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Fit Dad Nation

Steve Roy

The Fit Dad Nation Podcast was created to help you, the busy dad, become the best version of yourself possible. Steve Roy, your host, is a father to two young daughters and practices what he preaches when it comes to living and teaching a fit and healthy lifestyle. He has spent the last two decades coaching men on improving their health and wellness and through a troubled marriage and subsequent divorce, has learned some hard lessons, which he’s used to become a much better man and father. I ...
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show series
I've been largely absent from social media and this podcast for the last few months and there's a reason. My oldest daughter has been having some health issues for almost two years now and things seem to be getting worse instead of better. What started out as a herniated disc in her back and the surgery to repair it has now turned into something mu…
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A few weeks ago I decided that enough was enough. I was tired of feeling like sh*t all the time and it was a direct result of my crappy eating and general laziness. It was a long time coming and it was my time for change. Of course there were many reasons (excuses) why I was avoiding doing the things I knew would make me healthier and I was letting…
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I love the gym. I love the feeling I get when I walk into the gym. I love lifting heavy sh*t. I love putting myself out there and pushing my limits. But many guys don't love those things. In fact, I've met many men over the years who hate the gym and gym life. They hate "having" to lift weights in order to get fit. And what I tell them is "don't". …
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We all have stressful lives in some capacity. Whether it's financial, work related, a lousy marriage, or health issues, it's tough. And those stresses take their toll on us, either quickly or slowly. Some of us respond well in the face of these obstacles while others let their problems suck them down into a black hole. Now I'm not a therapist nor c…
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Most guys try to fit their current lifestyle, which is always super packed with things to do, into their newfound diet plan. This is a mistake and usually ends up in frustration and failure. Most dads live a tremendously busy life and trying to find the time to shop, prep, cook, and eat foods on a very specific diet is hard. Like, really hard. Sure…
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Before you write me off as another "get fit quick" scam artist based on the title of this episode, hear me out. On 9/1 we're starting one of our most successful challenges called Project 45. It's 45 days of no cheats, no excuses, and no bullsh*t. Is 45 days enough time to radically overhaul your life and undo all the damage you've done to yourself …
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So today I'm not going to tell you how to get and stay fit but rather exactly what to do if you want to stay fat forever. Obviously, I'm not condoning you do any or all of these things, but I'm asking you to look at your current lifestyle and see exactly how many of these you are doing right now. And once you realize that you're doing the wrong thi…
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I'm a realist. Yes, I coach dads for a living and have to motivate and inspire them to take action, but at the end of the day, I'm still a realist. Specifically, I fully understand that giving a busy father a full on training program and customized diet makes sense on paper, but falls a bit short in reality. Meaning, regardless of how solid a progr…
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Today I talk about two things that come up a lot for me as a fitness coach. The first is when people view exercise as a punishment. I get it, many people don't enjoy throwing around heavy weights and getting all sweaty and nasty. Others can't stand being in a gym with all the meatheads. I've had quite a few clients over the years tell me how much t…
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As fathers, we'd gladly lay down our lives for our children. That's a given. But the bigger question is whether we're living for them right now. And to that point, are we doing the things right now that allow us to be truly and fully present for them? The answer is a resounding "no". There are many reasons we're falling short, from excuses, lack of…
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As you know, social media is like the wild west. Anyone can post anything regardless of how true or accurate it is. The idea of social, at least for those in the fitness coaching space, is to get eyeballs and dollars. And I've seen it all. Bad coaches, lying coaches, scams, blatant rip offs, and misleading information. I'm thoroughly disgusted by t…
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So today's show is a little different than my previous ones in that I'm sharing a specific conversation I had with a member of our private community in the hopes that it helps you in some way. About a month ago, a dad reached out to me and shared some of his struggles with his weight and health and we ended up in a conversation that ended with him …
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We all want to be fit, healthy, lean, strong, energetic, and attractive to the opposite (or same) sex. And we want it not just for a week or a month, but for the rest of our lives. But too many of us aren't doing the things needed to get and stay there. Instead, we procrastinate, make excuses, and do what's comfortable. And it doesn't work. I don't…
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I see it all the time; guys who think they're doing the "right" things for their fitness and body, but in actuality it's hurting them. Often times, it's because there is just so much information out there, most of it conflicting, and it's difficult to know if you're on the right track or just falling victim to another fad or scam. Billions of dolla…
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It happens to almost all of us at some point. We're kicking butt in the gym, eating clean, feeling great, and seeing results and then it hits; we get sick or injured and are forced to stop our routine that's been working so well. It sucks because the last thing we want to do when things are working is take a break. But inevitably it happens and we …
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Just one week into our OFA fat loss challenge in the Inner Circle, the results are already very clear. Now you don't have to be part of this challenge to experience the same benefits as I've seen and it's as simple as following a few very basic principles. This is what we're doing: 1. Training daily. Nothing crazy or too time consuming, just consis…
