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In 1931 On a night cold enough to freeze your bones, a larger than life prospector, in search of a legendary lost gold mine in the wilderness of British Columbia, disappears without a trace. Known for his solid gold teeth and team of black stallions, he was a force of nature. So was he murdered? Did he fake his own death? Or was he the latest victim of a curse? 40 years earlier Slumach was accused of murder and from the gallows it is said that set a curse on anyone who searched for his hidde ...
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Volcano Watch

Corin Jorgenson and Alessandro Musu

A weekly volcano update podcast where hosts Alessandro Musu and Corin Jorgenson give volcano updates discuss what volcanoes have been busy the past week.
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Rad-ÍO: Volcanes y ciencia

Volcanes Sin Fronteras

A través de nuestro programa Rad-ÍO, viajaremos por 11 minutos desde el origen del Universo, el inicio de la vida en la Tierra, los terremotos y por supuesto, los volcanes. Nuestro equipo e invitados lo guiarán acompañados de música, preguntas y datos curiosos a conocer la importancia de la ciencia en nuestro día a día. Agradecemos su confianza al apoyarnos durante estos tres años. Somos Volcanes sin Fronteras
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Welcome to Vikings and Volcanoes: a podcast packed with big ideas in bite-size learning for all the family. Brimming with fun facts and humour, Vikings and Volcanoes brings you entertaining history, strange science and mind-boggling ideas in an entertaining and educational listening experience. Press play to enjoy straight away and remember to click subscribe or follow to ensure you don’t miss new episodes.
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La vie n’est pas toujours de la dentelle et des cupcakes. Une fleur sur un volcan est une analogie pour exprimer l’histoire d’une fleur en solitaire qui se sent impuissante face à l’adversité d'un volcan qui est bien plus grand qu’elle. Intimidant et imprévisible, il est représentatif de notre vulnérabilité face aux obstacles de la vie. On est tous des humains et un simple moment peut TOUT changer. Le but du podcast est de soutenir et accompagner les personnes qui veulent s’aider, en plus d’ ...
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JOIN THE COURAGEOUS YOUNG HEROINE ON A VOLCANIC PODCAST ADVENTURE! "An exciting adventure with an appealingly game young heroine." - Kirkus Reviews Veronica is a perfectly ordinary girl, except for one very important thing - she lives on a volcano! Join Veronica on her search for pearls in the black sands on the far side of the biggest volcano of all...Mount Mystery! Kids and adults alike will root for Veronica. The story not only delivers the wonder, it complements STEM curriculum (science, ...
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Popular Volcanics

Popular Volcanics

A podcast about volcanoes hosted by Dr. Erik Klemetti and Dr. Janine Krippner. Each month we'll talk about eruptions going on around the world, banter about volcano research and talk to a guest about the world of magma (and other stuff, too).
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The Volcanic Podcast

