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A: Les différences dans les langues m’ont toujours intrigué. Tu sais, dire la même chose avec une image différente. J: Si, estoy de acuerdo. Los idiomas utilizan muchas imágenes para transmitir ideas. Por ejemplo, poesía. Mis formas favoritas de figuras literarias son las metáforas. A: La première expression qui me vient à l’esprit est “tourner aut…
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A: Bonjour John J: Buenas noches Aurora A: ça y est ! Ma voiture est réparée. My car is fixed. J: ça y est ? ¿Qué es eso? (What is that?) A: That’s what we say when we have been working on something and we finally finish it. In English it translates to “that’s it!” Qu’est-ce qu’on dit en espagnol? J: Se puede decir de varias formas (there are sever…
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A Coucou John J Que mas, Aurora? (How is it going, Aurore) A Coucou is a cute way to say hi in French. Kids use it a lot too. Do you have a cute way to say hi in Spanish? J Que tal, Que mas?, Como vas?. In Colombia, where I come from, we sometimes say “Quiubo” which is short for Que hubo? (literally “what had”). A To wish someone a good day, in Fre…
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A Bonjour John, comment vas-tu? J Todo bien, gracias. Como vas? (All is good, thank you. How is it going?) A: Je vais très bien, merci John. A Aujourd’hui I would like us to talk about some expressions that use a different verb than in English to express the same thing. J Que interesante! Cuéntanos que tienes en mente. (How interesting! What do you…
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This episode has an accompanying video! You can access it here: A Bonjour John, ça va ? J Todo bien, ¿cómo vas? (All’s good. How about you?) A Je vais bien, merci. Aujourd’hui, we are going to review some vocabulary in the kitchen, and you can watch us make crêpes in the link below. J Buena idea. ¿Por dónde empezamos? (…
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A Aujourd’hui, today, we are going to explore some vocabulary related to cooking while making crêpes, one of France’s specialties. I like to think of it as a dessert dish, but it is very delicious served savory. You can put about anything inside une crêpe, it is always yummy. Have you had one before? J Sí, varias veces y son muy ricos! Yes, several…
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A Salut John, tu es prêt ? Hi John, are you ready? J Adonde vamos? (Where are we going?) A nous allons au magasin de chaussures We are going to the shoe store J Perfecto! Necesito un par de tenis nuevos. (Perfect! I need a new pair of tennis shoes.) A Il commence à faire froid, et je voudrais trouver une nouvelle paire de bottes It is starting to g…
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A: Bonjour John, ça va ?J: Hola Aurora, bien y tu?A: Je vais bien, merci.Goal : To explore vocabulary, expressions, and structures related to getting fuel at the gas station.Dialogue Context: Aurore and John meet at a gas station before going to the park.Format : We will go through the dialogue once in French and Spanish at normal conversational sp…
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Season: 2 Episode: 1 Date: 10/11/2020 Episode Notes: similarities The English k sound in French Episode 1 season 2 Mask - masque - mascara Mark - marque - marca Park - parc - parque Blank - blanc - blanco Frank - franc - franco Which country watched us the most pilot episode? USA How do they say these words? E Good morning F Bonjour ! (Good day !) …
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Bonjour! Hello! Ça va ? How is it going? Je vais bien, merci I’m doing well, thank you Youpi ! Hurray! Quoi de neuf, John? quoi d’neuf ? what’s new? Oui ! Yes! Absolument ! Absolutely! Merci beaucoup pour tes explications. Thank you very much for your explanations J’aime le soleil et la plage I love the sun and the beach Prendre une décision To mak…
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This episode explores the origins of Labor Day and how it is celebrated in France, Colombia and the United States.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:
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This podcast discusses common expressions in French and Spanish and compares them to their English equivalent.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:
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