry Farm Wines Get your KetoMoJo Here and test your ketones. Visit our website for more podcasts, recipes, and information…
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Today, I'm going to show you several different arm exercises that can help you quickly get rid of flabby arms. If you can’t do them all, that’s okay—choose the ones that are right for you! Pick the best exercises for your home arm workout. As we age, the muscles in our arms start to atrophy along with our fascia. Fascia holds the shape of the arm a…
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Castor oil can naturally give your skin a soft, glowing, firm look. It’s the best remedy for wrinkles or dry skin. Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, a penetrating moisturizer for your skin and hair. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Many skin-related problems are caused by an overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, or fung…
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t's that time of the year again and the tech world heads to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show. It's been a bit subdued this year, since Trump's tariff plans could drastically raise the cost of hardware from China and elsewhere, but the usual suspects unveiled this year's kit. Chip vendors and laptop slingers have been out in force hoping …
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Do you suffer from autoimmune or other health issues that just won't go away? Scott Everson suffered through multiple health issues, that led to a dependency on countless prescription drugs and nervous system dysregulation. He reclaimed his health through the carnivore diet and other changes, and it was inspiring to speak with him and learn about h…
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Losing weight should help you live longer, but it’s not always that simple. As you age, it’s vital to maintain a healthy amount of lean muscle mass. Ozempic is very popular for weight loss, but trials have shown that it can cause muscle loss, not just fat loss. One study compared the use of Ozempic to a decade or more of aging. Preserving muscle ma…
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സാമ്പത്തികമേഖലയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ പിഎസ്‌സി പരീക്ഷകളിൽ നിർണായകമാണ്. പഞ്ചവത്സര പദ്ധതികളുടെ ലക്ഷ്യങ്ങൾ അടുത്തറിയാം. പോഡ്കാസ്റ്റ് അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നത് സാം ഡേവിഡ് Questions related to the financial sector are a crucial part in PSC exams. Let's get familiar with the goals of the five-year plans. Podcast presented by Sam David. See…
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Grab your KETO SUCCESS KIT here! Do you have any questions or want clarity around what you heard today? Or maybe you just want to share what came up for you from this episode? Click here to CONNECT WITH STEPHANIE. I personally read & respond to every single message to help move you forward! You can also: Subscribe to my free newsletter House of Hea…
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Dr Sunny Kaler Dr. Sunny Kaler is a distinguished forensic psychiatrist with a unique specialisation in metabolic psychiatry. With a profound dedication to the integration of mental and physical health, Dr. Kaler utilises the principles of functional medicine to provide holistic education. A passionate advocate of the low carb, high fat ketogenic l…
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Summary In this episode of the Keto Pro Podcast, Richard Smith interviews Dr. Natasha, a medical doctor and nutritionist, who discusses the GAPS nutritional protocol. Dr. Natasha shares her journey into nutrition after her child's autism diagnosis and emphasizes the importance of gut health in preventing chronic diseases. She explains how the GAPS …
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Summary In this episode, Jeff and Heinz share their personal experiences with the keto diet, discussing their weight loss progress, challenges with social eating, and their recent trip to Dubai. They also reveal their top five favorite keto fast food options, providing insights into how to maintain a keto lifestyle while enjoying fast food. The con…
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Kim tells Ket about Zaddy Hartnett in M. Night Shyamalan’s Trap. Lots happens but the most important take-aways from this episode are that Josh inspired some new merch: BUTCHER KNIFE heart heart heart, and Kim discovered… Streamyard sound effects. That’s right, folx! After 333 episodes, KKSAM has just discovered this feature. Don’t worry, they’ll b…
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I met Wyatt at a Christmas tree farm this season and was impressed by his strength and traps. We started talking about bodybuilding and I decided to welcome him to the podcast to answer all his questions. If you're new to the natural bodybuilding scene, this episode is for you. What we discussed: Training philosophy and technique (2:08) Nutrition a…
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Today, we’re going to talk about kidney health. A big myth is that potassium is bad for the kidneys, but this isn't true! Our bodies require 4700 mg of potassium each day. The only time you’d want to avoid potassium is if you have advanced-stage kidney disease. Potassium protects kidney health in several ways. It helps lower high blood pressure, wh…
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Your metabolic hormones will determine your ability to lose weight. How and what you eat will immediately affect them. Time to understand what they are and what they do because it will change how you eat absolutely. Join our 30 day PSMF (Protein Sparing Modified Fast) Challenge HERE Our Facebook Group Keto Naturopath Subscribe to our YouTube Channe…
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Demokratikus, szabad és fenntartható - csak néhány a 2024 elején megalakult, 22 főből (lehet, most már több főből is) álló Kultbazaar egyesület irányelveiből. A (formális) vezetők, Dézsi Fruzsina produkciós vezető és Bergendi Barnabás színész, rendező a Szezám tárulj!-ban elárulják, miben más ez a kulturális egyesület, mint a többi; mit is jelenten…
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Link to Success Stories: A caloric deficit is not a sustainable way to lose weight or get a flat stomach! Most people find that their metabolism slows down in their 20s and 30s after a series of calorie-restrictive diets. Lowering calories increases hunger and cravings, which will require immense willpower and can stifle we…
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Inflammation is an immune reaction! Chronic inflammation over time can lead to serious health problems like cancer, which tends to invade areas of inflammation. Fibromyalgia involves inflammation that spreads throughout the entire body. Many people with fibromyalgia have it on the right side of the body and also have pain underneath the right rib c…
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Join Heinz and Jeff as they kick off 2025 with fresh energy and real talk about getting back into the keto lifestyle! In this episode, we share: • Our New Year celebrations (and how we navigated them keto-style) • Real updates on our return to keto - the good, the challenging, and everything in between • A deep dive into our Ultimate Keto Starter G…
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✅ Jetzt kostenlos zum Webinar anmelden: Gerald Grosz nimmt kein Blatt vor den Mund: In diesem explosiven Interview spricht der österreichische Politikexperte Klartext über die aktuelle Lage in Deutschland. Von der überraschenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Elon Musk und der AfD bis zu den erschreckenden Sil…
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