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Well brother, if you've waited this long to start trying to get into shape for summer, I have good and bad news for you. The bad news is that you have a month or so until summer and if you've got a long way to go to get fit, no amount of training and dieting will get you ripped and jacked. The good news however is that you can actually make some si…
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It's always easier to find excuses than it is to find the motivation to do the work we know we need to do in order to get fit and healthy. And often times, those excuses turn into lies we tell ourselves and over time, they become our truths. Of course they are all bullsh*t but they can be debilitating and cause us to struggle year after year. Here …
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Motivation is a funny thing. It comes and goes and often times it's in short supply. At least for us dads. I recently had a dad join one of our challenges and he was all set to start making some changes to this health. But before too long, he had quit and when I asked him why, he said "I haven’t found a strong enough why to keep me motivated." This…
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Here we go again, guys. The Internet is littered with so much fitness misinformation and pure garbage that every once in a while I feel the need to go on a crusade. Keep this in mind as you listen. Some of the worst advice comes from people with the best bodies and there are far more “influencers” on social than there are actual experts. Be wary of…
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A lot of guys tend to over complicate things when it comes to getting back in shape. It’s an overly confusing world in online fitness and there are far too many “experts” peddling bullsh*t, so it’s understandable. But in all reality, it’s a simple thing to get into killer shape. Here’s the process I use when I’m coming back from a layoff, epically …
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So today I share the struggles I've been going through for the past two months and how I finally got out of my head and into action. I've come to realize that there will be times in everyone's lives when we get taken down and it's all about how we choose to respond. Whether it's financial stress, a toxic relationship, failing health, loss of a love…
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If you've been struggling with your weight for what seems like forever and you can't seem to make any real progress, listen up. Today I share 10 reasons that are keeping you fat and if you want to change it, I highly recommend you impliment some or all of the strategies I talk about. You’re eating too many calories and you don’t know it. Not buildi…
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Going into 2022 I had high expectations. High for my business, high for my personal goals and fitness, high for my budding career in pickleball, and high for my family. Unfortunately it hasn't turned out quite as I planned so far. It started with both of my daughters testing positive for COVID, which is scary as hell. Shortly after that I ruptured …
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OK brothers, it's time to reclaim your body and ultimately, your life. You've waited long enough, maybe even years, and it ends now. For some of you, it's been laziness. For others, it's procrastination. For others, it's not having the support and accountability. There are a million reasons you have been putting your health off and it's never going…
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I'm not a big fan of new years resolutions in all honesty. Mainly because I don't see the point in waiting for a specific date to get started. Life is short and we're making it shorter by eating crap foods, sitting on our butts for too long and it has to change. So I want you to start today with something, anything, that will get you moving in the …
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We're dads. We have extremely busy lives. We usually have many more things to do than we have time. And it's kicking our a**es. We are losing the war on obesity and crappy health and it's because we allow life and all its stresses to take us down. I lived that way for years and know all too well the damage it can cause. So many of us fall into bad …
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As harsh as it sounds, this is not a judgement. The #1 struggle most men face isn’t exercise or training. It’s not finding time for fitness. It's food. We want delicious foods and we want to eat as much as we want. And were willing to suffer the consequences, which on the exterior is being fat. On a deeper level, it’s being unhealthy and risking a …
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In my opinion, if you're not taking care of your health, you're doing yourself and your family a huge disservice. There is just no way possible you can be the best father and husband you're capable of being if you're fat, tired, weak, and exhausted all the time. I know because I was there for many years and it sucks. Here's the deal; your life will…
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So we recently ended our 45 day transformation challenge, called Project 45 and it was an awesome experience. We had 11 men who took part in this and I did it myself as well. I actually needed it badly as I had let myself spiral down into a bunch of sh*tty habits. The premise was simple; do 4 daily tasks and stick to them for all 45 days. Sounds ea…
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Excuses. We've all got them. Coaching dads full-time for the last 7 years, I've heard it all. I get it, we're busy. We have more sh*t to do than we have time and there seems to always be a reason not to take care of ourselves. The problem, and what I have been teaching since day one, is that if we don't take of ourselves first, we can't take care o…
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When you're trying to get fit (or stay there), it can be easy to give up when life starts getting in the way. I know because I've been there many times. There are so many promises of short-term results with all the fad diets and random programs out there, but there's a problem with that; fitness is a long-term game. Today I share how to overcome th…
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As you know, the fitness industry is chock full of fitness trends, most of them being absolute bullsh*t. Everyone wants to jump on what's "hot", whether it's a new fad diet, a workout program, or some fancy fitness gizmo. Some are useless while others may actually hinder your progress and today I want to share 10 of them that you should avoid. Maki…
