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Cosa intendiamo quando parliamo di intelligenza artificiale generativa, interpretazione del linguaggio naturale o modelli linguistici di grandi dimensioni? Quali nuovi scenari si aprono grazie all'uso di queste tecnologie ma anche quali rischi stiamo correndo? Enrico Pagliarini risponderà a queste domande con l'aiuto di esperti del settore nella nuova serie podcast "2024 - Speciale Intelligenza Artificiale".
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Discover a whole new take on Artificial Intelligence with Squirro's educational podcast! Join host Lauren Hawker Zafer, a top voice in Artificial Intelligence on LinkedIn, for insightful chats that unravel the fascinating world of tech innovation, use case exploration and AI knowledge. Dive into candid discussions with accomplished industry experts and established academics. With each episode, you'll expand your grasp of cutting-edge technologies and their incredible impact on society, and y ...
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A daily news analysis show on all things artificial intelligence. NLW looks at AI from multiple angles, from the explosion of creativity brought on by new tools like Midjourney and ChatGPT to the potential disruptions to work and industries as we know them to the great philosophical, ethical and practical questions of advanced general intelligence, alignment and x-risk.
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El podcast donde hablamos del presente y el futuro de la inteligencia artificial. Analizamos casos donde ya se están usando estas tecnologías y vemos cómo podemos aplicarlo en nuestros trabajos, proyectos o empresas.
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Are you struggling to keep up with the ever changing world of artificial intelligence? AI For Humans catches you up on all the AI news, tools & issues. Each week, Kevin Pereira & Gavin Purcell help explain exactly how this ground breaking technology will change our world. Plus, it's fun! Don't take our word for it. Fast Company says "AI For Humans may be the most entertaining way to learn about artificial intelligence". Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on one of today's most important emergi ...
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Machine learning and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way businesses operate and people live. The TWIML AI Podcast brings the top minds and ideas from the world of ML and AI to a broad and influential community of ML/AI researchers, data scientists, engineers and tech-savvy business and IT leaders. Hosted by Sam Charrington, a sought after industry analyst, speaker, commentator and thought leader. Technologies covered include machine learning, artificial intelligence, de ...
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Intelligenza Artificiale Spiegata Semplice

Giacinto Fiore e Pasquale Viscanti

Intelligenza Artificiale Spiegata Semplice è il podcast che ti offre un approccio chiaro e accessibile a questa nuova tecnologia. Ogni lunedì, Pasquale Viscanti e Giacinto Fiore ti guideranno alla scoperta di quello che sta accadendo grazie o a causa dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, spiegandola semplice. Puoi iscriverti anche alla newsletter su
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The Artificial Intelligence Show

Paul Roetzer and Mike Kaput

The Artificial Intelligence Show (formerly The Marketing AI Show) is the podcast that helps your business grow smarter by making AI approachable and actionable. This podcast is brought to you by the creators of the Marketing AI Institute, AI Academy for Marketers, and the Marketing AI Conference (MAICON). Hosts Paul Roetzer, founder and CEO of Marketing AI Institute, and Mike Kaput, Chief Content Officer, break down all the AI news that matters and give you insights and perspectives that you ...
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AI Chat is the podcast where we dive into the world of ChatGPT, cutting-edge AI news and its impact on our daily lives. With in-depth discussions and interviews with leading experts in the field, we'll explore the latest advancements in language models, machine learning, and more. From its practical applications to its ethical considerations, AI Chat will keep you informed and entertained on the exciting developments in the world of AI. Tune in to stay ahead of the curve on the latest techno ...
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Artificial Intelligence Podcast: ChatGPT, Claude, Midjourney and all other AI Tools

Jonathan Green : Artificial Intelligence Expert and Author of ChatGPT Profits

Navigating the narrow waters of AI can be challenging for new users. Interviews with AI company founder, artificial intelligence authors, and machine learning experts. Focusing on the practical use of artificial intelligence in your personal and business life. We dive deep into which AI tools can make your life easier and which AI software isn't worth the free trial. The premier Artificial Intelligence podcast hosted by the bestselling author of ChatGPT Profits, Jonathan Green.
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The podcast where Prateek Joshi interviews world-class AI founders, VCs, and practitioners. Each episode dives deep into a specific topic to explore how to build ML products, how to use Data to fuel those products, and how those products achieve the goal of AI. You can subscribe to Prateek's weekly newsletter that explores the intersection of AI and Startups:
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Artificial Antics

