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Die langjährige Radiomoderatorin Tanina Rottmann und der aus dem TV bekannte Patientenanwalt Peter Gellner schildern auf verständliche Art und Weise echte Fälle ärztlicher Kunstfehler und geben wertvolle Tipps aus der Insiderperspektive. +++ Dieser Podcast wird vermarktet durch die Ad Alliance: [email protected] +++
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Wendy Bell is a Wife, Mom, a Proud American and a Radio Broadcast Host. She shares common sense, conservative values Monday through Friday. She provides Real Facts, the Stats, the Science and the Data. Everything you will need and want to make the best decisions for you and the ones you love.
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Wendy Goes Deep

Wendy Perkins Shoef

Wendy Goes Deep is a multi-faceted podcast that explores the full spectrum of human experience. Wendy sits down with pioneering thinkers, experts, and disruptors to engage in curiosity-driven conversations that uncover hidden truths, dismantle old paradigms, and reveal actionable strategies for a more joyful, successful, and deeply fulfilling life. Whether you’re seeking to expand your business, explore your sexuality, or navigate the challenges of neurodivergence, this podcast invites you t ...
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The Visibly Fit with Wendie Pett podcast is a show that shares healthy insights and tips to assist in your best health in mind, body, and spirit. From whole-food plant-based nutrition, how to use your body as your gym, mindset renewal, how to glorify God through your daily choices, and more. The ripple effect of how you take care of your health matters. You were created with greatness in mind, it's time to live like it!
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Stefan Wenzel und Ruppert Bodmeier vereint viele Jahre in der digitalen Szene. In ihrem Podcast diskutieren sie gemeinsam Themen aus der digitalen Echokammer - fein-derb aus Hamburg. Alles kann, nichts muss. Nicht immer diplomatisch, nie ohne Prise Salz. Wer die beiden kennt, weiß, dass sich das Reinhören und Abonnieren lohnt.
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Wendy Kerssens Podcast

Wendy Kerssens

Krijg een frisse blik op online leadgeneratie, marketing en ondernemen. Vol wake-up calls, behind the scenes stories en inspirerende interviews met Conscious Leaders die hun geheimen prijs geven over hoe zij nieuwe leads en klanten aantrekken. Abonneer je direct en mis geen aflevering. Onderwerpen die onder andere aan bod komen zijn Ondernemen, Marketing Strategie, Leiderschap, Leadmarketing & Sales. Ik wil met deze podcast jou inspireren om je business en leven naar een hogere standaard te ...
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Podcastshow en coaching voor mensen die veel en intens (over)denken, intens voelen en (dag)dromen, zich vaak anders of eenzaam voelen, een verlangen hebben naar connectie. Ze vervelen zich snel, moeten uitgedaagd worden en stoeien soms met overprikkeling versus onderprikkeling. Hoewel veel mensen helemaal niet in de gaten hebben dat het veelal om onderprikkeling gaat. Veel van mijn klanten zijn/blijken een hoogsensitief, (hoog)begaafd, high sensation seeking en creatief brein te hebben. Het ...
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Jeden Mittwoch & Sonntag eine neue Folge! Zwei Welten prallen aufeinander! Sascha, der so gut wie noch keine Ahnung von Anime hat und Nico, der Anime nicht nur schaut, sondern buchstäblich lebt. Kann Nico Sascha für Anime begeistern? Na schauen wir mal... AnimeAlchemists auf Instagram & TikTok: https://linktr.ee/anime_alchemists
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As a hairstylist of 20 years I’ve heard it all. I find myself always wanting to share the stories I’ve heard but I know some of them aren’t my stories to tell. Some are hilarious, some are soul touching and some.. just absolutely crazy. Sit back while I let you get behind the chair with me. It’s time for hairapy.
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Tatort Krankenhaus: In Ärztliche Kunstfehler berichtet Tina Kirchner von medizinischen Behandlungsfehlern und den dramatischen Folgen für die Betroffenen. Empathisch erzählen sie Geschichten von Betroffenen, Angehörigen oder AnwältInnen. Auch ÄrztInnen selbst schildern ihre Perspektive. Auch andere medizinische Fachthemen werden in diesem Podcast besprochen. Der Podcast bietet Unterstützung für Opfer und Angehörige bei Ärztlichen Behandlungs- oder Kunstfehlern, Fehldiagnosen, Fehlbehandlunge ...
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Warum gehen, wenn man tanzen kann

