Sermons by City Hope Fellowship
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Podcast by Palm City New Hope Audio Sermons
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Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of 3 John
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:05Join us this Sunday as Pastor Josh guides us through 3 John and how we can best serve and care for those who we consider strangers to us.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Haggai
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
48:11Hunger, pain, war, suffering, greed, and oppression. What should we do when we feel so disillusioned to the world around us? Especially when it seems like God's promises are so far off and incomplete. Join us as we learn from the Old Testament prophet Haggai, on how to remain hopeful and faithful in the midst of despair.…
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Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Philemon, Part 2
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
46:41The good news of Jesus brings us into right relationship with God and with each other, creating a new family. The creation of this new family is the most justice promoting, equality creating, and system upending reality in the world. The status quo simply will not do. And yet, that hasn't always been the way of the church. Join us as we look to the…
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Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Philemon
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
48:07The good news of Jesus brings us into right relationship with God and with each other, creating a new family. The creation of this new family is the most justice promoting, equality creating, and system upending reality in the world. The status quo simply will not do. And yet, that hasn't always been the way of the church. Join us as we look to the…
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Unturned Pages: Finding Jesus in the Book of Obadiah
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
50:50Obadiah? Where's that book? As we start a new sermon series today, we begin with the shortest book in the Old Testament, the minor prophet Obadiah. This short book packs a lot in and is surprisingly relevant amidst the chaos of the current moment. We will look at what God has to say about how nations treat the most vulnerable people and what that m…
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This morning our very own Patrick Alyea will be giving us a word from passages in Luke 8 & 9 and what it means to count the cost of being a disciple of Christ. Patrick Alyea is a ministry leader for Athletes In Action on Ball State's campus. AIA connects athletes and coaches to their global community where they can develop holistically and discover…
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Join us this morning as our very own Benjy Poore gives his morning message on worry & trust. There are many seasons in our lives when it feels difficult to leave important tasks to God, but how good is it for us to be willing to trust him with the things that we often don't have control over. Let's find out!…
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How Does Our Heavenly Father Feel About Us?
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
33:31We often feel like we aren't enough for God and that he is frustrated or disappointed with us as his children. However, scripture paints a different picture. In this message, City Hope's very own Brandon Clemens will help us discover how God the father really feels about his children.Af City Hope Fellowship
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This Sunday morning we have guest Preacher Rome Herbert joining us as he shares a word on forgiveness and repentance. Rome is a former staff member of City Hope Fellowship, and is currently serving his Indianapolis community through Hip Hop music. He shares stories that focus on blackness, mental health, and Jesus! He also leads songwriting worship…
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This Sunday morning we will be hearing a final word from Hunter Wolfram as our Pastoral Intern. Please help us send him off well as we soak in his message to City Hope, "The Ministry of the Gospel"!Af City Hope Fellowship
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Unexpected Hope from Ruth to Advent
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:38Join us as we look for Unexpected Hope from the book of Ruth this Christmas season.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Has your life not turned out how you thought or wanted? What should we do with that? Join us as we look for Unexpected Hope from the book of Ruth this Christmas season.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Unexpected Hope from Simple Faithfulness
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
39:49Join us this Sunday of the Advent season, as we study lessons in hope learned from the book of Ruth.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Unexpected Hope: From Ruth to Advent
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
44:30Join us on this first Sunday of the Advent season, as we study lessons in hope learned from the book of Ruth.Af City Hope Fellowship
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1 Corinthians 16Af City Hope Fellowship
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Join us this morning as Pastor Josh leads us through 1 Corinthians 14. With any gift that's given to us, the best thing we can do with them is love those around us.Af City Hope Fellowship
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In the midst of a culture marked by deep divisions, is unity in the Church an unrealistic dream? Is unity just a tensionless coexistence? Join us as we look at how the Lord's Supper can provide a basis for unity in justice and unity in Jesus.Af City Hope Fellowship
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What should we do with one of the most difficult sections that the Apostle Paul ever wrote? Join us and find out as we continue looking at Messy Church: Being and Becoming the Body of Christ.Af City Hope Fellowship
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We will experience new life when we pass away. Death is hard, but being in Christ means we get to look forward to our resurrection. Join us this morning as our Pastoral Intern Hunter Wolfram leads us through 1 Corinthians 15 to discuss the resurrected church.Af City Hope Fellowship
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How can the church bring glory to God in our culture? The answer comes not in challenge or conquering but in hospitality. Join us as we continue looking at the Apostle Paul's letter to the church in Corinth in our sermon series Messy Church.Af City Hope Fellowship
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How can the Church focus on the blessing of the Gospel in order to be a place of radical self-denial for the good of others? Join us as we explore what it means to be a wise church in a complicated world.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Some situations require a simple black and white concrete solution, while others need nuance and careful consideration. Knowing the difference and how to employ each of those is wisdom. Join us as we explore what it means to be a wise church in a complicated world.Af City Hope Fellowship
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What does freedom look like? Is it a life without limits or a life devoted to serving the Lord?Af City Hope Fellowship
