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show episodes

Boiler Breakdown

Tanner Lee, Evan Webb, and Andrew Eiler

The Boiler Breakdown is a weekly podcast hosted by three lifelong Purdue fans who breakdown everything related to Purdue Football and Men's Basketball.
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Vineyard Boise

Vineyard Boise

Weekly Sermons from Vineyard Boise. Vineyard Boise is a body of believers in the heart of Garden City that has been serving Boise since 1989. We are a non-denominational Christian church that pursues authentic Christian life and endeavors to develop mature, reproducible, Spirit-filled Christian disciples, in order to make The Invisible God Visible.
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From Boise

Marissa Lovell

From Boise is a weekly newsletter and podcast about life in Boise. Every Tuesday we share a story about a person, place, piece of Boise history, or current local happening. Every Thursday we curate a list of fun things to do over the weekend. Subscribe to our free newsletter at
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Inside the Boiler Room

American Boiler Manufacturers Association (ABMA)

If you are working with boilers, this podcast is for you. Inside the Boiler Room is a podcast presented by ABMA - the American Boiler Manufacturers Association. Since our founding in 1888, ABMA has advocated for the safe production and operation of boilers, facilitated advances in energy efficiency, and partnered with our members to continue to progress. Our podcast has been established to raise awareness of today’s boiler industry and share important issues impacting our sector.
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Radio Boise is a community radio station. Our volunteer programmers strive to provide quality local programming for the wide range of people and communities in our listening area who are not satisfied by existing media outlets.
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Boiling Point

L.A. Times Studios

Climate change is battering California. Can the state find a way forward? Listen every Thursday as award-winning L.A. Times columnist Sammy Roth dives deep with scientists, energy leaders, legislators, activists and journalists who are experts on today's climate challenges and solutions. They’ll discuss everything from electric cars to renewable energy to the difficulties of phasing out fossil fuels. Sammy has been reporting on climate and energy in California and the American West for over ...
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Bien dans ta Boite

Laura Besson

Ici, on parle entrepreneuriat, psychologie et sciences humaines. J’y partage des ressources, conseils et connaissances pour que les entrepreneurs puissent véritablement se comprendre, travailler sur eux, communiquer avec les autres et réfléchir sur leur entrepreneuriat. Par Laura Besson, fondatrice de Bien dans ta Boite, coach & praticienne systémique, spécialisée des problématiques entrepreneuriales
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Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio

Boiler Room, custom designed for media maniacs, savants, bar fly philosophers and otherwise lovable political animals. The show that straps itself to a rocket like Wiley Coyote and lights the fuse every Thursday night, ready to blast off into the media sphere with news, pop culture, music, movies, deep state politics, false flag research, pulling the threads on phony stories and propaganda where we find them. Science, tech, philosophy, social engineering, the degeneracy of the progressives, ...
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Redemption Hill is a non-denominational network of Micro-Churches that is learning the way of Jesus to be a blessing to our city of Boise, Idaho that we love so much. Join us for our weekly podcast where we explore more about what it looks like to be transformed in the way of Jesus.
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Bonnie Violet & Pacey

Welcome to Trans Joy Boise, the podcast where we celebrate the vibrant stories, resilience, and connections of Boise’s trans community. 🌈 Through heartfelt conversations, uplifting narratives, and shared experiences, we explore the many ways trans joy thrives despite challenges. Each episode highlights inspiring voices, from local advocates and artists to everyday heroes, showcasing the beauty and strength of being trans in Boise and beyond. Together, we foster understanding, amplify voices, ...
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SuperPotion™ est un podcast destiné à aider les entrepreneur·e·s, startupers, créateurs et créatrices de la filière Boissons, Bières, Vins & Spiritueux. 🔮⚗️🌕 → Site officiel ( → Ebook "Lance ta SuperPotion avec succès" ( → Plus de 160 packaging designs prêts à l’emploi pour ton prototype ou ta nouvelle boisson (https://superpotion.f ...
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The Boiler Room: A My So-Called Life Podcast

Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure

A weekly, episodic discussion of My So-Called Life between Buffering the Vampire Slayer’s Kristin Russo and A Cast of Kings’ Joanna Robinson, coinciding with the show's 25th Anniversary! The Boiler Room is part of the Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure network of podcasts.
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Wrestle Boiz


