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Emperors of Rome

La Trobe University

“Great empires are not maintained by timidity.” - Tacitus. A podcast series looking at the rulers of the ancient Roman empire, by Dr Rhiannon Evans and Matt Smith.
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It’s been three months since former enforcer Amaranthe Lokdon and the notorious assassin Sicarius thwarted kidnappers and saved the emperor’s life. The problem? Nobody knows they were responsible for this good deed. Worse, they’re being blamed for the entire scheme. With enforcers and bounty hunters stalking them, and the emperor nursing a personal hatred for Sicarius, it’s going to be hard to earn exoneration. When Amaranthe’s team discovers mutilated bodies in the city aqueducts and a myst ...
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EDM Emperors

EDM Emperors

EDM Emperors is an Empire of a great EDM Network. Hear, Follow & Enjoy the best daily dose of EDM! Need more attention on your Soundcloud track(s)? We offer FREE Reposts & PREMIUM Spotlights for your Soundcloud track! Submit your Soundcloud track link for a FREE REPOST or PREMIUM Spotlight! on our Soundcloud channel! to your email adress! ✉️☛ EDMemperors@gmail.com ★ FREE Pack Promotion in playlist: #FREE REPOST PLAYLIST! . #FREE REPOST PLAYLIST for 7 days on Soundcloud! . #EMAIL BLASTS (350+ ...
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Imperial law enforcer Amaranthe Lokdon is good at her job: she can deter thieves and pacify thugs, if not with a blade, then by toppling an eight-foot pile of coffee canisters onto their heads. But when ravaged bodies show up on the waterfront, an arson covers up human sacrifices, and a powerful business coalition plots to kill the emperor, she feels a tad overwhelmed. Worse, Sicarius, the empire's most notorious assassin, is in town. He's tied in with the chaos somehow, but Amaranthe would ...
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A narrative history of the Salian Emperors and their epic struggle with the papacy in weekly 25-25 minute episodes. Note, this is season 2 of the History of the Germans Podcast republished as a separate podcast. The century of Salian rule from 1024 to 1125 is the crucial turning point not just for German, but for European history more generally. It is in this period that the Investiture Controversy pits Popes against Emperors. The dispute is nominally about the role secular powers play in th ...
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Deadly Games: Book 3 in the Emperor's Edge Series

