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Listen to past messages from Lead Pastor Wes Terry and other audio content from Broadview Baptist Church. This content is made available to you so that we might help you grow as a disciple of Jesus and empower you to make other disciples of Jesus. We hope you enjoy it!
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Broadband Pulse

Endeavor Business Media

In the Lightwave Broadband Pulse podcast, we will address the key issues affecting the optical and broadband industry segments. Join us every week for insights on these topics from industry leaders.
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Sofia has an unhealthy obsession with all things Broadway. This podcast gives her the perfect excuse to geek out! Join Sofia as she interviews celebrated names from all areas of showbiz and discusses their journey from starry-eyed youngster to musical theater professional.
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Insight for Living Daily Broadcast

Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living

Join the millions who listen to the lively messages of Chuck Swindoll, a down-to-earth pastor who communicates God’s truth in understandable and practical terms—with a good dose of humor thrown in. Chuck’s messages help you apply the Bible to your own life.
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Broadway to Main Street

Laurence Maslon

Hosted by Laurence Maslon, BROADWAY TO MAIN STREET is a weekly radio program devoted to the greatest songs of the American Musical Theater. Originating from WPPB 88.3FM on Long Island's East End, each weekly episode celebrates the shows, stars, songwriters, and cultural phenomena that makes Broadway a legendary place. Music taken from classic original cast albums, film, cabaret, rare recordings, and unique interpretations, with commentary, guest appearances, and news from Broadway.
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Broadway Breakdown

Matt Koplik

Matt Koplik is the most opinionated, foul-mouthed, and passionate theatre geek with access to a mic. Every week, Matt and a guest explore Broadway history by diving into the careers of the artists who shaped it. Whether discussing Sondheim and Sweeney or Herman and Dolly, Matt is sure to give you fun facts, deep analysis, and lots of four letter words. Tune in!!
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Broadcast Unscripted

Radical Moves LTD

As a PR and Marketing agency specialising in the broadcast and satellite industry, Radical Moves will be gathering experts to talk about the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities affecting these industries.
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The Broadscast

The Broadscast

Your local hockey girl gang are talking hockey and sports culture with a light-hearted, candid twist. Georgia, Mallory, Sam, and Vanessa are here to entertain and advocate for #WomenInSports. New episodes drop every Friday! Subscribe to our Patreon for bonus content: . Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @broadscastpod. For inquiries:
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Each week, The Broadside highlights a story from the heart of the American South and asks why it matters to you. From news to arts and culture, we dive into topics that might not be on a front page, but deserve a closer look. Along the way, we explore the nuances of our home—and how what happens here ripples across the country. Hosted by Anisa Khalifa, The Broadside is a production of North Carolina Public Radio-WUNC. Find it every Thursday wherever you listen to podcasts.
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Broadway Baptist Church

Broadway Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky - listen to our worship services here. Pastor Daniel Ausbun preaches from the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). A Southern Baptist congregation at 2500 Harrodsburg Road in Lexington, KY 40503.

Welcome Home 💙
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The Healthy Hustling Podcast discusses health, wellness, & entrepreneurship. Join Dr. Eric Broadworth as he interviews leaders and innovators in the business of health & wellness as well as the top therapists, trainers and researchers regarding today's hottest trends and best methods to get the best performance out of the human body. Dr. Eric Broadworth is a physical therapist and business owner in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He owns Fuel Physical Therapy & Sports Performance, a mobile/concierge ...
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On Broad Ideas, Rachel Bilson is joined by long-time best friend Olivia Allen to talk about sex, mental health, their belief (or lack of) in ghosts, and so much more. They’ll be joined by old friends, young friends, and some friends they haven’t met yet to have fun, casual conversations about the same kind of broad topics you'd find yourself discussing with your girlfriends.
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Global DJ Broadcast is the weekly dance music radio show hosted by international DJ and producer Markus Schulz. Receiving multiple IDMA nominations since its inception, Markus’ unique fusion of trance, progressive and multiple additional genres has contributed to becoming one of the most popular radio shows on FM, satellite and online.
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Hillbilly Broadcast

Hillbilly Media, LLC

Hillbilly Broadcast is a podcast based out of West Virginia that covers a wide range of topics, including music, politics, popular culture, religion, and the American way of life.
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Haven of Rest Radio Broadcast

Haven of Rest Ministries

The purpose of Haven of Rest Ministries is to serve and glorify God through a Christ-centered outreach of love and compassion the responds to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of disadvantaged men, women, and children without regard to their race, color, creed or social standing.
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Bottomless Broadway

Bottomless Broadway

Cindy and Christine praise the heroes of each Broadway season's newest musicals and bring its heinous villains to justice over bottomless libations. Who doesn't want to listen to two industry outsiders judge professionals who perform for a living? Experience is overrated...some would say. But alcohol is not. They know what they're talking about!
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Write Now with Broadleaf Writers

