自然な日本語を聞きたい人へ!N3~N1の日本語勉強PODCASTです😺 🎙️Normal Episode➡️N3~N1 ⭐️OYASUMI PODCAST➡️N3~N1 🌱Daily Japanese Talk➡️N4~N3 Podcast Transcripts https://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/podcast Sunny Side Japanese Speaking Class https://www.sunnysidejapanese.com Youtube @harunonihongo https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCauyM-A8JIJ9NQcw5_jF00Q/ Patreon https://www.patreon.com/harunonihongo Instagram: @haru_no_nihongo
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gaming demos and other interesting stuff
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A growing church located in Southwest Virginia. Expository preaching with Dr. Shea Shrader
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Harmontalk is a podcast that motivates and encourages you to live your best life. Fear is a powerful obstacle, but with the proper tools, you can overcome it and thrive. Our motto: "Live Your Dreams; Not Your Fears
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Sinta despertar em si a vontade de se conhecer melhor e interpretar as mensagens/sinais que o seu corpo lhe transmite. Numa conversa descontraída, são abordados temas que vão desde o estilo de vida saudável, gestão emocional, desenvolvimento pessoal e qualidade de vida. Tendo por base conhecimentos milenares ancestrais, aqui encontra muitas dicas para se inspirar a viver mais e melhor! Encontre o seu equilíbrio perfeito, seja Harmo! Porque a saúde é mesmo assunto seu!
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Harman Radio Podcast Audio
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Weekly sermons from Harmony Community Church in Byron, Georgia. Family is everything, come, be a part of ours.
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The Happy Hour Harmonica podcast brings profiles of some of the top harmonica players and technicians today. The podcast is sponsored by Seydel harmonicas. Check out their great range of products at www.seydel1847.com. If you would like to make a voluntary contribution to help keep the podcast running then please use this link: https://paypal.me/harmonicahappyhour. Visit the main podcast webpage at: https://www.harmonicahappyhour.com/ Contact: happyhourharmonicapodcast@gmail.com
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The newest sermons from Harmony Primitive Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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I'm speaking to those highly successful people in our community, asking them about their career, successes and failures and how music has affected their lives
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Connection is everything!
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Du har PM är en podd med Carin Sollenberg och Clara Kristiansen om allt det goda, det onda och det fula som folk säger på the World Wide Web. Håll i er och ha sköjj. Gud välsigne internet!
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Exploring the new frontier of energy medicine, bridging the gap between western medicine and quantum physics giving you easy and practical solutions, guided by Dr. Larisa Sharipova and Priscilla Coblentz come find your Harmonic Alignment
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I denne podcast kan du komme med på en lytter, når de to stand-up komikere og gode venner Mark Le Fêvre og Pelle Lundberg mødes til en kop kaffe og en god snak. Det bliver helt sikkert en herlig omgang.
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Set Free By His Amazing Grace. --- We meet every Thursday and Sunday inside St. Andrew's Church of Broadfields, Lynford Gardens, Edgware HA8 8TZ.
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The solar energy sector in Arizona is currently oversaturated, which has led to a scarcity of transparency. In response, we've created a podcast to provide an honest perspective on going solar in the state. Join us as we explore the intricacies of utilities, equipment, processes, and more. Our primary objective is to educate and empower you to make informed decisions on your solar journey.
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Det här är en podcast med fokus på föreningsidrott. Vi träffar experter, förebilder, ledare och barn för att ge kunskap och inspiration till idrottsföreningar som vill utveckla sin förening så att fler barn, ungdomar och äldre vill idrotta så länge som möjligt i så bra verksamhet som möjligt!
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Bringing awareness on how self-harm is affecting our children and their families. A series of stories from parents, teenagers, teachers, schools and leading experts on parenting, teenagers & mental health.
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lunatic wave
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The official podcast for the Houston Association of Realtors® (HAR.com) covering everything from home sales to hot topics in the real estate industry.
