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Wanting to come closer to Christ? Do you wish you could learn gospel principles while also enjoying your favorite movies? In this podcast we will be discussing eternal truths that we can find in modern tv and film. My mission is to help you not only see God in the scriptures and Sunday school, but in places we don’t expect--like during family movie night! If you’re ready to change your focus and start seeing Christ in The Lion King, Harry Potter, and Bluey, then you’re in the right place! He ...
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Her Faith Restored | Strengthen Your Relationship With God, Renew Your Joy, Overcome Sin and Shame, Set Apart, Hearing Jesus, Women’s Bible Study

Rosa Alejandro, M.Ed. | Spiritual Growth Mentor, The Intentional Christian Woman, Her Intentional Bible Study

***Top 1.5% Global Podcast*** Are you going through a season that’s challenging your faith? Do you feel like your joy is not what it used to be? Did you return to your faith after wandering away and feel like the enemies or texts are stronger than ever? Do you want to hear from God and discern the lies from the truth? And more importantly, do you want to strengthen your relationship with God? Hey sister, I’m Rosie. After wandering away from God through a tough season of faith, I came back to ...
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How is your relationship with God? How is your time reading the Bible? Do you wish you were more consistent? Do you wish you understood the Bible better and could apply it to your life today? That is what the His Word My Walk podcast is. In this podcast you will find simple and practical applications to understanding the Bible and walking out God's truth in your life. Your faith in Jesus Christ will grow week after week as I share personal stories and testimonies with Biblical strategies and ...
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Relationship With God

Copland Financial Ministries

So often, as Christians we make financial decisions without consulting the Lord and pray later, asking God to bless “our decisions”. When we make financial decisions on our own, we will usually miss out on God’s blessings.
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Do you want to know God? Are you seeking to develop a real relationship with Him? Unsure what you are to do? Are you afraid that you are not “good enough” for God? Do you fear that you are not living out your created purpose? What does it mean to follow Jesus? How do we know who God really is? Knowing God is not about head knowledge. To know God is to be in relationship with Him. This podcast will teach you the truth about God. You will learn that God loves you and desires a relationship wit ...
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In The Revival Podcast for Millennial Women, host Katherine Elise helps millennial women connect with their Creator on a deeper level. If you've been discouraged or frustrated with the Christian Church, with Christian culture, or in your faith journey, this podcast is for you! Each week, we dig into relevant topics using Scripture as our primary foundation for truth and wisdom. Together, we will learn more about God, rely on the Holy Spirit, and keep Jesus at the center of everything.
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show series
Bible Study WITH ME through Exodus 6 and ask all the questions! 📝 Grab your EXODUS workbook right here: We’ll be using the New Living Translation (NLT) to really get into the details of this Exodus chapter 6 Bible study. "But God, what if I can't do it?" Moses argues with the Lord again, questioning h…
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Struggling to "Be IN the world, but not OF the world?"... Are you in a situation that feels uncomfortable or foreign to you? In today's episode we discuss two movies: LEGALLY BLONDE and THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA, and how we can compare/contrast between the characters Elle and Andy to learn how we can stay true to ourselves and get rid of potentially to…
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Episode 243: Do you struggle with the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)? It is a very real struggle for all of us in today's world, and today, we will talk about the four most common types of FOMO and expand on the one that is most common to us. We will also discuss how to tell the difference between FOMO and God's will. We must know how to wisely decide …
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Bible Study WITH ME through Exodus 5 and ask all the questions! 📝 Grab your EXODUS workbook right here: We’ll be using the New Living Translation (NLT) to really get into the details of this Exodus chapter 5 Bible study. Moses and Aaron tell Pharoah what God told them, "Let my people go!" And how does…
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Bible Study WITH ME through Exodus 4 and ask all the questions! 📝 Grab your EXODUS workbook right here: We’ll be using the New Living Translation (NLT) to really get into the details of this Exodus chapter 4 Bible study. God gives miraculous signs to Moses. What are they? What does God use? Does Moses…
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Bible Study WITH ME through Exodus 3, beginning my favorite book of the Bible! 📝 Grab your EXODUS workbook right here: We’ll be using the New Living Translation (NLT) to really get into the details of this Exodus chapter 3 Bible study. Exploring The REAL TRUTH of how God speaks to Moses through a burn…