Laura Hilti & Kunstverein Schichtwechsel

Ich interviewe Menschen, die ungewöhnliche Wege gegangen und dafür Risiken eingegangen sind, die ihren Leidenschaften gefolgt sind und sich und ihre Tätigkeiten in die Öffentlichkeit gestellt haben. Es sind Menschen, dank denen vibrierende Drähte in der Welt entstanden sind – Drähte, die sich verselbstständigt, vervielfältigt und die Welt in meinen Augen zu einem besseren Ort gemacht haben.
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Your Fun and Profitable Online Business with Wendy Muzzy is the perfect blend of fun, fresh ideas, and actionable tips for entrepreneurs who are looking to add fun and profits to their business. Hosted by Wendy Muzzy, a money coach and business strategist who brings her signature confetti-girl energy, this podcast is like having a personal cheerleader and strategic guide rolled into one. Each week, Wendy serves up short, impactful episodes, offering real talk about growing and diversifying y ...
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Wendie + Wendy = Wendyienator! Wij delen ons ondernemersavontuur ter inspiratie en vermaak! voor onszelf :-) en als jij er ook wat aan hebt is dat mooi meegenomen. This is a dutch podcast of 2 girls (Wendy & Wendie) who are working there way through live and online business. They share their adventures weekly.
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Podcast by Wendy K Laidlaw, Author & Founder of HealEndometriosisNaturally.com and EndoBoss.com Wendy K Laidlaw is the world's #1 expert on mentoring CEO's, executives, and entrepreneurs on how to heal their endometriosis naturally. As a visionary, her mission is to revolutionise and modernise the gynaecological field worldwide and she aspires to inspire and empower women on how to take back power and control of their bodies. She is a multi-best-selling author, online entrepreneur, podcaster ...
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My show takes a fun, real life look at life through the eyes of mom‘s, divorcees, married, single, whatever your status may be, I'm so glad you’ve landed here. I love talking to people who have overcome obstacles, and all kinds of creative types. If you like to laugh and have fun, as well as be inspired, you’ve come to the right place.
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Die Energiewende, die Mobilitäts- und Rohstoffwende – der Wandel hin zu einem nachhaltigen Lebens- und Wirtschaftsstil ist in vollem Gange. Er muss zügig und konsequent erfolgen, wollen wir die natürliche Tragfähigkeit unserer planetaren Grenzen nicht gefährden. Im Podcast „Wenden bitte!“ des Öko-Instituts beschreiben wir für solche „Wenden“ und weitere drängende Umweltthemen, wie gangbare Wege beschritten werden können. Wir interviewen Wissenschaftler*innen des Öko-Instituts und fragen, wo ...
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Creative Shop Talk with Wendy Batten

Wendy Batten, Creative Retail Mentor

How do I attract more customers to my store? How do I get more sales? How do I book out my shop’s events and workshops? How do I do retail marketing and social media for my store? These are the questions that creative retail business owners ask Wendy Batten, creative retail coach and mentor. Wendy works with creative shop owners all over the world and with industry leaders. Her speciality is working with creative retailers to get control over their brick and mortars to avoid burnout and over ...
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Zu DDR-Zeiten lag das Dorf Wendehausen im Sperrgebiet der innerdeutschen Grenze. Das Grenzregime der DDR war hart, die Kontrollen scharf. Zeitzeugen berichten von Vertreibung, Flucht und zerstörten Existenzen. Wendehausen an der thüringisch-hessischen Grenze hat eine Vielzahl von dramatischen Familiengeschichten zu bieten, voll von Brüchen, Tragik und teilweise Tod. Dieser Podcast zeichnet die Geschichte des Ortes und der Menschen im Todesstreifen nach. Es geht auch darum, wie die DDR-Geschi ...
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Wenn das Leben den Tod verlangt