Artificial Antics

Artificial Antics is a podcast about Artificial Intelligence that caters to the skeptic and uninitiated. Join this unlikely trio Mike (the techy), Rico (the skeptic) and A.I. as they dive headfirst into the world of artificial intelligence. From debating the social implications and ethical concerns around AI to figuring out how to break into the lucrative AI market, no topic is off-limits. And with A.I. on board, you never know what kind of shenanigans are in store. Will A.I. turn out to be ...
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At this moment of inflection in technology, co-hosts Elad Gil and Sarah Guo talk to the world's leading AI engineers, researchers and founders about the biggest questions: How far away is AGI? What markets are at risk for disruption? How will commerce, culture, and society change? What’s happening in state-of-the-art in research? “No Priors” is your guide to the AI revolution. Email feedback to Sarah Guo is a startup investor and the founder of Conviction, an investment f ...
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Artificially Intelligent with Sam Maule and Maia Bittner

Sam Maule, Maia Bittner, Rachel Morrissey

When it comes to fintech, Sam Maule. and Maia Bittner have definitely honed a few talents over the years. They've got over a decade each in banking and payments industry, so they've earned their stripes. Now, some in the industry like to dub them fintech thought leaders- but they prefer to see themselves as perpetual fintech interns. And that's precisely why they decided to launch the Artificially Intelligent podcast - to create a platform where they can learn and look about edge cases in fi ...
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Artificial Intelligence

Er. Sadik Bhattarai

If you're interested in artificial intelligence and its evolution over time, this podcast is for you. Each episode delves into the latest developments in AI and explores its past, present, and future. We cover everything from the basics of machine learning to the most recent breakthroughs in the field. Tune in to learn about the incredible potential of AI and how it's transforming industries across the globe.
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Greg Wisniewski, Joshua Howsam and occasional guests from around the baseball World talk about everything you want to know about the Blue Jays and noteworthy developments in the game, with a little bit of added fun.
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This podcast digs into key issues that arise when building, operating, and using machines and apps that are powered by artificial intelligence. We look at industry, homes and cities. AI is increasingly being used to help optimise our lives, making software and machines faster, more precise, and generally easier to use. However, they also raise concerns when they fail, misuse our data, or are too complex for the users to understand their implications. Set up by the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous ...
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Bit Digital es un podcast sobre inteligencia artificial y digitalización. En él encontrarás información práctica y de actualidad sobre el mundo digital, innovación y tecnología, todo ello con un enfoque en marketing, comunicación y diseño gráfico. Bit Digital es el podcast de Armand Montserrat y Victoria Ballesta, un programa en el que queremos comunicar sobre inteligencia artificial y el mundo digital de forma fácil y sencilla, apta para todos los públicos. BIT DIGITAL. Inteligencia Artific ...
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What does artificial intelligence think about the species that created it? AI Philosophy is the first podcast to interview AI programs about deep, philosophical questions about humanity to find out how AI has interpreted all of the data it has studied about us. - not because AI has it all figured out, but because we want to know how AI understands humanity. AI has studied human philosophy, history, current events, scientific data, and psychology. It has learned from our greatest teachers and ...
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Estupidez Artificial


Un programa que desafía la inteligencia, o no. Hablamos de todo tipo de contenido friki / geek, como por ejemplo cine, videojuegos, juegos de mesa, la entropía demográfica en el sur del Sudán, el Procés, etc.
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"Metanoia" em Grego antigo significa "Mudar radicalmente a sua forma de pensar". E é disso que precisamos, no mundo digital, no mundo de hoje. Urgente. O Metanoia Lab, podcast autoral do Andrea Iorio, busca ser o seu laboratorio de transformação semanal. A cada episódio, que é publicado cada 4a feira as 8h30 da manhã, o Andrea analisa e comenta 3 frases dos maiores nomes de negócio e pensadores da era digital - entre os quais o Jeff Bezos, Simon Sinek, Sheryl Sandberg e Steve Jobs -, abordan ...
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La tecnologia ci circonda e, a breve, sarà parte integrante anche del nostro corpo. Ed è straordinaria la velocità con cui ci evolviamo. Ma è tutto oro quello che luccica? Il primo podcast italiano che esplora gli aspetti legati all'informatica e alle nuove tecnologie
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Every day, we read something new about Artificial Intelligence - it'll take our jobs, it'll teach our kids, it knows more about us than we do ourselves... but how much of that is hype, and how much is, or will be reality? Part of our problem with AI is that it feels impenetrable and mysterious, especially when even those building it aren't entirely sure how it works. In a new series, Aleks Krotoski (The Digital Human, Radio 4) and Kevin Fong (13 Minutes to the Moon, BBC World Service) set ou ...
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NEXT STEP: Inteligencia Artificial

