ZeMIXX, chaque semaine c'est 60 minutes de nouveautés, classiques et exclus house, et techno et electro mixés par Joachim Garraud !
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Højt humør, ærlige analyser og en yderst selektiv gennemgang af verdens tilstand. Leveret ugentligt af Peter Falktoft og Esben Bjerre
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Podcast per endinsar-nos als Estats Units i entendre millor qu hi passa i com s la seva gent. El corresponsal de Catalunya Rdio, Francesc Garriga, recorre el pas per entendre millor la divisi poltica, el problema de les armes o el show-business de l'esport.
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That guy from Collapsis and Athenaeum talks about stuff.
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Funny, poignant, sentimental, and sometimes controversial thoughts of the day. garrisonkeillor.substack.com
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Nokon må gå er ein podkast om politikk og kvardagsliv. Kommentatorane i Bergens Tidende tar for seg vekas mest engasjerande saker. Dei spør også kva dei eigentleg driv med på Austlandet.
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Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.
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Bite-sized podcasts providing business tips, ideas and information to help you transform your home and work life.
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Radio Ga Ga – nova generacija vsak petek dopoldan razkriva aktualno družbeno-politično dogajanje pri nas in v svetu ter vam postreže s pestrim naborom unikatnih imitacij. S svojo duhovitostjo in ostrim pogledom prinaša zabavo, smeh in razmislek o dogodkih poslušalcem vseh generacij. Bodite del petkove zabave na Prvem.
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from
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It's not a podcast, it's a GarCast. Enjoy the ramblings and welcome to the World According To Gar.
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Church of the Apostles- Dawsonville, GA
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The Garret Schuelke Podcast is a monthly podcast where Michigan-based writer Garret Schuelke chats with various friends, acquaintances, and favorite people.
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Dies ist der Podcast der Freien Christengemeinde Garching a.d. Alz. Hör in unsere Predigten rein. Die Freie Christengemeinde ist eine Freikirche und Teil vom Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden KdöR (BFP). Info's unter [email protected]
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Welcome to Iggy Garcia LIVE Podcast, where amazing things happen. Explore the metaphysical and holistic worlds through Urban Suburban Shamanism/Medicine Man Series. For more information, please visit IggyGarcia.com & WithInsightsRadio.com THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY INDIVIDUALS IN THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THOSE OF THE NETWORK OR ITS AFFILIATES. Copyright © WithInsightRadio.com & IggyGacia.com
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Husband, father of nine, blogger, and author. My name is Garrett Ashley Mullet, and I want to talk about everything. Become a Paid Subscriber: https://anchor.fm/garrett-ashley-mullet/subscribe
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Small changes, made over time, can produce significant results. Much like a high performance engine, or an entire orchestra, when even a small part is not doing what it is supposed to do, everything suffers. And the same is true of your finances. This show is dedicated to the small things that make a significant difference.
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Comentários do jornalista Alexandre Garcia sobre política nacional na Gazeta do Povo.
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Perhaps is a podcast about leaning into the type of world we want to see. Author and speaker Damon Garcia aims to help people cultivate a radical imagination, offering a fresh approach to spirituality, politics, and creativity. Watch the video version of the podcast on the Damon Garcia YouTube channel.
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Sermons and Bible studies from First Baptist Church, Waynesboro, Georgia.
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Podcast by HOP Blairsville
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First Baptist Church, Thomson, GA seeks to help people love God, love each other, and serve the world together. Our worship and sermons are designed around those three core values.
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Das gemütlich chaotische Abschweifen mit Natalie, Nik und Hund. Alle zwei Wochen ziehen wir ein Thema aus unserem Zauberhut und schauen gemeinsam, in welche wirren Anekdoten-Gefilde wir uns leiten lassen.
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Unravelling the mysteries of Psychic and Astrology and everything in between!
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A steady stream of encouragement to help you persevere. This is our gift to you. We hope it’s helpful.
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Kom under skinnet på dom som gör hela landet tryggare. Hur tänker dom, vad drivs dom av och vad har dom varit med om?