A podcast for those that enjoy handshakes in wrestling, stiff forearms to the face, and way too many backflips. We take dives into different wrestling matches and make live commentary while watching them.
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show series
Descobreix una visió irreverent, multicultural i oberta al món en el nostre programa de ràdio. Amb l'Israel Gordon i una vintena de col·laboradors i col·laboradores a La Perifèria, et mantindràs al dia de les últimes novetats culturals, musicals, esportives i locals. No et perdis el nostre esmorzar ple de somriures i la diversitat que ens fa únics …
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Viu l’emoció del futbol local en directe amb ‘Sant Boi en Joc’! Les retransmissions dels partits del CF Ciutat Cooperativa i el FC Santboià, amb les narracions del Jon Garcia i els comentaris de l’Albert Vilar. Cada cap de setmana, no et perdis ni un moment del millor futbol santboià: dissabtes a les 17.45 h i diumenges a les 11.45 h. Sent l’emoció…
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Al programa 'Raíces', com bé indica el seu nom, pretenem portar "la sal y el son" de la terra d'Andalusia a través de la música, entrevistes, notícies, etc. A més volem ser l'altaveu de les entitats, germandats, penyes flamenques i tot el que es realitza amb el nom i l'essència d'Andalusia a casa nostra. podcast recorded with…
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Bernat NVarro i un equip de cinc persones parlen durant tres hores de literatura, viatges, agenda, efemèrides, sèries, cines i molt més. Tot això ho fan conjugant el passat amb el present a través de la música, oferint una mirada fresca sobre l'actualitat. De Dissabte és el magazín cultural i divulgatiu dels dissabtes al matí a Ràdio Sant Boi. podc…
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Descobreix una visió irreverent, multicultural i oberta al món en el nostre programa de ràdio. Amb l'Israel Gordon i una vintena de col·laboradors i col·laboradores a La Perifèria, et mantindràs al dia de les últimes novetats culturals, musicals, esportives i locals. No et perdis el nostre esmorzar ple de somriures i la diversitat que ens fa únics …
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A Born To Be Bad et punxem tot allò que et puguis imaginar com blues, rock and roll, country, garage, surff, punk rock i més. Cada divendres a les 21:00 h el Nervous Manel i el Lutifer repassen els clàssics i les bandes més actuals dels panorames nacionals i internacionals de tota aquesta amalgama de gèneres. podcast recorded with…
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A Charada et portem el cinema que coneixes i aquell que no podries imaginar, posant especial atenció en l'actualitat audiovisual de Sant Boi i el Baix Llobregat. A partir de les 18:00 h cada divendres podràs gaudir d'una hora dedicada íntegrament al setè art amenitzada pel Jaume Vidal, en Joan Sola i el Paco Sánchez. podcast recorded with enacast.c…
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A Sempre és massa tractem a la malaltia mental sense embuts, amb molta cura, però traient dramatismes. Poques coses són per sempre, i el trastorn mental no hauria de ser una d'elles. Els divendres de 16:00 h a 17:00 h el Jaume Vidal, el Joan Sola, l'Eli López i Jordi l'infermer posaran fil a l'agulla sobre les malalties mentals. podcast recorded wi…
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Learn the secrets to buying investment properties with little or no down payments in Boise. This class is Module 25 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the loans you use to invest in real estate with little or no down payment? What are the real estate investing strategies you can u…
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Conductora. Mònica Santacreu. Repuntem el magazine matinal amb espais per la solidaritat, el consum, el cinema, la dona, la infància, ofertes de treball, etc.. Et donem a coneixer els serveis municipals que més pots necessitar o que potser desconeixes i les activitats culturals més interessants de la ciutat. podcast recorded with…
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A Ràdio Sant Boi, el dia comença amb 'La República Santboiana' a les 8 del matí. El director del programa, Amadeu Alemany, proposa tres hores de ràdio amb seccions de salut, comerç, ciència i esports, les divertides cròniques i entrevistes a peu de carrer del Nano i una àmplia llista de col·laboradors, especialistes i tertulians. podcast recorded w…
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Tanner, Evan, and Aaron discuss Purdue's latest wins over UCLA and Rutgers, look ahead to tomorrow night's game at Illinois, talk Big Ten standings, All Conference teams and do a Blind Ranking of Purdue campus landmarks. This podcast is brought to you by Mad Mushroom & The Shop. -Use coupon code BREAK5 for $5 off any order over $20 at https://madmu…
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Send us a text Laughter is resistance, and comedy is survival! 🎭✨ In this episode of TransJoy Boise, hosts Bonnie Violet (trans femme, genderqueer, spiritual drag artist & digital chaplain) and Pacey (trans masc, non-binary mental health & recovery advocate) welcome stand-up comedian and comedy producer Krystal Moore! 🎤 Together, they dive into the…
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Tons of comedy, bread making, Treefort warm up & more! Also will you take our survey? Please take our listener survey! Thursday, March 6 First Thursday Vervain’s Healthy Happy Hour First Thursday Vintage Vibes Pop-Up Market Treefort Warm-up Party Friday, March 7 Lectures by Lushes Can't You Take a Joke? Saturday, March 8 ILLUMiBRATE The Capitol Rot…