der Podcast von "Ab unter die Erde" mit Maria und Robert

Stirb langsam - dann hast du noch Zeit diesen Podcast zu hören. Spannende Gespräche mit spannenden Menschen. Offen über Themen wie den Tod zu sprechen, ist eine Seltenheit in unserer Kultur. Wir werden das ändern. Und nicht nur das. „Ab unter die Erde“ zeigt was möglich ist und geht über bekanntes hinaus. Gemeinsam mit Sterbenden, Zugehörigen, Freunden und Familien wollen wir neue Formen des Abschieds entdecken. Welche, die zu Ihnen passen. Ein guter Abschied ist vor allem eins: tröstend. Wi ...
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show series
Als je voelt dat het nu niet stroomt, als je verlangt naar meer ruimte, meer inkomen, meer vrijheid, dan is de kans groot dat er nu onnodig veel ruis op je lijn zit. In deze podcast deel ik met je hoe je deze ruis kunt herkennen en hoe je deze van je lijn af krijgt, zodat alles weer lekker kan gaan stromen in je leven en in je business.…
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In this week’s Podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw explores more about the unique and life changing holistic approach to understanding and healing endometriosis through self-discovery and psychological "parts work." She uses the metaphor of an apartment building to illustrate the different elements of one’s personality and how they interact. Wendy discusses t…
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The Monkey in the Bodhi Tree: Crazy-Wisdom & the Way of the Wise-Fool by Jason Brett Serle Jason's cat makes an appearance - I left some of those little meows intact. Written in two parts, loosely based on the theory and practice of crazy-wisdom, The Monkey in the Bodhi Tree is the first comprehensive look at this universal phenomenon, from its ori…
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Jill Biden's former press secretary admits the White House covered up Joe's mental collapse from the start of his presidency, which we already knew. Hear the inner Biden White House conversations about his poor polling and the masterplan to deceive voters. Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick proves his value in gold by devising a plan to make the pos…
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Maine Republican Laurel Libby is censured for speaking up for girls, and the backlash is fierce! Maine's House speaker deletes his X account after savage feedback from Mainers who overwhelmingly agree with President Trump's order protecting girls from trans athletes. Paid activists funded by George Soros are agitating at Republican town halls to as…
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Jill Biden's former press secretary admits the White House covered up Joe's mental collapse from the start of his presidency, which we already knew. Hear the inner Biden White House conversations about his poor polling and the masterplan to deceive voters. Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick proves his value in gold by devising a plan to make the pos…
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What began as a simple question—“Are mushrooms safe during pregnancy?”—turned into groundbreaking research. In this episode of Wendy Goes Deep, Wendy sits down with Mikaela de la Myco to discuss Mothers of the Mushroom, a citizen-led research initiative exploring the ingestion of psilocybin mushrooms during pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding.…
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Pete Hegseth at Guantanamo Bay says the criminal illegals who have broken our laws and murdered our people are being treated humanely, as the left exposes their true allegiance to everything that threatens America's safety. AG Pam Bondi says Epstein's list could drop as soon as today. President Trump invites the media to his first full cabinet meet…
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Jake Tapper pimps his new book on CNN - and you won't believe the subject matter. We fact check his hypocrisy. Maine is a mess as it becomes America's poster child for the illogical fight for "transgender rights." A Maine reporter digs into a serious conflict of interest as Governor Janet Mills' brother scores a fat contract to build a controversia…
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Democrats are stepping in poop at every turn, even when reality slaps them in the face. What percent of democrats think the wide open border/mass migration nightmare wasn't Joe Biden's fault? WHOA. The left-wing media's bias and propaganda-pushing have collapsed ratings and flatlined profits. But Rachel Maddow doubles down. How accusing her bosses …
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§ 630 h Absatz 4 BGB – eine Vorschrift, die es in sich hat. Heißt es doch dort: „War ein Behandelnder für die von ihm vorgenommene Behandlung nicht befähigt, wird vermutet, dass die mangelnde Befähigung für den Eintritt der Verletzung des Lebens, des Körpers und der Gesundheit ursächlich war“. Die Ärztin, die Rebecca operiert hat, war, so zumindest…
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Negotiating peace, nailing down a budget agreement, making deals for foreign investment in the United States and offering wealthy foreigners a $5 million citizenship buy-in.... President Trump proves his Art Of The Deal is a powerful way to leverage America and begin to pay down debt. Kash Patel and Dan Bongino jump into the FBI's first order of bu…
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As Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard fires 100 intelligence personnel and rescinds their security clearances for using an NSA platform to discuss transgender sexual fetishes, the IRS is caught leaking the personal information about more than 400,000 US taxpayers (including President Trump) as Pentagon officials are caught spending $1.…
