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Professor Fabião

Fabio Renato Faizan

O podcast do Professor Fabião é destinado a divulgação de aulas de História e Geografia. Você também pode acessar o conteúdo pelo Youtube, no canal do Professor Fabião. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTGwYJAxXlQXFjUyOmNKyvA?view_as=subscriber
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Dans Dialogues, je reçois des écrivains, des penseurs, des personnes dont le travail me parle, m'inspire, des personnes que j'aime. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Estreando forçosamente num serviço novo, um podcast com muita música, principalmente dos anos 80, e muuuuita falação, também! Espero que vocês não odeiem!
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Live smarter, better, happier - using neuroscience. Friederike Fabritius is a Wall Street Journal bestselling author, neuroscientist and international keynote speaker. She works with Fortune 500 companies across the globe to take their performance, wellbeing and leadership skills to the next level. Tune in to this podcast and learn how to level up your life and work with her science-based and applicable neurohacks.
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Fábrica de Horrores

Um podcast sobre o mundo do horror criado por dois amantes do gênero, Davi Cardoso e Viviane Rodrigues, onde ambos conversarão bastante acerca do que esse universo horripilante tem a nos oferecer.
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Each week I’ll be interviewing experts and users alike on their experience with Fabric, warts and all. I can guarantee that we’ll have voices you aren’t used to and perspectives you won’t expect. Each episode will be 30 minutes long with a single topic, so you can listen during your commute or while you exercise. Skip the topics you aren’t interested in. This will be a podcast that respects your time and your intelligence. No 2 hour BS sessions.
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Fab 5

Fab 5

We’re a group of girlfriends who share a passion for traveling to Disney and exploring the world together. From magical moments at the parks to tropical escapes and everything in between, we’re here to share our best tips, tricks, and travel stories with you. Whether you’re planning your next dream vacation or just love hearing about amazing adventures, join us for a fun, informative, and inspiring journey filled with wanderlust and laughter.
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The Fabric Of My Life

University of Copenhagen

This podcast is promoted by the University of Copenhagen together with other cultural institutions from Denmark, Germany and Greece, that intends to document different personal stories from different cultures about the piece of fabric that they are most connected to in their lives.
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The Fabricator Podcast

Fabricators and Manufacturers Association

The Fabricator Podcast brings you conversations with people who make things out of metal. We speak with manufacturing leaders, metal fabricators, welders, job shop owners, small business entrepreneurs, artists, marketers, educators, and more. Host Dan Davis, Editor-in-Chief of The Fabricator, and a rotating co-hosts also go beyond discussing just manufacturing and the skilled trades, and chats about pop culture, current events, food, music, movies, comedy, and, of course, robots. The Fabrica ...
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Der Schweizer Wirtschaftspodcast mit den hochkarätigsten Gästen! Von Börsen und Bitcoin bis Kaufkraft und Zinsen: Fabio Canetg, Geldökonom und Journalist, diskutiert im Geldcast mit seinen Gästen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft über deren Werdegang, über die aktuellsten Themen aus der Finanzwelt, über die Geldpolitik der Schweizerischen Nationalbank und über die Wirtschaftspolitik von Bundesrat und Parlament. Ein Podcast über Zentralbanken, Inflation, Schulden und Geld – verständlic ...
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(ehemals Sag doch mal was) Der Podcast für alle, die Veränderung wollen • die aus ihren alten Mustern ausbrechen wollen • die sich in dieser Gesellschaft oft fremd fühlen • Für die Introvertierten, die Hochsensiblen, die Außenseiter und Systemsprenger • Über Ängste, Gefühle, Stärken und neue Möglichkeiten ... Moderator und Autor Fabian Forth reiste 8 Jahre frei durch die Welt bis er sich für kreative Projekte in Leipzig niederließ. Er erforscht den Irrsinn menschlicher Gedanken, ist dem Ursp ...
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Social Fabric Podcast