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Claude Harmon is back and breaking down all things golf – a simple game that tends to confuse smart people. On Son of a Butch, Claude shares world-class swing instruction to help improve your scores while hosting conversations about what the best players, personalities and fanatics love about the game.
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Welcome to the Harmonize & Rise podcast, hosted by Dana Schmit, offers tools for inner transformation through mindset shifts, inspiring conversations, and the healing power of sound therapy. Join Dana as she shares her journey of self-discovery and empowers listeners to break old patterns, align with their true selves, and unlock their limitless potential.
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Universal Harmony is a values-based show dedicated to playing conscious and current music that connects people regardless of genre; togetherness is at the heart of the show. Broadcast from Auckland, New Zealand on Tuesday evenings from 10pm.
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Brought to you by Industrial-Organizational Psychology (I-O) practitioners, Change Management and Organizational Development (OD) Consultants, Human Resources Professionals, and Management Consultants, Harmonious Workplaces seeks to help organizations compose safe, inclusive, and productive organizations. Join Rich Cruz, Sharyl Volpe, Ben Kleinman, and other I-Os, HRMs, ODs, and more for discussions on topics that shape the way we work together.
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In the past 8 years, Harmon Brothers has helped raise 5 unicorns—yes, that's 5 companies with a BILLION dollar valuation, with at least 6 more right on the cusp. But it's not ALL about the money, it's also about the impact. This is the podcast designed to show you how to create a positive impact and super charge your businesses growth…or what we like to call “Raising Unicorns."
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This is a podcast about setting an intentional rhythm, savoring life’s blessings and learning how to use our imagination as a way of listening to God. If you want to learn more about how to bring stillness and gratitude into your life you’ll probably find a lot here that you love. To find out more about what's going on in the Create Harmony world, check out www.mycreateharmony.com.
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We're not interested in ordinary cartoons.
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My goal is to help you Build a Better Restaurant by focusing on Eight Basic Fundamentals that lead to a better life and financial freedom. Each week I will share valuable ideas and insights that'll help you grow as a business person and a leader.
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Jump into the World of Justin Shoemaker aka "The Waterboy" . From Business, to music, this is the inside look of the world of the hyper-driven and their Harmony of Hustle.
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Bagimu Negeri jiwa raga kami.
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Vegard Harm og Morten Hegseth snakker om Gud og Jesus. Gud er Gaute Grøtta Grav og Jesus er Jenny Skavlan! Og vi skal selvfølgelig snakke om alle andre kjendiser også, bortsett fra Arne Treholt. Han var russisk spion.
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På øret får du Hilde Nagell og Axel Fjeldavli, rådgivere i Tankesmien Agenda, i tillegg til en rekke aktuelle og spennende gjester. Vi snakker om det som rører seg der ute med de som virkelig har peiling. Podkasten gis ut av Tankesmien Agenda
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Pemberdayaan diri dengan metode SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique)
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Divine Harmony: Her Voice in Faith is a podcast that empowers and uplifts women of faith by sharing personal stories of strength, grace, and spiritual growth. Join us for inspiring conversations on how God’s love transforms lives and deepens our connection to purpose and faith.
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Har vi åkt till Mars än? följer utvecklingen mot att sätta en människa på Mars. Med utgångspunkt i hur forskning om rymden berikar livet på jorden tar vi dig med på en resa ut i universum och tillbaka. Programledare: Susanna Lewenhaupt och Marcus Pettersson. Har vi åkt till Mars än? görs på Beppo av Rundfunk Media. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
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Sebuah podcast dari seorang Virtual Kreator, Mentor, dan Supervisor, Haruna Haninozuka.
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Jason Smith and Mike Harmon bring their extensive experience in sports talk entertainment to late nights on FOX Sports Radio, providing analysis on the day in sports and updates on the games in play, while engaging in entertaining conversations with listeners to close out the day and prepare for tomorrow.
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Welcome to the Aliana Haruthunian podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Harmonious World brings interviews with great musicians, composers and producers across all genres, from jazz to classical, from folk to rock and everything in between. I’m a writer, musician and podcaster and this all started with a Quincy Jones quote I came across by chance during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown: “Imagine what a harmonious world it could be if every single person, both young and old, shared a little of what he is good at doing." I'm so pleased to have interviewed - and will ...