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Just a short show for you today and I want to share my thoughts on why some men feel like they're not making progress when in reality, they are. First off, we have to start with setting your expectations correctly. You have to understand that you didn't gain that 40 pounds of fat in a month or two; it took years of neglect. For you to lose that fat…
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There is something to be said for showing up to the gym when you don't want to. There is something to be said for checking off the "I did something healthy" boxes each day too. And once in a while that's fine. But it doesn't work long-term and here's why. Doing the bare minimum in the gym (or anywhere else) is never going to give you great results.…
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If getting fit and healthy was easy, we'd all be there right now. But we're bombarded by marketing, advertising, fast food joints on every corner, and new diet books 24/7 and it's almost impossible to figure out what the right things to do are. But with all these mixed messages coming our way, I still find fitness to be very simple. I'm a big belie…
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I hear " I need to start eating right" a lot and today I want to talk about why there is no such thing. First, I'll say that are plenty of general guidelines for eating a healthy diet. Things like avoiding fast food, soda, and refined sugars and instead eating whole foods like eggs, lean meats, fruits, and veggies. Pretty basic stuff. But following…
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On August 9, we're kicking off our annual Project 45 Transformation Challenge and if you're struggling with consistency, want help with your diet, or need a hard kick in the a**, this is for you. The rules are simple and as you know, I firmly believe in simplicity. Your goal is to train every day, follow a healthy diet with zero cheats, drink half …
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For some of you, it's been a very long time since you were consistent with eating well and working out. For others, it's brand new. The good news is that it's never too late to start and today I'm going to walk you through the basics that will set you up for long-term success. It's easy to get overwhelmed with all the information and misinformation…
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It's been two months since I've published a show and in all honesty, I was very close to shutting it down. There are a number of reasons for this, a few of which I share today, but there is just too much I have to share in this world filled with fitness bullsh*t. I'm publishing this episode two days before my 50th birthday and I'm sharing my "secre…
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I've been coaching men and women for the last 24 years and most of my clients have tried dozens of different diets and programs and either quit because they were too restrictive or seen a little success and then once the progress stopped, regained the weight they lost and are back at square one. That's a sh*tty place to be. Now if this happens time…
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When it comes to fitness, we are always looking for shortcuts and because of that, millions of dollars are spent each year on scams, worthless products, and fad diets. There are so many reasons why so many of us get caught up in fitness f*ckery and today I'll be talking about a few of them and what you can do to stop it. First off, we desperately w…
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Today's show is about emotional eating and overeating, why we do it, and how to overcome it. I once read that emotional hunger cannot be satisfied with food and it's spot on. So many of us eat for the sake of eating, eat to deal with different stresses, and eat based on our moods Although you’ve likely heard this on social, food is not just fuel. I…
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I was scrolling through Facebook last week and came across an ad for some fitness program and in the comments, I saw something that struck me as incredibly ignorant. The comment said "poor people can't lose weight" and I'm not entirely sure if it was meant to be serious, but it appeared to be. I thought about it for a few days and it really bothere…
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Back in August 2020, I set a goal for myself. I had added a bunch of fat weight from being a lazy a** and eating far too much and had had enough. So I committed to losing 20 pounds in 30 days and put the wheels in motion. But before you write this off as some get ripped quick scam, I've manipulated my body weight many times over the last 25 years a…
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If you've ever exercised for a period longer than a month or two, then you probably understand what it means to hit a plateau. It's basically when your body has adapted to what you've been doing and all those sweet gains you were making suddenly disappear. Plateaus are going to happen, period. Regardless of how hard you're training or how clean you…
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In today's show, I share 3 sneaky reasons why you aren't seeing results. And by sneaky I mean you might not even realize these things are sabotaging your progress and gains. First, you need to take an honest look at your habits and what I've found over the years is that people aren't nearly as healthy as they think they are. It's easy to lie to our…
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As a fitness professional, I am bombarded with questions about everything health related but there is one topic that comes up more than any other; workout supplements. It's an industry that produces tens of billions of dollars annually and there is a good reason for it. No, it's not because they work, but rather because people want to get results a…
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Getting fit isn't easy. It's simple, but not easy. Anyone who tells you it is, is trying to sell you something. We have more info and more resources at our disposal than at any other time in history yet we are getting fatter by the year. There are a ton of reasons why this is and I've shared them in other podcast shows, but today I want to talk abo…
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I'm not a huge fan of resolutions but I am a fan of setting small goals and working your as* off to see them through. And since 2020 was more or less a bust, I'm vowing to make 2021 FAR better in all aspects, with a focus on health and wellness. If you're looking to make changes this year as well, I want to help. And I'm a big believer in keeping t…
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