Lindsay Buroker on Podiobooks.com

When you’ve been accused of kidnapping an emperor, and every enforcer in the city wants your head, it’s hard to prove yourself an honorable person and even harder to earn an imperial pardon. That doesn’t keep Amaranthe Lokdon and her team of outlaws from trying. When athletes start disappearing from the Imperial Games, they may finally have an opportunity to show the emperor that they’re on his side. If she and her comrades can get to the bottom of such a public mystery, they’re sure to get ...
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show series
Pompeii has been excavated for hundreds of years, and in that time techniques, practices and philosophies have changed. We’re now finding out a lot more about the city and the people who lived there, and there’s still more to find out. The When in Rome podcast is now fundraising for an upcoming series 8. Please give your support. Guest: Dr Sophie H…
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The simple act of dinner took on a new dimension for the Emperors. In an place where every meal could be a performance, an Emperor used the chance to reward and impress, intimidate and strike fear, and sometimes all at once. Having dinner with the Emperor was always a great honour, but sometimes you were risking your life. Episode CCXXXVIII (238) G…
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For the Romans the simple act of dinner was so much more than a meal. It was an opportunity to socialise and do business, to see and be seen, and in some cases just to show off. Like everything it is steeped in protocol and tradition, but ultimately it emphasised spending time with others - as every good meal should. Episode CCXXXVII (237) Guest: A…
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Jamie and I will be at this year's online Intelligent Speech Conference! The conference has been going since 2019 and is full of history podcasters and other content creators. We are honoured to be back. We will be talking about the deception on the public in regards to pirates. Did they have peg legs? What are the parrots about? Did they all shout…
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To celebrate the 10th year of the Emperors of Rome podcast, Rhiannon Evans and Matt Smith convened a screening of the epic movie Gladiator starring Russell Crowe, preceded by a live podcast recording the history and basis of the character Commodus performed by Joaquin Phoenix. Recorded on the 19th October 2024 at the Thornbury Picture House, Melbou…
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Diocletian and Maximian must be doing something right - keeping the borders of Rome safe, and ruling the Empire in harmony. They even have a catch-up in Milan, worthy of a panegyric. Things would be perfect, if it wasn’t for the revolt of Carausius in Gaul and Britain, who doesn’t want to rule Rome, he just wants to be included in the party. Part I…
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The man who would be the Emperor Diocletian was of unremarkable origins. Quick to recognise the challenges of Rome, he moved to set it up as a franchise opportunity. This worked when nothing else did, and to many he was the most successful Roman emperor in an age. Just don’t ask the Christians… Part I of Diocletian Guest: Associate Professor Cailla…
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As the wild and crazy experiment of the 3rd century winds to a conclusion, a man named Carus steps into the purple, with an imperial dynasty ready to go. But Rome has grown unwieldy. Challenged by enemies from beyond and within, it will take quite a leader to hold the empire together. Guest: Associate Professor Caillan Davenport (Head of the Centre…
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Probus had a fairly long reign for this time in the history of the Empire. Keeping the barbarians in check is one thing, seeing off usurpers is another, but just don’t ask too much of the military - they don’t like getting their hands dirty. Guest: Associate Professor Caillan Davenport (Head of the Centre for Classical Studies at the Australian Nat…
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We now return to the late third century, where the Emperor Aurelian has finally reunited the Roman empire and been murdered for the trouble, and the senate in Rome, waning in its influence, makes a final flex of power. Tickets are now on sale for our special 10th anniversary live screening of the movie Gladiator! 19th October at the Thornbury Pictu…
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In this episode we will come to the end of the Investiture controversy, the end of the Salian dynasty and the end of Season 2 – and ask the question, what was all that about? Does the conflict between spiritual and temporal power rank alongside the great revolutions, the French Revolution if 1789 and the Russian Revolution of 1917? The music for th…
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The Bona Dea was a goddess of Rome, whose celebrations were the secret domain of elite women. To our male Roman sources they were mysterious and magical, that is until Clodius Pulcher decided he would gate crash. Tickets are now on sale for our special 10th anniversary live screening of the movie Gladiator! 19th October at the Thornbury Picture Hou…
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In this week’s episode the last of the Salians will find that despite all his efforts, the tide of history cannot be stemmed, almost leaving him in exactly the same place his father ended up in 1076. The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) perfo…
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In this episode we will see whether young Henry V will do any better at ending the conflict between Pope and Emperor, featuring one of the most audacious political moves seen in this conflict. The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed an…
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This week we will talk about the last years of Henry IV, which, as hard as it is to believe, holds a final humiliation that capped the pain this man had already endured. The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Ro…
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In 1095 Pope Urban II launches the First crusade. Emperor Henry IV and his allies would rather be strung up below a beehive covered in honey than join a scheme devised by the Gregorian Pope. The lack of support by the high aristocrats did not stop the common people most of whom perish before the crusade had really begun. And some turn their religio…
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Caesar was a man who was careful of his image, and in his accounts of the Gallic Wars he records his skill and competence on the battle field. He also made a point of giving himself a credible nemesis, with the barbarian Vercingetorix taking the centre stage. Recorded live in Albury at the Albury LibraryMuseum on 24th June, 2024. Guests: Associate …
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The wheel of fortune turns again, tumbling our antihero Henry IV down from the heights he had so recently scaled. We will see him sink to the point of utter despair. And all that because a 43 year old woman marries an 18 year old. The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 10…
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His coronation barely two months hence, Henry IV leaves Rome without capturing Gregory VII. The Pope's powerful vassal, Robert Guiscard, Duke of Apulia and greatest of Norman warlords was approaching with an army of 36,000. Henry no longer needs Rome, what he needs to do is get back to Germany and bring peace to the war-ravaged country. A u-turn in…
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Throughout our examination of the Catiline conspiracy we have avoided the urge to make comparisons between the events in Ancient Rome and modern day politics. In this episode we resist no more. Part VIII of The Catiline Conspiracy Guests: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient History, La Trobe University) Professor Nick Bisley (D…
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The Rebellion in Germany under control Henry can finally go after his true nemesis, Pope Gregory VII. He sets out for Rome on a journey he thought may just take four months but ended up taking four years.. The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach)…