Andrea Splendori

Conversations with people about their passion and their involvement with the community. Helping to rebuild the fabric of society one conversation at the time. Please Subscribe, Share and Review.
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Retrouvez sur euradio la Chronique littéraire de la Fabrique Urbaine avec Xavier Capodano et Juliette Lechaux-Ewest. Xavier Capodano, libraire au genre urbain à Paris, revient sur ses coups de cœur littéraire en lien, de près mais aussi de loin, avec l'urbanisme. Une chronique bimensuelle animée par Aldo Bearzatto et produite par la Fabrique Urbaine.
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Inspirationen für die Produktion und Logistik von morgen! Die Fabriken von heute sind im massiven Wandel. Mein Anliegen ist es den produzierenden Unternehmen und Führungskräften in der Produktion dabei zu helfen Vorreiter zu sein. Damit das klappt, biete ich eine Plattform für mutige Ideen, clevere Konzepte und smarte Technologien. Mein Name ist Tobias Herwig und ich bin in der Fabriken der Welt unterwegs. Ich unterhalte mich mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, Verantwortlichen in der Fabrik, P ...
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La Fábrica de la Ciencia (LFDLC)


Programa de divulgación científica dirigido y presentado por Jorge Onsulve. Los contenidos está relacionados con el mundo de la Ciencia en general. Charlie Duke, Pedro Duque, Carlos González, Jorge Pla, entre otros forman parte del elenco de invitados colaboradores de este programa. Para más información: www.lafabricadelaciencia.com
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La Fabrique