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Semoga bermanfaat, selamat datang di Haru Cerita
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What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love? The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, ...
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Her får du Danmarks uden tvivl ærligste podcast, som handler om mit liv og mine oplevelser fra fortiden og nutiden. Livet som kernefamilie far til 2 skønne børn bliver til tider vendt og drejet Alt sammen krydret med spændende gæster fra tid til anden. Man kan finde meget mere på: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeg_har_lige_podcast?igsh=NnRsdTJkcXg3dm43&utm_source=qr Der er også vodcast på YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Jeg-har-lige-podcast?feature=shared
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Hi, I’m Dr. Darnyelle Jervey Harmon, God Girl, philanthropist, wife and CEO of the multi-7-figure Inc.5000 recognized business transformation company, Incredible One Enterprises. I created the Move to Millions Podcast for one reason - to normalize wealth and legacy for today’s entrepreneur. This podcast will help millions-minded entrepreneurs and business owners navigate the journey to and beyond the million mark. Each week, you’ll hear life changing solo insights, business makeovers or powe ...
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Dr. Harmony Robinson-Stagg, is an Ayurveda & Women’s Health Practitioner, Dr of Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture and founder of the Ayurveda Alchemist Academy. Her wisdom has empowered many women to unlock their potential, optimise their health, and attain holistic success. With over 20 years of experience and a pioneering role in the health sector, Harmony is your trusted guide to align your career, nurture your personal life, and find fulfillment through purpose. Join us for inspiring conversa ...
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Health Harmony & Heather is a podcast that enriches our perspectives on life by exploring social phenomena and the human condition. We will look at the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of health and how to live harmoniously with ourselves, each other and our planet. Our ultimate goal is for each of us to find our innermost truth, happiness, fun and freedom. Come join the journey!!
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this channel is 4 multiplication, products include value within ones higher state of being. Symbolism, etymology, visual, chemical, and literal interpretation as well.
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🏈 Welcome to the South Harmon Fantasy Football Podcast Feed – your go-to source for relentless discussions on Fantasy Football, all viewed through the lens of strategic brilliance! 🧠 Join us as we unravel the secrets to gaining leverage over your league mates, providing you with the tools and insights to dominate your Dynasty league, seasonal league, and C2C leagues! 🔥 Don't miss out on exclusive content and deeper dives into strategic maneuvers by checking out our Patreon at Patreon.com/Sou ...
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38. Levande relation till sin didgeridoo
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1:04:12Clara har sålt sin information till storebrorssamhället och förfasats över föräldrar som förfasar sig över Spermageddon. Carin har rört sig i björnhundarnas och mästerkatternas land. Följ oss på Instagram Carin @ihelveteheller Clara @clarulk Gå med i vår Facebookgrupp https://www.facebook.com/groups/288921750711816/ Podden produceras av Gamang…
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Empowering Women, Elevating Communities
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54:45March is Women's History Month! In this empowering episode, we sat down with the dynamic Presidents of the Houston-area Women’s Council of Realtors to explore how they’re shaping the future of real estate and championing women as business leaders. Watch the replay now for an inspiring conversation about leadership, mentorship, and the powerful role…
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HEY KIG LIGE HER, Tryk på linket og send mig en besked, så svarer jeg i næste episode. Highlights: Købt mere udstyr Beskåret et træ Set en kamp Få en på hovedet Ellers find mere: JEG HAR LIGE PODCAST Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeg_har_lige_podcast?igsh=NnRsdTJkcXg3dm43&utm_source=qr YouTube: https://youtube.com/@Jeg-har-lige-podcast?featu…
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#82 "Danny Kool var datidens H.C. Andersen"
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56:38Dagens afsnit er optaget på køretur vi havde sammen fra Ringsted til Odense på vej til et stand-up job. Vi snakker om både stort og småt: Stress over billetsalg, at tude til børnefilm, James Bond, Playstation købt på tilbud og generelle betragninger om Fyn er bare nogle af de ting, vi kommer omkring. Dubai chokolade.. helt tæt på! Flimmerkassen træ…
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09.03.25 The Power of Seeds [Ps. Jon]
