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Always Take Notes

Always Take Notes

Always Take Notes is a fortnightly podcast from London for and about writers and writing. Hosts Simon Akam and Rachel Lloyd speak to a diverse range of people in the industry on a variety of topics, from the mysteries of slush piles and per-word rates, to how data are changing the ways newspapers do business and how to pitch a book.
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Observers Notebook

Tim Robertson

The Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers was founded in 1947 and promotes observing of the solar system. Both amateur and professional astronomers work together to further our understanding of the universe.
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The Basu & Godin Notebook

The Basu & Godin Notebook

The ultimate destination for thinking Montreal Canadiens fans. Every Monday and Friday, The Athletic's Arpon Basu and Radio-Canada's Marc Antoine Godin dive deep into all things Habs.
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Sticky Notes is a classical music podcast for everyone, whether you are just getting interested in classical music for the first time, or if you've been listening to it and loving it all your life. Interviews with great artists, in depth looks at pieces in the repertoire, and both basic and deep dives into every era of music. Classical music is absolutely for everyone, so let's start listening! Note - Seasons 1-5 will be returning over the next year. They have been taken down in order to be ...
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Note dell’autore

Radio Popolare

Un appuntamento quasi quotidiano, sintetico e significativo con un autore, al microfono delle voci di Radio Popolare. Note dell’autore è letteratura, saggistica, poesia, drammaturgia e molto altro. Il tutto nel tempo di un caffè!
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Notes de veu

Ràdio Palafrugell

Tens una associació o entitat i vols aparèixer a Ràdio Palafrugell? Envia’ns una nota de veu a 972 30 42 12 i apareixeràs a l’antena de la ràdio i a la nostra web.
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The Modern Art Notes Podcast is a weekly, hour-long interview program featuring artists, historians, authors, curators and conservators. Pulitzer Prize-winning art critic Sebastian Smee called The MAN Podcast “one of the great archives of the art of our time.” When the US chapter of the International Association of Art Critics gave host Tyler Green one of its inaugural awards for criticism in 2014, it included a special citation for The MAN Podcast.
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Noved Notes


Welcome to Noved Notes! A VRChat Podcast Hosted by NovedPlayer, showcasing the amazing world of VRChat and it's vast community! From Interviewing Avatar, Asset, or World Builders, to Community Leaders and other amazing Creators within the Platform of VRChat!
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Coffee and a Case Note

James d'Apice

I’m Australian lawyer, James d’Apice. Coffee and a Case Note began as a video series where I sip a coffee and chat about recent legal cases. This is the audio version! I hope it brings you value.
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Tape Notes

In The Woods

Tape Notes is a podcast about the art and craft of music production. Hosted by John Kennedy, each episode reunites an artist and producer to talk about the highlights of their collaboration in the studio. Their conversations lift the lid on every stage of the creative process, from kindling the first spark of a song idea, through decisions on style and instrumentation, to finessing the final product. Full of fascinating anecdotes, the conversations also feature early demo versions and stems ...
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Sandra Richterová

Marketing, lifestyle, rozhovory a aktuální události v přehledné formě. “NOTES” vám pomůže udržet přehled, načerpat inspiraci a přidat si pár zajímavých myšlenek do vašeho mentálního zápisníku.
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Growth Notes

Jason Frazier

Join Executive Growth Coach Jason Frazier for a daily series featuring insights on marketing, sales, leadership, mindset, inspiration, motivation, and tactics, designed to help housing professionals grow personally and professionally. Growth Notes is presented by 20/20 Vision For Success Coaching
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Named for the ubiquitous government-issued, hardcover notebooks seen in the hands of servicemembers worldwide - This podcast dives into the notebooks of military leaders, business professionals, authors, and entertainers to examine lessons that will help listeners lead with the best version of themselves.
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The Brown Note

Julian Brown

Thoughts from the abyss on politics, current affairs, culture, news and other ephemera from The Brown Note radio show presented by Julian Brown, recorded unscripted, unedited and live. Full show with music at YouTube version -
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Mortgage Note Investing Weekly

