Kim Rogers brings transparency, humor, and in depth theological study to her practical application of the scriptures at her monthly women’s gathering, Bagels & Bibles.
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Sometimes you have to fight for HOPE. You have to choose to allow your eyes and heart to be open to seeing and feeling how Jesus is working in your life in the hardest moments. Guest teacher Elisha Bongay shares a powerful message about a dark time when she knew Jesus was all she had. When you feel like you have nothing left, you have to choose to …
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Hope is vulnerable. And in those moments of vulnerable faith, we have to look with eyes of faith. In part two of our series, “Get Your Hopes Up!”, Crystal Gurevich takes us through the story of Lazarus, reminding us that God always builds his kingdom, even while we are vulnerably waiting like Mary and Martha for our miracle. When we place our hope …
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How many times have you been talking with a friend about something and you end with the phrase, "But I don't want to get my hopes up." Or perhaps you were repeatedly cautioned when you were younger with the similar "Don't get your hopes up." In this message Kim kicks off the fall series “Get your hopes up!”, reminding us that we serve the God of AL…
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Do you ever zone out or waste time? Our world is filled distractions and things that are constantly calling for our attention. They promise to entertain us or to help us numb the pain in our lives… but too often these distractions leave us feeling empty. In this teaching we discover the key to finding true fulfillment and how we can choose to live …
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Sometimes our lives are like sitting in front of the television. We might end up in a show that is full of suspense, drama, sadness, or warfare... or maybe we have to sit through a boring infomercial that seems to go on forEVER. How do we find peace and contentment when we are in a season that we are bored of, or scared in – or we are just OVER? Th…
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Trusting God When You're Not In Control; Life Doesn’t Come With A Remote Part 1 with Special Guest Heather Muncy
This message kicks off the Summer Series “Life Doesn’t Come With A Remote”.Af Heather Muncy
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We hear a lot about God's great love, grace, and power - but we can't move forward in the wake of our sin and shame without understanding God's mercy… In this message, Kristina Vandenheuvel teaches us out of the life of David - how he moved past his sin and remained a man after God's own heart.Af Kristina Vandenheuvel
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Are there things that you have intended to do, but just can't seem to get around to it? Has God asked you to do something but you are procrastinating? This month, Kim teaches on our good intentions using the parable of the two sons - which one was obedient? This message will leave you encouraged and challenged to get moving!…
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"Dear Woman, why are you sobbing?” are quite possibly the first words Jesus said after He was resurrected. He sweetly met Mary Magdalene by the tomb in the moment of her pain. She had seen up close the devastating effects of the bitter blows Jesus received on the way to the cross, but now she couldn’t find him. In part 3 of the series titled WOMAN,…
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In part 2 of a 3 part series titled WOMAN, Kim tenderly steps into sexual abuse and assault in the bible and addresses abuse or harassment in our own lives. She shares her own story and invites a pastor and friend, Gary Paltridge, to close up the message and pray for the women.Af Kim Rogers
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You are beautiful. You are made in God's image. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. You have been called into God's purposes. You are qualified. You are special. It is no accident that you were born a woman, for such a time as this. January’s message was about how we, as WOMEN, are made in God’s image. All of those feminine traits? They are…
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Going home can bring up a mix of emotions, and Jesus understands them all. Jesus went to His hometown, Nazareth, for a very special occasion. It was one of the most incredible, special announcements He would make in His lifetime. In this message, Crystal Gurevich teaches us that when Jesus went home, He went home with an anointing – and we can go h…
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Why Jesus with guest speaker Heather Muncy
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37:54It's easy to say we believe in God, but also easy to leave the name of Jesus out of the conversation. Why is it important to include His name? WHY JESUS?Af Heather Muncy
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Kim shares about the time Jeremiah was led to the potter’s house and what he discovered there. After researching pottery and potters, she found many metaphors and insights into how God sees us, creating us with purpose and with His perfect vision in mind.Af Kim Rogers
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Kim finishes up the summer series on the topic of friendship. Why is it important? How do you build friendships as an adult? Did Jesus have friends or just followers? As women we can sometimes get too busy or too hyper-focused on life's issues to pursue friends... but when we are going through a hard time and are feeling vulnerable and alone - we f…
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The word NO is an anointed word. It’s a very important word. Your no is just as important as your yes. And sometimes that means you will say no to ministry, to an invitation to serve, to spending time with friends. It’s not about isolating yourself. It's about recognizing a season to pull back and find some solitude. This month Kim shares what we c…
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Have you ever felt mentally exhausted and physically tired, but instead of resting, you throw yourself into the next project or the next item on your todo list? Or maybe you just have another cup of coffee. Because there’s no time for rest. June marked the beginning of the Bagels & Bible summer series, where Kim looks to Jesus as our example of how…
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How do you respond when problems come up in your life? Are you an optimist? “God is in control, He’s got this, things will work out, I trust God”…. Or are you a worrier and complainer? “This is hopeless, why does it always happen to me, there is no way for this to work out.” For some of us, trials don’t always bring “God is good all the time!” We s…