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32:1509.03.25 The Power of Seeds [Ps. Jon] by Maretul Har UKAf Maretul Har UK
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De siste ukene har mange argumentert for at Europa må gjøre mer for egen sikkerhet. Men hva betyr kaoset med Trump som president for Nato-samarbeidet? Kan vi stole på USA som sikkerhetsgarantist? Og hva betyr det for Europa og Norge? Axel Fjeldavli snakker med Kate Bundt, generalsekretær for Den norske atlanterhavskomité…
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Avsnitt 190 - Smakar det så kostar det (Malin Träff)
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30:42Hur mycket får idrotten egentligen kosta om vi också vill att så många som möjligt ska ha chans att vara med? I det här avsnittet pratar vi med Malin Träff på Riksidrottsförbundet, som bland annat berättar att kostnaden för ett barns huvudidrott har ökat med hela 68 procent sedan 2009. Vill du veta vad det är som kostar, hur det skiljer sig mellan …
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64. Har USA åkt till Mars än? - Hur rymdpolitiken i USA kan komma att forma framtiden för Marsresan
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29:47I detta spännande avsnitt av Har vi åkt till Mars än? dyker vi ner i Donald Trumps och Elon Musks inflytande över framtiden för rymden. Vi pratar med Roger Wilson, Sveriges Radios utrikeskorrespondent i USA som ger oss insikter om Trumps rymdplaner och hans nära relation med Musk. Vi inleder med att diskutera Trumps installation som president och h…
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Best of the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon
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55:45Jason Smith and Mike Harmon are celebrating NFL New Year. Have we seen Russell Wilson play his last down as a QB1? And The Falcons are expected to keep Kirk Cousins and pay him the $10 million. Plus, a visit from NFL Insider Jason Cole! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 4 – Best Landing Spots for Russell Wilson
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40:55Jason and Mike react to MIKAL BRIDGES game-winning bucket for the Knicks at the buzzer. The guys debate if there is a legit landing spot for Russell Wilson. Plus, a silver lining about LeBron James injury! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 3 – NBA Greatness with Ric Bucher
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40:45Jason and Mike give you the best fits for Cooper Kupp. Jason explains why he’s impressed with how the Chargers and Broncos have attacked free agency so far. Longtime NBA Insider Ric Bucher weighs in on Lebron James and the Lakers. And make sure you apologize to Jason if the Vikings sign Aaron Rodgers! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy informa…
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Hour 2 – LeBron’s Injury Actually Good for the Lakers
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41:08Jason Smith and Mike Harmon tell you how the Lakers survive the next few weeks without LeBron James. NFL Insider Jason Cole joins the show for the latest on Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson. Plus the biggest loser of NFL free agency! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Jason and Mike are celebrating NFL New Year. Have we seen Russell Wilson play his last down as a QB1? And The Falcons are expected to keep Kirk Cousins and pay him the $10 million! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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America’s Game Episode 85 - RB Month - RB WoRP and A Full Break Down on the FA Signings
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1:55:14Join hosts Eric Vanek (@EricVanekNFL) and Koopa (@dynastykoopa) as RB month continues on. Koopa gives a quick dive into the RB WoRP and what he’s looking for and seeing. Then the boys dive really deep into every FA signing on offense including offensive lines! All that and much more this week on America’s Game! (@AmericasGamePod) Follow us on X and…
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Unbreakable w/ Jay Glazer - Brian Stann
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32:35Welcome to Unbreakable! A mental wealth podcast hosted by Fox NFL Insider Jay Glazer. On this episode, Jay welcomes in “The All American” Brian Stann to talk about their brand new stem cell journey and partnership that they are working on to “scholarship” some combat vets to come get treatment. They should not have to travel to receive quality trea…
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Move to Millions Minute: I Am Worthy of All Success
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6:45This MTM Minute is powered by Move to Millions Live 2025 The MTM Minute is a quick dose of inspiration with a powerful affirmation based on our weekly full-length episode. And beginning this season, the MTM Minute will include a prayer of the week for 7 figure CEOs and 7 figure CEOs in the making. That’s right, you don’t have to choose – you can lo…
