Commentary, news and analysis of the U.S. Latino world. Engaging traviesos. A 2019 iHeart Radio Podcast Awards nominee for Best Multicultural Podcast hosted by award-wining journalist Julio Ricardo Varela.
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Gastronomie, voyage, danse, évènements... Toute la semaine, avec Jérôme, retrouvez Mundo Latino sur radio Latina ! Mundo Latino, c'est votre rendez-vous autour de l'actualité de la culture latino. Infos >
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Vienici a trovare sul sito Radio Fuego Latino per passare un pò di tempo in compagnia della buona musica caraibica.... Salsa, Bachata, Merengue y Raggaeton!! Visita il sito:
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onda-info 611- 8 M Spezial 2025 (Serie 13: Onda Info)
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30:00Hallo und Willkommen zum onda- info 611der 8. März der internationale Frauenkampftag steht vor der Tür. Aufgerufen wird unter dem Motto frente al avance del fascismo, lucha feminista, feministischer Kampf gegen den voranschreitenden Faschismus. Nach dem in Argentinien Anfang Februar schon zwei Millionen Menschen auf der Straße waren um gegen die Ha…
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onda- info 610 (Serie 13: Onda Info)
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30:00Hallo und Willkommen zum onda-info 610Anlässlich des Weltradiotages am 13. Februar präsentieren wir Euch das Medienprojekt Mensajito in Mexiko. Außerdem besuchte uns Ahmet von Radio Wüste Welle in Tübingen direkt im Studio in Berlin und Knut schickt uns eine nota zum Weltradiotag in Mexiko. In Argentinien gingen zwei Millionen Menschen auf die Stra…
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Nicht von Pappe: Die Folgen des Eukalyptus-Booms in Brasilien (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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7:10Papier ist aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Der Verbrauch steigt, besonders durch den boomenden Online-Handel. Doch selten stellt sich die Frage, wo das Papier eigentlich herkommt. Immer größere Mengen an Zellstoff, der zur Papierherstellung verwendet wird, stammen aus Brasilien. Besonders im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso do Sul breitet sich di…
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Rebeca Lane: Viel mehr als Musik (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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15:28Rebeca Lane ist Guatemaltekin, Rapperin, Feministin, Aktivistin … und Mutter. In ihrem letzten Album, Florecer von 2022, rappt sie wie gewohnt gegen Ungerechtigkeiten und machistische Gewalt. Sie singt aber auch, und das ist neu, über Menstruation und Mutterschaft. Die künstlerische und öffentliche Auseinandersetzung mit Schwangerschaft und Mutters…
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onda-info 609 (Serie 13: Onda Info)
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29:59Argentinien: Enkel Nummer 139 gefunden - Suppenküchen in Buenos Aires in Not - Projekte zur Schadensminimierung bei Drogenkonsum in Lima und Berlin.Af Radio Onda (Onda - Agéncia radiofónica Latinoamérica-Europa)
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Das Chilehaus und mein Großvater (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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5:46Am 7. Mai 1935 betrat mein Großvater Christian Riedel das Chilehaus in Hamburg. Dort übergab er Ricardo Sloman 124 Reichsmark in bar, etwa 600 Euro. Empfänger Ricardo Sloman war Vorstandsmitglied der dort ansässigen Finanzbank AG Hamburg, sowie Sohn und Erbe von Henry B. Sloman, dem reichsten Mann Hamburgs und Erbauer des Chilehauses. Der damals 37…
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MulluTV – Filme über indigene Kämpfe (Serie 1328: onda-Reinhörer)
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7:13Im August 2023 wurden die Wähler*innen Ecuadors an die Urnen gerufen, um über das Schicksal des Yasuni Regenwalds abzustimmen. Das Ergebnis war überwältigend: mehr als 60% stimmten dafür, dass die gut 700 Millionen Barrel Öl unter dem Yasuní Nationalpark in der Erde bleiben sollen und somit für den Erhalt der für ihre reiche Biodiversität bekannten…
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Das onda-info 608 berichtet über Internet im brasilianischen Amazonas, indigenes Filmschaffen in Ecuador und Entwicklung weltweit.Af Radio onda (Onda - Agéncia radiofónica Latinoamérica-Europa)
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Anfang November waren wir auf der AntiCOP in Atzompa/Mexiko. Dort lernten wir Benjamin Camacho kennen. Zusammen mit seiner Partnerin und ihren beiden Kindern reist Benjamin seit Juni durch Mexiko, um sozialen Organisation zu besuchen. Von Mexiko soll es weiter durch Mittel- und Südamerika bis nach Peru gehen. An der AntiCOP 2024 nahm Benjamin als V…
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SOMA und Drugchecking: Initiativen zur Schadensminderung beim Drogengebrauch (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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12:20Schadensminimierung ist ein Konzept, die mit dem Drogenkonsum verbundenen Risiken und Gesundheitsgefährdungen zu minimieren. Sie basiert häufig auf Einschätzungen, die sich auf die Analyse chemischer Befunde und eine professionelle Begleitung stützt.Herzlich willkommen zu dieser Sendung, die der Schadensminimierung und der Information über den Drog…