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Just an egregious case of election fraud moves into its final chapter as 5 Bridgeport Connecticut democrats get charged with 150 counts of election fraud for stuffing ballot boxes and influencing voters. FCC commissioner Brendan Carr will tell Congress all about the unprecedented power grab by George Soros and 200+ Audacy radio stations. And Scott …
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Do you feel like you are frequently running out of time each month for your to-do list? In this episode of Your Fun and Profitable Online Business, host Wendy Muzzy shares her proven system of four strategic 4-hour blocks that keep businesses growing intentionally and sustainably. Perfect for entrepreneurs who feel stuck in day-to-day tasks or stru…
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Was Kash Patel announcing Dan Bongino as his wingman at the FBI the final nail in the Deep State's coffin? If you listen to the media meltdown over it - the answer seems to be YES. Hear their identical talking points, their sanctimonious digs, the low-blows and lies and IMAGINE how furiously the shredders are working overtime in DC. President Trump…
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A CNN panel featuring Scott Jennings devolves into a facts-vs-feelings shout fest as the liberal panelists channel the emotional fallout for government workers losing their jobs. Jennings is painted as a rich white guy but he brings the facts. Enjoy Ana Navarro as a guest panelist, BTW. A TikToker threatens to kill Elon Musk and Chicago Mayor Brand…
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David Muir better be nervous with Nora O'Donnell and Lester Holt now walked into the broadcasting sunset. Joy Reid sobs her final goodbye with a broadcasting sign-off dripping in hypocrisy. Brian Stelter throws shade on Dan Bongino. New polling SHREDS the media narrative that Americans' honeymoon with President Trump is over. CNN's Harry Enten seem…
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In deze podcast deel ik 2 manieren met je om:- negatieve gedachten te stoppen- je angst te verminderen- je minder zorgen te maken- doemdenken te stoppen- de spiraal van negatief denken en een negatieve stemming te doorbreken.Meer info op www.wendyborst.nlVolg mijn podcastshow voor meer inspiratie en tips. #angst #doemdenken #positiefdenken #positie…
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President Trump was issued a referendum on November 5: Clean up the filth, trim the fat, and take out the trash. So Trump rolled out the MAGA Diet. He's moving quickly to get us all on it. Dan Bongino becomes Kash Patel's deputy at the FBI, with rumors that Matt Gaetz will be working with them, too. (Pinch me.) Trump fires the chair of the Joint Ch…
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President Trump calls out Maine's governor at a White House governor's meeting and warns he'll withhold government education funding if she fails to comply with his two-sexes executive order. Hakeem Jeffries proves he's in utter panic mode. The media melts down over Trump's plan to roll the USPS into Howard Lutnick's Commerce Department, despite th…
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Donald Trump has for decades been known for his consistent acts of kindness and charity, but that side of him was erased by the media and political left when he came down that golden escalator in 2015. Listen to a few stories you might not know about. An MSNBC legal analyst drops the truth on a bewildered panel regarding the legality of Trump's exe…
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Have you ever felt lost after leaving sports—like your drive and discipline have nowhere to go? Former athletes know this struggle well. The competitive edge that once defined you on the field, court, or gym doesn’t have to disappear—it can fuel your career, faith, relationships, and personal growth. In this episode, I sit down with Linzie Hermsmey…
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With host retail coach Wendy Batten https://wendybatten.com/podcast-intro/ Are you ready to simplify your marketing strategy and boost your retail sales? Join me and a small group of driven retail business owners for my 6-week, hands-on program: The Sales and Marketing Accelerator! Each week, you’ll receive a short video with an actionable tip foll…
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Dr. Wendy is offering her Wendy wisdom with her drive by makeshift relationship advice. PLUS we have some news you can use with Debra Eckerling is author of the award-winning Your Goal Guide: A Roadmap for Setting, Planning and Achieving Your Goals (Independent Publisher Book Awards, Silver Medalist, Self Help 2021) and creator of The D*E*B Method,…
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As UFO phenomena enter mainstream discourse, the role of consciousness in these encounters is gaining recognition. Patterns emerging from experiencer accounts suggest the phenomenon is both widespread and deeply personal. Through careful documentation, we can better understand its impact and explore the deeper significance behind these interactions…
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America was hungry for a turnstile player, someone who could sell tickets, fill the stands, and swing for the fences. Trump is batting 1000. Kash Patel's confirmation as FBI Director completes the bench on America's all star team, and the reaction from the left speaks volumes about their empty dugout. Rachel Maddow cherry-picks polling to suggest A…
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Democrats told Black voters Trump would cancel Black History Month and would prove to be a president marred by empty promises if they elected him. Yesterday proved otherwise at the White House. Trump trolls the left with ease as his Commerce Secretary gushes with tax-cutting joy over the President's plan to MAGA for all of us. Deputy Chief of Staff…
