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Business & Brain Tumor Talk


Hosted by Rick Franzo from Paradise Valley, Pennsylvania, ’Business and Brain Tumor Talk’ combines personal journeys with brain tumors and insightful business strategies, aiming to educate, inspire, and empower listeners.
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CyberKnife - Lichtblicke in der Tumorbehandlung

Katharina Pommer, Dr. Alfred Haidenberger

Im Podcast „CyberKnife – Lichtblicke in der Tumorbehandlung“ teilen Patienten ihre bewegenden Geschichten über ihre Tumorbehandlung mit der CyberKnife-Technologie. Moderiert von Katharina Pommer, Expertin für Psychologie, nimmt der Podcast die Zuhörer mit auf eine emotionale Reise. Von der Diagnose über die Angst vor einer Operation bis zur befreienden Erkenntnis, dass es eine schmerzfreie, nicht-invasive Lösung gibt. Für alle, die auf der Suche nach Hoffnung, Information und echten Geschich ...
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CancerCare's free Connect Education Workshops are a way for people to learn about cancer-related issues from the convenience of their home or office. Leading experts in oncology provide the most up-to-date information in these workshops to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, quality-of-life concerns, treatment side effects, pain management, doctor-patient communication and other important topics.
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De Tumor Tapes


In de Tumor Tapes hoor je het rauwe, eerlijke verhaal van Susan, die er na een uitstrijkje bij de huisarts achter komt dat ze een tumor van 3 centimeter in haar buik heeft. Diagnose: baarmoederhalskanker. In deze reality-podcast hoor je hoe Susan, samen met haar vriend, presentator en zanger Lex Uiting, vecht tegen deze heftige ziekte. Wat betekent deze tumor voor hun grootste wens om ooit samen een gezond kindje op de wereld te zetten?
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Tumor Bored with Hilario & Aneesh is a biweekly podcast that brings you a platform for thought-provoking discussions between two resident physicians in oncology that will shed light on the ins and outs of life in medicine and compel you to rethink some of your assumptions of medicine. We have refreshing and frank conversations on training in medicine, advances in oncology, physician entrepreneurship, and non-traditional paths in healthcare.
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Onkologiezentrum Mittelland des KSA

Im Podcast "Tumorboard" des Onkologiezentrums Mittelland des Kantonspitals Aarau (KSA) stehen zwei Krebsbetroffene – Corinne und Manuel – und ihre Krankheitsgeschichten im Fokus. Bei Corinne (50) wurde vor einigen Jahren eine aggressive Form von Lymphdrüsenkrebs diagnostiziert, bei Manuel (39) vor einem Jahr ein Hirntumor. Wir begleiten die beiden im Stil eines Features in 6 Folgen entlang ihres Behandlungswegs durchs KSA, führen unterwegs Gespräche mit ihren behandelnden Ärztinnen und Ärzte ...
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Smysl pro tumor

Česká televize

Jaká je cena naděje v boji o život? Dojemný a inspirující podcast, který se zabývá životními příběhy pacientů s rakovinou a jejich blízkých. Každá epizoda se zaměřuje na konkrétní aspekt boje s touto nemocí a poskytuje cenné informace a povzbuzení pro ty, kteří se s rakovinou potýkají nebo se s ní potýkali. Hosté zahrnují lékaře, pacienty, přátele a rodinné příslušníky, kteří se podělí o své příběhy a perspektivy.
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IL GRANDE FREDDOovvero le patologie tumoraliUna conferenza di Gabriella Giannì, farmacista, fitopreparatrice, amante della natura e studiosa di medicine complementariConferenza tenuta presso l'Emeroteca della Biblioteca Civica "Ricottiana" (Voghera) il 15 marzo 2015"Paura, confusione, domande non poste, risposte non date, senso di inadeguatezza, delusione... quale malato di cancro, o suo familiare, può non identificarsi in una o più di queste situazioni?Quella che avrebbe dovuto essere sconf ...