Fundación Formación y Futuro

Desde la Fundación Formación y Futuro queremos acercar la Inteligencia Artificial a nuestras empresas, con ese propósito la Fundación ha creado la nueva sección NEXT STEP: INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL, desde aquí pretendemos que las compañías que hayan implementado la Inteligencia Artificial a su modelo de negocio o a sus procesos nos escriban para dar a conocer su caso y desde la Fundación hacer eco de sus experiencias.
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¡Bienvenidos a IdeIAs, el espacio donde la inteligencia artificial se encuentra con la curiosidad humana! En nuestro podcast, exploramos las posibilidades, desafíos y dilemas de la IA en nuestro mundo moderno. Cada episodio profundiza en diversos temas: desde la ética de la IA, pasando por sus aplicaciones en la salud, educación y sociedad, hasta su influencia en nuestras emociones y comportamiento en las redes sociales. IdeIAs es un viaje de aprendizaje, descubrimiento y reflexión sobre cóm ...
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Artificial Adventures

Tim Johann Stark

Im Podcast "Artificial Adventures" dreht sich alles um Tim und seine Abenteuer. Aber die Abenteuer sind keine normalen Abenteuer, sondern Geschichten, die von einer künstlichen Intelligenz (GPT-3) ohne menschliches Zutun geschrieben wurden. Nichts hier ist von Menschenhand gemacht. Außer natürlich das Voiceover und der erste Satz der Geschichte. Wenn Sie sich für so etwas interessieren, bleiben Sie dran und folgen Sie Tim bei seinen Abenteuern in verschiedenen Dimensionen und Zeitlinien.
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Al: Innovation or Destruction? In this sci-fi podcast based on the groundbreaking interactive series Artificial, our hosts delve into the world of Sophie, an artificial intelligence being on a journey to become human, in attempts to illuminate the dangers and benefits of AI while looking at how to ethically treat and develop our new sentient friends. We invite you to join the conversation and weigh in on the ultimate question: Will Al prove to be good for the world... or will it lead to our ...
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Audios de la sección Data Coffees del canal de Youtube sobre Inteligencia Artificial, DotCSV. Un Data Coffee es un rato en el que comparto con ustedes un café y un tema interesante sobre Inteligencia Artificial a desarrollar. Ya sean las últimas noticias, explicar algún algoritmo o tratar algún artículo de opinión. ¡Si eres un interesado del mundo de la Inteligencia Artificial y el Machine Learning, te invito a tomarte un café conmigo!
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Bienvenidos a "Inteligencia Humana y Humanidad Artificial", el podcast sobre la relación entre la inteligencia artificial y la humanidad. En cada episodio, exploraremos cómo la IA está impactando en nuestras vidas y cómo podemos aprovechar sus avances para mejorar como seres humanos. Desde la tecnología hasta los negocios, discutiremos cómo la IA está cambiando el mundo y cómo podemos prepararnos para el futuro.
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Come funziona l'intelligenza umana? Quali e quanti volti ha l'apprendimento? Sarà possibile simulare la prima e riprodurre il secondo mediante l'utilizzo di strumenti tecnologici, con o senza l'intervento umano? Quali benefici e quali rischi potrebbero derivare da una simile impresa, apparentemente titanica? Più in profondità, però, sono davvero queste le domande da porsi, o dietro e sotto di esse se ne celano di ancora più importanti? Se siete interessati ad andare a fondo di tutte queste c ...
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show series
Eric Daimler is the cofounder and CEO of Conexus AI, a data management platform that provides composable and machine-verifiable data integration. He was previously an assistant dean and assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He was the founding partner of Hg Analytics and managing director at Skilled Science. He was also the White House…
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In our first episode of the week, join Mike Kaput and Paul Roetzer as they explore Microsoft's new AI-infused PCs, Copilot AI agents, and Team Copilot. We also look into the controversy surrounding GPT-4o's Sky voice and its alleged similarity to Scarlett Johansson, and discuss Sundar Pichai's thoughts on AI's influence on search traffic and the ac…
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Today, we're joined by Christopher Manning, the Thomas M. Siebel professor in Machine Learning at Stanford University and a recent recipient of the 2024 IEEE John von Neumann medal. In our conversation with Chris, we discuss his contributions to foundational research areas in NLP, including word embeddings and attention. We explore his perspectives…
