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The Pomp Podcast

Anthony Pompliano

Host Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano talks to the most interesting people in business, finance, and Bitcoin. From billionaires to cultural icons, Pomp helps you get smarter every day.
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Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley

Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley

Calvary Chapel Pomona Valley has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and be conformed into His image by the Power of the Holy Spirit.
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The Joe Pomp Show

Joe Pompliano

Host Joe Pompliano breaks down the most interesting topics in sports business. From athlete investments to media rights deals, you'll leave each episode more informed about the business and money behind sports. Join hundreds of thousands of others and start listening today!
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Pompey Politics Podcast

Simon Sansbury and Ian 'Tiny' Morris

We welcome guests from across the political spectrum & listen to what they have to say - asking them questions to help our audience hear about policy or process. Trick & gotcha question free zone.
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PO4cast: Pompey Podcast


A podcast dedicated to the most successful club on the South Coast, Portsmouth FC. Run by a group of mates from PompeyNewsNow with a passion for Pompey and messy away days. Listen weekly for new episodes! Subscribe/Follow - Help grow the podcast free and never miss an episode. Enjoy the podcast? Let us know on Apple Podcasts by leaving a quick review and a 5⭐️ rating. We appreciate your support it really helps. Twitter - @PO4cast @PompeyNewsNow. Website - www.pompeynewsnow.com
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La grande histoire de Pomme d'Api

La grande histoire de Pomme d'Api

Les plus belles histoires pour enfants du magazine Pomme d'ApiChaque mois, les enfants vont écouter la grande histoire qui est publiée dans le magazine Pomme d'Api. Surprise, audace, humour, tendresse et gaieté, ces histoires sont écrites par des auteurs et lues par des vrais parents, comme vous !Pomme d'Api s'adresse aux enfants de 3 à 6 ans et à leurs familles, de la petite à la grande section de maternelle et à tous ceux qui vivent et travaillent avec eux.En savoir plus : https://www.pomm ...
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The Pompey Podcast

The Pompey Podcast with Mike & Dan

Join us weekly for #Pompey views, news, and reviews about the blues, complete with laughs, banter, and the occasional incorrect stat. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking for a good time, tune in—you might just like it! Get in contact if your want to comment or contribute. Tweet Mike & Dan @pompeypod Follow us www.facebook.com/pompeypod Watch us on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzeKL93_prPHN-fjb16qS_Q All music by Matrika - Thanks! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy f ...
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Der eine war mal 'ne große Nummer im Skisport, der andere im Quiz-Show-Business. Felix und Philipp treffen sich auf eine Pizza oder Pommes und diskutieren dabei Themen aus der Welt des Sports, aber auch aktuelle gesellschaftliche Aufreger. Dinge, die Euch und sie bewegen oder zum Schmunzeln bringen. Und wenn noch ein paar Pommes über sind, laden die beiden Kontakte aus Felix' Telefonbuch ein. Ihr könnt mitreden. Schreibt den beiden einfach: pizzaundpommes@br.de. Neue Folgen gibt es jeden zwe ...
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Willkommen bei ‚LEADERSHIP NEU GEDACHT! DER PODCAST MIT CORINNA POMMERENING‘, Ihrer Quelle für frische Perspektiven und praxisnahe Einblicke in die Themen New Leadership, Change und Employer Branding. Dieser Podcast ist perfekt für Führungskräfte, Macher und Gamechanger, die bereit sind, neue Wege zu gehen und Veränderung in ihren Unternehmen zu fördern. Freuen Sie sich in jeder Episode auf spannende Gespräche mit führenden Experten aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die Ihnen neue Denkanstöße ...
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Powermetal.de hat einen Podcast! “Pommesgabel” ist mindestens zweimal im Monat zu hören und beschäftigt sich mit unserem Lieblingsthema: Metal. Entgegen dem Namen unseres Magazins beschäftigen wir uns nicht mur mit Power Metal, sondern mit allen härteren Klängen. Das "Power" steht in diesem Fall für "The Power of Metal, Rock & Gothic", wobei wir explizit noch Hardcore und Metalcore miteinbeziehen. In Folge 0 erzählen wir, was in unserem Podcast zu hören sein wird und wer wir eigentlich sind: ...
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Pompey Eclectic