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This episode of Inside Boiler Room features boiler historian, international author, columnist, and consultant Ray Wohlfarth. Ray has been working with boilers for more than 40 years, written 13 books on many aspects of working with boilers, and hosts a series called the Boiler Room Detective on his YouTube Channel. In this episode, Ray shares his p…
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Urban Stars és un dels programes de ràdio referents pel que fa a la música urbana, amb seccions especialitzades, dates de concerts, curiositats i entrevistes amb estrelles consolidades i artistes emergents. Els dijous a partir de les 21:00 h podeu gaudir de la millor música urbana actual presentada per joves santboians i santboianes. podcast record…
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What did Purdue basketball show during back-to-back wins that has staying power, and what issues still need to be addressed for the postseason? Also, what did we see at the first spring football practice that tells us about the foundation Barry Odom is laying for 2025 and beyond?Af Journal & Courier Purdue insiders
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Ian James is a veteran climate and water reporter at the Los Angeles Times. His recent stories have exposed misinformation surrounding California’s water supplies and wildfire response — including a political stunt by President Trump. Together, he and Sammy break down the facts that will shape our climate future, and our ability to survive it.…
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Top 10 episodes of television all time. Join the HBO BOIZ to talk about the seventh episode of the second season of Severance, Chikhai Bardo! Support the Show: Insta: @thehboboizpod TikTok: @thehboboiz Threads: @thehboboizpod Subscribe to Nothingstar Academy Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out: …
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Boise is home to a lot of birds. Some are majestic, some are noisy, and some are just… kinda rude (geese, looking at you). But if Boise had an official city bird, which one would it be? Listen in to find out! Please take our listener survey! Read the newsletter: Read our story about World Center for Birds of Prey​ Birds of Prey PDF ​…
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I don't trust Burt as far as I can throw Christopher Walken. Join the HBO BOIZ to talk about the sixth episode of the second season of Severance, Atilla! Support the Show: Insta: @thehboboizpod TikTok: @thehboboiz Threads: @thehboboizpod Subscribe to Nothingstar Academy Advertising Inquiries: Privacy…
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Aaaah quitter la ville pour la campagne 💭 Beaucoup en rêvent ! Mais, en vrai, rêve ou galère cette idée ? 😂 Est-ce que la vie à la campagne est vraiment faite pour toi ? Dans cet épisode, je te partage mon retour d’expérience après plusieurs années à la campagne : Les avantages Les inconvénients Les questions à se poser avant de sauter le pas Bonne…
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"Salvation is breathing room." For our last episode of Visible Jesus, Jessie takes us home with a conversation on Spiritual Conversations, our tendency to gate-keep the Kingdom of God, and how God helps us to redefine grace and love. What a gift that God wants everyone at his party, and that we get to participate in the invitation. Listen in! Find …
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Hosted by Rebecca Evans and Ken Rodgers. Today, in conversation with Rose McLarney. Rose McLarney’s collections of poems are Colorfast, Forage, and Its Day Being Gone, from Penguin Poets, as well as The Always Broken Plates of Mountains, published by Four Way Books. She is co-editor of A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia, from University …
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Learn the secrets to eliminating or, at least, mitigating the risks when investing in real estate in Boise. This class is Module 24 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: How to think about risks in terms of severity and likelihood and which are the most devastating? For each risk: what is it,…
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Comment créer son propre process d’accompagnement ? 🤔 Un accompagnement, ce n’est pas un enchaînement d’outils ; c’est un cheminement de transformation. Le process de ton accompagnement parle de ton cadre, de ton référentiel, de tes méthodes, de tes valeurs et de ta posture ! Vaste programme donc qu’on explore dans l’épisode du jour 👀 _ Les épisode…
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Alternate Current Radio presents: Boiler Room - Learn to protect yourself from predatory mass media Hesher, Infidel Pharaoh and Ruckus are looking at the biggest nothingburger of the week, the Epstein Files phase 1 release by Pam Bondi and the DoJ... but also lot of tech developments in AI and Robotics on this meeting of the Social Rejects Club, Gr…
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Evan and Aaron Lynch discuss Purdue's 73-58 loss @ Indiana and preview tomorrow night's home game vs UCLA. This podcast is brought to you by Mad Mushroom & The Shop. -Use coupon code BREAK5 for $5 off any order over $20 at - Use promo code: BREAKDOWN for 25% off any order online at Subscribe to the B…
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Découvrez comment Arty Spirits, fondée par trois anciens de Carlsberg, révolutionne le monde des liqueurs françaises avec une approche radicalement différente. Nicolas et Julien nous racontent leur parcours, de la gestion de House of Beer au lancement de leurs liqueurs innovantes - notamment leur surprenante Tomato Spirit, véritable OVNI dans le pa…
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