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What's the SECRET to being STRONG against the adversary? Does God want US to join His battalion? In today's episode we discuss the song "I'll Make a Man Out of You", from the Disney film Mulan. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to meekness, spiritual power but with control, and centering our lives o…
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Bible Study WITH ME through Exodus 2, beginning my favorite book of the Bible! 📝 Grab your EXODUS workbook right here: We’ll be using the New Living Translation (NLT) to really get into the details of this Exodus chapter 2 Bible study. Exploring The REAL TRUTH of Moses' Upbringing from Pharoah's comma…
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Bible Study WITH ME through Exodus 1, beginning my favorite book of the Bible! 📝 Grab your EXODUS workbook right here: *************** Need to get consistent reading the Bible? I'm on HIS WORD MY WALK on YouTube (with our growing community) on YouTube every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Satur…
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Does God really care about ME? And does He even *notice* when I've left Him? In today's episode we discuss the classic children's book THE RUNAWAY BUNNY by Margaret Wise Brown, and how God is always in "relentless pursuit of YOU". If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to your divine identity, God's inte…
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Episode 242: Do you know, sister that there is a proven and powerful way to remove those challenging idols from your life? Today I will share what helps me remove my idols and restore my joy daily. Want me to pray with you, my sister? Click the link below to schedule a free prayer call! You can also find Co…
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Feel like something's missing when it comes to your family history and identity? Wondering how you can get your kids excited about their own heritage? In today's episode we discuss this classic Disney Channel Original Movie and what lessons we can pull from it! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to f…
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Feeling alone on your journey? Have you ever felt *your* heart has been stolen from you? In today's PART TWO episode we welcome guest ~Venus Camargo~ as we discuss a fan favorite (and maybe one of your kids' favorites too!)... MOANA!! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to God's love, family history, …
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Episode 241: One of the biggest joy stealers is stress. We all experience it, but it is much harder during our busiest seasons and transitions. Today, I will give you five ways to break free from stress and reclaim your joy. Episode mentioned: Addicted to Your Phone? Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the l…
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Are you on a journey to self-discovery? Do you long for a connection with your family history? In today's PART ONE episode we welcome guest ~Venus Camargo~ as we discuss a fan favorite (and maybe one of your kids' favorites too!)... MOANA!! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to God's love, family his…
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Longing for healthy family relationships? Is there someone you wish you could repair your connection with? In today's episode we discuss one of my favorite movies from my teenage years... FREAKY FRIDAY! And how we see this mother-daughter duo grow and repair their relationship through "walking a mile in each other's shoes"--Literally! If you are se…
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Episode 240: What do you do when you are consumed with some kind of worry? Worry is one of the main robbers of our joy and today I'm going to get real about one of the biggest worries we have as women. Good news is that you can make the decision TODAY to take your joy back! Episode mentioned in the podcast on anxiety:…
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Do you ever feel uncomfortable whenever someone shares a differing political opinion? Have you maybe been tempted to remove or unfollow friends on social media because you don't like seeing their opinionated posts? WHAT IF the answer to these problems was actually given to us back in 1995 from a pretty silly-- dare I say, GOOFY movie... In today's …
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Do you keep comparing yourself to other moms or people around you? Or maybe you feel like you just keep failing when others seem to thrive? In today's episode we discuss from one of my favorite Bluey episodes how we can run our OWN race and not be distracted by what others are doing. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian…
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Episode 239: Sister there is a therapy that is a lot more accessible than you might think. It brings healing to the heart and helps heal our loneliness. Enjoy this final episode of this month's series "God's Love". Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the link below! …
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Struggling to find clarity or direction? Wondering what truly helps us to see? In today's episode we discuss how we can see what REALLY matters when we look to Christ! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to priorities, looking to God, and gaining clarity/focus for our lives, be sure to listen! For all…