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Taking Bible Study to the Next Level
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Afspil senere
28:13Sometimes it can be difficult to read our bibles because it's hard to make sense of it. This week I will be talking about tools you can use that will kick your bible reading up a notch. In doing so I will also debunk a few common scripture interpretations that simply aren't true! I am convinced that there is joy and victory to be found in consisten…
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Did you know that women are twice as likely as men to develop an anxiety disorder? And anxious women are also more likely to develop an additional anxiety disorder such as an eating disorder or depression. This week Kim will be teaching on the epidemic of anxiety in women, the burdens we bear, and the One who came to carry them for us.…
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Is the purpose of prayer just to change us? Do our prayers impact God at all? Is it like a “one and done” or do we keep praying? God is sovereign but what does that mean? Is there a point of praying if He will do what He already planned anyway? In this message, Kim looks at these questions and more as she teaches on what the bible says about prayer…
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In a world of trying to measure up (exhausting, right?), we can really get down on ourselves. But we are not called to measure up to any person or any worldly ideal of value. We are called to measure up to the simple calling and purpose God has placed on YOUR life and on MY life. This message is about resting in who God has made you to be and what …
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In Luke 11, Jesus explains that the eye is the lamp of the body. In this message, Kim shares how what we let into our eyes affects our spiritual lives and teaches on the importance guarding our “eye gate”.Af Kim Rogers
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The metaphor of a gate leading to Heaven or Hell is not uncommon in Jewish literature, and it refers to the difficulty and severity of the discipleship the people of God are called to. In this message, Kim teaches on what it means to walk the narrow road.Af Kim Rogers
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What has He put in your heart to do?
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Afspil senere
35:08"All the women whose heart stirred with a skill...” Learn about the context of this verse, a man named Bazalel, an incredible tabernacle, and how God lifts our hearts to a task and then equips us to do it.Af Kim Rogers
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This is a great message by Pastor Heather MuncyAf Heather Muncy
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As much as we mean it when we sing “I Surrender All” in church, surrendering isn't always fun. Surrendering means we set aside our time tables, our dreams, and our wants - for a bigger purpose and a bigger picture that we can't yet see. It also obligates us to take our eyes off of ourselves and humbly serve where, and to whom, God calls us. This me…
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Have you ever run from God and found yourself in a storm? Or been overwhelmed in the dark waves that are the consequence of someone ELSE'S disobedience? Here we look at the book of Jonah, and learn from this amazing story of consequences, obedience, repentance and second chances.Af Kim Rogers
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Hebrews 6:19 tells us that we have a hope that is an anchor for our souls, a hope that is firm and secure and that enters within the veil. In this message we explore what this verse really means, and learn about the supernatural rending of the temple curtain that took place when Jesus died, granting us eternal access to a Holy God and our loving Fa…
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What do you do when you find yourself in a storm and Jesus doesn’t come walking out on the water? In fact, your boat breaks apart and leaves you treading water and swimming for shore? When the Apostle Paul found himself in this very situation, He understood that He was never alone. He trusted that he belonged to the God that was over all things - a…
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Sometimes we feel like we have to be in control of everything; we have to get all the pieces to fit JUST. SO. And then everything will work out just how we need it to. Simple, right? But what about when our plans fail? During those times when we feel so utterly OUT of control, we can be thankful that we have a Shepherd that loves us. It's our Sheph…
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Have you ever felt not good enough? Or felt like a failure? Unloved? Alone? Join in a powerful time of shedding some of the labels that have been placed on us by the enemy, by others, and even by ourselves. Kim walks us through Zechariah and we learn how God handles it when our adversary attacks us with the very areas we struggle in.…
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In Ezekiel 37, YHWH shows Ezekiel a dry skeleton army that has perished due to a lack of hope. He then asks him to do the impossible: speak life and breath into those bones and bring the army back to life. In this message, Kim teaches on this God who still does the impossible - and who has the power and the desire to call us out of the grave and pl…
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Have you ever expected God to move in a certain way and He didn't do things at all how you planned? In May, Kim taught on Naaman, the army commander who received a much-needed miracle in the way he least expected.Af Kim Rogers
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Who is He? You won't find this name written in most bible translations. Many Jews won't say it, or even write it. Are we allowed to Praise YHWH in worship? In this study, Kim teaches on the tetragrammaton, the four letters we have come to know as the name of God.Af Kim Rogers
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What does it mean when we read that God’s power is made perfect in weakness? When we see the word perfect in scripture, we tend to hang our cultural definitions of “perfect” on it. Is perfect flawless? Without blemish? In this study, Kim looks at the Greek word that is most often translated as perfect.…
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Is your Faith Hot, Cold or Lukewarm? In this study, Kim talks about the impact of a lukewarm faith by studying the church of Laodicea.Af Kim Rogers
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