Simon Eddy

Welcome to Pompey Eclectic with your hosts Simon and Phil (Portsmouth born) delivering amusing and interesting discussion on a different topic every episode from an eclectic variety of subjects from the heart of Portsmouth, UK.
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Pomona Rocks

Pomona Rocks

Discover the coolest new music from the hottest bands, artists and labels on the planet. Featuring a range of podcasts hosted by music industry veterans The Real Rob Taylor and Tom Featherstone, Pomona Rocks showcases the best new indie, alternative, hard rock, heavy metal and extreme metal releases and talks to the people who make the music. Whether you're a seasoned music fan or exploring new sounds, Pomona Rocks is the ultimate resource for discovering your new favorite bands. Check in to ...
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A côté de mes pompes !

Sébastien MARTIN

🎙️ À CÔTÉ DE MES POMPES, le podcast 100 % consacré au running et à la communauté de la course à pied, animé par moi, Sébastien Martin, coureur passionné, enseignant et créateur de ce podcast ! Chaque semaine, je partage avec vous mon expérience, mes découvertes et ma passion pour la course à pied : de l’entraînement aux séances techniques, en passant par les à-côtés indispensables comme la nutrition, le matériel, le lifestyle et les chaussures. 🔥 Rejoignez la communauté des PATREONS du PODCA ...
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Le Pompon

Théo Robache

Le Pompon est le podcast destiné à te faire découvrir des profils inspirants du Sud Ouest. Entrepreneur.e.s, artistes ou sportifs.ves, ils et elles avancent, créent, poursuivent leurs rêves et nous partagent aujourd’hui leurs histoires. Ces parcours atypiques sont parfois le déclic qu’il te faut, qui te donne l’envie d’entreprendre d’une manière ou d’une autre et de mener la vie qui t'inspire. Alors dès maintenant, éclate-toi dans la vie que tu choisis ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/f ...
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Pompidou Review

Pompidou Review

Pompidou Review is a six-part serial podcast that analyzes the jokes and themes of the genius Netflix original series Pompidou. Join host, Lincoln Bartlett, as he delves into the one-star rated series with friends Matt Grippi and Chase Doerr, as they try to figure out what Pomipodu and his companions are going to do next.
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Claude Tanguy

Pièces maîtresses de la collection du centre Pompidou, les VIP, very important pieces, sont des œuvres émanant d'artistes aux personnalités libres, passionnées et aux vies incroyables. Sous forme de conversations entre une journaliste et un.e conférencier.e, ce podcast vous offre un moment privilégié devant chaque chef-d'œuvre. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Pommes vom Fass

Alex Bolte & Michael Rose

Früher haben wir telefoniert. Jetzt machen wir einen Podcast! Über uns: Der eine hat eine Brille, der andere nicht. Zur Info - Wir hätten hier 50.000 Zeichen - 25 DIN A4 Seiten - nutzen können! Übrigens: Hassmails und Lobhudeleien, Feedback, Ideen, Liebesbriefe und/oder Gedichte an wortbrei@pommesvomfass.de
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Pomorze Zachodnie otwarte na biznes

Pomorze Zachodnie otwarte na biznes

Jak dziś wygląda zachodniopomorska gospodarka, biznesowe trendy, kim są ludzie rozwijający Pomorze Zachodnie i jakie mają rady dla początkujących przedsiębiorców? „Pomorze Zachodnie otwarte na biznes” to cykl rozmów o regionalnej gospodarce. Rozmowy ekonomiczne prowadzi duet Jacek Wójcikowski (Dyrektor Centrum Inicjatyw Gospodarczych Pomorza Zachodniego) i Rafał Zahorski (pełnomocnik marszałka ds. gospodarki morskiej i żeglugi śródlądowej).
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POM - Bible Quizzing