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Weekly sermons from Cedar Street Baptist Church.
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Sveriges mest underhållande historiepodd! De mest spännande och dramatiska händelserna, de roligaste anekdoterna och skrönorna från 500-talet och framåt med de svenska regenterna som röd tråd, allt presenterat i spirituell dialog av historikern Ulf Gemsiö med skeptisk och frågvis son Fredric som sidekick! Support this show at http://supporter.acast.com/vigartillhistorien Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/vigartillhistorien. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This podcast serves to have ONE LEG UP ON LIFE, NEWS, SPORTS AND ADAPTABILITY Listen to this podcast and shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] OR follow me on Twitter @AlexGNYC1 for story ideas or interview recommendations
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Xem đá gà trực tiếp Thomo Campuchia đầy đủ các bồ CPC1, CPC2, CPC3, CPC4 hôm nay tại trang Đá Gà C4 với màn bình luận dí dỏm mang đến trải nghiệm tuyệt vời. https://sohocungdungmmo.com/ #dagatructiep #dagac4 #dagathomo
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Diaspora United.
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Niklas Baarli og Benjamin Silseth har vært sammen i 13 år. De elsker hverandre, men ærlig talt – noen ganger kunne de drept hverandre også. I denne podcasten tar de med lytterne på parterapi, der alt fra store krangler til små irritasjoner blir blottlagt. Det blir ærlig, pinlig og vanvittig morsomt. For hva skjer egentlig når kjærlighet møter terapi? Bli med og finn ut, og få deg en god latter – og kanskje litt trøst i at du ikke er alene!
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Doug Garrett and his wife Shelley discuss and review the strategy/designer board games they play on this weekly podcast. Interviews with notable names in the hobby, along with designers and publishers, are part of the show.
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The Garrison aims to equip believers to fulfil the Great Commission and to share the truths of Christianity with non-believers. I believe that the best way to achieve this goal is through my podcast, The Garrison Podcast. My podcast aims to explore common questions about Christianity more deeply and to inspire and educate as many people as possible with the good news of Christianity!
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At gå ture og at snakke med folk er noget af det bedste, jeg ved. I podcasten kombinerer jeg begge dele - og sætter mikrofon på! Du kan i hvert afsnit komme med på en gåtur med mig og et andet menneske. Mens vi vandrer afsted, lader vi snakken gå. Intet er forberedt, men det handler trods alt mest om tro og liv. Og hver gæst sætter sit eget særpræg på snakken. Udgives af TilLiv.dk og Norea Mediemission.
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This podcast contains the sermon audio from the weekly worship services of Trinity Baptist Church in Danielsville, Ga.
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Divertissement explosif, Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@efekurnaz
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Podcast host, Liz Garcia, is an entrepreneur and busy mom of two young kiddos on a MISSION to help you light your inner FIRE and chase after the things that LIGHT YOU UP! Liz is all about sharing tools, life hacks and products to help INSPIRE you to take messy action, and to help you UPLEVEL to actually start living the life you DREAM about! Her authentic, raw conversations (both solo and guest episodes) are not only relatable, but make you feel SEEN amongst the everyday chaos of life.
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Kalder alle digitale iværksættere 👋 Kom med ind i maskinrummet på en digital virksomhed der (selvfølgelig!) skal vokse og tjene penge, men også skal være rar at være chef i. Følg med når vi laver iværksætter-jackass og tester markedsføringsformater, kampagnetricks og business-bullshit af på egen virksomhed, så du ikke behøver at gøre det på din egen. Lidt dagbog. Lidt lærebog. Rigtig meget digitalt iværksætteri.
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Clive Garrard first got the radio bug as a schoolboy after meeting his hero Emperor Rosko. This had a profound effect on the lad and he realised that he simply had to become a DJ. Greatly influenced by listening to Radio Caroline because of "the great music not played anywhere else" Clive began doing mobile disco's throughout the 1980's and joined Hospital Radio Tunbridge Wells in 1982. Later he was able to put this experience to good use presenting patients requests for BBC Radio Kent. He h ...