Shadow & Mobius

The Shadow and Mobius broadcasting live from an undisclosed location in a cave so underground even Bin Laden wouldn’t be caught dead in. A freeform conversation dedicated to discussing the hottest subjects of the day. from pop culture, politics, comics, movie reviews and any other controversial topics that other shows are afraid to tackle. Including our infamous suck a D$*K of the day that anyone could get!!!
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show series
It’s a summer night in 1998. Vienna, Austria. And petty thief Daniel Blanchard is about to carry out the heist of a lifetime. Stealing a crown jewel. The last remaining diamond Sisi Star. His plan? A daring night-time parachute jump. Daniel is no ordinary thief. His heists are ingenious, meticulously planned; his escapes from the law defy belief. A…
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¡Queridísimas amigas, este año los fantasmas de la Navidad pasada, presente y futura os relatarán tres maravillosos cuentos de Navidad! Pero también hablaremos de las últimas películas que hemos visto, del teatro en Navidad, y recapitularemos las mejores cosas que nos han pasado en este 2024. Créditos música Carol of the Bells by Mark Wilson X bajo…
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Discover the story of the man who saved millions of lives in this episode of Vikings and Volcanoes! Join your time-travelling guide, Ross, as we journey back to 18th-century England to meet Edward Jenner, the pioneering doctor who changed the world by creating the first vaccine. Explore the terrifying history of smallpox, learn how a mild disease f…
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¡Queridísimas amigas, ya estamos instaladas en la habitación de al lado! Hemos visto la última película de Pedro Almodóvar, así que es analizaremos toda y hablaremos de todo. Nuestra charla también nos llevará a hablar de algunos países bálticos y de la necesidad incorporar sangre nuevo en nuestra piscina genética.…
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in today’s fin-tastic episode, the Vikings and Volcanoes podcast will be diving into the deep blue sea to learn all about one of the planet’s most incredible species: the Great White Shark! That’s right, the biggest, most feared fish in the sea. But don’t worry, I promise you, there’s more to this impressive beast than terrifying teeth. We'll be le…
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¡Queridísimas amigas, estamos de vuelta! Arrancamos esta sexta temporada enseñándoles todo lo que nos sale del conejo. Entre las cositas, tenemos tres canciones inéditas dedicadas a nuestro pódcast. Además, les vamos a contar sobre nuestros veranos de burguesas con todo, con paradas en Creta, Nueva York y El Hierro.…
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In the first episode of Vikings and Volcanoes, the podcast will be travelling back 5000 years to Ancient Egypt where we will be exploring all about the strange but fascinating practice of mummification! Whether you are listening to at home, on the school run (or even on a holiday road trip!), this fun and family-friendly podcast brings you big idea…
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Slumach’s lost mine isn’t the only tale of gold hidden in Western Canada with a dubious history. There is a trail of treasures in and around BC with wild stories, danger, and legendary paydirt attached to their provenances. In this season finale episode, we dive into some of these other tales, and Jack Mould’s story comes to a close as we wrap up D…
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The Spanish were known for keeping records of their colonial exploits around the world, but they were also known for privateering, profiteering and piracy. What might have been aboard the legendary Spanish galleon the Santo Cristo de Burgos, that wrecked off the coast of Oregon? Was there treasure amongst the swaths of beeswax and porcelain? Cursed…
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Charlie Mould believed that Spanish explorers began mining and processing gold in the years before the British officially claimed what became British Columbia and that that gold was still out there…waiting to be found. Could this be true? Not too far down the Pacific coast in Oregon, experts investigate evidence washed ashore from Spanish Galleon s…
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Passed down to a young Jack Mould by his father Charlie, were tales of Spanish explorers mining for gold in the mountains high above the icy waters of Bute Inlet. For decades father and son searched Bute Inlet and the surrounding wilderness for lost gold mines. Over time, his search for Spanish gold entwined with a search for Slumach’s motherlode, …
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Claiming to have found Slumach’s legendary motherlode, WWII veteran and German POW survivor, Stu Brown, allegedly hauls ten pounds of gold nuggets out of the Upper Pitt and spends the last three decades of his life trying to convince the government of the riches to be had in its own backyard. Host: Kru Williams Guests: Brian Antonson Daryl Friesen …
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Volcanic Brown vanished without a trace - but how? Why? Was he murdered? Did he fake his own death? Did he slip into another dimension? Articles have mentioned there have been at least 20 others who have also disappeared in search of Slumach’s lost gold mine. What could explain these mysterious disappearances? In this episode we get insight from su…
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La procrastination peut être le résultat d'un certain nombre de causes, tels que le perfectionnisme, la fatigue, la dépression, etc. Il n'est pas facile de mettre notre vie en mode avion pour éviter les distractions. Un jour sur l'île d'un jour, c'est de toujours remettre à plus tard, mais pourquoi notre corps évite certaines tâches comme il évite …