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show series
Struggling with networking? Unsure how to grow your business through referrals? In this episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, host Rick Franzo is joined by Linda Schiaffino (CEO, Coach Business Solutions) and Tiffanie Bailey Romey (CEO, Bairo Real Estate) to break down the power of BNI (Business Networking International), the world’s largest re…
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- Overview of the Different Names for Biomarker Testing & Why They Can Be Helpful for Treatment- Tumor Marker Testing, Genomic Profiling, Genomic Sequencing, Molecular Profiling, Next Generation Sequencing- The Relationship Between Biomarker Testing & Precision Medicine- Types of Biomarker Tests for Cancer Treatment- Do I Need Biomarker Testing for…
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What does it take to start and grow a successful business from scratch? In this episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, host Rick Franzo sits down with Jeff Gerger, CEO of Gerger Electric, to discuss his journey from a young electrician to a thriving business owner. Jeff shares the highs, the struggles, and the unexpected lessons that come with e…
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In dieser Episode diskutieren Katharina Pommer und Dr. Alfred Haidenberger die Möglichkeiten und Risiken der CyberKnife-Behandlung während der Schwangerschaft. Sie klären, dass eine Behandlung grundsätzlich möglich ist, wenn die Indikation stimmt, und dass die Risiken für das ungeborene Kind minimal sind. Zudem wird die Nachsorge für schwangere Pat…
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In dieser Episode diskutieren Katharina Pommer und Dr. Alfred Haidenberger die Ursachen von Tumoren, die Bedeutung von Prävention und Vorsorgeuntersuchungen, genetische Risikofaktoren, den Einfluss von Stress auf das Krebsrisiko sowie die medikamentöse Behandlung nach einer CyberKnife-Therapie. Zudem wird der Hormonhaushalt bei Frauen und dessen Ei…
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What does it take to battle brain cancer for over a decade? In this powerful episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, host Rick Franzo welcomes Sabine Schwab, a 10+ year brain cancer survivor, and her husband Michael Schwab, an unwavering caregiver. Together, they share an emotional yet inspiring journey of resilience, love, and advocacy in the br…
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In dieser Episode diskutieren Katharina Pommer und Dr. Alfred Haidenberger die Bedeutung von Lebensstilprävention bei der Tumorbehandlung. Sie beleuchten die Rolle von Ernährung, Bewegung, psychologischer Unterstützung und der Notwendigkeit regelmäßiger Vorsorgeuntersuchungen. Die Diskussion umfasst auch die Auswirkungen von Rauchen und Alkohol auf…
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Ready to turn your passion into a thriving business? In this inspiring episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, host Rick Franzo sits down with Karisma L. Page, CEO of Erin Resilience LLC, to uncover the mindset shifts and strategies that fuel entrepreneurial success. Karisma shares her journey from self-doubt to business leadership, revealing how…
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In dieser Episode erzählt Wolfgang Pfeiler, wie er unter der fachkundigen Betreuung von Dr. Alfred Haidenberger seinen Prostatakrebs mit der innovativen CyberKnife-Therapie in nur fünf schmerzfreien Sitzungen behandeln ließ. Sein Weg von der Diagnose bis zur schnellen Senkung des PSA-Werts liefert fundierte Einblicke in eine moderne, minimal-invasi…
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In dieser Folge sprechen Dr. Alfred Haidenberger und Katharina Pommer über die Zukunft des CyberKnife-Zentrums in Salzburg. Erfahren Sie, warum dieses Zentrum weltweit zu den führenden zählt, welche technologische Innovation es so einzigartig macht und wie sich die Strahlentherapie weiterentwickeln könnte. Außerdem: Warum CyberKnife eine Alternativ…
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- Overview of Clinical Trials & Why They are Important- Understanding Your Treatment Options, Including Clinical Trials- Concerns About Participating in Clinical Trials- Types of Clinical Trials- What Happens in a Clinical Trial?- The Meaning of Informed Consent- Benefits & Risks of Participation- How & Where Clinical Trials are Conducted- How to P…
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On this episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, Rick Franzo sits down with retired local radio legend Rod Bauman. With a career spanning decades, Rod shares his incredible journey from a young dreamer in Quakertown, PA, to becoming a beloved voice on the airwaves. From spinning vinyl to navigating the digital age, Rod dives into the evolution of …