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Reignwood Icons of Football Tournament
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25:12Claude takes us inside the Reignwood Icons of Football Tournament in Bangkok earlier this month where some of the most iconic footballers in the world tried their hand at golf. Having had the chance to watch and coach several players, including Joe Hart and David Ginola, Claude discusses some of the issues they faced, his approach to helping them h…
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Jason and Mike tell which NFL QB can be the next Sam Darnold of 2025. TWO BIG hot takes from Day 2 of NFL Free Agency. Jason tells why this era of the 49ers is over. Will the Dolphins finish dead last in the AFC East? And a couple of NFL players we feel bad for! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Best of the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon
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52:56Jason Smith and Mike Harmon give you the over/under on number of tees Tiger Woods has left on the PGA Tour in his career. How the Vikings failed themselves just letting Sam Darnold walk. And we introduce you to the new Indiana Jones. Plus, a visit from MLB Insider Jon Paul Morosi! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Hour 2 – This Era of the 49ers is OVER
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40:00Jason and Mike thank the NFL for making sure we have wonderful things every day of the week. Jason explains why this era of the 49ers as we know it is officially over. And MLB Insider Joh Paul Morosi swings by the show for all the latest on Yankees ace Gerritt Cole and the Dodgers. Plus, two NFL players that Jason feels bad for! See omnystudio.com/…
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Hour 1 – Take the Under on Tiger Woods
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39:47Jason and Mike give you the over/under on number of tees Tiger Woods has left on the PGA Tour in his career. How the Vikings failed themselves just letting Sam Darnold walk. And we introduce you to the new Indiana Jones! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 3 – The Bills Super Bowl Window is Closed
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39:48Are Jason and Mike taking the over or under on Super Bowls Josh Allen will appear in? The guy’s debate if we will ever see Tiger Woods tee off on the PGA Tour again. Do not say we did not warn you if its Cavaliers/Celtics vs. Thunder in the NBA Finals. And Jason addresses an NFL fan base that absolutely hates him right now! See omnystudio.com/liste…
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The 4D Chess Dynasty Football Podcast Ep. 132: 3-Round Rookie Mock Draft – Matty vs. Mike
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1:12:00Rookie season is in full swing, and what better way to embrace it than with a head-to-head mock draft? Matty and Mike go three full rounds, breaking down how they would draft the 2025 rookie class right now. Where will future stars like Ashton Jeanty, Travis Hunter, and Cam Ward land? Who reaches, who steals value, and where are the hidden gems? Ta…
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Have you ever wondered what’s going on with my mailbox and why it is always overflowing with envelopes? It has been a fun little distracting side gig for me, that I fit between clients, laundry, and kid’s activities. Others who have joined the letter writing game and having fun too. It’s not for everyone so today I will explain the ins and outs of …
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100 is the New 30: Redefining Longevity With Dr. Jeffrey Gladden
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46:44In this episode of the Harmonic Alignment Podcast, Dr. Larisa sits down with Dr. Jeffrey Gladden, the founder of Gladden Longevity, to learn about Longevity Medicine. After over 25 years in the field of cardiology, and experiencing his own health decline in his 50s, Dr. Gladden rejected conventional medicine’s approach to aging and immersed himself…
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The story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. 1945 Bonhoeffer is famous as a Christian martyr. He is one of the few Germans who stood up to Hitler. Actually, he went beyond this and tried to kill Hitler. The reason he did this is because Bonhoeffer took seriously the commandment to have no other gods. Nazism was heavily […]…
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REALTOR Relationships: Collaboration, Clash, or Crash
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39:17In this episode of Key Conversations with Shae, we discuss industry updates and insights on collaborating with other REALTORS and industry partners with Tracy Brown. Sign up for Free Industry News Subscriptions for HAR Members here- https://www.harconnect.com/free-industry-news-subscriptions-for-har-members/ Are you an HAR MLS Platinum Subscriber? …
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Carole Radziwill and Heather: Friends Talk About It All.