Broadleaf Writers Association

Write Now is a podcast brought to you by the Broadleaf Writers Association. Join us as we welcome author, literary agents, editors, and publishing professionals for a nuts-and-bolts approach to writing and publishing. You can find us at: Our mission is to enrich and advance the craft of writing for all writers through education, inspiration and community. Diversity is our goal. We continue to seek ways to improve the diversity of our attendees and speakers, and ...
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Broad Street Hustle

Thomas Nanni & Jason Saetta

Tommy and Jason are back with a new and improved podcast discussing Philly sports, the national sports scene, and sports betting. Discussions include the 4 major pro sports, horse racing, golf and more!
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Stuart Brown

"On Broadway" (, hosted by Stuart Brown, features an array of music, interviews, and commentary. This half-hour bi-weekly podcast is a companion to ‘Sounds of Broadway’ ( - a 24/7 online music radio station featuring the best in Broadway, Off-Broadway, and the London stage.
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show series
Rachel and Olivia talk to author and the number 1 global podcaster Mel Robbins about her book The Let Them Theory. Make sure to check out Mel’s podcast The Mel Robbins Podcast. Watch the video episode HERE Like the show? Rate Broad Ideas 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts and Spotify Advertise on Broad Ideas via See Privacy Policy at https://art1…
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The crew is joined by special guest Kevin K to help handicap The Players Championship! Broad Street Hustle - It's not just a podcast, it's a playbook for success. Follow us on Twitter/X/Whatever it's called now: Subscribe to our YouTube channel:…
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Join your horror hosts as they welcome Wes of Disabledland to become a new person. Find the Broads on ⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠ and⁠⁠⁠ Bluesky⁠ Connect with Wes on Instagram ------------------------------ Chapters 00:00 Introduction to A Different Man 03:05 Disability Representation in Film 06:02 The Role of Transformation and Identity 09:11 Critique of Roma…
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A beloved 1st grade teacher, Jenny Rickman, is shaping the next generation with immense love for her students. When you're greeted by her beautiful smile and warm demeanor in the halls of Highland Elementary, you would not see the many heartbreaking trials she has endured. In this episode, Jenny vulnerably shares about divorce, traumatic pregnancy,…
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On the night of July 25, 2003, in Craigsville, Virginia, 18-year-old Christopher Bennett shot and killed his step-father, Vincent. Christopher is serving an 1,800 year sentence for capital murder. Christopher claims he caught Vincent molesting his six-year-old sister at the time of the shooting. Stay tuned as we hear directly from Christopher's sis…
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We are YOGA. May we continue to practice together. Realizing that the roots are always there, hidden but alive. The world does not abandon; it sometimes simply gives that time to see what is already present. Here we are again, rising together, transforming, growing, sprouting. As we step into this new season, we turn our attention to the awakening …
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Die Traunbrücke der Salzkammergut – Lokalbahn Die Lokalbahnbrücke überquerte die Traun schräg zur Flussrichtung, was die Einbindung des Bahnkörpers der Lokalbahn in jenen der Kronprinz-Rudolf-Bahn erleichterte. Das Tragwerk, ein Durchlaufträger, ist in Form einer genieteten Fachwerkskonstruktion aus Stahl ausgeführt. Auffällig ist die große Schlank…
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Libraries and archives have been a crucial technology for human civilization for thousands of years – ever since record keeping was invented. But how does digital age change the institute of libraries and the profession of library management? We have three amazing guests to discuss this with: Ulla Leinikka is the communication manager of the Helsin…
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Barbara Beinsteiner ist ausgebildete Sozialarbeiterin Märchenerzählerin und Autorin, und in dieser Sendung mit ihrem Projekt „Märchenglück am Krankenbett“ zu Gast in PFLEGE diskursiv. „Märchenglück am Krankenbett“ ist eine wunderbare Initiative, die den Heilungsprozess von Patient:innen, durch das Erzählen von Märchen unterstützen soll. Märchen hab…
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With Miami Music Week only days away in his home city, Markus Schulz checks in with another upfront batch of tunes on the Global DJ Broadcast. He includes Coldharbour Recordings world premieres from Davey Asprey, Adina Butar and Danny Cullen, along with upcoming singles from KhoMha and Tim Clark. The show also features the revival of Loops & Tings …
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Der diesjährige feministische Kampftag am 8. März ist vorbei, aber feministische Kämpfe finden auch an den restlichen 364 Tagen im Jahr statt. Die Wichtigkeit dieser Kämpfe zeigten sich besonders bei der Vorabenddemo vor dem 8. März. Unter dem Motto Take Back the Night zog eine FLINTA-Demonstration lautstark durch die Altstadt, bis hin zum August-B…