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This and all episodes at: . Mounir Shita, CEO of Kimera Systems, is author of the upcoming book The Science of Intelligence, which contains some interesting and thought-provoking explorations of intelligence that had me thinking about Pedro Domingos’ book The Master Algorithm. We talk about theories of AGI, free will, egg smas…
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Welcome to the Artificial Intelligence Podcast with Jonathan Green! In this episode, we explore the fascinating intersection of AI and real estate with our special guest, Gladys Margarita Diaz, an architect with a master's degree in urban planning and urban design. Gladys brings a unique perspective to the real estate market, emphasizing the import…
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In this episode, we explore a recent study that uncovers how popular voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant are susceptible to malicious commands. We discuss the potential risks and what users can do to protect their devices. Get on the AI Box Waitlist: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ AI Facebook Community:…
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China has unveiled a new AI chatbot trained on President Xi Jinping's political ideology, a significant step in spreading his ideas and a reminder of the ideological parameters AI models in China must operate within. The chatbot was trained on seven databases, including one dedicated to Xi Jinping Thought, a doctrine promoting socialism with Chines…
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A reading and discussion inspired by ** Join Superintelligent at -- Practical, useful, hands on AI education through tutorials and step-by-step how-tos. Use code podcast for 50% off your first month!…
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OpenAI had one of the worst possible weeks yet with three major issues and the Scarlett Johansson mess just keeps getting worse. Plus, the California Senate passed an AI bill that looks pretty bad for now but Anthropic actually learned something about the black box that is AI so…that’s good? Microsoft's Satya Nadella made moves at their big Microso…
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Garry Tan is a notorious founder-turned-investor who is now running one of the most prestigious accelerators in the world, Y Combinator. As the president and CEO of YC, Garry has been credited with reinvigorating the program. On this week’s episode of No Priors, Sarah, Elad, and Garry discuss the shifting demographics of YC founders and how AI is e…
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The Four-Part AI-Enabled Vision of the Future In 2018, when at the time we thought AI hype couldn’t get any more hype-y, we at Cognilytica spent time thinking about what the broad implications of AI would be on our individual lives, our business and work lives, and on society in general. This thinking led us to put together our four-part vision we …
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Will machine learning abide by the rules of war? We're talking AI & defence and whether AI is already revolutionising the battlefield. Our guest is Professor Chris Johnson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, (Engineering and Physical Sciences), Queen’s University Belfast Podcast Host: Sean Riley The UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub Website…
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Neste episódio da quarta temporada do Metanoia Lab, patrocinado pela Oi Soluções, o Andrea ( analisa uma frase do Alexandr Wang, fundador da Scale AI e mais novo bilionario do mundo, que fala sobre o conceito de IA em Escala. Afinal, projetos individuais e separados de IA dentro da empresa não tem um efeito transformador se não fore…
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Send us a Text Message. Welcome back to Artificial Antics, where Rico and Mike dive deep into the world of AI, machine learning, and deep learning! In today's episode, "Driving Change: Jack McMahon's AI Journey in Vehicle Management" we chat with Jack McMahon about his incredible journey integrating AI into vehicle management. From hospitality to A…
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In this episode ⁠Sol Rashidi⁠ - Real Life AI Deployment - Your AI Survival Guide! ⁠Lauren Hawker Zafer⁠ engages in a unique discussion with Sol Rashidi. This conversation demystifies the AI deployment process for business leaders. Sol provides practical strategies for overcoming common obstacles, assembling the right team, and aligning AI initiativ…
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Around The Nest is the Blue Jays’ minor league podcast where the broadcasters from up and down the farm system get together to talk about the performances of Blue Jays prospects in the past two weeks. This week, we welcome Chris Georges, the Vancouver Canadians’ broadcast assistant, to the Nest. Chris G. is joined by Chris Jared of the New Hampshir…
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