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Struggling to carry the weight of everyone's needs on your shoulders? Do you feel you have to "be perfect" in order to be loved? Or maybe forgotten, like everyone else seems more naturally "gifted" than you? In today's episode we discuss three sisters who struggled with these same exact insecurities... and what we can do to help combat them! If you…
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Episode 238: Sister, do you sometimes feel lonely, even though you are married? Do you wish your husband was more present for you? I completely understand you my sister and today I want to help encourage your heart and spirit. Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the link below! https://theintentionalchristia…
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Wondering how you can have more meaningful prayers? In today's episode we discuss how we can learn from Esmeralda's simple, selfless prayer... and what I WISH I could tell her about her true relationship with God! If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to prayer, be sure to listen! For all my faith-fille…
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Are you worried that Ariel's example may have a NEGATIVE effect on your kids? Do you maybe have a rebellious child of your own? In today's episode we discuss how we can actually learn some POSITIVE lessons from this Disney classic fairytale, and how we can share them with our children. Lessons such as natural consequences, sacrificial love, parenti…
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Episode 237: Are you feeling lonely and discouraged, sister? I have been there! Oh, and I still have those moments as a married woman-believe it or not! In this episode, I get real about those very normal feelings. I also encourage you with scripture and my journey as a single woman/single mom. This is the second episode of this month's GOD's LOVE …
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Is God calling out to you? Do you sometimes hesitate when the Spirit gives you impressions to act? In today's episode we discuss how we may be ignoring God's voice and inspiration, and what the benefits are to acting on those promptings. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families, be sure to listen! For all my faith-…
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Does the weight you carry sometimes seem too heavy to bear? Or have you ever wondered if what you do even really matters? In today's episode we discuss how God is aware of each of us in our individual struggles, and how He will help to lighten our loads. (Is it cheating to discuss THE CHOSEN for our episode, since it is pretty obvious to see Christ…
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Episode 236: Welcome to our February series called GOD'S LOVE! I will open up this month's series by discussing the importance of welcoming the love of Jesus into your lives by opening up your hearts to others. Yes, I know it's not easy sometimes but we will talk about the challenges and rewards of welcoming love like Jesus did! Want me to pray wit…
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Do you struggle with perfectionism? Or are you having difficulty forgiving yourself for your mistakes?... And does that sometimes keep you from wanting to try again? In today's episode we discuss the blessing of being able to learn from our past mistakes, give them to God, and then let them go... aka REPENTANCE. What a beautiful gift that Jesus Chr…
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Wondering what to do, or maybe what NOT to do, when it comes to parenting? Would you like a stronger relationship with YOUR Heavenly Father? In today's episode we discuss different parenting styles we see from the hit tv show Gilmore Girls--specifically looking at how Lorelei vs her parents have tackled the sometimes daunting responsibility of pare…
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Episode 235: Is there a formula for staying faithful? Well, this is what we will talk about today, my sister. There are a few Bible verses in 2 Peter1 that will help us stay faithful to Jesus and we will break them down together. Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the link below! https://theintentionalchris…
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What can break down barriers and transform people?... Love and Kindness! In today's episode we discuss how one character's continual kindness and pursuit help to change the selfish Emperor Kuzco. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons on love and kindness for Christian families, be sure to listen! For all my faith-filled, movie fans (e…
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Do you find yourself wondering: "Why don't I feel happy?" or "Why don't I feel fulfilled in my life?" If you've ever wondered either of these questions, you are not alone. In today's episode we discuss two potential struggles we may be having and possible solutions. If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons on gratitude for Christian fami…
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Episode 234: Do you want to know how to reject sin? There is a way! Today, sister, I want to share three powerful Bible verses in the form of a devotional and another Bible verse you'll want to make sure you NEVER forget! I pray this episode blesses you! * Grab the book mentioned in this episode: LOVE FOR HIS WORD DEVOTIONAL Want me to pray with yo…
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Does it ever feel like you are crying out to the Lord, but He isn't answering? Why does it seem like God waits until I am struggling or hurting before coming to me? If you've ever wondered either of these questions, you are not alone. In today's episode we discuss why our prayers often don't seem to receive answers or why they might come in a way w…