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onda-info 607 (Serie 13: Onda Info)
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29:59Hallo und willkommen zum onda-info 607, dem ersten im Jahr 2025. Ich hoffe Ihr seid gut ins neue Jahr gekommen und habt Euch über die Feiertage erholt.Diesmal gibt es ein etwas anderes Info, das nicht wie gewohnt aus Nachrichtenblock und mehreren Beiträgen besteht. In dieser Ausgabe übernehmen wir einen längeren Beitrag von Marah Manzur und Anderso…
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Vom Hamburger Hafen nach Río de Janeiro (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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7:44Bei unserem Hafenausflug besuchten wir auch Miniatur Wunderland in der alten Speicherstadt: Die Projektidee stammt von den Zwillingsbrüdern Gerrit und Frederic Braun, die als Discobetreiber keine Lust mehr auf Nachtleben hatten und vor 23 Jahren bei einem Schaufensterbummel auf die Idee stießen, Modelleisenbahnen zu bauen. Aber nicht nur Eisenbahne…
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Warum hat es die Linke in Panama so schwer? (Serie 1468: FDCL Podcast: Ohren auf Lateinamerika)
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35:27Viele Menschen verbinden Panama hauptsächlich mit dem Panama-Kanal, wie sich derzeit auch wieder an den Äußerungen von Donald Trump zeigt. Das Land ist politisch jedoch sehr interessant und lohnt eine nähere Beschäftigung.Seit Jahrzehnten wechselt in Panama zwar bei jeder Wahl die Regierung, aber alle Parteien machen weiter die gleiche neoliberale …
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Das weiße Wüstengold: Salpeter (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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8:17Von der Atacama- Wüste nach Hamburg: Wir erfahren von drei Salpeter-Arbeitern, die in der Atacama-Wüste in Chile Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts, Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts den Boom von Chile Salpeter ermöglicht haben. Chile-Salpeter war wichtig als Düngemittel und als Mittel zur Sprengstoffherstellung und Schießpulverherstellung. Diese Arbeiter zählten…
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Comunity Journalismus: Wir sind nicht neutral (Serie 893: ONDA-Beiträge)
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11:30Carlos Ernesto Choc ist Journalist, ist Maya Qèqchi und stammt aus der Stadt El Estor am Ausgang des Izabal-Sees im Osten Guatemalas. Er war am Projekt „Green Blood Mining Secrets“ beteiligt. Eine Studie über die Umweltschäden durch die Nickel Minen in Guatemala. Seine Berichte wurden in verschiedenen europäischen Medien veröffentlicht. Er ist Teil…
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Neuro-Inclusivity, Belonging and Radical Hospitality
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48:28Latino Rebels Radio goes on the road for a live podcast recording at Mitchell College in New London, Connecticut. Host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes seven students to discuss how a college such as Mitchell is creating more welcoming, accessible living and learning environments in a world that continues to get more and more diverse. Thanks to the Co…
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From Peru to Mexico to the Lower East Side, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela breaks down the Latino and Latina pioneers who influenced punk rock with guests Ceci Bastida and Núria Net, part of the creative team behind the new Audible podcast series, Punk In Translation: Latinx Origins, produced by Fresh Produce Media. This is episode w…
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From 2022: Juan González's Harvest of Empire
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30:34Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela proudly welcomes award-winning journalist and Democracy Now! co-host Juan González to discuss the second revision of his legendary book and how it relates to recent events. They talk about the current Summit of the Americas, the news of a migrant caravan this week and the latest about Puerto Rico. The s…
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We welcome The Daily Chela founder Brandon Loran Maxwell to discuss his new film, American Homeboy, for a nuanced discussion of Cholo culture and how it still influences pop culture today.Af Futuro Media and PRX
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Latino Rebels Radio producer Oscar Fernandez steps in to guest host as he welcomes true-crime novelist H. Allegra Lansing to discuss the forgotten legacy of ‘90s grunge rock singer Mia Zapata.Af Futuro Media and PRX
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Following a historic election victory by the progressive Semilla Party in Guatemala, Latino Rebels Radio producer Oscar Fernandez steps in as guest host to welcome Marco Fonseca, Instructor of Latin American and International Studies at York University in Canada, to discuss how this election almost didn't happen.…
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The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup has featured new stars, new upset victories, and the rise of future title contenders. To discuss the surprise success of non-European teams at the tournament, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes back Brenda Elsey, professor of history and Latin American and Caribbean studies at Hostra University, a…