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Henry IV departs from Canossa having been released from the ban. But does that mean all his troubles are over? Far from it. His enemies in Germany gather to elect a new king and the war of words turns into a war of swords. The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johan…
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It is time - we are finally going to Canossa. Expect imperial power to disappear in smoke, greedy mothers-in-laws, frozen passes, hoisted horses and tobogganing empresses. All that ends with the enduring picture of a king first kneeling before a woman and then before a pope..... That is the the episode you have to listen to! The music for the show …
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The rise of the papacy since 1046 is almost linear. The popes throw off the chokehold of the roman aristocracy, they take over leadership of the church reform movement from the emperors, and by the end of the pontificate of Alexander II the Holy See has become universal with kings hailing the pope and not the emperor as their overlord. In 1073 Hild…
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Catiline’s name is often used as a byword for villainy, and over the years has been told and retold by different authors with different agendas. To some he is a villain, a traitor to the state. To others he’s a hero, standing up for the little guy. Part VII of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient H…
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In 1065 king Henry IV begins his personal rule. After 9 years of regency., the last 3 of which under a government of barons headed by archbishop Anno of Cologne, imperial power is much diminished. Prelates and lords are raiding the imperial purse, when the barons force the young king to dismiss his main adviser, he realises that the previous model …
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Emperor Henry III is dead. The realm is now in the hands of his widow, Agnes of Poitou who rules on behalf of the six-year-old king Henry IV. Agnes is no Theophanu and no Adelheid. Not that she is incompetent, she just isn't absolutely brilliant, and absolutely brilliant is the baseline necessary to manage this fragile situation. The relationship b…
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In 1046 Henry III reached the zenith of his rule. He deposed three unworthy popes and replaced them with serious churchmen who will bring the necessary reforms about. Domestically he is in control of the three Eastern European states, Poland, Bohemia and Hungary and the restless Lotharingians seem settled. How did it come about that by 1056 the chr…
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In 1046 Henry III finally has time to go to Rome and claim the imperial crown. All he wants is get in, get crowned and get out before the Malaria season. He encounters a problem when he finds out that the current pope Gregory VI has bought the papacy for cold hard cash, a sin that could invalidate his coronation. Henry III gets involved, deposes al…
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Cicero may have won the battle against Catiline but he wouldn’t win the war. With too many enemies in the senate he makes a tactical retreat, leaving his beloved Rome for the safety of the coast of Greece. Part VI of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient History, La Trobe University).…
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The main role of a medieval monarch is to bring peace to his subjects. Peace is not so much absence of major international conflict, but protection from feuding lords. Whilst in France central power is far too weak to maintain any semblance of order giving rise to the Peace of God movement, the empire under Henry III can rely on its monarch to fulf…
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For the first time in almost 70 years the transition from one king/emperor to the next is smooth. Konrad II was not only one of the most successful medieval rulers, he also managed to live long enough for his son Henry III to grow up to adulthood before taking over. Henry III is outwardly quite different from his father, well educated, deeply immer…
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In his last years Konrad tries to further strengthen his power, first by fighting the Hungarians, unseating the duke of Carinthia and a second Italian expedition. Al three of these endeavours backfire. The Hungarians win the war, the duke of Carinthia gets unexpected support from Konrad's son Henry III and the Italian campaign ends in a fiasco enti…
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The event looming over Imperial politics since around 1000 is the Burgundian succession. King Rudolf III is childless leaving several contenders with varying degrees of blood relations. If Henry II who was a nephew of Rudolf III had outlived the king of Burgundy, thigs would have been easy. But the old codger outlived the sickly emperor. His succes…
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Catiline and Cicero now wage very different wars. Cicero on the floor of the senate, arguing for the protection of the legacy of Rome. Catiline on the battlefield, fighting with a bravery that would make any hero proud. Part V of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient History, La Trobe University).…
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In this episode Emperor Konrad II (1024-1039) consolidates his reign adding a secular leg to his control of the imperial church by placing his son Henry on the ducal throne of Bavaria,. This is the first of many ducal and royal titles he will acquire. This push for centralised control leads to a rebellion, led by the emperor's 16-year old stepson, …
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On July 13th, 1024 Emperor Henry II died without an heir. not only that, but his family has so comprehensively died out, there is not a single descendant in the male line left. Fear of unrest and civil war grips the inhabitants of the empire. An election is called for early September, as quickly as such things could be organised in the 11th century…
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Catiline and Cicero draw their lines of battle in the senate, with Catiline claiming to represent the will of the wretched and destitute. But his attacks on Cicero, directly or indirectly, earn him many enemies, and he is forced to flee the city of Rome. Part IV of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Anci…
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Catiline attempted to become consul of Rome more than once, and its a position he believes he deserves. When he fails in his efforts and Cicero is elected he attempts to force the issue, conspiring with all those who have a grudge against the state. Part III of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient …
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Catiline doesn't have the best reputation in Rome, and in the years after his failed conspiracy he has been implicated in every failed plot of that time. Was he involved in them? Possibly. Part II of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient History, La Trobe University).…
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Catiline is a notorious figure of the Roman republic, a longtime rival of Cicero who, after repeated attempts at the consulship decided to push the matter by force. In this episode we look at his character, his role in the social wars of Rome and his early attempts at office. Part I of The Catiline Conspiracy Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Eva…
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Hispala Faecena was instrumental in bringing the cult of Bacchus to the attention of Roman authorities, ending a conspiracy that was threatening lives and the rule of law. Guest: Dr Emma Southon (Author of 'A History of the Roman Empire in 21 Women') Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient History, La Trobe University).…
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Martial was a Roman poet primarily writing during the reign of Domitian, and while primarily known for his commentary on Roman life, his takedowns, his insults and vulgarity, in this episode we look at how he toes the careful line of praising the Emperor. Guest: Associate Professor Rhiannon Evans (Classics and Ancient History, La Trobe University).…
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