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Nina Campioni träffar kända och okända kvinnor som berättar om hur det gick till när vattnet gick. Och alla andra detaljer om sina graviditeter och förlossningar. Från mamma till mamma. Support this show at http://supporter.acast.com/vattnetgar Support till showen http://supporter.acast.com/vattnetgar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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In deze relaxte podcast praten schrijfster Lale Gül en wetenschapper Ömer Uyar over onderwerpen die ze bezighouden. Het gaat over zaken uit het nieuws, irritaties, onzintheorieën die ze ontkrachten, over wat hun zorgen zijn, de toekomstverwachtingen, de hypes, ophef op Twitter en natuurlijk wat er drastisch moet veranderen om als mensheid vooruit te komen. Steun ons op: https://ikgaleven.backme.org Lale Gül: www.instagram.com/laaalegul Ömer Uyar: https://instagram.com/omer34 Luister ook Lale ...
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Medienfrau Doris Schulz
Warum Frau ins Weltall soll? Was können wir aus diesen Erkenntnissen ableiten? Die Astronautin Claudia Kessler berichtet darüber.
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Bonjour et bienvenue dans "Ces Garcons Là", un podcast qui met en avant des hommes au destin, à la vie, à l'engagement exceptionnel, au parcours de vie remarquable. Résilience pour certains, passé douloureux pour d'autres, engagements altruistes ou écologiques, sexualité, culture, cinéma, Ces Garcons Là sont comme vous et moi, certains sont célèbres, d'autres sont de parfais inconnus. Pourtant, ils méritent tous de prendre la parole pour témoigner de leur passé, de leurs opinions, de leurs m ...
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Programa sobre la historia de España, con Pio Moa y Javier García Isac.
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Moj očka ima pa drona dva, oba sta mal predelana
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52:11V predpraznični epizodi oddaje Radio Ga Ga – Nova generacija bo dame, gospe in žene nagovoril najbolj žametni glas Slovenije Sebastijan Cavazza, zapela jim bo kraljica ljudskih src Helena Blagne, Franc Kangler pa bo podelil nekaj vozniških nasvetov. Ob tem bomo spremljali tudi podelitev oskarjev, Miran Ališič bo komentiral parlamentarni pretep, spr…
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Matthew 9:27-34 | "A Grand Finale!"
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51:00Af FBCWaynesboro
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"A Sacrificial Heart" - 1 Samuel 1:21-28
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40:39What can we learn from looking closer at the sacrificial heart of Hannah? Copyright Disclaimer: All media in this production is used by permission & under copyright by its owners: shiftworship.com, epidemicsound.com, CCLI 20811957 / CVLI 20811964, Artlist.io. This production is not being monetized in any way. Thanks for listening. Be sure to visit …
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Låst in både hammarbyare och djurgårdare
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29:34Träffa fotbollsproffset som inte ville bli tränare. Följ med på Garys resa från Västerås till AIK och vidare till Spanien och La Liga, för att till slut landa på häktet i Huddinge.
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Philippians 2:1-11 | Gospel Humility - Audio
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40:08Church of the Apostles- Dawsonville, GAAf J.P. Morris
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Anxious for Nothing (by Will Grandberry)
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41:17Sermon on Philippians 4:4-7 (by Will Grandberry) on Sunday, March 2, 2025.Learn more about Cornerstone Church: https://cornerstoneatl.org/ To give: https://cornerstoneatl.org/give/Af Will Grandberry
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Deeper SeriesAf Robby Brown
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Invest for All Generations - Audio
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41:01Our capital stewardship campaign theme, “For All Generations,” includes three calls to action: Invest, Renew, and Grow. In this message, we turn our focus towards God’s call for us to INVEST in His kingdom and mission. He is calling us to invest in a vision, not just for our time, but for generations to come. This message extends beyond FBC Thomson…
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Politikk og følelser. Hør hele episoden i BT-appen eller hos Podme.