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In this special episode of Latino Rebels Radio ---originally aired on the Futuro podcast In The Thick--- host Julio Ricardo Varela is joined by Futuro Media editorial director Fernanda Santos for a roundtable discussion with Dr. Aria Halliday, an associate professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Kentucky, for a breakdown of the…
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With the release of the blockbuster film 'Oppenheimer,' Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Myrriah Gomez, assistant professor at the University of New Mexico and author of 'Nuclear Nuevo México: Colonialism and the Effects of the Nuclear Industrial Complex on Nuevomexicanos,' to discuss the movie's omission of New Mexican histor…
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A Conversation with Esmeralda Santiago
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25:59Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela proudly welcomes acclaimed Puerto Rican writer Esmeralda Santiago for a lively discussion about her latest novel, Las Madres, and the importance of becoming visible in the American landscape through literature.Af Futuro Media and PRX
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On this episode, Hector Luis Alamo, senior editor of Latino Rebels, steps in as guest host to speak with Ada Briceño, co-president of Unite Here! Local 11, and Diana Rios Sanchez, a striking hotel worker, about the hotel workers' strike in Los Angeles and its importance for other labor actions taking place across the country.…
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Amid a record breaking heat wave throughout Texas that has led to several heat-related deaths, Gov. Greg Abbott has signed a bill eliminating mandatory water breaks for construction workers. Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Daniela Hernandez, state legislative coordinator for the Workers Defense Project, to discuss the cruel a…
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Affirmative action struck down in college admissions. LGBTQ rights limited. Student loan relief blocked. Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Vanity Fair legal affairs contributor Cristian Farias to discuss the latest round of Supreme Court rulings plagued by shaky evidence, questionable plaintiffs and the lack of legal standing.…
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Latino Rebels senior editor Hector Luis Alamo steps in as guest host to welcome sports journalist Bryan Fonseca for a knockout conversation on the future of Puerto Rican boxing, history made at the NBA draft, and Boricua representation in pro wrestling.Af Futuro Media and PRX
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This week, Latino Rebels Radio is proud to present the first episode of SOS Central America, hosted by Maria Martin, creator and founding team member of Latino USA. In this episode, Maria examines the arrest of journalist and president of the Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico, José Rubén Zamora, and what it means for dissent and a free press in the …
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After Sacramento and Martha's Vineyard
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26:35Following another series of migrant flights by Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Autumn Gonzalez and Iván Espinoza-Madrigal to discuss the latest political stunt in Sacramento, how it is a carbon copy of what happened last year in Martha’s Vineyard and the uns…
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Latino Rebels entertainment correspondent Cristina Escobar steps into the host seat again to talk with Linda Yvette Chavez, writer of the upcoming film ‘Flamin’ Hot,’ about the importance of family and community to both the filmmaking process and the extraordinary story of Richard Montañez.Af Futuro Media and PRX
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In this episode, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes professors Lilia Fernández and Ana Patricia Rodríguez to discuss why so much U.S. Latino history is missing in textbooks and how it eventually extends to issues of imperialism. Lilia Fernández is a Professor of History at the University of Illinois in Chicago and Ana Patricia R…
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With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launching his 2024 presidential campaign this week after passing a slew of anti-immigrant measures, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes freelance writer and LR contributor Arturo Domínguez to discuss how some Latino truckers are pushing back with a proposed boycott of the Sunshine State.…
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As the Writer's Guild of America goes on strike and brings the entertainment industry to a halt, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes writer and producer Erick Galindo to discuss the importance of fighting for better working wages and fair representation in Hollywood. For more about the strike, visit the WGA’s site.…
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Amid a wave of anti-immigrant rhetoric and violence, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Roberto Lopez, Senior Advocacy Manager for the Texas Civil Rights Project, to discuss the circumstances around the tragedy in Brownsville, Texas, and how the country has become a nation of hating immigrants.…
