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MMG - Gazdahang

Magyar Mezőgazdaság Kiadó

Az MMG – Gazdahang, a Magyar Mezőgazdaság Kiadó agrár podcastje kéthetente szerdán izgalmas beszélgetésekkel, érdekes témákkal és hírekkel jelentkezik a vetőmagtól az asztalig. Állattenyésztés, kertészet, növénytermesztés, agrárgazdaság, élelmiszeripar, minden terítékre kerül. Kövesse podcast csatornánkat! Két adás között olvassa a legfontosabb agrárhíreket: Kövessen minket! Facebook - Instagram - https://www.instagra ...
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Jornal da Gazeta

Jornal da Gazeta

O Jornal da Gazeta em sua versão podcast. Acompanhe e fique ligado nas principais notícias e análises. Saiba mais em: Contato:
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Learn Farsi with Gazal

Learn Farsi with Gazal

Unlock the beauty of Farsi with our Persian Learning Podcast! Join us as we dive into the language, culture, and heritage of Iran through engaging conversations, language lessons, and insightful tips for beginners and language enthusiasts alike.
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Retail Gazette

Retail Gazette

Welcome to the Retail Gazette podcast. Each episode takes a deeper dive into the topics, trends, news and personalities that are shaping and changing retail in the UK.
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O podcast 15 minutos é um espaço para discussão de assuntos importantes, sempre com análise e a participação da equipe de jornalistas da Gazeta do Povo. De segunda a sexta, de forma leve e dinâmica, com a duração que cabe na correria do seu dia a dia, um resumo de temas relevantes. Publicado no fim da tarde
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Riccardo GaZ chiama ogni giorno numeri a casaccio per affrontare in diretta radio i temi più discussi del momento. Dal barbiere sotto casa al personaggio del mondo della politica, dal professionista affermato al venditore ambulante: tutti “opinionisti per caso”. Riccardo Gaz è on air dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 12 su Radio Vela.
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The Red Gaze

The Red Gaze

Movies and TV shows dissected through an Indigenous lens. First discussing a few of our many Native classics that include Thunder Heart and Little Big Man. Also will be touching on movies and shows that we feel deserve a starquilt for being Rez movie classics such as Urban Cowboy.
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We are a young business, but have a proven track record for delivering insurance programmes, tailored solutions, and customer-focused service. No two businesses are the same, and neither are their insurance needs. Gazelle Risk Solutions takes pride in offering bespoke insurance and risk management solutions. Our team works closely with you to understand your specific requirements and tailors coverage that aligns with your business objectives. We go beyond conventional methods to bring you in ...
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Bozsik gazda podcast

Kossuth Rádió |MTVA Podcast

Üdvözlöm Önöket! Bozsik József, azaz Bozsik gazda vagyok. A Kossuth Rádió hullámhosszán, a Hajnal-táj műsorában minden reggel jelentkezem kertészeti rovattal a fél hatos hírek után. Most azonban új lehetőség kínálkozott! Mostantól fogva, heti rendszerességgel, egy-egy húszperces kertészeti összeállítással készülök ezen az új fórumon. Itt a legfontosabb aktuális kertészeti témákról számolok be az Önök kérdései alapján. MTVA Podcast | Kossuth Rádió
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NorthStar GAZE

NorthStar of GIS

Embark on a transformative journey with the "NorthStar Gaze" podcast, sharing intimate stories from Geo-Stem luminaries. In 1-on-1 chats, explore their journeys and profound contributions to geography and GIS. Inspired by our Telescope program, each episode offers a telescopic view into their lives. Uncover the human side of Geo-Stem, where passion meets purpose, and racial justice is central. "The NorthStar Gaze" is your invitation to a Homecoming, where diverse voices paint the tapestry of ...
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The Journal Gazette

Audio Reading Service of the Allen County Public Library

The Journal Gazette, updated Monday through Saturday. This Audio Reading Service podcast is a service of the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN. It is specifically designed for and directed to people who have visual, physical, learning or language challenges to reading normal printed materials.
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The Problematic Gaze