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1:06:34Widely recognized for her role, over six seasons, on Bravo's The Real Housewives of New York (RHONY), Carole Radziwill first started her career as a journalist with ABC News. While working for the doc unit, Peter Jennings Reporting, she not only reported on foreign stories in Cambodia, Haiti, India, but was also stationed in Israel during the 1990 …
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Breaking Free from Extremes: The Journey from Discipline to Balance
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1:06:52In this powerful episode of Finding Harmony Podcast, we welcome back Kate Winter, a registered psychodynamic counselor, yoga teacher, and former police detective, to explore the deep patterns that shape our behavior—and how we can break free from them. Kate shares her personal journey of moving through extremes—from marathon running and bodybuildin…
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Best of the Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon
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55:04Jason celebrates his Jets signing Justin Field. The guys debate if the Vikings failed by not getting anything in return for Sam Darnold. NFL Insider Jason La Canfora joins the show with the latest on the Steelers, the Rams and Cowboys. And a move by one team that has Jason Smith going gaga about! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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Hour 4 – Why the Dallas Cowboys Don’t Win
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40:53Jason and Mike are joined by NBA Insider Mark Medina for all things Lakers and Knicks. And Jason tells you why he absolutely loves the Chargers signing Najee Harris on a one-year deal. Plus, “This is why the Cowboys don't win" See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 3 – Sam Darnold to the Seahawks is Just OK
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42:18Jason and Mike debate if the Jets are now a playoff team with Justin Fields. Sam Darnold to the Seahawks has Jason felling just Meh. And we told you the Caleb Williams BREAKOUT season is coming! See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 2 – NFL Free Agency Winners and Losers
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41:03Jason and Mike tell you why they really like the Chargers signing Najee Harris on a one-year deal. Jason explains how much he loves Davante Adams to the Rams. This is this week's episode this week’s episode of "This is why the Cowboys don't win" See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Af Fox Sports Radio - iHeartRadio
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Hour 1 – NFL Free Agency with Jason La Canfora
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41:17Mike listens to Jason celebrate the heck outta his Jets signing Justin Field. The guys debate if the Vikings failed by not getting anything in return for Sam Darnold. And NFL Insider Jason La Canfora joins the show with the latest on the Steelers, the Rams and Cowboys. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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An engaging conversation with pianist Jeffrey Biegel
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40:19Welcome to the latest episode of Harmonious World, in which I interview musicians about how their music helps make the world more harmonious. A few months ago, I interviewed composer Peter Boyer in a second conversation, this time about his composition Rhapsody in Red, White and Blue. The man behind that recording - and the 50-state 'Rhapsody Natio…
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Let's Talk with Solar Detach & Reset
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50:58Send us a text Tyler Hutchings, owner of Solar Detach and Reset, reveals the critical intersection of roofing and solar that most homeowners never consider until they face an expensive problem. With 15 years of industry experience, Tyler founded his specialized service after recognizing the disconnect between roofing and solar companies was creatin…
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Celebrating Community in Winter's Embrace
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14:14Send us a text In this episode, we explore how building and nurturing a sense of community can enhance winter well-being. By identifying our existing communities and sharing practical ways to deepen those connections, we emphasize the importance of togetherness during colder months. • Understanding winter well-being and the joy of connection • Exer…
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Harmonious Workplaces, Ep 52: Putting Fun into Change Management
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46:14In this episode, we discuss Putting the Fun into Change! What’s one thing you can do now to make your change fun? Keep listening to find out! Visit www.harmoniousworkplaces.com for more episodes. Check out Hermie the HR Hermit Crab -- our cartoon book on workplace culture and organizational change -- on Amazon and at www.hermiehrhermitcrab.com.…
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Breaking the Hustle Loop with Mike Michalowicz