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CyberKnife verspricht präzisere Krebstherapien – doch in Österreich stößt die Technologie auf Widerstände. In dieser Folge diskutieren Dr. Haidenberger und Katharina Pommer die Herausforderungen im Gesundheitssystem, mangelnde Akzeptanz unter Fachkollegen und die lange Wartezeit für Patienten. Warum sind Kooperationen entscheidend? Welche Rolle spi…
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In dieser Episode widmen sich Katharina Pommer und Dr. Alfred Haidenberger den Therapieoptionen für Gehirntumore und beleuchten die Vorzüge der CyberKnife-Technologie im Vergleich zu Gamma Knife und herkömmlicher Strahlentherapie. Welche Tumoren können behandelt werden? Wie unterscheidet sich CyberKnife von anderen Methoden? Und warum sind Aufkläru…
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- Skin Toxicity - How Cancer Treatments Affect Your Skin- The Multidisciplinary Approach to Managing Skin Changes & Irritation- Practical Tips to Manage Rash, Dry/Itchy/Peeling Skin & Nail Changes- Sun Safety Tips During Cancer Treatments- When to Call Your Health Care Team about Skin Toxicity- The Role of Clinical Trials: How Research Increases Yo…
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In dieser Folge beantwortet Psychologie-Expertin Katharina Pommer gemeinsam mit Dr. Alfred Haidenberger die häufigsten Fragen rund um die innovative CyberKnife-Technologie. Wie läuft die Behandlung ab? Welche Tumoren können behandelt werden? Was bedeutet diese schmerzfreie Methode für die Patienten? Neben spannenden Einblicken in die Funktionsweise…
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Im Podcast „CyberKnife – Lichtblicke in der Tumorbehandlung“ teilen Patienten ihre bewegenden Geschichten über ihre Tumorbehandlung mit der CyberKnife-Technologie. Moderiert von Katharina Pommer, Expertin für Psychologie, nimmt der Podcast die Zuhörer mit auf eine emotionale Reise. Von der Diagnose über die Angst vor einer Operation bis zur befreie…
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In this episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, Rick Franzo welcomes the team from HomePlus Capital: Giovanni Acosta, Luis Lleshi, and Stephanie Foti. Together, they discuss how their entrepreneurial journey and deep industry expertise set them apart in the competitive mortgage world. From building strong client relationships to offering innovati…
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In this episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, host Rick Franzo chats with Chris and Lindsay Jerolaman, the dynamic duo behind CJ’s Heating and Cooling. They share the rollercoaster ride of starting their HVAC business in Wind Gap, Pennsylvania, from leaving unsatisfying jobs to becoming trusted community experts. Expect candid stories, laughs, …
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1. Etiologies and epidemiology 2. Staging and local/regional considerations 3. Systemic Therapy 4. Differences in immune checkpoint sensitivity by etiology Citations As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly encourage review of guidelines published by …
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Manuel und Corinne befinden sich nach ihren zahlreichen und teils langwierigen Behandlungen in der medizinischen Nachsorge. Beiden geht es aktuell gut, doch nichts ist wie vorher. Es fühlt sich an wie in einem neuen Leben. Wir erfahren, wie Manuel und Corinne mit der bleibenden Ungewissheit umgehen, ob der Tumor zurückkehrt und wie man als Arzt ode…
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Manuel und Corinne haben die Zeit nach der Krebsdiagnose und während der Behandlung ganz unterschiedlich verarbeitet. Manuel hat vor allem Kraft aus der Familie und den eigenen positiven Gedanken geschöpft. Corinne hat sich psychologische Unterstützung geholt und sich auf eine tiefe Reflexion mit sich selbst und der Erkrankung eingelassen. Neben Ma…
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- Overview of the Challenges Young Adults Living with Cancer Face- Talking with the Health Care Team About Survivorship Questions & Concerns- Choosing Who & What to Tell Others: Disclosure- School: Deciding How to Deal with Financing Education– Community College, Technical Training, College, Graduate School – Scholarships- Financial Concerns, Inclu…
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Im Tumorboard wird nach der Operation von Manuels Hirntumor als nächster Schritt eine kombinierte Strahlen- und Chemotherapie empfohlen, um mögliche verbliebene Krebszellen rund um das operierte Hirnareal abzutöten. Wir begleiten die Radioonkologin Susanne Rogers während einer Bestrahlung. Sie erklärt die Therapie und wie sie wirkt. Manuel schilder…
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Die Behandlung von Corinnes diagnostiziertem Lymphdrüsenkrebs erweist sich als schwierig. Corinne erleidet immer wieder Rückschläge und kämpft mit schweren Nebenwirkungen, bis nach über eineinhalb Jahren sich endlich ein Erfolg einstellt. Corinne und ihr behandelnder Arzt Nathan Cantoni schildern eindrücklich ihren langen Therapieweg. Am Ende ist s…