David Moor and Lee Arnott

Direct from PG Towers, join social historian Dr Lee Arnott and TV producer Dave Moor for a lighthearted look at the world of TV, Film and Popular Culture of yesteryear that has since been considered problematic. Each week we focus on a different piece of pop culture, and put it into context by looking at the news events and cultural landscape of the year it was released.
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular during the Maidan revolution in 2014
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Freya Herrmann und Vera Klocke

TikTok-, Film- und Serienanalysen von und mit Freya Herrmann und Vera Klocke. Wir diskutieren einmal im Monat die politischen Implikationen von popkulturellen Gegenwartsphänomenen. Fashion The Gaze (dt.: forme den Blick)! Foto: Tini Gröbner Assistenz: Mawuena Mertz
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It's the year 2020 and frankly the world is now a mad house. We take a look at some of the most recent stories and highlight the complete and utter madness of it all, which underneath is pushing us towards a system of control that will be anything but funny. THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO We truly now live in a Clown World where the predator class (the 1%) want to force you to believe or at least parrot that 2 + 2 equals 5. Produced by Richard Willett & Gareth Icke
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Gaze At the National Parks

Dustin Ballard and Michael Ryan

Dustin Ballard and Michael Ryan hike the trails of America’s National Parks. Each episode features one hiking trail in one National Park, one park at a time. Join them as they climb to terrifying heights, cross miles of desert, and hike through the forests of these public lands.
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You can find the region's most in-depth look at New York State politics and government each week on The Legislative Gazette. Hosted by David Guistina, the program features regular commentary by syndicated columnist and political scientist Dr. Alan Chartock. On each program, the award-winning WAMC News Team combines forces to bring you a wrap-up of the week's political news, the goings on in and around the legislature, and the stories that will keep you well-informed and in the know.
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Am 7. Oktober 2023 greifen Terroristen der Hamas Israel an - seitdem ist Krieg in Israel und Gaza. Was ist damals genau passiert - und warum eskaliert die Gewalt dort immer weiter? Dieser Podcast erklärt die Hintergründe - einmal mit Hilfe unserer Korrespondentinnen und Korrespondenten – und indem wir mit Menschen aus Israel und den palästinensischen Gebieten sprechen, die eine sehr unterschiedliche Sicht auf den Konflikt haben.
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Press Gazette has covered the world of news media since 1965. This podcast draws on the expertise of our award-winning team and brings in expert voices to explain one theme, idea, strategy or innovation every week. The Future of Media Explained aims to provide industry leaders with the information they need to create commercially successful businesses based on quality content. If you need to know about topics like: cookie-less targeting, data journalism, paywall strategies, content managemen ...
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Welcome to News Makers, the official podcast of the Tippecanoe Gazette! In each episode, the newspaper owner Greg Enslen brings you up close with the people shaping the future of our community—local newsmakers, business leaders, and community influencers who are making an impact in Tipp City and the surrounding areas. Through in-depth conversations, News Makers offers listeners updates and unique insights into the stories and initiatives that matter most to our community. Tune in to stay inf ...
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MU88 dẫn đầu trong danh sách những nhà cái được đông đảo anh em bet thủ yêu thích nhất hiện nay. Sân chơi cá cược tuy tín và đẳng cấp luôn quan tâm đến sở thích và nhu cầu của khách hàng. Website: Địa chỉ: 55 Đ. Nguyễn Ảnh Thủ, Hiệp Thành, Quận 12, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh Số điện thoại: +84423937118 Email:
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🎙 La Gazette du Maine est le flux de podcasts dédiés à l'auteur Stephen King, créés et animés par Emilie de Stephen King France. Retrouvez : 📰 La Gazette du Maine - Le podcast francophone qui résume TOUTE l’actualité de Stephen King, une à deux fois par mois (selon l'actu), en moins de 10 minutes. Romans, nouvelles, interviews, adaptations, produits dérivés... Stephen King n'aura plus de secret pour vous. 🌹 La 19e Palabre : le podcast qui étudie le cycle de La Tour Sombre de Stephen King, av ...
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GET YOUR 40% OFF ALL CDB PRODUCTS HERE: USE THE CODE (WTAF) Watch the video version for Free every week at Get you WTAF Merchandise here and help support the show: Support Rich's Articles and Research at his Substack Gaz…
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*) Nós falamos recentemente aqui no 15 Minutos sobre o pedido de licença do mandato do deputado federal Eduardo Bolsonaro, do PL-SP. Os impactos políticos dessa decisão são diversos. E eles podem ser ainda maiores, caso seja efetivada a ideia, anunciada pelo próprio parlamentar, de pedir asilo nos Estados Unidos, onde está morando. Este provável pe…
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The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette from 03/20/2025. Read aloud by Mike and Brittany for the Audio Reading Service. 00:33 News 41:36 Obituaries 49:38 News, Continued 54:14 Break 01:02:34 Living Section 01:27:51 Perspective 01:40:29 TV Listings & Sports 01:52:08 Conclusion This Audio Reading Service podcast is a service of the Allen County Public Library…
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On their weekly podcast, host Adam Bittner and Post-Gazette sports columnist Jason Mackey react to repeated criticism of the Steelers by former RB Najee Harris. Should we be surprised at his bitterness toward Mike Tomlin, Arthur Smith and the team he leaves behind? Or is he right about the culture and facilities being an impediment toward team succ…
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A világgazdaság jelenlegi helyzetét a geopolitikai események, a monetáris politikai lépések és a piaci reakciók dinamikus alakulása határozza meg. Az amerikai jegybank (Fed) kamatpolitikája, Donald Trump gazdasági stratégiája és a nemzetközi piacok változásai mind befolyásolják a befektetők döntéseit. - A Fed kamatpolitikája és hatásai - Trump gazd…
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Press Gazette editor-in-chief Dominic Ponsford caught up with New York-based publishing consultant Matthew Scott Goldstein (MSG) to talk about the future of news in the era of AI. How concerned should publishers be about the threat posed to their business models by generative AI?9.9 out of ten said MSG. He explained why generative AI could spell th…
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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2025. március 20., csütörtök 9-10 óra IT ROVAT: Nemet mondott, mégis újra kérik a menyasszonyt - A Google megvenné a Wizt Meg is egyeztek a felek! Az Alphabet pár hónapja még közel állt ahhoz, hogy eddigi legnagyobb értékű akvizícióját bonyolítsa le, de az üzlet nem jött létre. Most ismét tárgyalóasztalhoz ültek a felek. Ismét megkérte a Google a W…
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2025. március 20., csütörtök 8-9 óra Jack London sírva fakadna - Pusztulóban Európa utolsó vadonjai A klímaváltozás mindenhol hatalmas probléma, a skandináv országok azonban sokszor úgy szerepelnek a médiában, mintha a klímavédelem élharcosai, ám a természetvédelem ott is súlyos problémákkal néz szembe, riasztó mértékben tűnnek el természeti értéke…
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2025. március 20., csütörtök 6:30-8 óra NÉVNAPOK, ESEMÉNYEK, SZÜLETÉSNAPOSOK, LAPSZEMLE, TŐZSDEI HELYZETKÉP BUDAPEST, TE CSODÁS: Hírek a fővárosból és környékéről 2008 óta áll a Graphisoft pénze a szennyezett gázgyári területben, most lett elegük A polgármester kitiltaná a sztriptízbárokat Erzsébetvárosból Telex: Lelkes deszkások építették, a fővár…
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Post-Gazette sports columnist Paul Zeise reacts LIVE to a busy day of Pittsburgh sports news around 5 p.m. Eastern. Should coach Mike Tomlin, GM Omar Khan and the Steelers’ brain trust pivot in their quarterback plans, as Aaron Rodgers is reportedly not close to an NFL free agency decision despite the Minnesota Vikings deciding against pursuing him…