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0:33Vi skulle snakke om optimisme i norsk økonomi, men det ble handelskrig og trippelskvis. Sylvi Listhaug har sittet i retten denne uken. Men det var noe helt annet som fikk ordføreren i Bergen til å begynne å grine i bystyret.
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Eco Retreat Long An 【Website chính thức CĐT Eco Park ®】ECR
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0:26Điều làm nên Eco Retreat – khu nghỉ dưỡng 6 sao đó chính là hệ thống tiện ích nội khu. Nơi đây có các dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe và trị liệu chuyên sâu, tựa như “thiên đường” chăm sóc TÂM – THÂN – TRÍ một cách toàn diện cho con người. Cùng với đó, quy hoạch cây xanh cùng các hạng mục tiện ích khác đã tạo nên một Eco Retreat hoàn hảo từ thiết kế cho …
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02/23/25 - Jeff Olver: Fruitful Fig Trees
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39:36Jesus speaks to the hypocrisy that he sees through his actions towards a fig tree and the activities taking place at the temple. A question for us to consider is whether we are simply going through the motions, or do our actions reflect a heart tender towards the Lord?Main Scripture passage: Mark 11:11-25…
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#178 Mohammed & Aisha , eerwraak, verkrachting binnen islamitisch huwelijk
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1:10:57Steun ons op: https://ikgaleven.backme.orgTelegram groep: https://t.me/+GfCzzTOU-kkxZmRkLale Gül: https://instagram.com/laaalegul/Ömer Uyar: https://instagram.com/omer_34/Instagram: https://instagram.com/ikgalevenpodcast/Twitter: https://twitter.com/ikgalevenTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ikgalevenpodcast…
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im Gespräch mit der Markenrechtsexpertin Manuela Weixlbaumer
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17:13Eine biedere Jus-Studentin war sie nie – das, was andere machen, findet sie oft langweilig. Für sie war früh klar: Ein klassischer Rechtsberuf würde es nicht werden. Stattdessen fand sie ihre Rolle als Juristin im Bereich Intellectual Property (Geistiges Eigentum), mit dem Schwerpunkt Markenrecht, in einem Technologieunternehmen. So ist sie berufli…
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A Post-Script on Doctor-Patient Relationship on the One Leg Up Network 3-7-25
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2:27Af Alex Garrett Podcasting
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Speed Up Your Productivity By PAUSING
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7:06Af Coach Jeff Garrett
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It's Lent yall. In episode 9 I talk about remembering that we're all gonna die and two ways to live your life differently in response. Video version of the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@PerhapswithDamonGarcia Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/whoisdamon Subscribe to my newsletter at https://damongarcia.substack.com Support me at https://ww…
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CIARAN FLANAGAN My New Recommended Cold Plunge Tub + How Cold Can Literally Change Your Life
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32:13Ciaran Flanagan is on a mission to help people become unbreakable—mentally, physically, and emotionally. Originally from Ireland, Ciaran is the founder of Inergize Health, where he built one of the first portable cold plunges—self-cooling, self-cleaning, and designed for deep, full-body immersion. With hot tub mode for contrast therapy and a sleek,…
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This week hosts Gar and the GarFather welcome our special guest DenBob. Join us as we discuss Mike;s trip to South Beach & DenBob in Orlando, people assuming your political affiliation, youth sportsmanship, and much, much more! IMPORTANT SHOW LINKS Join the GarNation family on…
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Europa opruster på våben og spillepladen er ændret i verden – Her Går Det Godt
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12:09Tyskerne dropper 'Schuldenbremse' og opruster mere end i Anden Verdenskrig. Herrens år 2025, og de har smidt hæmningerne, To the moon, baby – kald os Danmarks førende aktiemarkeds-podcast, Macron deler ud af paraplyen og fri bar på atom, et deep dive i den europæiske våbenindustri – til alle aktie-bros, vi har jer, Erdogan er stadig en tæppehandler…
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Morning Prayer for today with a reading from the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospel, with meditation music from ”Inner Voices” and ”In Beauty We Return,” by R. Carlos Nakai. Courtesy Canyon Records, Phoenix, AZ (800)-268-1141. All rights reserved.Af Chip Lee