Juliette Arnaud - Ramzi Assadi

Podcast consacré à la création. Par Juliette Arnaud (comédienne, autrice, et chroniqueuse radio sur Radio Nova La dernière) et Ramzi Assadi (auteur de blagues et red chef La dernière sur Radio Nova). Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Herzlich Willkommen zum Podcast “Golf in Leicht”, dem Nummer 1 Podcast für dein Golfspiel. Egal ob es Tipps für deinen Schwung, das kurze Spiel, zur Strategie, Equipment, Mentaltraining oder der Technik sind, in diesem Podcast geht es darum, dass wir mit leicht umsetzbaren Tipps und Tricks deine Konstanz in deinem Golfspiel und damit dein Handicap schnell und langfristig verbessern. Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Zuhören des Podcasts, dein Fabian Bünker.
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Welcome to the "Fab at Fifty Plus Podcast with Izzie," where host Izzie celebrates the authentic and unique journey of being fabulous in your fifties and beyond. We explore a variety of topics that matter most to the modern woman over fifty—from health and wellness, and fashion and beauty tips tailored for the mature woman, to personal growth and navigating significant life transitions. Our podcast also shines a light on mental health and the joy of finding new passions.Tune in to feel empow ...
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show series
Voltando a fazer o podcast depois de MAIS DE DOIS MESES! Mas, enfim, vamos à música, que é o que interessa: aqui dentro tem Tears for Fears, Paralamas do Sucesso, Simply Red (pela primeira vez!) e até Chico Buarque e Maria Betânia fazendo dueto! Boa audição e até a próxima! Fab FM, 97,4 MHz - às vezes com você!…
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Hailing from Toronto, and now based in Paris, Nora has traveled the world in search of best practices of how to care best for each other. Passionate about sustainability, after much observation and research, she developed the E.I (Environmental Intelligence) principles and the E.I training program. In 2004, She joined the French Embassy in Canada a…
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This week we are joined by our friend Dusty from MiceChat for an inside look at what's new and exciting at Disneyland! From park updates coming to behind the scenes insights, Dusty shares the latest news and gives us a glimpse into what he has been up to lately. Whether you're a Disneyland regular or just love keeping up with the magic, this episod…
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What ties Studio Two, the Casbah Coffee Club, the Bahamas, Rishikesh, and an airplane returning to London with the Beatles? George Harrison's birthday! After the news (where Kit once again drops in her mellifluous tones), we consider the changes in George and the Beatles as he moved from his nineteenth birthday to his twenty-second.…
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Are you running on fumes and ignoring all the signs that you need a break? In this episode of Fab at Fifty Plus, we’re talking about why checking in with yourself is essential, how to do it without overcomplicating things, and why ignoring your mental and emotional well-being can lead to burnout (or random breakdowns over spilled coffee). I’ll walk…
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Lars P. Feld ist ehemaliger Vorsitzender der deutschen Wirtschaftsweisen und einer der profundesten Kenner der deutschen Wirtschaftspolitik. Im Geldcast spricht er über die deutsche Rezession und die Wirtschaftspolitik nach den Bundestagswahlen: Welche Rolle spielen die hohen Energiepreise? Wie könnten die Lohnnebenkosten gesenkt werden? Und wie ge…
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Entre no nosso grupo secreto do Telegram, o Sindicato dos Operários: https://apoia.se/fabricadecrimes Jaycee tinha apenas 11 anos quando foi sequestrada à luz do dia por dois desconhecidos. Os próximos 18 anos foram muita dor e sofrimento… até que algo inesperado acontece e muda completamente o rumo de sua vida. Quer aparecer em um episódio do Fábr…
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Agora vocês sabem porque Shrek 5 tá diferente! Marco Túlio resolveu que seu personagem agora é Detetive Malone e fez a Dreamworks contratar outro ator para a franquia do ogro verde! Não sei se foi a melhor decisão, mas com vocês...DETETIVE MALONE 2077. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠NOSSOS LINKS AQUI⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Retrouvez sur euradio la Chronique littéraire de la Fabrique Urbaine avec Xavier Capodano et Juliette Lechaux-Ewest. Dans ces chroniques, Xavier Capodano, libraire au Genre Urbain à Paris, revient sur ses coups de cœur littéraires en lien, de près mais aussi de loin, avec l'urbanisme. Une chronique bimensuelle animée par Aldo Bearzatto et produite …
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Fala cambada de Casais Perfeitos!! Estamos de volta com o Fábrica de Horrores, o SEU podcast sobre FILMES DE TERROR! Katia Barga está de volta da folga, então ela e eu nos reunimos para falar de "ACOMPANHANTE PERFEITA", longa que suspense, thriller e comédia que veio de mansinho neste começo de ano. CLIQUE AQUI PARA OUVIR O GAROTAS REBELDES A quart…
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Wie bleibt Lean Management auch nach Jahrzehnten relevant und welche Herausforderungen bringt es immer noch mit sich? In dieser Episode des Podcasts spricht Tobias Herwig mit Jörg Cwojdzinski, Vice President bei ASMPT, der für fünf Werke weltweit verantwortlich und u.a. als Beirat bei "Fabrik des Jahres" tätig ist. Gemeinsam diskutieren sie die Bed…
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In this episode, Krystina Mishra talks about being an accidental Fabric admin. She talks about the challenges of being part of a centralized IT team that operational and business teams. She talks about the challenges of how everything with Dynamics 365 is slightly different than every other data source and how everything is convoluted with Synapse.…
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🎙️HANGING WITH THE FABIENS with hosts CD+Melody Fabien CD and Melody give all the details of their love story...their testimony leading up to how they met, how God divinely brought them together, and how they chose to save sexual intimacy for marriage. You have to hear this story! --------------- Do you need guidance in your dating, premarital, or …