Rick Allen & Brett Burky

Mortgage Note Investing Weekly is a (30-minute tops) podcast covering everything that someone getting started in note investing would want to know. We run Paperstac (a marketplace for mortgage notes) we get a lot of questions from buyers and sellers and with our podcast, we cover the questions that come and share the answers with everyone. We cover strategies, tips & expert secrets to help you improve YOUR note-investing business.
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show series
Today we will be discussing the following topics: Bank closing; USPS Issues; DEI blow back, trying to erase historical victories that were listed in the Pentagon in Washington DC; All dollar stores (in the US) are increasing their prices again; Serious weather in the US effecting multiple states in the Mid-West, and Southern states (mudslides, hurr…
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"You need to show good faith to sue on the Co's behalf!" ___ A sought to bring a derivative suit on behalf of TCo. TCo was trustee of a trust. A was a principal benef of the trust: [3] Pursuant to the trust deed, absent a resol from TCo the trust’s income would be paid to the trust’s principal benefs: [3] From 1988 to 1994 A was a director of TCo: …
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Οινικές Σημειώσεις...Ένα podcast με έμενα τον Ηρακλή Χριστοφόρου. Στα podcast αυτά θα μιλούμε για τα κρασιά της Κύπρου τον Κυπριακό αμπελώνα αλλα και τον παγκόσμιο αμπελώνα γενικότερα. φέτος και κάθε 1η Μαρτίου καθιερώνεται η Διεθνής μέρα για την ποικιλία Γιαννούδι. Την επιμέλεια της μέρας αυτής, τις εκδηλώσεις που διοργανώνονται αλλά και για την ό…
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Episode No. 698 features artist Alex Da Corte and curator Mark Castro. The Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth is presenting "Alex Da Corte: The Whale," a survey of Da Corte's relationship with painting. Featuring more than 40 works, the exhibition examines Da Corte's interest in consumerism, persona, sex, invisible labor, taste, power, and desire. Cur…
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It’s hard to overstate the depth of the connection between Dmitri Shostakovich and the legendary cellist Mstistlav Rostropovich. Shostakovich and Rostropovich were extremely close friends, and Shostakovich wrote and dedicated several works to him, including the piece we’re going to talk about today, the first Cello Concerto. Rostropovich had been d…
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March 20th, 2025 - Too many people stay stuck because they’re looking backward instead of forward. In this episode of Growth Notes, Frazier challenges you to ditch the history-and-memory mindset and start operating with vision and imagination. Inspired by a recent RTA coaching call with Ed Mylett, he breaks down the two mental models that separate …
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El divendres, 21 de març a les 19 hores, la Càtedra d’Estudis del Suro oferirà la conferència “Amenaces i reptes de conservació de les suredes de les Gavarres”. L’acte serà al Museu del Suro, gratuït i obert a tots els públics. La ponència anirà a càrrec d’Enric Bisbe, que és tècnic del Consorci de les Gavarres, analitzarà els principals desafiamen…
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El Museu del Suro de Catalunya acollirà el dijous, 20 de març a les 19 hores una xerrada sobre la desaparició progressiva de la tramuntana. Anirà a càrrec del climatòleg i observador meteorològic Sergi Corral. La conferència, titulada On és la tramuntana?, s’emmarca en les Terceres Jornades de Meteorologia i Canvi Climàtic.…
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This week on Madison’s Notes, we continue our discussion with Stephen Macedo, co-author of In COVID’s Wake: How Our Politics Failed Us (Princeton UP, 2025). The book examines the institutional failures during the pandemic, including the politicization of science, inconsistent messaging, and the disproportionate impacts of policies. We cover key que…
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March 19th, 2025 - Want bigger results, higher income, and a stronger business? Stop looking for shortcuts and start investing in yourself. In this episode of Growth Notes, Frazier lays out the real secret to long-term success—developing your skills, mindset, and network instead of waiting for luck to show up. Inspired by a supporter named Carlos, …
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March 18th, 2025 - Most people try to avoid adversity, but that’s where real growth happens. In this episode, Frazier flips the script on setbacks and challenges, showing you why adversity isn’t an obstacle—it’s a training ground. Strength, resilience, and adaptability aren’t built when things are easy; they’re forged in the fire of struggle. The k…
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Simon and Rachel speak to the novelist Ben Okri. Born in Minna, Nigeria, Ben came to England as a child. He attended school in London before returning to Africa with his parents on the eve of the Nigerian Civil War. He came once more to the UK in 1978 and studied at Essex University. Two years later he published his first novel "Flowers and Shadows…