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What does the world see when it looks at the church? Judgement? Hate? Is this the way? For us to be a loving church, we must first be a loved church. Join us as we continue looking at 1 Corinthians in our series Messy Church: Being and Becoming the Body of Christ.Af City Hope Fellowship
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As we serve within the local church are we merely useful or are we loved? Or can we be both as we build up the body of Christ?Af City Hope Fellowship
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We are seeking to be a diverse people saved by Jesus, centered on Jesus, and sent by Jesus to extend the hope and fellowship of God to our City. This is our mission at City Hope. What does it mean that we are seeking to be a diverse people.Af City Hope Fellowship
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What is most important? Family? Achievement? Leaving a Legacy? Changing the world? Finding true happiness? Are you lost in a world of distractions? Overwhelmed by choices? How can we know what is most important? We live in a world of bad news and overwhelming choices. Is there any good news? Join us as we hear about the best news and why it changes…
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What is most important? Family? Achievement? Leaving a Legacy? Changing the world? Finding true happiness? Are you lost in a world of distractions? Overwhelmed by choices? How can we know what is most important? We live in a world of bad news and overwhelming choices. Is there any good news? Join us as we hear about the best news and why it changes…
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What is most important? Family? Achievement? Leaving a Legacy? Changing the world? Finding true happiness? Are you lost in a world of distractions? Overwhelmed by choices? How can we know what is most important? We live in a world of bad news and overwhelming choices. Is there any good news? Join us as we hear about the best news and why it changes…
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We think weakness is a hinderance to our witness, but what if in fact it is the key to our witness?Af City Hope Fellowship
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Story Time: The Parable of the Pearl of Great Value
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
46:31Join us this week as we continue through our July sermon series, "Story Time: The Parables of Jesus". We'll be focusing on the parable of the pearl of great value.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Story Time: The Parable of the Solid Foundation
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
41:46Join us this week as we continue through our July sermon series, "Story Time: The Parables of Jesus". We'll be focusing on the parable of the solid foundation.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Story Time: The Parable of the Talents
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
41:37Join us this week as we continue through our July sermon series, "Story Time: The Parables of Jesus". We'll be focusing on the parable of the talents.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Story Time: The Parable of the Growing Seed
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
43:55Join us today as we start a new short series called Story Time: the Parables of Jesus. Today we are looking at the parable of the growing seed to learn what farming has to do with the Kingdom of God.Af City Hope Fellowship
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I Am not My Own but Belong to God by Grace
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
46:24When we see all of life as a gift, we are able to enter into ethical concerns with a selflessness that imitates Christ, and showcases him to the world.Af City Hope Fellowship
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I Am Not My Own Because I will be raised by God
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
41:36The Apostle Paul challenges our assumption that we are our own by reminding us that we were made for God. Join us as we discovery the surprising way Jesus wants to meet with us.Af City Hope Fellowship
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I Am Not My Own Because I was Bought by God
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
38:13The Apostle Paul challenges our assumption that we are our own by reminding us that we were made for God. Join us as we discovery the surprising way Jesus wants to meet with us.Af City Hope Fellowship
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I Am Not My Own Because I was Made for God
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
48:19Where do we find belonging? Join us this morning as we continue our study of 1 Corinthians entitled I Am Not My Own.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Where do we find belonging? Join us this morning as we start a mini-series within our study of 1 Corinthians entitled I Am Not My Own.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Join us for worship this Sunday as Pastoral Resident Hunter Wolfram leads our study of 1 Corinthians Chapter 6.Af City Hope Fellowship
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How can a messy Church like the one in Corinth be called pure? Join us as we look at how the Scriptures teach us that it is only by grace and not our own efforts to follow strict rules.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Is Humility still a virtue to be embraced? Join us as we look at the Apostle Paul's call for the church in Corinth to not just have the appearance of humility but to possess the radical humility of Jesus.Af City Hope Fellowship
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How does the Church grow? Join us as we continue looking at the book of 1 Corinthians together.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Is the church an exclusive club for the spiritual ones? The Corinthians thought that their experience was one that only the real ones know, and sometimes we act the same way. Come learn with us about how the Apostle Paul addresses this reality and shows what it means to be a spiritual church.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Af City Hope Fellowship
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Foolish Church: Being and Becoming the Body of Christ
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
46:09Paul calls the Church in Corinth to embrace the foolishness of the cross as their only hope. Why? What is it about the foolishness of the cross that the Corinthians need and what do we need from it as well?Af City Hope Fellowship
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Can anything be unified in our divided and fractured world? How does the Cross of Jesus create peace and harmony within the church? Join us as for worship as we continue our sermon series Messy Church from the book of 1 Corinthians.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Resurrecting Church: Being and Becoming the Body of Christ
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
42:51He is Risen! Join us for Easter Worship.Af City Hope Fellowship
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Communing Church: Being and Becoming the Body of Christ
Afspil senere
Afspil senere
45:36Chaos at the Lord's Supper! The Church in Corinth had some issues for sure, but this one struck right at the heart of what God is doing in the church. Paul offers correction, but also the hope of communing with God. Join us for Worship as we continue in our sermon series Messy Church on the book of 1 Corinthians.…
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How does the church define success? Is it in the exercise of spiritual gifts? Or is there something more important?Af City Hope Fellowship
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