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Heute geht es unter anderem um einen von Copwatch veröffentlichten Bericht zu Polizeigewalt in Sachsen sowie über eine Studie zu der Rolle von persönlichen Ansichten bei der Entscheidung von Asylgesuchen vor Gerichten. Wie jede Woche erinnern wir auch an die Opfer rechter Gewalt und geben dann ein paar Veranstaltungshinweise.…
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Környezetbiztonság és városi turizmus témában rendeztek tudománykommunikációs versenyt a Pannon Egyetemen. A Tudomány Mindnekinek Hackathon keretében egyetemisták mérhették össze tudásukat és kreativitásukat. A feladat az volt, hogy egy tudományos cikk tartalmát jelenítsék meg közérthető, figyelemfelkeltő módon. Az érthető tudománykommunikáció font…
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Wann beginnt Medienerziehung? Ab welchem Alter dürfen Kinder allein im Netz unterwegs sein und wie lange? Die Klinische- und Gesundheitspsychologin Daniela Eisenmann-Scheiber ist dazu zu Gast im pepp-Expertinnen-Talk bei Minka Herzog. Die Expertin erklärt außerdem, warum bei der Medienerziehung das Vorbild der Eltern so wichtig ist. Im pepp-Experti…
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An dem 18.03 hat das 12. Lesefest „Halle liest mit“ begonnen. Knapp 30 Autorinnen und Autoren bieten 21 Lesungen an 13 handverlesenen Leseorten in Halle – von Krimis über Literatur gegen Rassismus, bis hin zu Klassikern der Gegenwartsliteratur. Es dreht sich alles um die Bedeutung des Lesens und die Förderung der Lesekultur in der Region. Radio Cor…
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ZARA (Zivilcourage & Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit) berichtet im Rassismus Report alljährlich über rassistische Übergriffe und Vorkommnisse in Österreich. ZARA ist eine wichtige Informationsquelle für nationale und internationale Organisationen und eine qualitative Datenquelle zu allen Formen von Rassismus in Österreich. Die ausgewählten, detailliert darge…
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Reviews for ‘Buena Vista Social Club,’ Jackman and Friedman Form Partnership, ‘Just in Time’ Delays First Preview Since 2016, “Today on Broadway” has been the first and only daily podcast recapping the top theatre headlines every Monday through Friday. Any and all feedback is appreciated:Grace Aki: | @ItsGraceAkiMatt Tamanin…
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Fotografija je umetnost pripovedovanja zgodb in Maruša Puhek, priznana fotografinja iz Radencev, ki trenutno živi v Avstriji, jih zna ujeti v najčistejši obliki. Nedavno je osvojila prestižno nagrado World Nature Photography Awards 2025. Njena fotografija dveh srn v zasneženem vinogradu je prepričala žirijo s svojo preprostostjo in estetiko. Maruša…
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Ulli Weish im Gespräch mit Katrin Grabner von Columna V, ein gemeinnütziger Verein von Journalist:innen, der sich dafür einsetzt, dass es eine Vertrauens- und Kompetenzstelle gegen Machtmissbrauch und sexualisierte Gewalt in der Medienbranche geben soll. Derzeit ist die Arbeit ausschließlich ehrenamtlich. Die Mitglieder setzen sich dafür ein, um ei…
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Zu Gast bei Radio Proton ist Brigitte Walk vom Walktanztheater, die uns das neue Stück des Walktanztheaters SONNE / LUFT geschrieben von Elfriede Jelinek vorstellt. Die Sonne brennt – und mit ihr brennen Wälder, ganze Landstriche verdorren, während anderswo der Meeresspiegel steigt oder Bäche alles überfluten. Die Sonne lacht – und mit ihr freut …
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¡Bienvenidos al episodio 31 de „Latidos de México“! En esta ocasión, nuestra anfitriona Andrea nos llevará a descubrir la cultura mexicana a través del tiempo. Andrea también nos sorprenderá con una selección especial de canciones con ritmos latinos que reflejan la riqueza y diversidad de la música latina. Prepárate para un viaje lleno de ritmo, hi…
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Americafirst im Kampf gegen das Rechtssystem und gegen die bisherige Realverfassung Zur Erinnerung aus der Regierungserklärung: Der erste und wichtigste Kampfplatz, den Trump eröffnet hat, befindet sich in Amerika gegen die amerikanischen Zustände; denn im Land ist so ziemlich alles verkehrt gelaufen, weil Amerika von ganz oben den verkehrten, den …
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If you want to understand America, going to a college football game is a great place to start. In a lot of ways, the culture and history of the sport is a mirror held up to the country itself. But some folks -- especially Asian Americans -- haven’t seen themselves in that reflection until recently. Or so we thought. Because an incredible discovery …
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Der Roman erzählt vom heroischen Kampf eines Sohns mit der Pflege einer schon immer recht eigensinnig gewesenen, jetzt aber auch noch dement werdenden Mutter – in wechselweise haarsträubend komischen, dann aber auch wieder zutiefst anrührenden Episoden. Das Buch ist ein Paradebeispiel für wunderbare Autofiktion (denn der Autor weiß, wovon er schrei…
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Drei Jahre nach der vollen Invasion Russlands in der Ukraine: Wie geht es den Ukrainer*innen in Österreich? Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine führte zur schnellsten und größten Fluchtbewegung in Europa seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Etwas über sieben Millionen Menschen aus der Ukraine fanden in den EU-Ländern (vorübergehenden) Schutz, über…
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