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*) Finalmente, o governo Lula apresentou os detalhes da proposta de mudanças do Imposto de Renda. O projeto agora precisa ser aprovado no Congresso Nacional, para que as alterações possam entrar em vigor. De início, as principais mudanças previstas: a isenção do Imposto de Renda para quem ganha até R$ 5 mil por mês; e a retomada da taxação de divid…
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The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette from 03/19/2025. Read aloud by Michele and Sarah for the Audio Reading Service. 00:33 News 44:12 Obituaries 52:53 Break 01:02:16 Living Section 01:27:42 Perspective 01:43:56 TV Listings & Sports 01:51:57 Conclusion This Audio Reading Service podcast is a service of the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, IN. It…
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On the Wednesday episode of the North Shore Drive podcast, presented by Edgar Snyder & Associates, Post-Gazette Steelers insiders Christopher Carter and Ray Fittipaldo react to news that the team dined with Alabama QB Jalen Milroe at the Crimson Tide's pro day this week. Are GM Omar Khan and coach Mike Tomlin genuinely interested in adding Milroe t…
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Post-Gazette insider Noah Hiles reports on MLB breaking news that SP Jared Jones has been sidelined for the rest of Pirates spring training with elbow discomfort. Manager Derek Shelton made the announcement early Wednesday. What details do we know about the injury so far? What could it mean for the makeup of the rotating with Opening Day just eight…
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular …
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2025. március 19., szerda 9-10 óra NÉGYZETMÉTER: Az ingatlanpiac jóval több, mint a lakáspiac. A hazai ingatlanbefektetési piacon a lakóingatlan hagyományosan a legnépszerűbb választás a magánbefektetők számára. Azonban az ingatlanpiac világa messze több lehetőséget kínál, mint pusztán lakások vásárlása és kiadása. Az üzlethelyiségek, ipari és logi…
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Ezúttal a természeti elemekkel sűrűn átszőtt mesék birodalmába teszünk látogatást, Szert - Szabó Dorottya animációs tervezőművésszel. #Szponzroálttartalom A műsor támogatója Günzer Tamás Pincészete ( Günzer Tamás Az év bortermelője Magyarországon 2023-ban Két videó között olvassa a legfontosabb agrárhíreket: 📌https://magyarmezoga…
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2025. március 19., szerda 8-9 óra MNB: A bűnözők hamis ügyfél-elégedettségi kérdőívet töltetnek ki telefonon az ügyfelekkel az MNB nevében, megtudakolva bankjuk nevét és e-mailes elérhetőségüket. Ezt követően immár a bank nevében jelentkezve a csalók telefonon vagy internetes kémprogramok letöltetése révén szerzik meg az érintett fogyasztók bizalma…
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Ma este lesz Jeremy Powell beszéde. Ezzel az aktuális témák kommentálását ma be is fejeztem. Mikor ilyen sok hír van körben, és sok a bizonytalanság, akkor keresem azt a lehetőséget, hova tud egy befektető visszavonulni, hogy ne az aktuális hírek irányítsák a lépéseket, a kapkodást. Csütörtöki ad hoc Díványbeszélgetés csatlakozási linkje.⁠ ————— ⁠⁠…
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2025. március 19., szerda 6.30-8 óra NÉVNAPOK, ÉVFORDULÓK, SZÜLETÉSNAPOSOK LAPSZEMLE TŐZSDEI HELYZETKÉP BUDAPEST, TE CSODÁS ÉBRESZTŐ TÉMA: A bankszámladíjak kapcsán az ársapka bevezetésének lehetőségét vetette fel Nagy Márton nemzetgazdasági miniszter. Kiemelte: a családok és a nyugdíjasok esetén kellene egy speciális csomagot kialakítani e téren. …
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🌹 En ce 19 mars 2025, votre pod-tet retrouve de futurs vieux amis ! Bienvenue dans le 27e épisode de La 19e Palabre. On part à la recherche des meilleures théories et de toute la Méta de "La Tour Sombre", de Stephen King, et on continue notre lecture du tome 4 du cycle : Magie et Cristal : on lit les chapitres 1 à 4 de la Troisième Partie.🌹 "La 19e…
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Ouça a entrevista de Denise Campos de Toledo com Roberto Livianu, Procurador de Justiça e Presidente do Instituto Não Aceito Corrupção, sobre as emendas parlamentares, Lei da Ficha Limpa e busca por punições a ministros do STF no exterior. #JornalDaGazetaAf Jornal da Gazeta
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