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- Overview of Young Adults Living with Cancer, Including Delays in Diagnosis- Where to Seek Cancer Treatment: Selecting Your Oncology Health Care Team, Including Young Adult Cancer Programs- The Importance of Treatment Summaries- Follow Up with Your Oncologist & Primary Care Doctor- Managing Post Treatment Side Effects/Late Effects- Talking with th…
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Unsere Krebsbetroffenen Manuel und Corinne wissen, dass sie Krebs haben, aber wie schwerwiegend die Erkrankung ist und wie weit fortgeschritten, erfahren sie erst nach weiteren Abklärungen und einer Vorstellung ihres Falles im Tumorboard. Alles muss schnell gehen, Manuel wird sofort operiert. Doch das Warten auf die Resultate braucht Nerven und Ged…
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Ob harmlos oder heftig – die Symptome, die auf eine Krebserkrankung hinweisen, zeigen sich meist unangekündigt. Unsere Krebsbetroffenen Manuel und Corinne erzählen, wie bei ihnen alles angefangen hat und wie sie mit der plötzlichen Diagnose Krebs umgegangen sind. Erklärt wird ausserdem der Ablauf einer nuklearmedizinischen Untersuchung und welche B…
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Im Podcast "Tumorboard" des Onkologiezentrums Mittelland des Kantonspitals Aarau (KSA) stehen zwei Krebsbetroffene – Corinne und Manuel – und ihre Krankheitsgeschichten im Fokus. Bei Corinne (50-jährig) wurde vor einigen Jahren eine aggressive Form von Lymphdrüsenkrebs diagnostiziert, bei Manuel (39-jährig) vor einem Jahr ein Hirntumor. Wir begleit…
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Join host Rick Franzo as he welcomes the Floor Source team, Jordan, Aiden, and Teresa to the show. This isn’t just about flooring; it’s about family, community, and creating spaces that feel like home. Jordan shares how his father’s leap of faith in ’98 built the foundation for their thriving business, and Aiden talks about stepping into his role a…
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- Why Chemotherapy Causes Treatment Side Effects & Discomfort- Working with Your Healthcare Team to Better Understand & Cope with Potential Treatment Side Effects with a Plan to Manage or Prevent Them- Common Treatment Gastrointestinal (GI) Side Effects - You May Not Experience All of These - Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Vomiting, Mouth Sores, Stomati…
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In this episode, host Rick Franzo chats with Carmine Corridore, CEO of Underdog Cyber Defense, about the critical importance of cybersecurity for businesses. Carmine shares his journey from small business owner to cybersecurity expert, discussing how companies can proactively protect themselves against cyber threats. Episode Highlights: The inspiri…
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Join us for an inspiring episode of Business & Brain Tumor Talk, where host Rick Franzo sits down with special guests Andrea Hermes and Pam Ghazi from Mountain Strong Poconos. In this heartfelt conversation, Andrea and Pam share the incredible grassroots efforts of their non-profit to help the small town of Lansing, North Carolina, recover after a …
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1. Stage II Disease 2. Overview of BEP, EP, VIP 3. Advanced, refractory disease 4. Survivorship considerations Citations As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly encourage review of guidelines published by ASCO, ESMO and other organizations local to y…
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- Definition of a Caregiver- What Research Tells Us About Caregivers’ Well Being- Caregiving for an Older Adult- Caregiving for a Younger Adult- Caregiving for a Friend- Caregivers for Cancer Survivors- Couples, Partners, Siblings & Friends- Family, Partner & Friend Communication- Care Coordination: Challenges & Tips- Stresses on Family, Partners &…
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1. Background, work up 2. Staging of seminoma and NSGCT 3. Young Adult/Adolescent Oncology 4. Management of Stage I Disease Citations As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly encourage review of guidelines published by ASCO, ESMO and other organizatio…
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- Overview of Cancer Survivorship- Managing Post Treatment Side Effects/Late Effects- Quality-of-Life Concerns- Fear of Recurrence- Finding Your New Normal- The Importance of Treatment Summaries and Encounter Notes- Follow-Up with Your Oncologist and Primary Care Doctor, Including Discussion of Health Screening and Concerns- Guidelines to Prepare f…
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Join us in this heartfelt episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, hosted by Rick Franco, as we welcome Brenda Kleinsasser from Bismarck, North Dakota. Brenda is not only a brain tumor survivor but also a warrior against rheumatoid arthritis. Her journey is a testament to resilience, creativity, and the power of community. Brenda shares her incred…