Tyler Bryant

Welcome to the official podcast of the Bible Quizzing program of the Pentecostals of Marshall. This podcast is a resource for our Bible Quizzers and Bible Quiz families with the goal of producing knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the scriptures that are being memorized. I hope it is a blessing to you!
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Polska pomoc - Polish Aid

Free Range Productions

Polska pomoc to marka polskiej współpracy rozwojowej realizowanej przez MSZ we współpracy z polskimi instytucjami publicznymi, organizacjami pozarządowymi i lokalnymi podmiotami w krajach partnerskich. Za pomocą podcastów będziemy informować o zaangażowaniu Polski w pomoc humanitarną i rozwojową będącą częścią polityki zagranicznej kraju. // Polish Aid is a brand of Polish development cooperation carried out by the MFA in cooperation with Polish public institutions, non-governmental organiza ...
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This is the Pomp and Unpopular podcast! Here we challenge the status quo and popular paradigms in an effort to empower the collective ascension through self-actualization. We talk about all aspects of life from many vantage points often venturing into the philosophical, taboo, and esoteric. This is your trigger warning: Life is triggering; the only safe space is the one we create within.
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show series
Chris Kline is the Founder & COO at Bitcoin IRA. In this conversation we talk about bitcoin capital gains tax, what rich people do, different retirement accounts, how BitcoinIRA operates, and what you can do to save money. ======================= This episode is brought to you by Bitdeer (NASDAQ: BTDR), a global leader in Bitcoin mining and high-pe…
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Hour 1 with Bob Pompeani, Jim Colony, and Tyler Kennedy: Other than the Tampa game, Tristan Jarry has played very well for the Penguins since returning from the minors. Tyler Kennedy thinks Tristan Jarry is still a good goalie but would likely have more success on another team given everything that's gone on in Pittsburgh. Tyler Kennedy said he did…
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Hour 2 with Bob Pompeani and Jim Colony: - It's Opening Day! Paul Skenes starts for the Pirates in Miami as the season begins. Aaron Rodgers watch continues. Jim has no idea why Mason Rudolph came back. One fan thinks another year removed from injury, Aaron Rodgers is going to be more mobile.
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Hour 3 with Bob Pompeani: The Pirates Opening Day lineup is here. Endy Rodriguez is batting 7th and playing first base. Ke'Bryan Hayes is batting 8th. Jim wanted to see a better hitter signed for the money they paid Pham and Heaney this season. Can the Steelers draft and develop a quarterback to finally pass the baton from Ben Roethlisberger?…
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Hour 4 with Bob Pompeani and Jeff Hathhorn: 93.7 The Fan Sports Director Jeff Hathhorn joined the show. Adam Schefter joined ESPN Milwaukee and said Aaron Rodgers could retire. Jeff likes Endy Rodriguez and thinks he will have a breakout season. Alex Ovechkin is going to break Wayne Gretzky's all-time goals record. Sidney Crosby is one point away f…
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Alex Ovechkin is going to break Wayne Gretzky's all-time goals record. The Metro is not a good division this season and both the Panthers and Lightning are the main two teams Jeff is excited about. Sidney Crosby is one point away from breaking Gretzky's record for most consecutive seasons averaging at least 1.00 points per game.…
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John Tortorella is out in Philadelphia. Tyler Kennedy said he didn't like facing Tortorella, but would have loved to play for him. TK liked coaches that pushed him and if things were laxed, it could make him slow down a little. TK, Matt Cooke, and Craig Adams were the guys who set the tone and TK was told he was like the 'practice captain' for thos…
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Jim Colony joins us in studio! The Flyers have fired head coach John Tortorella. Other than the Tampa game, Tristan Jarry has played very well for the Penguins since returning from the minors. Tyler Kennedy thinks Tristan Jarry is still a good goalie but would likely have more success on another team.…