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What if you could separate yourself from the uncomfortable parts of life—the suffering of others, the weight of injustice—simply by choosing not to see them? Severance gives us a haunting glimpse into how privilege works, allowing some to live in comfort while others bear the cost. What does it mean to use our power not for avoidance, but for justi…
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Not All Feedback Is Created Equal In this episode, Friederike Fabritius shares her insight about the effective ways of giving and receiving feedback. She drives home the importance of intention when it comes to feedback by using real-world examples. Key points include understanding the giver's intentions, delivering bad news quickly and honestly, a…
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Fala cambada de Pod Peoples! Já estamos de volta com o Fábrica de Horrores, o SEU podcast sobre FILMES DE TERROR e HOJE, trouxemos (de novo, mais uma vez, novamente) ele, o ÓH GRANDIOSO (sim, repetindo a piada uma última vez de Van Helsing) GABRIEL BRAGA (do RDM Podcast), onde conversamos sobre um clássico do terror paranoico,"INVASORES DE CORPOS",…
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Stundenlanges Bälleschlagen auf der Range oder eine Schwungumstellung, kein mentales Training und der Wunsch alles auf einmal verändern zu wollen. Das sind die 3 größten Fehler, die du jetzt in der Saisonvorbereitung machen kannst. In dieser neuen Golf in Leicht Podcast Folge beschreibt Fabian diese 3 Fehler und vor allem zeigt er dir auf, wie du d…
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Arnaud Desjardins a, selon moi, été un des rares occidentaux à avoir authentiquement endossé le rôle de maître tel qu'il est pensé en Orient. Dans ce Dialogue, Véronique, qui fut son épouse et son étudiante, qui est également autrice, nous parle d'Arnaud et plus largement de la Voie. Le livre d'Arnaud qui ressort en poche : https://www.lisez.com/li…
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The newest episode of the From the Fabricator Podcast is now live! This time out has a Windy City flavor with two Chicago icons taking center stage. Leading off is Vipul Bhagat of Skyline. Fascinating and genuine guy who kept making points that had me saying “love that” repeatedly. Vipul delivered a lot of food for thought on the market, selling an…
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Om Kalle Moreus-mättnaden efter all prime-time-tv och Moreus-effekten på tittarsiffrorna. Vi pratar om att vara den som uppträtt mest på Allsång På Skansen, om hans första gång i tv i början av 70-talet och skol-tv-medverkan ihop med Tommy Körberg och hur han blev star struck av Arne Weise i korridorerna i tv-huset och hur han aldrig sökt kändisska…
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Hoje a Fábrica faz o que os grandes estúdios AINDA não tiveram coragem de fazer: Juntar Velozes e Furiosos com Jurassic Park. E o resultado é horrível. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠NOSSOS LINKS AQUI⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ARTE DA CAPA: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Fala cambada de Crentes e Céticos! Já estamos de volta com o Fábrica de Horrores, o SEU podcast sobre FILMES DE TERROR e HOJE, trouxemos (novamente) ele, o ÓH GRANDIOSO (sim, repetindo a piada de Van Helsing) GABRIEL BRAGA (do RDM Podcast), onde conversamos sobre o filme de uma série muito famosa na década de 90,"ARQUIVO X: O FILME". A quarta tempo…
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Der Asteroid 2024 YR4 könnte im Jahr 2032 die Erde treffen. NASA-Astronomen haben dafür die Wahrscheinlichkeit auf 3,1 Prozent hochgesetzt. Noch sind die Unsicherheiten aber sehr groß. Jetzt soll das James-Webb-Weltraumteleskop den Asteroiden in den Blick nehmen, um mehr über ihn zu erfahren.Stefan Troendle im Gespräch mit David Beck, ARD-Wissensch…
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Hailing from Toronto, and now based in Paris, Nora has traveled the world in search of best practices of how to care best for each other. Passionate about sustainability, after much observation and research, she developed the E.I (Environmental Intelligence) principles and the E.I training program. In 2004, She joined the French Embassy in Canada a…
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In this Episode, Frank Geisler explains Realtime Intelligence in Microsoft Fabric. We learn how RTI is its own thing in Fabric and is not directly backed by Parquet like a Lakehouse is. We also dig into the distinction between real-time analytics and real-time intelligence. The latter is not just reporting but being able to trigger activity based o…
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Wie verändert NVIDIA die Produktionslandschaft mit KI und digitalen Zwillingen? In dieser Episode spricht Tobias Herwig mit Timo Kistner, EMEA Industry Lead von NVIDIA, über die Rolle des Unternehmens in der Fertigung. Erfahrt mehr über die Bedeutung von Full-Stack AI, die Vorteile von Accelerated Compute und die Integration von Robotik in digitale…
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On this episode we unpack all there is to know about the ultimate guide to sailing Disney Cruise as an adult. Many travelers assume Disney Cruises are just for families, but they offer some of the best luxury, dining, and relaxation experiences for adults. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, a friends’ trip, or even a solo adventure, Dis…
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Hoy nos visita Juan Luis Cano, Coordinador de la oficina de Defensa Planetaria de la Agencia Espacial Europea para hablarnos de las últimas noticias sobre el asteroide 2024 YR4 que, según los pronósticos, podría impactar contra la Tierra en el 2032 Escucha el episodio completo en la app de iVoox, o descubre todo el catálogo de iVoox Originals…
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Friederike Fabritius brings her expertise to the topic of introversion, providing insights valuable to introverts and extroverts alike. She discusses the neuroscience behind introversion and extroversion, society's bias towards extroverts, and practical tips for creating an inclusive workplace. Key points include the unique strengths of introverts,…
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