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28:54In this episode of Harmonies of Success, I sit down with the one and only Mike Michalowicz—the entrepreneur, author, and business strategist behind Profit First, Clockwork, The Pumpkin Plan, and more. We talk about his personal journey, the mindset shifts that transformed his career, and the biggest mistakes business owners keep making. Mike shares…
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Imposter Syndrome is Messing With Your Millions
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32:51"Your confidence will close more sales than your skills ever will." Darnyelle Jervey Harmon Let’s be real: Imposter syndrome isn’t just a mindset issue—it’s a money problem. If you’re hesitating to raise your prices, holding back from pitching yourself for bigger opportunities, or second-guessing your expertise even though you’ve got the results to…
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Doctrina Duminicala Lectie 20 by Maretul Har UKAf Maretul Har UK
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These 3 Sacred Sciences WILL Lead To Self-Mastery [Ep178]
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21:54In this conversation, Dr. Harmony Robinson-Stagg shares her experiences and insights into the three sacred sciences of the Vedic tradition: Ayurveda, Yoga, and Jyotish. She emphasizes the importance of these interconnected disciplines in achieving holistic health, self-realization, and spiritual evolution. The discussion covers the core principles …
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Spiritual Warfare: Defeating Satan's Tactics
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
22:37Send us a text The spiritual battle raging around us demands our attention, but not our fear. Satan may be real and active, but he's already defeated. This transformative episode dives deep into understanding our spiritual enemy and equipping ourselves with unshakable faith. Before we can resist the enemy, we must understand who he is. Satan was on…
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【Advanced】ネットショッピングにご注意ください!🛍️ Be careful with online shopping! 【EP-263】
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
26:03Transcripthttps://www.haru-no-nihongo.com/podcast KANJI&KOTOBA Course https://www.patreon.com/c/harunonihongo Japanese Speaking Classhttps://www.sunnysidejapanese.com Shadowing Coursehttps://www.haru-no-ni…
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📌 𝗛𝗶𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗮̃𝗼 𝗔𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹: 𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮 𝗱𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝘂 𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗽𝗼 𝗾𝘂𝗲 𝗻𝗮̃𝗼 𝗽𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗿!
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
13:37▶️ Para assistir ao vídeo sugerido, clique: https://youtu.be/PqWpQSOVc1g ▶️ Para assistir a este episódio no Youtube, clique: https://youtu.be/58TblXizLG8Af Ana Rosa
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In this powerful exploration of Genesis 4 and 5, we're challenged to consider the profound impact of our choices on future generations. The story of Cain and Seth serves as a stark reminder of two paths we can choose in life - rebellion against God or faithful obedience. Cain's lineage shows us how quickly sin can escalate, leading to a society tha…
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Everyone has a story… A story that we tell ourselves… And we have a story that we tell to others…The question of the day is – HOW IS YOUR STORY WORKING FOR YOUIs your story making you stronger or weaker.Af Peter Harman
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HARMONTALK: EPIDOSE ONE Our first episode of HARMONTALK is a get-to-know-me session for our host, Dr. Shirley. Who better to help us get to know Dr. Shirley than her husband, Jerome? They have been married for thirty-five years. Their conversation and interactions during this podcast were priceless. Dr. Shirley's positive, caring personality shines…
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A special episode for International Women's Day 2025 with Claire Cope
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
36:21Welcome to a special International Women's Day 2025 episode of Harmonious World, in which I interview musicians about how their music helps make the world more harmonious. I'm delighted to be joined by pianist and composer Claire Cope - her Ensemble C has a new album out today, called Every Journey. Thanks to Claire for allowing me to play tracks f…
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James Harman retrospective with Rick Estrin and Nathan James
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
59:59Rick Estrin and Nathan James join me on episode 131 for a retrospective on James Harman. James ‘Icepick’ Harman was born in Anniston, Alabama in 1946. After moving between various locations, including Florida, New York, New Orleans and Chicago, he settled down in Southern California in the early 1970s where he established himself in the vibrant blu…
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