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Alexandre Garcia compara Clezão com Rubens Paiva, comenta caso do maior iceberg do mundo e fala de Macron sobre Rússia.Af Gazeta do Povo
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884. VG-ploggen “Det gör barnläkaren”
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3:09Ploggen har kommit till barnläkaren eller neonatologen som en del kommmer att träffa på förlossningen, men vad gör hen egentligen? Nina Campioni reder ut begreppen. Support till showen http://supporter.acast.com/vattnetgar. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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113: (GUEST) HOME: Goes Deeper Than Decor + Reshaping Your Perspective on GRATITUDE with Lexie Seger
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45:47In today's guest episode: I chat with Lexie Seger who shares her traumatic story of her son being in the NICU for 2.5 months, and how returning home from the hospital reshaped their perspective on what "HOME" means to them, and the POWER of feeling "gratitude in anger". MENTIONS: Lexie Seger (@home_withhayes) Lexie's Amazon Storefront Storage Theor…
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Training Tips From Susan: Reactive Dog Training: Help Dogs Move From Dysregulation To Self-Regulation Case Study
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6:18Message From Susan Hey everyone, it’s Susan, and you’re about to hear one of my training tips and tidbits. These are quick, actionable strategies to help you and your dog in everyday life or for dog sport. Often our short videos with tips are created from your most popular segments of podcast episodes. So, let’s dive in! Training Tips from Susan: R…
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Helpful Hands: Cosmic Chaos, Bee Magic & Mercury Madness!
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53:50With Philip Garcia and Jo Whitewater This week, we’re starting to feel the impending Mercury Retrograde creeping in—so buckle up, folks, because the cosmic chaos is brewing! But don’t worry, we’re keeping things buzzing—literally! We’ve got an incredible guest joining us today to talk all things BEES—the magic, the myths, and the medicine they brin…
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Axel Rye Clausen - Missionærhistorier fra Afrika
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45:30Axel har med sin hustru Annelise været missionær i over tyve år - i Tanzania og i Cambodja. På vores gåtur snakker vi om tiden i Tanzania, hvor jeg selv voksede op og besøgte igen for første gang for få år siden. Det handler om kulturclash, mission blandt stammefolk og så er der et par røverhistorier om løver og elefanter. Podcasten produceres for …
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Etter en mandag uten episode er det full rulle og temperatur i dagens episode. Episoden kan inneholde målrettet reklame, basert på din IP-adresse, enhet og posisjon. Se smartpod.no/personvern for informasjon og dine valg om deling av data.
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Como a insegurança tomou conta do Brasil
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6:21Imprensa crítica da polícia, Justiça leniente com bandidos e até a cultura de malandragem do brasileiro ajudaram o país a ficar refém do crime.Af Gazeta do Povo
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883. Mikaela Hållén "Jag är lite av en hönsmamma"
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10:43Ett nytt avsnitt av Barnet Går! I studion har vi återigen med oss modestylisten och pilatesinstruktören Mikaela Hållén som bland annat driver träningssiten Slice Weekly och är moderedaktör på Styleby Magazine. I detta avsnitt berättar Mikaela hur hon tycker att sina första år som mamma varit. Vad har varit mest utmanande men också positivt överrask…
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Europa rechaça proposta de paz de Trump, mas Zelensky recua
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5:26Alexandre Garcia comenta sobre a União Europeia contra proposta de paz de Trump para Ucrânia e a inércia do Senado diante do avanço da censura.Af Gazeta do Povo
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OneLegUpAlex Recaps The DDNC Public Policy Forum 2025 : Ease Frustration Through Legislation
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23:52Links to organizations represented at the DDNC 2025 Spring Public Policy Forum and as covered One Leg Up With Alex Garrett : - DDNC: https://ddnc.org/public-policy... - UOAA - https://www.ostomy.org/ - Oley Foundation : https://oley.org/ - ASPEN: https://nutritioncare.org/ - CDF https://celiac.org/about-celia... - NPF - https://pancreasfoundation.o…