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Ukraine's president is acting like a threatened animal, baring his teeth and growling at a skeptical world that has had enough of his antics. Marco Rubio sits down with Catherine Herridge and drops the truth about the peace negotiations as Trump says Zelensky reneged on a deal that would give the US a $500 billion stake in Ukraine's rare minerals. …
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Clawing back hundreds of billions of dollars, exposing corruption and deporting criminals to Gitmo are all just parts of President Trump's plan to MAGA. The trick is to HAVE A TOTAL BLAST while saving America from destruction! Mission accomplished. Trump triggers the toxic left in a single social media post and then sits back to watch the feeding f…
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As the President calls for an audit of Fort Knox, DOGE connects the dots and uncovers BILLIONS OF DOLLARS funneled to a Stacey Abrams pet climate project. Attorney Tom Renz digs into the executive order establishing DOGE and finds it is airtight, thanks to Barack Obama. A man turns his phone on himself after discovering American taxpayers have been…
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A social security fraud expert nearly fired by President Trump's swamp draining gets re-hired to help DOGE find where the bodies are buried... and he's made the BOSS of the whole administration! A pharmacist blows the lid off outrageous pharma grifting. Trump & Co float sending all American taxpayers refund checks for a percentage of the fraud and …
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Stefan Wenzel & Ruppert Bodmeier sprechen über die gängigsten Missverständnisse zum Thema Produktivität in Unternehmen, den Unterschied zwischen Zeit und Leistung, Asynchronität und Standardisierung als Hebel und Tool-Tipps aus der Community. Vielen Dank an unseren Werbe-Partner Reactive Reality: https://rebrand.ly/gpv0sqx 📌 Anfragen zu Werbemöglic…
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Auch im fortgeschrittenen Alter hat Sex neben der Bedeutung als (mit Fußball) schönste Nebensache der Welt noch eine gesundheitliche Relevanz. Die Durchblutung des Körpers wird gefördert und damit das Herz-Kreislauf-System trainiert. Die Ausschüttung von Stresshormonen wie Cortisol wird gesenkt. Und vieles anderes mehr. Umso tragischer, wenn man, s…
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It takes competence and caring to get a better deal for the American people. President Trump's team of elected and unelected "tech support" is GETTING IT DONE. Trump and Elon's friendship and partnership to Make America Profitable Again drips from their first joint interview. Listen to the highlights as they talk fraud, waste, corruption, and worki…
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Two news babes at CNN reveal in bright detail the degree of their political activism, but Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller and Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett call out their bias and skewer them with reality. And they're both smiling as they do it. Trump and Musk call out the fake news and applaud the people for seeing through the propaganda…
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Listen to President Trump's heads of the Treasury, Homeland Security and his EPA Director and ask yourself: When did you ever remember Biden's cabinet members EVER speaking to you? Trump says new elections in Ukraine may be the key to a peace deal with Russia. The White House releases bold new action to help couples get pregnant with an executive o…
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Pippa speaks to consumer journalist Wendy Knowler about how Cell C has been fined and ordered to refund one of its customers and pay her legal costs after a dispute over international roaming costs. The customer was charged an international roaming bill three times more than the bill limit she’d set before departing on an overseas trip. See omnystu…
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What is an offer ecosystem and how can it be like an old mill pond? In this episode of Your Fun and Profitable Online Business, host Wendy Muzzy (known as Confetti Girl) breaks down the concept of offer ecosystems and the crucial role it plays in business growth. As a money coach and business strategist specializing in helping women entrepreneurs, …
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As the ineffective, bloated bureaucrats take out their checkers, President Trump and DOGE are playing 9-dimensional chess, scoring checkmates and landing blows to the establishment. CNN tries to sound the alarm but gets blistered by Mr. Wonderful. DOGE announces it's already cut $100B from the ridiculous federal budget as more Americans begin to se…
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The louder the outrage against government accountability and DOGE, the more aware the American people become of the beltway straphangers who've been getting rich off our dimes. A man who's worked on oil fields for 40 years becomes our latest unlikely truth teller when he hits TikTok to ask politicians - What Are You So Afraid Of? The head of the So…
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House Oversight learns $241 MILLION of our dollars were used to fund transgender surgeries on animals, and that Dr. Doom authorized 95% of the experiments. Listen to the head of the White Coat Waste Project drop the disgusting receipts. Conservatives from eastern Oregon are one significant step closer to joining Idaho. The US Army is accused of tak…
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