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Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Pita Juarez, Vice President of Communications for LGBTQ+ Victory Fund and Institute, to discuss Trans voices being silenced by Republicans following the censure of Montana transgender lawmaker Zooey Zephyr and the importance of having more Trans voices in the democratic process.…
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In the wake of a wild story out of San Jose, California, where the head of the police union was charged with smuggling fentanyl into the country, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes investigative journalist Jonah Owen Lamb from the San Francisco Standard to discuss the importance of a nuanced understanding of the opioid crisis in…
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Latino Rebels entertainment correspondent Cristina Escobar steps into the host seat for a conversation with actor and comedian John Leguizamo to discuss his passion and activism in Hollywood as well as his new show on MSNBC, "Leguizamo Does America."Af Futuro Media and PRX
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On a special episode of Latino Rebels Radio, sports correspondent Bryan Fonseca turns the tables on host Julio Ricardo Varela as they discuss the impact of this year's World Baseball Classic, the controversy around Twitter Blue, and Julio's love and admiration for the New York Knicks in the lead up to the NBA playoffs.…
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Many service employees in Los Angeles' school district work two or three jobs to make ends meet, while still living below the poverty line. Some are even unhoused. For this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Roosevelt High School teacher Jason Torres-Rangel to explain the plight of service workers in L.A. schools tha…
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Another mass shooting, this time in Nashville, has once again raised the issue of gun control and the inaction of lawmakers to do anything about it. In this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Oscar Juarez-Luna, the communications manager for Movimiento Poder in Denver ---where earlier this year a high school experien…
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"Y'all means all!" goes the pro-LGBTQ slogan in Texas, but judging by the bills being introduced and passed in states across the country, many conservative lawmakers clearly disagree. On this episode, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Karma Chavez, professor of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at…
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Head splitters. Bandsaws. Exposure to Covid. Following a series of reports on migrant children being exploited in the meatpacking industry, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Rose Godinez, legal and policy counsel for the Nebraska chapter of the ACLU and the child of meatpacking workers herself, to break down an industry rife wi…
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Haiti is going to the Women's World Cup! Following this historic achievement last month by Haiti's national women's soccer team, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Brenda Elsey, professor at Hofstra University and co-host of the Burn It All Down podcast, to discuss and celebrate this exciting moment in Haitian fútbol history.…
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On this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Keylin Perez, the first Latina to be named Miss Coppin State at the historically Black university in Baltimore, Maryland, to discuss the backlash she has received online versus the supportive and inclusive environment at the school itself.…
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Is George Lopez out of touch by disparaging up-and-coming comedian Ralph Barbosa? Latino Rebels’ Senior Editor Hector Luis Alamo steps in as guest host this week to break down the George Lopez/Ralph Barbosa controversy with entertainment correspondent Cristina Escobar and L.A. Times columnist Fidel Martinez.…
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The private seizure of public lands. Regulations that go unenforced. Serious environmental damage. Growing public discontent. One activist shot. On this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela speaks with Latino Rebels' Caribbean correspondent Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco about the challenges environmentalists face in their fight …
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While the fight for African American studies continues in Florida, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Sean Arce, the former co-founder of the Mexican American Raza Studies Program in Tucson, Arizona to draw parallels to the current battle with Arizona's ethnic studies battle over a decade ago.…
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On this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela speaks with President and General Counsel for LatinoJustice PRLDEF Lourdes Rosado about the latest shocking example of police violence in Memphis and why the death of Tyre Nichols should be met with an equal measure of outrage by Black and Latino communities.…
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