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1. Historical Approach (cytoreduction, IFN-a, sunitinib 2. Prognostic risk scores 3. Evidence for modern doublet regimens 4. Later line therapy Citations As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly encourage review of guidelines published by ASCO, ESMO a…
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Welcome to another heartfelt and motivational episode of Business and Brain Tumors! This week, our host Rick Franzo sits down with Tiffanie Bailey-Romey, CEO of Bairo Real Estate. 🌟 Tiffanie’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. From her humble beginnings to becoming a top real estate broker in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and New York City, Tiffanie’…
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1. Risk Factors and Presentation 2. Staging and Paraneoplastic syndromes 3. Localized Therapy Options and Considerations 4. Evidence and Limitations for Adjuvant Systemic Therapy Citations As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly encourage review of g…
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- Understanding the Future of Cancer Research & Clinical Trials- Increased Focus on Earlier Detection & Treatment of Cancer- Health Care Disparities Research- Enhanced Knowledge of the Molecular Portrait of Cancer- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Approaches for Diagnosis & Treatment of Cancer- Microsatellite Instability (MSI): Mutations in DNA …
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- Disproportionate Burden of COVID & Cancer on People of Color- Social Determinants of Health, Including Languages Spoken & Health Literacy- Influence of the Local & Regional Environment in Which You Live on Your Access to Oncology Care- Effect of COVID on Health Care Systems- How Race May Impact Your Access to Cancer Treatment, Management of Treat…
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- Understanding Precision Medicine: Overview & Value of Precision Medicine- How Precision Medicine is Different from Targeted Treatments?- Precision Medicine Role’s in Informing Treatment Decisions: Predicting Response to Treatment- The Role of Precision Medicine in Deciding the Treatment for Lung Cancer, Leukemia & Colon Cancer- Talking with Your …
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Join us on this episode of Business and Brain Tumor Talk, where Rick talks with the Muoio family from Milford, Connecticut. We will focus this episode on the remarkable story of Anthony Muoio, a ten-year-old Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivor. His parents, Rob and Sarah, share their experiences from the day of his diagnosis to his brave recovery and th…
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Join Rick Franzo on “Business and Brain Tumor Talk” as he interviews Chris Yarnell, founder of Battle Borne, an organization that helps veterans with innovative services. In this episode, Chris shares how Battle Borne began and its current mission to provide essential help to veterans. Key points: The motivations for establishing Battle Borne and i…
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1. Immunohistochemistry of urothelial cancer 2. History of systemic therapy in advanced and metastatic disease 3. Pembrolizumab and Enfortumab Vedotin 4. Approach to second line therapy and beyond Citations As always, citations, and sources include education from our respective training programs, the Devita textbook, and Uptodate.com. We highly enc…
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Join Rick Franzo as he chats with Jeremy Burke and Matt Bauman, the innovative leaders behind Burke HomeServices and Dr. Energy Saver. In this episode, Jeremy and Matt share their nearly two-decade journey in the home services industry, from humble beginnings in framing work to becoming leaders in full-service remodeling and energy efficiency. They…
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- Definition of a Caregiver- What Research Tells Us About Caregivers’ Well Being- Caregiving for an Older Adult- Caregiving for a Younger Adult- Couples, Partners, Siblings, & Friends- Challenges for Caregivers of Cancer Survivors- Family, Partner, & Friend Communication- Care Coordination Challenges & Tips- Stresses on Family, Partners, Friends, &…
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In this powerful episode, Rick Franzo sits down with Wendy Santana, a brain cancer survivor and a leading advocate for the brain tumor community. Wendy shares her intense journey from the unexpected onset of her illness, marked by a major stroke, through her difficult recovery, to becoming a strong advocate for those facing similar struggles. What …
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