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Bethesda Shalom

Bethesda Shalom

Bethesda Shalom , "House of Mercy and Peace". A small independent Bible believing Church located in Wolverhampton, England; endeavouring to hold fast to truth and stand fast in love by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Part 4 Whenever the doctrine of the Trinity comes under enemy fire, it is a direct assault upon the persons of the Godhead and thus a direct assault on God Himself. The Apostle John understood this when in his day he contended earnestly for the verity of the Christian faith against an early form of Gnosticism called Docetism. John shot it straight …
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Judges 6:1-12 When a generation loses touch with God and the favour of the Lord is taken away, the next generation coming after will have to start all over again! I don’t know if you’ve ever had the experience of demolishing a wall. I’m no builder, but I know for sure that it took whoever built the wall a whole lot longer to build it than it did fo…
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Psalms 62:1-8 Deliverance is not always instantaneous. Sometimes there is delay, and it’s in those seasons of waiting that if we’re not careful, we can lose hope!! This sermon is an encouragement to the Body of Christ NOT TO LOSE HOPE IN THE WAITING!! Hope is not a throw of a dice, there’s no chance with God. He doesn’t deal with probabilities, HE …
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Part 3 Jehovah’s Witnesses, like all true Christians of every denomination, are monotheistic in their expression of belief. They, like us, believe in one eternal God. The point of divergence comes however when they maintain that the singular being of God is without a plurality of persons. The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that there is one God, e…
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Proverbs 21:22 There are many names given to us in the Holy Scriptures to describe the enemy of our souls. Before ever Satan was revealed as a dragon, he was first revealed as a serpent. That’s why in Revelation 12:9 we read, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was c…
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Part 2 As one traces the history of the beginnings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, two names are indispensable to the formation and development of this cult: Charles Taze Russell and his successor, Joseph Franklin Rutherford. In the 1830s, a Baptist minister from New York by the name of William Miller began sharing his new-found belief, that Jesus Christ w…
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1 Peter 3:3-8 The word “joy” appears in some sixty verses in the New Testament of the KJB, and that’s not including the 40 additional occurrences of the same root derivatives “joyful”, “joyfully”, “joyfulness” “joying”, “joyous” and “rejoice”. This simple three-letter word “joy” is like buried treasure, everyone’s searching to find it but they're l…
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Part 1 As of 2023, there are approximately 8.8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses globally, spread across 239 countries. Between September 2022 and August 2023, 1.8 billion hours were spent in the field of service publishing the news of Jehovah’s Kingdom with an average of 7.3 million Bible studies being conducted each month. If you compare this with the …
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2 Chronicles 34:14-21 I lament the deplorable days of biblical ignorance that pervades so much of the professing Church today Ministers in God’s pulpit without a Word from God because they don’t know the Word of God themselves — blind leaders of the blind! Can I suggest to you, that it’s not through lack of education that men’s knowledge of the Bib…
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The 19th Century has been rightly identified as the cults' spawning ground. Many of the major cults with us today were born at the later end of the 19th century, which saw a literal explosion of false prophets and teachers carried through to the last century. Joseph Smith, Charles T. Russell, and Ellen G. White are just a handful of such false teac…
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Matthew 21:28-32 In commenting upon James 1:22-25, Albert Barnes noted the following which we must take to heart: “It is implied here, that by merely hearing the word but not doing it, they would deceive their own souls. The nature of this deception was this, that they would imagine that that was all which was required, whereas the main thing was t…
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Proverbs 14:14 Adam Clarke in his famous commentary, asks the question: “Who is the backslider?”, he then answers it in three points: 1. The man who once walked in the ways of religion, but has withdrawn from them. 2. The man who once fought manfully against the world, the devil, and the flesh; but has retreated from the battle, or joined the enemy…
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Mark 15:21-47 If I was to say to you the words, “Carmen Christi”, there’s probably very few of you if any, who would understand what I’m on about. “Carmen Christi” is Latin, which being interpreted means “Hymn to Christ”. Now while you most likely are unfamiliar with the language, you ought be very familiar with the content. You may better know thi…
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Matthew 27:24-26 First before the Jewish courts and then before the Roman courts — they lied point blank and accused Him to His face. Twice accused falsely? Nay thrice!! Before Herod also, “...the chief priests and scribes stood and vehemently accused him” (Lk.23:10). What would you have done? What would have I? Surely we would have been quick and …
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Matthew 26:36-46 It is my conviction, that it is in Gethsemane more than in any other place, that light is cast upon the full humanity of God our Saviour, Jesus Christ. In Bethlehem we see His birth, in Gethsemane we see His travail of His soul; in the manger we hear the cries of the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes but in the garden we hear the g…
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John 6:60-69 When our Lord walked the earth, some 2000 years ago, without apology, He laid down the cost to any potential would-be disciple!! You see, it’s one thing to have intent and it’s another thing to follow through on that intent with an well-informed decision. Both of these together will carry a man a long way, but these alone will never ke…
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Hebrews 12:1-2 I’ve watched a number of races in my time from 100m to 10,000m. I’ve seen runners fall unexpectedly and get back up to win gold! I’ve seen runners have their dreams shattered by an injury mid-way through the race — I’ve seen them get back up and hobble the final lap to cross the finish line. For sure, I’ve seen disappointments and se…
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2 Timothy 2:3-4 No amount of preparation or training can fully prepare a soldier for war. He’ll see and experience things on that battlefield that no college classroom or training expedition can ever replicate! In the classroom, he’ll learn about tactical strategies and the theory of war; on the training expeditions, he’ll be given the necessary to…