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352 - Cebrián y Ansón, modelos antifranquistas | Por qué Putin tiene razón
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54:10Editorial - Por qué Putin tiene razón. Tema - Cebrián y Ansón, modelos antifranquistas. Cebrián y Ansón, ambos procedentes del franquismo, socavadores del éxito de Torcuato Fernández-Miranda con el referéndum que aseguró el paso a la democracia desde la legitimidad del franquismo
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Sobra circo e falta pão enquanto Lula tenta resolver crise com propaganda
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5:12Alexandre Garcia comenta sobre a vacina contra Covid-19 para crianças e a tentativa de Lula em resolver os problemas do país com propaganda.Af Gazeta do Povo
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Training Tips From Susan: Catch Your Runaway Dog! Stop Chasing And Do This In An Emergency
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4:18Message From Susan Hey everyone, it’s Susan, and you’re about to hear one of my training tips and tidbits. These are quick, actionable strategies to help you and your dog in everyday life or for dog sport. Often our short videos with tips are created from your most popular segments of podcast episodes. So, let’s dive in! Training Tips from Susan: C…
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På 11 000 meters höjd kunde hon inte backa och dra hem, där uppe var hon tvungen att agera ensam. Lyssna när Sylvia pratar pondus, oanade talanger och vad man gör när någon tänder en cigg på plats 27E.
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Tiden er inde til oprustning og rædselsfuldt diplomati - Her Går Det Godt
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12:07En sjælden mandagspodcast, men nu er det oprustning, oprustning, oprustning på frekvensen. Et ynkeligt tidspunkt i amerikansk historie, fjorten børn til Musken, i kølvandet på en diplomatisk kritisk verdenshistorie, et brud med sagligheden, men F…. JD-Vance, hypernormaliseringen er tilbage, hvis du ikke kan sælge bøf og casino i USA, så er du amatø…
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Gleisi Hoffmann no governo: qual a chance disso dar certo?
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5:10Com Gleisi Hoffmann, como ministra das Relações Institucionais, ficarão no comando do governo Rui Costa, Sidônio Palmeira, Janja e Lula. Qual a chance disso dar certo?Af Gazeta do Povo
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882. Mikaela Hållén ”Jag har hittat mig själv i moderskapet”
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37:52Ett sprillans nytt avsnitt av Vattnet Går! I studion har vi med oss modestylisten och pilatesinstruktören Mikaela Hållén som bland annat driver träningssiten Slice Weekly och är moderedaktör på Styleby Magazine. I detta avsnitt delar Mikaela öppenhjärtigt med sig av både sin graviditet och spännande förlossningberättelse efter att nu ha varit mamma…
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When Disillusionment Facilitates Insight, but Estrangement Curtails the Benefits
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Afspil senere
1:40:32In place of your fathers shall be your sons; you will make them princes in all the earth. I will cause your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore nations will praise you forever and ever. - Psalm 45:16-17 This Episode’s Links and Timestamps: 00:00 – Scripture Reading 03:08 – Introduction 14:05 – Commentary on Psalm 45 41:38 – When You…
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Our capital stewardship campaign theme, “For All Generations,” includes three calls to action: Invest, Renew, and Grow. In this message, we turn our focus towards God’s call for us to INVEST in His kingdom and mission. He is calling us to invest in a vision, not just for our time, but for generations to come. This message extends beyond FBC Thomson…
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Garrett's Games 982 - Resafa and Floral
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
27:07This week Shelley and I check out a small-box card game of garden building in Floral by James Newman from HUCH! and Edition Spielwiese then we take on a much bigger game set in the ancient desert society of Resafa by Vladimir Suchy from Delicious Games and Rio Grande Games Thanks as always to our sponsor Bezier Games You can help us directly by spo…
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During this episode, we’ll examine and discuss retirement steps that are unique to women.Af Gary Garrison
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