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Feel like you're going through yet ANOTHER detour on your life's journey? Wondering why things never seem to go "right"?? In this episode we discuss what happens during those inevitable times when things "don't go according to plan" and how we can try to not only cope, but THRIVE during those detours! For all my faith-filled, movie fans this is an …
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Episode 233: Sister, I'm answering, "Can you be spiritually healthy when in a dark place?" Often we have emotional and even mental struggles that lead us to feel lost, confused, and alone in a dark place. There is hope sister and there IS a way to be healthy spiritually even in these dark times. We will talk about how you can be healthy. Want me to…
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Struggling to find joy or meaning in your life? Do you wish you could just have some peace and strength during those hard trials? In this episode we discuss a possible solution to help with these questions by discussing the spiritual connections Christians can find in this Pixar classic, and how we can also use it to share gospel lessons with our k…
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Can you *really* find spiritual takeaways from popular TV shows?? Like, SERIOUSLY...?! You may not be an Office fan or watcher, but there are MANY out there in today's world, and I have brought you an episode to show that you truly CAN find gospel lessons that you can apply to your life, if you just look for them! In this episode we discuss the spi…
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Episode 232: Today I did another video podcast and will be sharing my word of the year for 2025, which is "SURRENDER". This word came easily this time, as God has already shown me the power of this word and what it has already been doing in my life. I pray this episode encourages you today and motivates you to surrender it all to Jesus. Want me to …
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What does it LOOK like to have faith? How can we more fully trust in the Lord? In this episode we discuss spiritual connections Christians can make as we are "Finding faith in Christ" while enjoying the beloved Pixar classic "Finding Nemo". For all my faith-filled, movie fans (and especially my Pixar lovers!) this is an episode you won't want to mi…
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Don't feel like you fit the usual "hero" stereotype? Meet one of my favorite heroes from movie history... Samwise Gamgee. The humble hobbit gardener, who showed true friendship, loyalty, bravery, and selfless sacrifice in the face of great danger and evil. And who, in my opinion, was VITAL to save Middle-Earth in the LOTR trilogy. In this episode w…
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Episode 231: This is my testimony about my return to Jesus and overcoming sin and shame. I pray it encourages your faith, my sister! Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the link below! You can also find Community, Free Bible Study Resources, and More! One of my favor…
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Wondering how to access God's grace and power in your life? Did you know that we can learn about Christ even in a story about a boy who never wanted to grow up?? In this episode we discuss the spiritual connections Christians can learn about the Savior's Atonement and the classic animated Disney movie Peter Pan. For all my faith-filled, movie fans …
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Welcome to the Her Faith Restored podcast! This is our podcast trailer and it helps you understand what this podcast is all about. Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicking the link below! You can also find Community, Free Bible Study Resources, and More! One of my favorit…
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Are you feeling insignificant or forgotten this Christmas season? Or are you maybe wondering what's the best way to use your down time between Christmas and New Years? In today's episode we discuss these two questions and how we can find spiritual lessons from the classic Christmas movie White Christmas. For all my faith-filled, movie fans (especia…
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Episode 230 (SEASON 4 PREMIERE): Are you tired of struggling with your faith? Sister, I am here to encourage your heart through a brand new season of the podcast where you'll learn to lean on Jesus like never before and to find true joy, even in the hardest seasons of faith. Want me to pray with you, my sister? Schedule a free Prayer Call by clicki…
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Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? Can Santa help us learn something about God? What's the best way to help create personal change in ourselves and others? These questions and more are discussed in today's episode! Are you all snuggled up in your coziest pjs, blankets, and fuzzy socks?? Before you start that movie, give this episode a liste…
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Have you ever felt like Scrooge after he met the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come? Yikes, I hope not!... But if you have, or have simply felt the DESIRE to change and be better, there is a way! In this episode we discuss the spiritual connections Christians can find between Scrooge and the Savior who allows us to change for the better. For all my fai…
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