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1 Samuel 16:1-7 Of all the many things that God can do that we humans cannot, the one that I have been pondering this week in preparing for this sermon is the omniscience of God! Man is limited in his knowledge, he has present knowledge and past knowledge based on what he can and has observed and experienced around Him. Much of this knowledge I dar…
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Hebrews 5:12 The clear command and expectation for us as believers, is that having been saved, we ought to grow up unto a place of Christian maturity! What does Christian maturity look like? In part, it looks like maturity in our understanding of doctrine! This is no small matter. Paul rebuked the Hebrew believers because he had truths to impart to…
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1 Peter 5:7 In Peter’s first epistle, he writes; “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you”. One might ask the question, how do I throw my care upon the Lord? Of course, the language here is metaphorical! Peter doesn’t mean that we are to physically do this, that would be an impossibility. His language is figurative. We are to cast our…
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Psalm 94:17-18 Hear the Word of God to your heart and take comfort O ye saints of His! Maybe you’ve never been to rock bottom avenue, but when you get there and every crutch of support has been taken away such that you’re left with only one option, to cast yourself upon the mercy of God and to make Him your support; then, you’ll be able to say as t…
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John 12:20-26 Many will gladly come to receive of the benefits of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice so long as it doesn’t require any sacrifice on their part. They’ll gladly own Him as their Saviour but deny Him the right to be Lord. As I understand the language of the New Testament, the full name of our Saviour is not Jesus Christ — there’s a inseparab…
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Of all the chapters in the NT, Romans 6-8a, are amongst the most misunderstood. Yet, when properly understood, these same three chapters become some of the most liberating in all the Word of God! For so many professing Christians, Romans chapter 7 offers a supporting crutch for them to continue living in sin — after all, didn’t Paul struggle in the…
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The doctrine of justification by faith (the imputed righteousness of Christ) is the cardinal pillar upon which Christianity stands. Take this pillar away, and the whole faith comes crashing down in ruin. Positionally, we stand righteousness before a holy God, not on the basis of our works (plural), but because of HIS work (singular), and our faith …
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Isaiah 31:1 If I was to ask you this morning to tell me where the strength of the Church lies at this critical juncture in history, I wonder what you’d say? Ah, I know what you’d like to say, you’d like to say the strength of the Church lies in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! However, if the Evangelical Church in Britain was to answer this que…
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Psalm 78:23-32 I’ve had the joy over the years of tasting a number of delicious world cuisines. Greek and Italian, Chinese and Cantonese, Indian and Himalayan, Jamaican and of course English — the flavours and the tastes are enough to make your mouth water! Yet of all the dishes I’ve ever had the privilege of eating, there’s one dish that to date I…
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Luke 19:11-27 We have great need to remember that we no longer belong in this world, we are citizens of another Kingdom. We live in an age and a generation where living is all about living for me! My ambitions, my dreams, my desires! We’re so taken up with self and self’s things. Yet, when we get our hearts right, we’ll get our priorities right; an…
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1 Kings 13:1-10 As one peruses the pages of the New Testament, there stands on record a clear and visible warning to believers against the dangers of deception. When asked by His disciples, “...what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world” (Mt. 24:3); before ever our Lord made mention of wars and rumours of wars, before ever He…
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Ephesians 4:31-32 Relationships matter! How I treat my fellow man has direct bearing upon my personal relationship with God. The two are not mutually exclusive. It’s not just me, God and forget everyone else. Yet surprisingly, this is often how many Christians think. Husbands can verbally abuse their wives and then turn up to the throne of grace li…
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1 Kings 17:1-5 Suddenly, without announcement or herald, one of the greatest prophets to ever have been born entered into the national arena like a thunder bolt! No record is supplied us of his birth and as to his departure from this world, he was taken up into heaven while still alive! Like Melchisedec coming before him, he was “Without father, wi…
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James 2:14-26 Two farmers got down on their knees to pray. One lived on the east of the village and the other on the west. The farmer living in the east of the village longed so much for it to rain — it hadn’t rained for months! The crops were perishing and the livestock was famished. He prayed, “O God, I believe with all my heart that you are goin…
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Psalm 46:1-3 They tell me, that Christianity is for weaklings; men with no courage or backbone. “Christianity is for those who need a crutch, but as for me and my house, we’ll stand in our own strength!” There are two things that I want to address in the comments I just made. On both counts, you find the remarks to be erroneous — flawed on every ha…
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Isaiah 61:11 Imagine a United Kingdom where there was no Spring; a Britain where instead of four seasons, we only had three — Summer, Autumn and Winter!! How would the landscape of our beautiful country be changed? Well, I’m no climate expert, but I do know from observation; that in summer, the sun comes out and temperatures are at their hottest; t…
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Acts 2:1-4 The word suddenly is an awesome word!! Forty-one times it appears in the KJV. It’s a word of wonder, of surprise and amazement! At midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Their backs were bloody, beaten black and blue, yet they held a prayer meeting and got so full of the Holy Ghost that t…
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2 Chronicles 7:13-14 My dear people, there is a price to be paid for revival — it’s a painful affair! Duncan Campbell put it this way; “If you want revival, get right with God. If you are not prepared to bring the "last piece," for God's sake stop talking about revival, your talking and praying is but the laughing-stock of devils. It is about time …
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