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After defeat at Preston leaves Pompey just four points above the relegation zone, there were strong words from John Mousinho.This week, Andy and Freddie:- Review the defeat at Deepdale and chat through what went wrong-Discuss whether Geoff Hurst's third goal in the 1966 World Cup Final actually crossed the line- Consider what should change, if anyt…
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Today’s podcast breaks down Manchester United’s new $2.6 billion stadium project. I look into all of the details behind the Red Devils’ new stadium, including its features, matchday revenue projections, potential financing options, and what this stadium project does to the team’s debt load. Enjoy!Af Joe Pompliano
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Nik Bhatia is the Founder of the Bitcoin Layer, and the author of a brand new book called “Bitcoin Age.” In this conversation we talk about bitcoin, it’s relationship between the dollar and other traditional assets, why self-custody is protected under the first amendment, what the US government should be doing with bitcoin, how they plan on helping…
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Hour 1 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: What happened to Russell Wilson and the Steelers? Wilson signs a one-year deal with the Giants. It seemed Wilson wanted to be back with the Steelers. Will Aaron Rodgers and Arthur Smith get along? How many games will the Pirates win this season? Tony Grossi on ESPN Cleveland thinks it's possible Kenny Picke…
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Hour 2 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Jay Caufield made a huge upset against Colby Armstrong as a 16 seed in the media madness bracket! The Penguins had a really bad night against Tampa Bay and Jay said there was not enough help in front of Tristan Jarry. Gerry Dulac reported that Russell Wilson wanted to come back to the Steelers, right up unt…
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Hour 3 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Andrew is joining the Associated Press in Seattle. The Pirates received better news than expected on Jared Jones and could be back with the team in June. Andrew's mock lineup: Pham, Reynolds, Cruz, McCutchen, Bart, first baseman, Hayes, Gonzales, IKF. Mark thinks Russell Wilson was treated like a scapegoat …
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Hour 4 with Bob Pompeani and Joe Starkey: Our 2025 Pirates time capsule and predictions! Cam Heyward did not have a glaring endorsement for Aaron Rodgers on his podcast. He clarified on Good Morning Football that it's not that he doesn't like Rodgers or doesn't want it to happen, but he's not the one making the decision.…
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Cam Heyward did not have a glaring endorsement for AAron Rodgers on his podcast. He clarified on Good Morning Football that it's not that he doesn't like Rodgers or doesn't want it to happen, but he's not the one making the decision. We still don't think Cam is all that excited about Rodgers.
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Gerry Dulac reported that Russell Wilson wanted to come back to the Steelers, right up until the end. What happened? The Steelers said they wanted Wilson to be back, but clearly didn't want to bring him back. The Giants now have Russell Wilson, Jameis Winston, and Tommy DeVito. Mark Kaboly said Russell Wilson's era is summed up as the "scapegoat" b…
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Jay Caufield made a huge upset against Colby Armstrong as a 16 seed in the media madness bracket! The Penguins had a really bad night against Tampa Bay and Jay said there was not enough help in front of Tristan Jarry. With 10 games left and playing a good team, the game got away from them with four goals in just under four minutes.…
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What happened with Russell Wilson and the Steelers? Wilson signs a one-year deal with the Giants. It seemed Wilson wanted to be back with the Steelers. The Pirates received relatively good news that Jared Jones does not have a torn ligament, but will not throw for the next six weeks. St. Francis is dropping to DIII after making the NCAA Tournament …
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To investors, There is a global race under way to see who can acquire the most amount of bitcoin. We have seen Microstrategy buy more than $33 billion worth (506,000+ bitcoin) since August 2020. Companies like Metaplanet, Semler Scientific, Tesla, and Block have all followed suit in recent years. We have various large financial institutions poundin…