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Volcanic Brown, known in some circles as ‘Doc Brown’, set his gold-fevered sights on finding Slumach’s legendary lost mine. Legend has it, he did it after he saved Slumach’s granddaughter’s life and was repaid with the secret location of the mine. Host: Kru Williams Guests: Don Froese Brian Antonson Marc Ferrero Renee Coghill Facebook - @HISTORYCan…
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Volcanic Brown makes a name for himself as a miner within Boundary Country in the early 20th century by making headlines for landing in jail for shooting a man in self defence - sound familiar? We continue our escapade through the booms and busts of mining towns in BC. Today, there are over 150 ghost towns dotting the entire province of British Col…
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On August 26, 1899, the name Volcanic City first appeared in the Cascade Record newspaper. It was said to be a city on a hill filled with wealth and abundance in the mineral richness of southern British Columbia. By 1928, almost thirty years later, Volcanic City was a ghost town and its founder would vanish three years later. In this episode we tra…
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Le cannabis est légal au Canada depuis plus de 5 ans, mais sa légalisation reste une question controversée dans le monde entier. Les risques associés concernent principalement la santé mentale des jeunes de moins de 25 ans ; il ne s'agit donc pas d'une substance aussi inoffensive qu'on pourrait le croire. Nous discuterons des dernières études sur l…
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In our mission to to uncover the truth behind the curse of Slumach’s gold mine, a major piece to the puzzle lies with Volcanic Brown. Although some things have been lost to history, one thing we know for sure he had been on the hunt for Slumach’s gold, for over a decade. Did their paths ever meet? How did Volcanic Brown become a prospecting legend?…
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Legendary prospector Volcanic Brown had a talent for surviving incredibly harsh conditions and a résumé of achievements almost too unbelievable to be true. So who was this larger than life character who had a knack for sniffing out treasure? In this episode, we take a look at Volcanic Brown, and dig deeper into the mystery of his disappearance. Cou…
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Le narcissisme est comme la fumée secondaire de la santé mentale. Il en existe de nombreux types, qui, comme le tabagisme, peuvent tous nuire à la santé. Il est dangereux de côtoyer ces personnes, mais il n'est pas facile de s'en débarrasser. Un narcissique n'est pas nécessairement un sociopathe, mais un sociopathe est un narcissique. Les psychopat…
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In 1931, a larger than life prospector, in search of Slumach’s legendary lost gold mine goes missing in the wilderness of British Columbia. In this episode, we retrace the epic search and rescue efforts that went into looking for the missing prospector as well potential clues left behind at his campsite, that point to an even bigger mystery of what…
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In 1931, on a night cold enough to freeze your bones, a larger-than-life prospector, in search of a legendary lost gold mine in the wilderness of British Columbia, disappears without a trace. Known for his solid gold teeth and team of black stallions, he was a force of nature. So, was he murdered? Did he fake his own death? Or was he the latest vic…
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Célébrer son 4e anniversaire de mariage dans un hôpital, pourquoi pas? La vie est pleine d'intempéries et parfois même d'opérations surprises. Sans mentionner le diagnostic final, les sujets survolés sont: laparoscopies, choc vagal, hernie, péritonite, meilleur site pour prendre la température, etc. Bonne écoute! *** Un merci tout spécial à Erik La…
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Les réseaux sociaux et notre téléphone portable font désormais partie de notre quotidien, mais que serait notre vie sans eux? À la fois chronophage et agréable, comment transformer le FOMO en JOMO? Pour les jeunes dont le cerveau est en plein développement, ce n'est pas sans dangers et sans risques. Outre la diminution de la satisfaction de vie, le…
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Dans mon coeur de petite fille, j'ai toujours aimé chanter, cachée dans le sous-sol de mes parents. C'était la boucle musicale quotidienne au sous-sol et je me souviens que ma mère descendait l'escalier seulement pour y fermer la porte et avoir un peu la paix. Quand je regarde en arrière, la musique a toujours été là, mais je n'ai jamais su par où …
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Le TDAH, ce n'est pas seulement un cerveau plus immature avec hyperactivité, impulsivité, oublis fréquents et irritabilité, il peut aussi être directement lié à la dépression, au manque de motivation et à l'anxiété. Il peut donc prendre beaucoup de place dans le quotidien d'une personne. La raison de ce titre est qu'il s'agit d'un déficit qui entra…
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Les 10 troubles de la personnalité suivants figurent dans l'épisode. Cluster A: TP paranoïaque TP schizoïde TP schizotypique Cluster B: TP antisociale TP borderline (limite) TP histrionique TP narcissique Cluster C: TP évitante TP dépendante TP obsessionnelle-compulsive *Il est possible d'être atteint d'un ou plusieurs troubles de la personnalité. …
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Les addictions sont similaires, que ce soit au chocolat ou à l'alcool, c'est la recherche du bien-être pour s'évader de nos souffrances physiques ou psychologiques. Quand la dopamine domine, c'est le risque d'une chute vertigineuse vers l'abus de cette substance. Libérer de la dopamine naturellement est plus exigeant, car demande de la motivation. …
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