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The continuous practice of identifying classifying, prioritizing, remediating, and mitigating software vulnerabilities within this. CyberWire Glossary link: Audio reference link: “Vulnerability Scanning - Comptia Security+ sy0-501 - 1.5.” YouTube, YouTube, 11 Nov. 2017, Learn more about you…
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Knowledge Project Key Takeaways Check out the episode page Read the full notes @ I’ve learned as much from reading biographies as from interviewing amazing people. That’s why we’re starting 'Lessons from Outliers.' Every other week, we'll study an outlier who did remarkable work. From industrialists who reimagined commerce to the i…
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Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark: Read the notes at at Don't forget to subscribe for free to our newsletter, the top 10 ideas of the week, every Monday--------- Is the seafood you’re eating a SCAM? Are Michelin stars just fancy nonsense? And WHY is tipping getting so out of control?! We’re diving deep with Chef Andrew Gruel—Food…
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Invest Like the Best: Read the notes at at Don't forget to subscribe for free to our newsletter, the top 10 ideas of the week, every Monday---------My guest today is Kelly Granat. Kelly is the Co-Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director at Lone Pine Capital, one of the most storied and successful hedge fund and investment fi…
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Knowledge Project: Read the notes at at Don't forget to subscribe for free to our newsletter, the top 10 ideas of the week, every Monday---------I’ve learned as much from reading biographies as from interviewing amazing people. That’s why we’re starting 'Lessons from Outliers.' Every other week, we'll study an outlier who did rema…
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How to Take Over the World Key Takeaways At the heart, Donald Trump is a deal-maker and a fighter who constantly demands attention “Good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells. I’m not sure that’s a good thing – and in truth, it pro…
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Invest Like the Best Key Takeaways The best investors get excited during periods of extreme change Key traits for being a successful investor: Be (1) wildly competitive and (2) incredibly curious Collaboration is key: Once an investment research team grows beyond 20 people, silos form and collaboration decreases Design your organization in a way th…
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This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit On this episode of the Basu & Godin Notebook ⬇️ ➡️ A much-anticipated tilt against the Sens (0:00) ➡️ Look at the playoff race (23:45) ➡️ Montembeault stepping up (41:45) ➡️ Monday Mailbag (52:00) #hockey #canadiensmtl #basuandgodin #thenotebook #habs #podcast - Subs…
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Pearls of Wisdom - 98th Edition 🔮 Episode Description: “Token Wisdom: Tech, Privacy, and the Unfolding Future” delves into the complex interplay between technological progress and societal impact. The episode explores a wide range of topics, from AI’s potential emotional capabilities to privacy concerns in tech giants like Apple, and the environmen…
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Alexa Ray Correia chats with actor Suzie Yeung. Together they discuss how she got her start acting in games; her performance as Yuffie Kisaragi in the recent reboot of FINAL FANTASY VII; her extensive work in the anime industry; the process and differences in recording for animation versus games; how she prepared for her performance as Yuffie; and …
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March 17th, 2025 - Success isn’t about avoiding setbacks—it’s about outlasting them. In this episode of Growth Notes, Frazier keeps it real: STAY THE COURSE because quitting won’t get you there faster. Challenges are part of the process, but the people who win are the ones who trust the journey, push through discomfort, and keep showing up—even whe…
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Modern Wisdom: Read the notes at at Don't forget to subscribe for free to our newsletter, the top 10 ideas of the week, every Monday---------Brigham Buhler is a healthcare entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Ways2Well, and co-founder of ReviveRx Pharmacy.American healthcare stands apart from any other system in the world. While some …
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Founders✓Claim: Read the notes at at Don't forget to subscribe for free to our newsletter, the top 10 ideas of the week, every Monday--------- At the core of Michael Ovitz's success is his relentless work ethic and commitment to mastering his craft. 50 years ago he founded Creative Artists Agency. CAA starts out as just five young…
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Founders✓Claim Key Takeaways Best Michael Ovitz quotes: “Insecurity and ambition make a powerful cocktail.” “I didn’t want to be standard in any way.” “I would have been much happier if I hadn’t been so determined to appear all-knowing and invulnerable.” “Everyone stopped. I didn’t stop.” Lew Wasserman’s five rules that created his Hollywood empire…
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