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Polina Pompliano, Author of ‘Hidden Genius’ and Founder of The Profile, and Anthony Pompliano, Author of ‘How To Live An Extraordinary Life’ and CEO of Professional Capital Management, discuss bitcoin, US economy, stock market, tax rates, tariffs, and how we can improve the future for millions of Americans. ===================== Today’s episode is …
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Hour 1 with Joe Starkey: Bob Pompeani joins to start the show. Today is our Feed the Need radiothon, raising money for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. You can text NEED to 50155 to donate. 1 in 8 Southwestern Pennsylvanians face hunger, including 1 in 6 children. Pirates broadcaster Michael McKenry joined the show. Michael shares how he…
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Hour 2 with Joe Starkey: Pitt and former Steelers broadcaster Bill Hillgrove joined the show. Bill helps provide Christmas gifts for children who otherwise wouldn't have one. Former Pirates broadcaster Lanny Frattare joined the show. For 37 years, Lanny has hosted a charity golf outing at Chartiers Country Club. Giant Eagle is a huge supporter of L…
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Hour 3 with Joe Starkey: Former Penguin and owner of Bar 31 Ken Wregget joined the show in studio. Ken wanted to stick around in Pittsburgh and aims to give back to the community. Former Pirates pitcher and broadcaster Steve Blass joined the show. Steve shares his friendship with Roberto Clemente and how Clemente was an incredible humanitarian for …
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Hour 4 with Joe Starkey: Jeff Patton of Baseball Card Castle joined the show. Joe and Bob had a great time at the Card Castle last week helping to raise money for Feed the Need. Joe Potocnik of JP Roofing and Siding is donating 4,500 meals to Feed the Need! Josh Rowntree joined the show.
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Duquesne women's basketball head coach Dan Burt joined the show and he and his staff are donating 1,200 meals! Duquesne is the last team standing in the city and has won two games in the NWIT. Volunteer Dottie joined the show to share how she is helped through our initiative and tries to help others.…
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Former Penguin and owner of Bar 31 Ken Wregget joined the show in studio. Ken wanted to stick around in Pittsburgh and aims to give back to the community. Ken shares what he's seen from Tristan Jarry. Former Pirates pitcher and broadcaster Steve Blass joined the show. Steve shares his friendship with Roberto Clemente and how Clemente was an incredi…
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Brian Gulish joins for an update: over 145,000 meals! Former Pirates broadcaster Lanny Frattare joined the show. For 37 years, Lanny has hosted a charity golf outing at Chartiers Country Club. Giant Eagle is a huge supporter of Lanny's initiative and he will only shop there. Lanny is still teaching at Waynesburg, announcing West Virginia baseball, …
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Pitt and former Steelers broadcaster Bill Hillgrove joined the show. Bill helps provide Christmas gifts for children who otherwise wouldn't have one. South Side Jake joined the show and is donating 1,500 meals. He shares how he has a meal a day with his family and how he wants to make sure that happens for other people.…
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To investors, Home affordability is the worst it has been in decades. The problem is so bad that I decided to do something about it just over a year ago — I cofounded ResiClub, the leading residential real estate analytics and content platform, with Lance Lambert, who I believe is the best residential real estate reporter in the country. Our thesis…
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The Leeds triumph has been sandwiched by utter tripe against Luton, Plymouth and Preston, which has left Portsmouth very much back in a relegation fight. Blackburn Rovers are next up at Fratton Park. Which Pompey will we see? Who knows. But if we are to rely on our home form then this really needs to be a home win as time is running out. Here's our…
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Today’s podcast discusses the Boston Celtics’ record-breaking $6.1 billion sale. I talk about what this sale means for the future of the NBA’s business and the unique details of the Celtics’ sale, including the two-part transaction structure, private equity financing, the team’s new limited partners, the Celtics’ arena rights, and more. Enjoy!…
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